Chapter 14.98


14.98.010    Purpose and applicability.

14.98.020    Definitions.

14.98.025    AASHTO.

14.98.030    Adequate public facilities.

14.98.035    Abate.

14.98.040    Abut.

14.98.045    Access.

14.98.050    Accessory dwelling unit.

14.98.055    Accessory use/structure.

14.98.060    Act.

14.98.065    Adjacent.

14.98.070    Adjacent land.

14.98.075    Adjoining land.

14.98.080    Administrative use.

14.98.085    Administrator.

14.98.090    ADT.

14.98.095    Adult family home.

14.98.100    After-the-fact permit.

14.98.105    Agricultural processing facility.

14.98.110    Agricultural structure(s).

14.98.115    Agricultural support service.

14.98.120    Agricultural theme market.

14.98.125    Agricultural tourism.

14.98.130    Agricultural use.

14.98.135    Agricultural worker housing, permanent.

14.98.140    Agricultural worker housing, temporary.

14.98.145    Agriculturally related industry.

14.98.150    Alley.

14.98.155    Alternative antenna support structure.

14.98.160    Amendment.

14.98.165    Animal boarding facility.

14.98.170    Antenna.

14.98.175    Antenna, ancillary.

14.98.180    Antenna array.

14.98.185    Antenna, directional (panel antenna).

14.98.190    Antenna, omni-directional (whip antenna).

14.98.195    Antenna, parabolic (dish antenna).

14.98.200    Antenna support structure.

14.98.205    Applicant.

14.98.210    Application.

14.98.215    Approved site plan.

14.98.220    Aquifer.

14.98.225    Aquifer recharge.

14.98.230    Aquifer recharge area.

14.98.235    As-built.

14.98.240    Auditor.

14.98.245    Automobile wrecking yard.

14.98.250    Auxiliary lane.

14.98.255    AWWA.

14.98.260    Base flood.

14.98.265    Bed and breakfast.

14.98.267    Bedroom.

14.98.270    Benefit area.

14.98.275    Berm.

14.98.280    Best management practices.

14.98.285    Binding site plan.

14.98.290    Bio-engineering.

14.98.295    Block.

14.98.300    Board.

14.98.305    Buffer.

14.98.310    Buildable area.

14.98.315    Buildable site.

14.98.320    Building.

14.98.325    Building height.

14.98.330    Building official.

14.98.335    Bulb.

14.98.337    Business incubator.

14.98.340    Cabin.

14.98.345    Caliper.

14.98.350    Camp site.

14.98.355    Campground.

14.98.360    Camping unit.

14.98.365    Carport.

14.98.370    Churches and religious facilities.

14.98.375    Citation.

14.98.380    Civil code violation.

14.98.385    Clear view triangle.

14.98.390    Clearing.

14.98.395    Closed record appeal.

14.98.400    Cluster development.

14.98.405    Co-location.

14.98.410    Commercial amusement/recreation facilities.

14.98.415    Commercial feed lot.

14.98.420    Commercial use.

14.98.425    Communication tower.

14.98.430    Comprehensive plan.

14.98.435    Conditional use.

14.98.440    Confined aquifer.

14.98.445    Conservancy environment.

14.98.450    Conservation easement.

14.98.455    Contaminant.

14.98.460    Contaminant loading potential.

14.98.465    Contractor’s storage yard.

14.98.470    Cottage industry.

14.98.475    County.

14.98.480    County engineer.

14.98.485    Critical areas.

14.98.490    Critical material.

14.98.495    Cul-de-sac.

14.98.498    Data center.

14.98.500    Day nursery and nursery school.

14.98.505    Daycare center.

14.98.510    Daycare center/preschool.

14.98.515    Daycare, family home.

14.98.520    Dedication.

14.98.525    Density.

14.98.530    Department.

14.98.535    Dependent care housing.

14.98.540    Developed open space.

14.98.545    Developer.

14.98.550    Development.

14.98.555    Development agreement.

14.98.560    Development, major.

14.98.565    Development, minor.

14.98.570    DHV.

14.98.575    Direct marketing.

14.98.580    Director.

14.98.582    Distillery.

14.98.585    Dock/pier.

14.98.590    Dock/pier, community.

14.98.595    Drive-thru espresso stand.

14.98.600    Driveway.

14.98.605    Duplex.

14.98.610    Dwelling.

14.98.615    Dwelling, multifamily.

14.98.620    Dwelling, single-family.

14.98.625    Dwelling unit.

14.98.630    Easement.

14.98.635    Eating and drinking establishment.

14.98.637    Electric vehicle charging station.

14.98.640    Emergency.

14.98.645    Emergency exemption.

14.98.650    Endangered species (federal).

14.98.655    Endangered species (state).

14.98.660    Engineer.

14.98.665    Engineer, professional.

14.98.670    Engineering geology.

14.98.675    Enhanced on-site sewage system.

14.98.680    Environmental health standards.

14.98.685    Equipment enclosure.

14.98.690    Erosion.

14.98.695    Erosion control, permanent.

14.98.700    Erosion control, temporary.

14.98.702    Erosion hazard area.

14.98.705    Essential public facilities.

14.98.710    Exemption.

14.98.715    Extirpated plant.

14.98.720    Extremely gravelly.

14.98.725    Eyebrow.

14.98.730    FAA.

14.98.735    Family daycare home.

14.98.740    FCC.

14.98.745    FDC.

14.98.750    Fence.

14.98.755    Fertigation.

14.98.760    Fill, fill material.

14.98.765    Filling.

14.98.770    Final plat.

14.98.775    Fire apparatus access road.

14.98.780    Fire area.

14.98.785    Fire department.

14.98.790    Fire flow.

14.98.795    Fire hydrant.

14.98.800    Fire hydrant, private.

14.98.805    Fire hydrant, public.

14.98.810    Fire marshal.

14.98.812    Fish and wildlife habitat conservation area.

14.98.815    Floodplain.

14.98.820    Floodway.

14.98.825    Floodway fringe.

14.98.830    Floor area.

14.98.835    Food and beverage service.

14.98.840    Forest practice.

14.98.845    Forest products processing facility.

14.98.850    Forestry support services.

14.98.855    Frequently flooded area.

14.98.860    Frontage.

14.98.865    Geologically hazardous areas.

14.98.870    Geologist.

14.98.875    Geologist, engineering.

14.98.880    Geotechnical engineer.

14.98.882    Glamping.

14.98.885    Grade.

14.98.890    Grading.

14.98.895    Gravelly, high.

14.98.900    Ground water management program.

14.98.905    Groundcover.

14.98.910    Guest house.

14.98.915    Guest inn.

14.98.920    Habitable space.

14.98.925    Habitat management and mitigation plan.

14.98.927    Habitats of local importance.

14.98.930    Half-street.

14.98.935    Hazardous substance processing or handling.

14.98.940    Hazardous substance(s).

14.98.945    Hazardous waste.

14.98.950    Hazardous waste treatment and storage facility.

14.98.955    Highly permeable soils.

14.98.960    Home-based business.

14.98.965    Home occupation.

14.98.970    Hospital.

14.98.975    Impervious surface.

14.98.980    Impoundment.

14.98.985    Industrial park.

14.98.990    Inert waste.

14.98.995    Inert waste site.

14.98.1000    Infill.

14.98.1005    Injection well.

14.98.1010    Intervening ownership in riparian buffers.

14.98.1015    Isolated cottage industry.

14.98.1020    Isolated nonresidential use.

14.98.1025    Isolated small scale businesses.

14.98.1030    Joint-use driveway tract.

14.98.1035    Junk.

14.98.1040    Junkyard.

14.98.1045    Kennel.

14.98.1046    Kitchen, accessory residential.

14.98.1050    Kitchen facility.

14.98.1055    Land.

14.98.1060    Land use, high intensity.

14.98.1065    Land use, low intensity.

14.98.1070    Landfill.

14.98.1075    Landing.

14.98.1080    Landscaping.

14.98.1082    Landslide hazard area.

14.98.1085    Latecomer’s agreement.

14.98.1090    Legal lot of record.

14.98.1095    Livestock.

14.98.1100    Loading space, off-street.

14.98.1105    Lodging facilities.

14.98.1110    Lodging unit.

14.98.1115    Long-term commercial significance.

14.98.1120    Loop.

14.98.1125    Lot.

14.98.1130    Lot area.

14.98.1135    Lot, corner.

14.98.1140    Lot coverage.

14.98.1145    Lot depth.

14.98.1150    Lot line.

14.98.1155    Lot line, front.

14.98.1160    Lot line, rear.

14.98.1165    Lot line, side.

14.98.1170    Lot, reverse frontage.

14.98.1175    Lot width.

14.98.1180    Major subdivision.

14.98.1185    Manufactured home.

14.98.1190    Manufactured home, designated.

14.98.1195    Manufactured/mobile home park.

14.98.1200    Mapped point location.

14.98.1205    Master planned resort.

14.98.1210    Meeting, public.

14.98.1213    Microbrewery.

14.98.1215    Mineral extraction, long-term.

14.98.1220    Mineral extraction, short-term.

14.98.1225    Mineral resource activity.

14.98.1230    Mineral resource materials.

14.98.1235    Mini-storage facility.

14.98.1240    Mining.

14.98.1245    Mitigation.

14.98.1250    Mixed use development.

14.98.1253    Model home.

14.98.1255    Mobile home.

14.98.1260    Modular home.

14.98.1265    National Wetlands Inventory Maps.

14.98.1270    Native vegetation.

14.98.1275    Natural environment.

14.98.1280    Natural resource support facility.

14.98.1285    Neighborhood-oriented commercial.

14.98.1290    NFPA.

14.98.1295    Noncompliance.

14.98.1300    Nonconforming.

14.98.1305    Normal maintenance and repair.

14.98.1310    Notice and order.

14.98.1315    Noxious weeds.

14.98.1320    Nursery.

14.98.1322    Observation tower.

14.98.1325    Off-street parking space.

14.98.1330    Omission.

14.98.1335    On center (O.C.).

14.98.1340    On-farm retail sales.

14.98.1345    Open record hearing.

14.98.1350    Open space, passive.

14.98.1355    Open space, active.

14.98.1360    Ordinary high water mark (OHWM).

14.98.1363    Owner occupied.

14.98.1365    Parcel.

14.98.1370    Park and ride facility.

14.98.1375    Park model home.

14.98.1380    Parking area.

14.98.1385    Parking space.

14.98.1390    Pavement width.

14.98.1395    Perennial.

14.98.1400    Permeability.

14.98.1405    Permitted use.

14.98.1410    Person.

14.98.1415    Personal and professional services.

14.98.1420    Pipe stem.

14.98.1425    Place of habitation.

14.98.1430    Place of public/private assembly.

14.98.1435    Planned unit development (PUD).

14.98.1440    Planning commission.

14.98.1445    Plat.

14.98.1450    Plat, final.

14.98.1455    Plat, preliminary.

14.98.1460    Plat, short.

14.98.1465    Predecision.

14.98.1470    Primary association.

14.98.1475    Principal, primary use.

14.98.1480    Priority habitats.

14.98.1485    Private road.

14.98.1490    Property line.

14.98.1495    Prosecuting attorney.

14.98.1500    Protective improvements.

14.98.1505    Public facility, high impact.

14.98.1510    Public facility, low impact.

14.98.1515    Qualified ground water professional.

14.98.1517    Qualified professional biologist.

14.98.1520    Qualified professional wetland biologist/consultant.

14.98.1522    Rebuild.

14.98.1523    Reconstruct.

14.98.1525    Recreational development.

14.98.1530    Recreational vehicle.

14.98.1535    Recreational vehicle park/campground.

14.98.1540    Recreational vehicle, park model trailers.

14.98.1545    Redevelopment.

14.98.1548    Remodel.

14.98.1550    Remote industrial use.

14.98.1555    Rent-a-tree operation.

14.98.1560    Repeat violation.

14.98.1563    Replace.

14.98.1565    Reserve easement.

14.98.1570    Resource agencies.

14.98.1575    Restaurant.

14.98.1580    Restoration.

14.98.1585    Retail sales.

14.98.1590    Retail space.

14.98.1595    Retaining wall.

14.98.1600    Revegetation.

14.98.1605    Right-of-way, ingress/egress.

14.98.1610    Riparian.

14.98.1615    Road.

14.98.1620    Road, public.

14.98.1625    Roadside stand.

14.98.1630    Roadway.

14.98.1635    Rural area.

14.98.1640    Rural environment.

14.98.1645    Rural tourism, recreational.

14.98.1650    Sanitary landfill.

14.98.1655    Sedimentation.

14.98.1657    Seismic hazard area.

14.98.1660    Sensitive species (state).

14.98.1665    Service drive.

14.98.1670    Setback.

14.98.1675    Shoreline environment designations.

14.98.1680    Shoreline substantial development.

14.98.1685    Shorelines of the state.

14.98.1690    Short subdivision.

14.98.1691    Short-term rental.

14.98.1692    (Short-term rental) grace period.

14.98.1693    Short-term rental operator.

14.98.1694    Short-term rental owner.

14.98.1697    Shoulder.

14.98.1700    Shrub.

14.98.1705    Sign.

14.98.1710    Sign, directional.

14.98.1715    Sign, fascia.

14.98.1720    Sign, freestanding.

14.98.1725    Sign, illuminated.

14.98.1730    Sign, off-premises advertising.

14.98.1735    Sign, off-premises directional.

14.98.1740    Sign, on-premises advertising.

14.98.1745    Sign, portable.

14.98.1750    Sign, projecting.

14.98.1755    Sign, rooftop.

14.98.1760    Sign, rotating.

14.98.1765    Sign, temporary.

14.98.1770    Significant habitat block.

14.98.1775    Silvicultural practices.

14.98.1780    Site plan.

14.98.1785    Slope.

14.98.1790    Sludge.

14.98.1795    Small scale recreation and tourism.

14.98.1800    Sole source aquifer.

14.98.1802    Species of local importance.

14.98.1805    State natural area preserves and natural resource conservation areas.

14.98.1807    Storage.

14.98.1808    Storage container.

14.98.1810    Street frontage.

14.98.1815    Street, private.

14.98.1820    Street, public.

14.98.1825    Structure.

14.98.1830    Structure, plant communities.

14.98.1835    Structure, temporary.

14.98.1840    Substantial changes.

14.98.1845    Susceptibility.

14.98.1850    Temporary use.

14.98.1855    Tent.

14.98.1860    Threatened species (federal).

14.98.1865    Threatened species (state).

14.98.1870    Traditional forest practices.

14.98.1875    Traveled way.

14.98.1880    Tree.

14.98.1881    Treehouse.

14.98.1885    U-pick operation.

14.98.1890    Urban environment.

14.98.1895    Urban growth area.

14.98.1900    Urban wildland interface area.

14.98.1905    Use.

14.98.1910    Utility.

14.98.1915    Utility, high impact.

14.98.1920    Utility, low impact.

14.98.1925    Value added operation.

14.98.1930    Variance.

14.98.1931    Vehicle, inoperable.

14.98.1935    Vehicle sales.

14.98.1937    Verified violation.

14.98.1940    Vulnerability.

14.98.1941    Warehouse.

14.98.1945    Water-dependent use/structure.

14.98.1950    Water main.

14.98.1955    Water purveyor.

14.98.1960    Water system, public.

14.98.1962    Water type or water typing system.

14.98.1965    Waters of the state.

14.98.1970    Wellhead protection area.

14.98.1975    Wetland or wetlands.

14.98.1980    Wetland classification.

14.98.1985    Wetland delineation.

14.98.1990    Wetland delineation manual.

14.98.1995    Wetland rating system.

14.98.2000    Wholesale trade.

14.98.2005    Winery.

14.98.2010    Wireless communications facility.

14.98.2012    Wireless communications facility, small.

14.98.2015    Wireless communications service.

14.98.2020    Wireless communications service provider.

14.98.2025    Working days.

14.98.2030    Xeriscape.

14.98.2035    Yard.

14.98.2055    Yurt.

14.98.2060    Zoning map.

14.98.2065    Zoning resolution.

14.98.010 Purpose and applicability.

The purpose of this chapter is to provide a primary source for the definition of terms used in Titles 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. The definitions herein are applicable to those titles within the context of their use. These definitions do not supersede or replace the definitions of other terms found in the enumerated titles.

If a term is not specifically defined in this section, an applicant may request from the administrator an administrative interpretation, in which the administrator shall reference the most current edition of Webster’s Dictionary, Black’s Law Dictionary or the New Illustrated Book of Development Regulations.

Whenever the following words and phrases appear in this title, they shall be given the meanings attributed to them by this chapter. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense shall include the future; the singular shall include the plural and the plural the singular; the word “shall” is always mandatory, and the word “may” indicates a use of discretion in making a decision. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12: Res. 2007-100 (part), 7/2/07).

14.98.020 Definitions.1

(Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.025 AASHTO.

“AASHTO” means the American Association of State Highway and Traffic Officials. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.030 Adequate public facilities.

“Adequate public facilities” means facilities which have the capacity to serve development without decreasing levels of service below locally established minimums. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.035 Abate.

“Abate” means to take whatever steps are necessary to return a property to the condition in which it existed before a code violation occurred or to assure that the property complies with applicable code requirements. “Abatement” may include, but is not limited to, rehabilitation, demolition, removal, replacement or repair. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.040 Abut.

“Abut” means to physically touch or border upon, or to share a common property line but not overlap. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.045 Access.

“Access” means a way or means of approach to provide physical vehicular or pedestrian entrance to a property. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.050 Accessory dwelling unit.

“Accessory dwelling unit” means a separate dwelling unit, which may be attached, detached, or located within the primary residence. No mobile home or recreational vehicle shall be an accessory dwelling unit. Such dwelling shall be subject to the requirements and conditions provided in Chapter 11.88. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.055 Accessory use/structure.

“Accessory use/structure” means a use of land or building or portion thereof which is customarily incidental and subordinate to a principal use of the land or building and located on the same lot or within the same project as the principal use. For the purpose of determining an accessory use/structure, a dock/pier is not considered a principal use. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2014-38 (Atts. A, B) (part), 4/15/14: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.060 Act.

“Act” means doing or performing something. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.065 Adjacent.

“Adjacent” means abutting on public roads, streets, rights-of-way or easements in which street system improvements are installed or directly connecting to street system improvements through an interest in real property such as an easement or license. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.070 Adjacent land.

Adjacent Land. See “Adjoining land.” (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.075 Adjoining land.

“Adjoining land” means a lot or parcel that shares all or part of a common lot line with another lot or parcel of land. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.080 Administrative use.

“Administrative use” means a use which by the fact of its location, operational characteristics or intensity may require some limited standards of review or performance criteria. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.085 Administrator.

“Administrator” shall mean the director of the Chelan County community development department or his/her designated representative, who is vested with the duty of administering subdivision and platting regulations within the unincorporated area of Chelan County. For Chapter 15.30, Road Standards, “administrator” shall mean the Chelan County public works director. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.090 ADT.

“ADT” means average daily traffic as determined by the latest edition of the Trip Generation Manual as published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.095 Adult family home.

“Adult family home” means a regular family abode in which a person or persons provides personal care, special care, room and board to more than one but not more than six adults who are not related by blood or marriage to the person or persons providing the services. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.100 After-the-fact permit.

“After-the-fact permit” means a permit application for work/development commenced prior to authorization by the department, whether or not the development is the subject of a code violation investigation. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.105 Agricultural processing facility.

“Agricultural processing facility” means a facility which adds value to, refines, or processes raw agricultural goods, including but not limited to washing, sorting, cutting, drying, bagging, freezing, cold storage/controlled atmosphere and/or packing. Types of businesses include but are not limited to cold storage/controlled atmosphere buildings handling less than three hundred thousand boxes a year.

All marijuana or cannabis in all forms, and the growing, production, processing, selling or transporting thereof, is excluded from the definition of agriculture, agriculture related, and agricultural use. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2016-32 (Exh. A) (part), 3/29/16: Res. 2014-38 (Atts. A, B) (part), 4/15/14: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.110 Agricultural structure(s).

“Agricultural structure(s)” means a building or structure, such as a barn, outbuilding, pumphouse or other structure necessary for the support and service of agricultural activities. It does not include retail structures.

All marijuana or cannabis in all forms, and the growing, production, processing, selling or transporting thereof is excluded from the definition of agriculture, agriculture-related, and agricultural use. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2016-32 (Exh. A) (part), 3/29/16: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.115 Agricultural support service.

“Agricultural support service” means any nonagricultural use which is directly related to agriculture and directly dependent upon agriculture for its existence. These support services exist within districts that are intended to facilitate the production, marketing and distribution of agricultural products. Such services include, but are not limited to, ag equipment repair, trucking operations, equipment rental and agricultural research facilities.

All marijuana or cannabis in all forms, and the growing, production, processing, selling or transporting thereof, is excluded from the definition of agriculture, agriculture related, and agricultural use. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2016-32 (Exh. A) (part), 3/29/16: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.120 Agricultural theme market.

“Agricultural theme market” means a building, structure, or land area used for the sale of fresh fruit or vegetables, grown either on or off site, and may include, as incidental and accessory to the principal use, wineries, places of public/private assembly, and food and beverage service. An agricultural market is distinguished from a home fruit stand by a larger scale of activity and a greater range of products offered. This definition does not include the sale of livestock, gasoline or fuels.

All marijuana or cannabis in all forms, and the growing, production, processing, selling or transporting thereof, is excluded from the definition of agriculture, agriculture-related, and agricultural use. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2016-32 (Exh. A) (part), 3/29/16: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.125 Agricultural tourism.

“Agricultural tourism” refers to the act of visiting a working farm or any agricultural, horticultural or agribusiness operation for the purpose of enjoyment, education or active involvement in the activities of the farm or operation.

All marijuana or cannabis in all forms, and the growing, production, processing, selling or transporting thereof, is excluded from the definition of agriculture, agriculture related, and agricultural use. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2016-32 (Exh. A) (part), 3/29/16: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.130 Agricultural use.

“Agricultural use” means the tilling of the soil, the raising of crops, forestry, horticulture, gardening, keeping or raising of livestock and poultry and any agricultural industry or business such as dairies, nurseries, wholesale greenhouses or similar uses.

All marijuana or cannabis in all forms, and the growing, production, processing, selling or transporting thereof, is excluded from the definition of agriculture, agriculture related, and agricultural use. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2016-32 (Exh. A) (part), 3/29/16: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.135 Agricultural worker housing, permanent.

“Agricultural worker housing, permanent” means dwellings provided on-site by the owner/operator of an agricultural operation for the purpose of housing permanent (year-round) workers employed by said owner/operator. Dwellings are subject to all applicable building and health regulations. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.140 Agricultural worker housing, temporary.

“Agricultural worker housing, temporary” means a place, area, or piece of land where sleeping places or housing sites are provided on-site by an agricultural operator for his or her employees for temporary or seasonal occupancy as per Chapter 246-359 WAC. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.145 Agriculturally related industry.

“Agriculturally related industry” means uses directly related to the processing, storage, or physical or chemical alteration of the agricultural product. Such industries include, but are not limited to, canning, butchering, bottling, refining, cold storage/controlled atmosphere, food processing facilities. Types of businesses include but are not limited to cold storage/controlled atmosphere buildings handling three hundred thousand or more boxes a year.

All marijuana or cannabis in all forms, and the growing, production, processing, selling or transporting thereof, is excluded from the definition of agriculture, agriculture related, and agricultural use. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2016-32 (Exh. A) (part), 3/29/16: Res. 2014-38 (Atts. A, B) (part), 4/15/14: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.150 Alley.

“Alley” means a service roadway providing a secondary means of public access to abutting property and not intended for general traffic circulation. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.155 Alternative antenna support structure.

“Alternative antenna support structure” includes flat roofs of buildings, bell towers, clock towers, water towers, church steeples, street light standards, traffic light and traffic sign structures, billboards and commercial signs, and other manmade structures and devices that extend vertically from the ground to a sufficient height or elevation to accommodate the attachment of antennas at an altitude or elevation that is commercially desirable for wireless communications signal transmission and reception. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.160 Amendment.

“Amendment” means a change in the wording, context, or substance of this title or a change in the zoning district boundaries upon the zoning map, which is a part of this title when adopted by the board. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20:

14.98.165 Animal boarding facility.

“Animal boarding facility” means a facility where livestock such as horses, cattle, sheep, etc., are housed, fed, and cared for, excluding a veterinary clinic, for a period greater than twenty-four hours, for commercial purposes. Such uses shall include, but are not limited to, boarding stables and riding academies. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.170 Antenna.

“Antenna” means a specific device the surface of which is used to receive or capture incoming and/or transmit outgoing radio frequency (RF) signals, microwave signals, or other communications energy transmitted from or to be received by other antennas. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.175 Antenna, ancillary.

“Antenna, ancillary” means an antenna designed primarily to receive and transmit signals described as “personal wireless communication services,” including global positioning satellite (GPS) data, personal communications service (PCS) technology and pagers. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.180 Antenna array.

“Antenna array” means two or more devices used for the transmission or reception of radio frequency (RF) signals, microwave or other signals for commercial communications purposes and may include omni-directional, directional, parabolic, or ancillary antennas. Two or more antennas situated or mounted upon or attached to a single platform or mounting structure which is affixed or attached to the top of an antenna support structure or midway thereon, or to an alternative antenna support structure, including the roof of a flat-roofed building, are included in the definition of antenna array. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.185 Antenna, directional (panel antenna).

“Antenna, directional (panel antenna)” means an antenna designed to receive and/or transmit signals in a directional pattern which is less than three hundred sixty degrees, typically an arc of approximately one hundred twenty degrees. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.190 Antenna, omni-directional (whip antenna).

“Antenna, omni-directional (whip antenna)” means an antenna, up to twenty feet in height or length, and up to five inches in diameter, designed to receive and/or transmit signals in a three-hundred-sixty-degree pattern. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.195 Antenna, parabolic (dish antenna).

“Antenna, parabolic (dish antenna)” means an antenna, generally a bowl-shaped device, that is designed to receive and/or transmit signals in an approximate direction. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.200 Antenna support structure.

“Antenna support structure” means a structure or device specifically designed, constructed and/or erected for the purpose of attaching, mounting or otherwise affixing antennas at a height, altitude or elevation which is significantly above the base of such structure; antenna support structures include the following:

(1) “Lattice tower” means a vertical support structure consisting of a network of crossed metal braces, forming a tower which may be three, four, or more sided;

(2) “Monopole tower” means a vertical support structure consisting of a single vertical metal, concrete, or wooden pole, typically round or square, and driven into the ground or attached to a foundation. (Res. 2021-140 (Att. A), 12/7/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.205 Applicant.

“Applicant” means a person(s) or developer who submits an application for a land use action with the county. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.210 Application.

“Application” means a request for any land use permit required from the county for a proposed development or action. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.215 Approved site plan.

“Approved site plan” means a drawing which identifies the areas and locations of all streets, roads, improvements, utilities, open spaces, and any other matters specified by this title; contains inscriptions or attachments setting forth such appropriate limitations and conditions for the use of the land as are established by the local governmental body having authority to approve the site plan; and contains provisions establishing conformity with the site plan. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.220 Aquifer.

“Aquifer” means a water-bearing stratum of permeable rock, sand or gravel. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.225 Aquifer recharge.

“Aquifer recharge” means the movement or percolation (usually downward) of surface water through an unsaturated zone of soil or rock into a groundwater body. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.230 Aquifer recharge area.

“Aquifer recharge area” means an area with a recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water or having recharging effects on surface water bodies providing habitat. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.235 As-built.

“As-built” means the original construction drawings revised to incorporate information pertaining to the street and/or utility improvements as they were constructed. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.240 Auditor.

“Auditor” means the Chelan County auditor. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.245 Automobile wrecking yard.

“Automobile wrecking yard” means an area in which is conducted the dismantling and/or wrecking of used motor vehicles, machinery or trailers or the storage or sale of dismantled, obsolete or wrecked vehicles or their parts or the storage of motor vehicles unable to be moved under the power of the vehicle. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.250 Auxiliary lane.

“Auxiliary lane” means the portion of the roadway adjoining the traveled way for parking, turning, or other purposes supplementary to through-traffic movement. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.255 AWWA.

“AWWA” means the American Water Works Association. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.260 Base flood.

“Base flood” means the flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. Also known as the “one-hundred-year flood.” (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.265 Bed and breakfast.

“Bed and breakfast” means a facility in which one kitchen, a shared dining area, and not more than a total of three lodging units are available within a single-family residence providing short-term lodging and food services for paying guests. This definition excludes short-term rentals. (Res. 2021-95 (Att. A), 7/27/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.267 Bedroom.*

For the purposes of Chapter 11.88, a “bedroom” means either enclosed or open areas within a structure being used as a short-term rental that provides sleeping accommodations such as mattresses, beds, sofa sleepers, roll away beds, day/trundle beds, bunkbeds, Murphy beds, etc. Any space used as a short-term rental bedroom under this section shall have a door or window of egress to the outside that meets the International Residential Code standard for a bedroom, and must be equipped with a working smoke alarm within the room. (Res. 2021-95 (Att. A), 7/27/21).

*    Code reviser’s note: Res. 2021-95 added this section as Section 14.98.1632. It has been editorially renumbered to place it in alphabetical order.

14.98.270 Benefit area.

“Benefit area” means that area which includes all parcels of real property adjacent to street system improvements or likely to require connection to or service by utility system improvements constructed by a developer. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.275 Berm.

“Berm” means an earthen mound designed to provide visual interest, screen undesirable views, decrease noise or separate incompatible uses. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.280 Best management practices.

“Best management practices” means conservation practices or systems or practices and management measures that:

(1) Control soil loss and reduce water quality degradation caused by nutrients, animal waste, toxics and sediment.

(2) Minimize adverse impacts to surface water and groundwater flow, circulation patterns, and to the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of hydrologically related critical areas. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.285 Binding site plan.

“Binding site plan” means a drawing that identifies and shows the areas and locations of all streets, roads, improvements, utilities, open spaces, and any other matters specified by this chapter; contains inscriptions or attachments setting forth appropriate limitations and conditions for the use of the land; and contains provisions requiring any development proceeding thereunder. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.290 Bio-engineering.

“Bio-engineering” means project designs or construction methods which use live woody vegetation or a combination of live woody vegetation and specially developed natural or synthetic materials to establish a complex root grid within the existing bank which is resistant to erosion, provides bank stability, and maintains a healthy riparian environment with habitat features important to fish life. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.295 Block.

“Block” means a group of lots, tracts or parcels within well-defined and fixed boundaries. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.300 Board.

“Board” shall mean the board of Chelan County commissioners. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.305 Buffer.

“Buffer” means a portion of land that is designed and designated to remain permanently vegetated in an undisturbed and natural condition to protect an adjacent aquatic or wetland site from upland impacts, to provide habitat for wildlife and to afford limited public access. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.310 Buildable area.

“Buildable area” means the area of a lot remaining after the minimum yard setbacks, open space, critical area buffers, and all other requirements have been met. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.315 Buildable site.

“Buildable site” means the buildable area necessary for a structure. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.320 Building.

“Building” means any structure having a roof supported by columns or walls and intended for the shelter, housing, or enclosure of any individual, animal, process, equipment, goods or materials of any kind. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.325 Building height.

“Building height” means the vertical distance from the average elevation of the actual or proposed finished grade to the top of the highest roof beams on a flat or shed roof, the deck level on a mansard roof and the average distance between the eaves and the ridge level for gable, hip and gambrel roofs. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.330 Building official.

“Building official” means the individual designated by Chelan County to enforce the provisions of the international codes. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.335 Bulb.

“Bulb” means a round area for vehicle turnaround typically located at the end of a cul-de-sac street. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.337 Business incubator.

“Business incubator” means a facility that provides shared space, such as offices, a commercial kitchen, and/or a food truck or market area, for entrepreneurs and small businesses to create and sell local products, such as food and handcrafts. A business incubator may also feature entrepreneurship education programming. (Res. 2023-24 (Att. A), 2/7/23).

14.98.340 Cabin.

“Cabin” means a permanent structure which provides basic accommodation for temporary use. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.345 Caliper.

“Caliper” means the trunk diameter of a tree measured six inches above the ground for trees up to four inches in size, and twelve inches above the ground for larger trees. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.350 Camp site.

“Camp site” means a specific area within an RV park or campground that is set aside for use by a camping unit. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.355 Campground.

“Campground” means any parcel or tract of land under the control of any person, organization, or governmental entity wherein two or more recreational vehicle, recreational park trailer or other camping unit sites are offered for the use of the public or members of an organization. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.360 Camping unit.

“Camping unit” means any structure, shelter or vehicle designed and intended for occupancy by persons engaged in camping. The basic units are: recreational vehicle, tent, teepee, yurt, or other portable shelter or a permanent structure when related to glamping. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2014-38 (Atts. A, B) (part), 4/15/14: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.365 Carport.

“Carport” means an accessory building or portion of a main building used as a covered shelter for an automobile and open on two or more sides. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.370 Churches and religious facilities.

“Churches and religious facilities” means buildings or structures, or groups of buildings or structures, that by design and construction are primarily intended for conducting organized religious services and associated accessory uses such as daycare and schools. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.375 Citation.

“Citation” means a written order issued by the administrator imposing a fine for failure to abate a civil code violation(s). (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.380 Civil code violation.

“Civil code violation” means any act or omission contrary to any ordinance, resolution or regulation regulated by this title or an act or omission contrary to the conditions of any permit, notice and order, or stop work order issued pursuant to any such ordinance, regulation or resolution regulated by this title. Each civil code violation shall constitute a separate infraction for each and every day or portion thereof during which a violation is continued. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.385 Clear view triangle.

“Clear view triangle” shall consist of the area bounded by the centerlines of the intersecting streets extending along the centerlines for a distance of eighty feet from the intersection and a straight line connecting the ends of these two lines; provided, that each of the intersecting streets extend at least one hundred feet from the point of intersection. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.390 Clearing.

“Clearing” means the destruction and removal of vegetation by burning, mechanical, or chemical methods. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.395 Closed record appeal.

“Closed record appeal” means an appeal on the record with no or limited new evidence or information allowed to be submitted and only appeal argument allowed. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12)

14.98.400 Cluster development.

“Cluster development” means the arrangement or grouping of lots on an overall parcel or parcels to increase densities on some portions of the property to preserve the rest of the parcel for open space, forest or agricultural use, recreation or preservation of environmentally sensitive areas or for future development if zoning regulations allow. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.405 Co-location.

“Co-location” means the use of a single antenna support structure, alternative antenna support structure, or underground conduit or duct, by more than one wireless communication service provider to accommodate wireless communications facilities of two or more wireless communications service providers. (Res. 2021-140 (Att. A), 12/7/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.410 Commercial amusement/recreation facilities.

“Commercial amusement/recreation facilities” means establishments engaged in providing entertainment or recreation for a fee and including, but not limited to, such activities as dance halls; studios; theatrical productions; bands; orchestras; bowling alleys; billiard establishments, arenas, rinks; membership sports and health clubs, swimming pools; expositions; game parlors; amusement parks; racetracks; and golf courses. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.415 Commercial feed lot.

“Commercial feed lot” means a confined area or structure used for feeding, breeding or holding livestock for eventual sale or slaughter and in which animal waste accumulates faster than it can naturally dissipate without creating a potential for a health hazard, particularly with regard to surface and groundwater; but not including barns, pens or other structures used in a dairy operation or structures on farms holding livestock primarily during winter periods. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.420 Commercial use.

“Commercial use” means any activity involving the sale of goods or services carried out for profit. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.425 Communication tower.

“Communication tower” means any tower, pole, mast, whip, antenna, or any combination used for radio, television, cellular, or microwave telecommunications, broadcast transmission or line-of-sight relay, including amateur radio service. (Res. 2021-140 (Att. A), 12/7/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.430 Comprehensive plan.

“Comprehensive plan” means any map, plan, or policy statement pertaining to the development of land use, streets and roads, or public utilities and facilities, for all or any portion of the unincorporated territory of Chelan County which has been officially adopted by the county commissioners of Chelan County. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.435 Conditional use.

“Conditional use” means a use permitted only after demonstrating that such use, in the specified location, will comply with all conditions and standards of operation of the use as specified in Chelan County Code and by the hearing examiner. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.440 Confined aquifer.

“Confined aquifer” means a section of an aquifer overlain by low-permeability strata that lower the probability of ground water contamination from surface sources. A highly confined aquifer will receive very little leakage from the confining strata, but may be subject to artificial penetrations such as abandoned boreholes. Depending on (A) the presence of permeable pathways and/or (B) the existence of certain hydrogeologic conditions, contamination is possible. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.445 Conservancy environment.

“Conservancy environment” (as defined and designated in the shoreline master program use regulations of Chelan County) means an area characterized by a potential for diffuse outdoor recreation activities, timber harvesting on a sustained yield basis, passive agricultural uses such as pasture and range lands, and other related development. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.450 Conservation easement.

“Conservation easement” means a legal agreement between a landowner and a conservation organization or agency which transfers development rights to the conservation organization or agency for the purpose of protecting environmentally significant land. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.455 Contaminant.

“Contaminant” means any chemical, physical, biological, or radiological substance at concentrations and duration as to be injurious to human health or welfare or shown to be ecologically damaging. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.460 Contaminant loading potential.

“Contaminant loading potential” means the degree to which the activities of a business or industry could contaminate an aquifer recharge area based upon the type of materials that are used, handled or stored on-site. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.465 Contractor’s storage yard.

“Contractor’s storage yard” means an area used for the storage and routine maintenance of construction equipment, construction vehicles and material pertinent to the primary business activity. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.470 Cottage industry.

“Cottage industry” means small-scale industrial, commercial, or service operations, on a parcel where the operator resides; frequently with an art or craft orientation or related to information processing or the natural resources of the area. However, it may be of any type, so long as the scale of the operation is in keeping with the surrounding area and off-site impacts are compatible in intensity to those generated by residential use allowed in the zone. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.475 County.

“County” means Chelan County. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.480 County engineer.

“County engineer” means the Chelan County engineer or authorized representative. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.485 Critical areas.

“Critical areas” include the following:

(1) Wetlands;

(2) Areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water;

(3) Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas;

(4) Frequently flooded areas; and

(5) Geologically hazardous areas. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2017-119 (Att. B) (part), 12/19/17: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.490 Critical material.

“Critical material” means a substance present in sufficient quantity that its accidental or intentional release would result in the impairment of the aquifer water to be used as potable drinking water. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.495 Cul-de-sac.

“Cul-de-sac” means a street having one end open to traffic and the other temporarily or permanently terminated by a vehicle turnaround. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.498 Data center.

“Data center” means a facility where a large group of networked computer systems and associated components are used for the remote storage, processing, and/or distribution of large amounts of data. A server farm, telecom hotel, carrier hotel, or any other term applicable to facilities which are used for these specified purposes shall be classified as a data center. (Res. 2021-139 (Att. A), 12/7/21).

14.98.500 Day nursery and nursery school.

“Day nursery and nursery school” means a facility which is primarily engaged in educational work with preschool children and in which no child is enrolled on a regular basis for more than four hours a day. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.505 Daycare center.

“Daycare center” means a center for the care of thirteen or more children during part of the twenty-four-hour day. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.510 Daycare center/preschool.

“Daycare center/preschool” means any preschool, day nursery, nursery school, home-based child daycare nursery or other building or premises regularly used for the daycare of a group of children for periods of less than twenty-four hours, apart from their parents or guardians, governed by the state daycare center licensing provisions and conducted in accordance with state requirements. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.515 Daycare, family home.

“Daycare, family home” means any day nursery or nursery school operation located within a single-family residence regularly used for the daycare of a group of children, not to exceed twelve children, for periods of less than twenty-four hours, apart from their parents or guardians, governed by the state daycare center licensing provisions and conducted in accordance with state requirements. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.520 Dedication.

“Dedication” means the deliberate appropriation of land by an owner for any general and public uses, reserving to him no other rights than such as are compatible with the full exercise and enjoyment of the public uses to which the property has been devoted. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.525 Density.

“Density” means the number of dwelling units per unit of land. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.530 Department.

“Department” means the Chelan County community development department or the department of public works, as required. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.535 Dependent care housing.

“Dependent care housing” means temporary housing provided to assist in the care of persons in need of special assistance by reason of advanced age, infirmity or disability. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.540 Developed open space.

“Developed open space” means a landscaped area maintained for the purpose of human activity, including, but not limited to, parks, bridal paths, play fields, playgrounds, golf courses, arboretums, botanical gardens, nonmotorized trails and other similar uses, including uses and structures that are accessory and supportive of the primary open space activity. Driving ranges are not considered developed open space unless operated accessory to a golf course. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.545 Developer.

“Developer” means any person, firm, partnership, association, joint venture or corporation, or any other entity, who undertakes to improve residential, commercial, or industrial property or to subdivide for the purpose of resale and profit. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.550 Development.

“Development” means the construction or exterior alteration of a structure or structures, dredging, drilling, dumping, filling, removal of natural resources or vegetation, placing of obstructions, any project of a permanent nature or changes in the use of land or preparation for the change of use of land except as allowed by the provisions of this title. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.555 Development agreement.

“Development agreement” means an agreement, pursuant to RCW 36.70B.170, which sets forth the development standards and other provisions that shall apply to and govern and vest the development, use, and mitigation of the development of the real property for the duration specified in the agreement. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.560 Development, major.

“Development, major” includes the following or similar land uses: three residential dwelling units or greater excluding accessory dwelling units, feed lots, mine development, active recreation, commercial and industrial structures greater than one thousand five hundred square feet in size, major subdivisions, conditional use permits which have the potential to have moderate or high levels of impact to fish and wildlife conservation areas, and planned developments. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.565 Development, minor.

“Development, minor” includes the following or similar uses: home occupations and daycare facilities, dependent care housing, bed and breakfasts, agricultural uses, signage, single-family dwelling units, duplexes, commercial and industrial structures smaller than one thousand five hundred square feet in size, accessory structures, accessory dwelling units, and short subdivisions. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.570 DHV.

“DHV” means design hourly volume as determined by the latest edition of the Trip Generation Manual as published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.575 Direct marketing.

“Direct marketing” means any marketing method whereby farmers sell their products directly to consumers. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.580 Director.

“Director” means the director of the Chelan County department of community development or designee. This term is synonymous with administrator. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.582 Distillery.

“Distillery” means a place where distillation (a process of separating the component substances from a liquid mixture by selective evaporation and condensation to create alcohol) takes place. For the purpose of administration of Chelan County codes, distillery is synonymous with winery. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2015-73 (Atts. A, B) (part), 8/4/15).

14.98.585 Dock/pier.

“Dock/pier” means a structure extending into navigable water for use as a landing place or promenade. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.590 Dock/pier, community.

“Dock/pier, community” means a structure extending into navigable water for use as a landing place or promenade servicing more than three residences and/or serving a commercial function. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.595 Drive-thru espresso stand.

“Drive-thru espresso stand” means a commercial coffee/beverage business utilizing a driveway to accommodate the business transaction from one’s car. Additionally, a drive-thru espresso stand may include, as an incidental use, a walk-up window to serve pedestrian and nonvehicular customers. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.600 Driveway.

“Driveway” means a privately maintained access to residential, commercial, or industrial properties. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.605 Duplex.

“Duplex” means a building containing two single-family dwelling units totally separated from each other by a fire separation wall extending from ground to roof. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2018-8 (Att. A) (part), 1/30/18: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.610 Dwelling.

“Dwelling” means a building or portion thereof that is used for human habitation. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.615 Dwelling, multifamily.

“Dwelling, multifamily” means a building containing three or more dwelling units, including units that are located over the other. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.620 Dwelling, single-family.

“Dwelling, single-family” means a building containing one dwelling unit and that is not attached to any other dwelling by any means and is surrounded by open space or yards. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.625 Dwelling unit.

“Dwelling unit” means a single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation. (Res. 2024-12 (Att. A), 2/13/24; Res. 2021-95 (Att. A), 7/27/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.630 Easement.

“Easement” means a right to use land for a specific purpose or purposes and held by persons or entities other than the owner. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.635 Eating and drinking establishment.

“Eating and drinking establishment” means a retail establishment where food (prepared off-site) and/or drink is sold for consumption. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.637 Electric vehicle charging station.

“Electric vehicle charging station” means a public or private parking space that is served by charging equipment that has as its primary purpose the transfer of electric energy to a battery or other energy storage device in an electric vehicle. It may include a battery charging station, battery exchange station, rapid charging station and/or electric vehicle infrastructure, as defined in RCW 36.70A.695(5). (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2017-119 (Att. B) (part), 12/19/17).

14.98.640 Emergency.

“Emergency” means a situation which the administrator determines requires immediate action to prevent or eliminate a threat to the health or safety of persons, property or the environment. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.645 Emergency exemption.

“Emergency exemption” means an unanticipated and imminent threat to public health, safety, or the environment which requires immediate action within a time too short to allow full compliance with this code. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.650 Endangered species (federal).

“Endangered species (federal)” means those species listed by federal agencies under the federal register for the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, as endangered species. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.655 Endangered species (state).

“Endangered species (state)” means those species listed by Washington State agencies as endangered species pursuant to WAC 220-610-010, as amended. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.660 Engineer.

“Engineer” means an individual licensed as an engineer pursuant to Chapter 18.43 RCW. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.665 Engineer, professional.

“Engineer, professional” means a professional engineer licensed to practice in the state of Washington. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.670 Engineering geology.

“Engineering geology” means a specialty of geology affecting the planning, design, operation, and maintenance of engineering works and other human activities where geological factors and conditions impact the public welfare or the safeguarding of life, health, property, and the environment. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.675 Enhanced on-site sewage system.

“Enhanced on-site sewage system” means a system determined by the Chelan-Douglas health district to have natural or designed features providing a fifty percent increase in phosphate soil binding sites above what would otherwise be provided by minimal compliance with Chelan-Douglas health district requirements, or an equivalent means of phosphate reduction. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.680 Environmental health standards.

“Environmental health standards” means those rules and regulations for the provision of adequate water and sewage treatment facilities in Chelan County that have been adopted by the district board of health of the Chelan-Douglas health district. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.685 Equipment enclosure.

“Equipment enclosure” means a small structure, shelter, cabinet, box or vault designed for and used to house and protect the electronic equipment necessary and/or desirable for processing wireless communications signals and data, including any provisions for air conditioning, ventilations, or auxiliary electricity generators. (Res. 2021-140 (Att. A), 12/7/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.690 Erosion.

“Erosion” means the wearing away of the earth’s surface as a result of the movement of wind, water, or ice. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.695 Erosion control, permanent.

“Erosion control, permanent” means the continuous on-site and off-site control measures that are needed to reasonably control conveyance or deposition of earth, turbidity or pollutants after development, construction or restoration. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.700 Erosion control, temporary.

“Erosion control, temporary” means the on-site or off-site control measures that are needed to reasonably control conveyance or deposition of earth, turbidity, or pollutants during development, construction or restoration. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.702 Erosion hazard area.

“Erosion hazard areas” are those areas containing soils which, according to the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey Program, may experience significant erosion. Erosion hazard areas also include coastal erosion-prone areas and channel migration zones. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21).

14.98.705 Essential public facilities.

“Essential public facilities” means those facilities, privately or publicly owned, typically difficult to site, such as airports, state educational facilities, state and regional transportation facilities, correctional facilities, solid waste handling facilities, inpatient facilities including substance abuse treatment centers, mental health facilities, group homes and secure community transition facilities and/or any facility listed on the state ten-year capital plan maintained by the Office of Financial Management. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2017-119 (Att. B) (part), 12/19/17: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.710 Exemption.

“Exemption” means certain specific developments are exempt from the definition of development and are therefore exempt from the development permit process. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.715 Extirpated plant.

“Extirpated plant” means a plant that has been pulled up or removed by the roots. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.720 Extremely gravelly.

“Extremely gravelly” means equal to or greater than sixty percent gravel and coarse fragments by volume. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.725 Eyebrow.

“Eyebrow” means a partial bulb located adjacent to the serving road that provides access to lots and serves as a vehicle turnaround. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.730 FAA.

“FAA” means the Federal Aviation Administration. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.735 Family daycare home.

“Family daycare home” means a home that regularly provides care during part of a twenty-four-hour day to twelve or fewer children. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.740 FCC.

“FCC” means the Federal Communications Commission. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.745 FDC.

“FDC” means fire department connection. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.750 Fence.

“Fence” means an artificially constructed barrier of an approved material or combination of materials erected to enclose, screen, or separate areas. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.755 Fertigation.

“Fertigation” means mechanical distribution of fertilizer through an irrigation system. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.760 Fill, fill material.

“Fill, fill material” means a deposit of material placed by human or mechanical means. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.765 Filling.

“Filling” means the act of placing (by any manner or mechanism) fill material from, to, or on any soil surface, sediment surface, or other fill material. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.770 Final plat.

“Final plat” means the final drawing of the subdivision and dedication prepared for filing for record with the Chelan County auditor and containing all elements and requirements set forth in Chapter 58.17 RCW, as amended, and in this code. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.775 Fire apparatus access road.

“Fire apparatus access road” means any road or driving surface, as defined and regulated in accordance with WAC 51-54A-0503, whether public or private, that is used to meet the access requirement of the currently adopted edition of the International Fire Code. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.780 Fire area.

“Fire area” means the floor area, in square feet, used to determine the required fire flow. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.785 Fire department.

“Fire department” means the office of the county fire marshal. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.790 Fire flow.

“Fire flow” means the rate of water delivery needed for the sole purpose of fighting fires. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.795 Fire hydrant.

“Fire hydrant” means a mechanical device which is self-draining, frost-free, and is constructed to provide the required fire flow for the area serviced. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.800 Fire hydrant, private.

“Fire hydrant, private” means a fire hydrant which is situated and maintained so as to provide water for fire fighting purposes with restrictions as to its use or accessibility by the public. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.805 Fire hydrant, public.

“Fire hydrant, public” means a fire hydrant which is dedicated or otherwise permanently appropriated to the public for public use. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.810 Fire marshal.

“Fire marshal” means the appointed Chelan County fire marshal. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.812 Fish and wildlife habitat conservation area.

“Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas” are areas that serve a critical role in sustaining needed habitats and species for the functional integrity of the ecosystem, and which, if altered, may reduce the likelihood that the species will persist over the long term. These areas may include, but are not limited to, rare or vulnerable ecological systems, communities, and habitats or habitat elements including seasonal ranges, breeding habitat, winter range, and movement corridors; and areas with high relative population density or species richness.

“Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas” does not include such artificial features or constructs as irrigation delivery systems, irrigation infrastructure, irrigation canals, or drainage ditches that lie within the boundaries of, and are maintained by, a port district or an irrigation district or company, except where irrigation water is conveyed through a natural channel feature as part of its delivery. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21).

14.98.815 Floodplain.

“Floodplain” includes all lands subject to flooding as depicted on the flood insurance rate maps (FIRM) and the floodway maps as published and from time to time amended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.820 Floodway.

“Floodway” means the primary channel of the river or other watercourse that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one foot. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.825 Floodway fringe.

“Floodway fringe” means the portion of a riverine floodplain beyond the limits of the floodway. Here, flood waters are generally shallow and slow moving. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.830 Floor area.

“Floor area” means the area included within the surrounding exterior walls of a building or portion thereof. The floor area of a building, or portion thereof, not provided with surrounding exterior wall shall be the usable area under the horizontal projection of the roof or floor above. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.835 Food and beverage service.

“Food and beverage service” means catered food, prepackaged food for activities and uses that are accessory to places of public and private assembly, wineries and other similar uses. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2018-8 (Att. A) (part), 1/30/18: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.840 Forest practice.

“Forest practice” means any activity conducted on or directly pertaining to forest land and relating to growing, harvesting, or processing timber, including but not limited to: road and trail construction; harvesting, final and intermediate; precommercial thinning, reforestation; fertilization; prevention and suppression of diseases and insects; salvage of trees; and brush control. “Forest practices” shall not include preparatory work such as tree marking, surveying and road flagging, and removal or harvesting of incidental vegetation from forest lands such as berries, ferns, greenery, mistletoe, herbs, mushrooms, and other products which cannot normally be expected to result in damage to forest soils, timber, or public resources. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.845 Forest products processing facility.

“Forest products processing facility” means a facility which adds value to or processes timber and other forestry goods, including but not limited to cutting, drying, splitting, shaking, pulping, or forming. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.850 Forestry support services.

“Forestry support services” means any nonforestry use which is directly related to forestry and directly dependent on forestry for its existence. These support services exist within districts that are intended to facilitate the production, marketing and distribution of forest products, such as, but not limited to, equipment repair, trucking operations and equipment rental. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.855 Frequently flooded area.

“Frequently flooded area” means lands in the floodplain subject to at least a one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year, or within areas subject to flooding due to high groundwater. These areas include, but are not limited to, streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands, and areas where high groundwater forms ponds on the ground surface. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12). 

14.98.860 Frontage.

“Frontage” denotes the property line which abuts the principal means of access to the property. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.865 Geologically hazardous areas.

“Geologically hazardous areas” means areas that because of their susceptibility to erosion, sliding, earthquake, or other geological events, are not suited to siting commercial, residential, or industrial development consistent with public health or safety concerns. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.870 Geologist.

“Geologist” means a person who is qualified to engage in the practice of geology, has met the qualifications under Chapter 18.220 RCW, and has been issued a license to practice geology in the state of Washington. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.875 Geologist, engineering.

“Geologist, engineering” means a person who is qualified to engage in the practice of engineering geology, has met the qualifications under Chapter 18.220 RCW, and has been issued a license to practice engineering geology in the state of Washington. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.880 Geotechnical engineer.

“Geotechnical engineer” means a practicing professional/civil engineer licensed as a professional civil engineer with the state of Washington, with professional training and experience in geotechnical engineering, including at least five years’ professional experience in evaluating geologically hazardous areas. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.882 Glamping.

“Glamping” means glamorous camping involving accommodations and facilities more luxurious than those associated with traditional camping, with additional amenities such as, but not limited to, electrical power, heat, running water; also see Section 14.98.360. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2014-38 (Atts. A, B) (part), 4/15/14).

14.98.885 Grade.

“Grade” means the average elevation of the finished ground level at the center of all walls of the building. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.890 Grading.

“Grading” means any excavating, filling, cleaning, leveling, or contouring of the ground surface by human or mechanical means. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.895 Gravelly, high.

“Gravelly, high” means equal to or greater than thirty-five percent and less than sixty percent gravel and coarse fragments, by volume. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.900 Ground water management program.

“Ground water management program” means a comprehensive program designed to protect groundwater quality, to assure ground water quantity, and to provide for efficient management of water resources while recognizing existing ground water rights and meeting future needs consistent with local and state objectives, policies and authorities within a designated ground water management area or subarea and developed pursuant to Chapter 173-100 WAC. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.905 Groundcover.

“Groundcover” means low growing evergreen or deciduous plants, typically less than twenty-four inches in height at maturity, that provide relatively complete ground coverage beneath the foliage. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.910 Guest house.

“Guest house” means an accessory building designed, constructed, and used for the purpose of providing temporary sleeping accommodations for guests, or for members of the same family as that occupying the main structure. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.915 Guest inn.

“Guest inn” means a facility with one kitchen, a shared dining area, with not more than a total of six lodging units, which are available within a single-family residence and/or cabin outbuildings providing short-term lodging and food services for paying guests. This definition excludes short-term rentals. (Res. 2021-95 (Att. A), 7/27/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.920 Habitable space.

“Habitable space” means space in a structure for living, sleeping, eating, or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet compartments, closets, halls, storage or utility space, and similar areas are not considered habitable space. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.925 Habitat management and mitigation plan.

“Habitat management and mitigation plan” means a plan developed by a project proponent for the purposes of addressing how the effects of the project on surrounding habitat will be avoided or mitigated. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.927 Habitats of local importance.

“Habitats of local importance” designated as fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas include those areas found to be locally important by counties and cities. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21).

14.98.930 Half-street.

“Half-street” means a street constructed along the common right-of-way and development property line, utilizing a portion of the existing roadway. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.935 Hazardous substance processing or handling.

“Hazardous substance processing or handling” means the use, storage, manufacture, or other land use activity involving hazardous substances in applications or quantities larger than is typical of household use. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.940 Hazardous substance(s).

“Hazardous substance(s)” means any liquid, solid, gas, or sludge, including any materials, substance, product, commodity, or waste, regardless of quantity, that exhibits any of the characteristics or criteria of hazardous waste; and including waste oil and petroleum products. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.945 Hazardous waste.

“Hazardous waste” includes all dangerous waste and extremely hazardous waste as designated pursuant to Chapter 70-105 RCW and Chapter 173-303 WAC.

(1) “Dangerous waste” means any discarded, useless, unwanted, or abandoned substances including, but not limited to, certain pesticides, or any residue or containers of such substances which are disposed of in such quantity or concentration as to pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health, wildlife, or the environment because such wastes or constituents or combinations of such wastes:

(A) Have short-lived, toxic properties that may cause death, injury, or illness or have mutagenic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic properties; or

(B) Are corrosive, explosive, flammable, or may generate pressure through decomposition or other means.

(2) “Extremely hazardous waste” means any waste which:

(A) Will persist in a hazardous form for several years or more at a disposal site and which in its persistent form presents a significant environmental hazard and may be concentrated by living organisms through a food chain or may affect the genetic make-up of humans or wildlife; and

(B) Is disposed of at a disposal site in such quantities as would present an extreme hazard to humans or the environment. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.950 Hazardous waste treatment and storage facility.

“Hazardous waste treatment and storage facility” means a facility that treats and stores hazardous waste and is authorized pursuant to Chapter 70.105 RCW and Chapter 173-303 WAC. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20:

14.98.955 Highly permeable soils.

“Highly permeable soils” include soil types 1A, 1B and 2A from Table II, Soil Textural Classification, WAC 246-272-11001. 1A: Very gravelly coarse sands or coarser, all extremely gravelly soils. 1B: Very gravelly medium sand, very gravelly fine sand, very gravelly very fine sand, very gravelly loamy sands. 2A: Coarse sands (also includes ASTM C-33 sand). (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.960 Home-based business.

“Home-based business” means a limited-scale contracting, service or fabrication business operating from an established residence or residential accessory building where the business is subordinate to the primary use of the premises as a residence occupied by the operator. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.965 Home occupation.

“Home occupation” means a lawful occupation carried on entirely within a primary residential building as a clearly secondary use involving the occupant(s) thereof. Transacting wholesale-retail establishments are not considered home occupations. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.970 Hospital.

“Hospital” means an institution providing primary health services and medical or surgical care to persons, primarily inpatients, suffering from illness, disease, injury, deformity, and other abnormal physical and mental conditions and including, as an integral part of the institution, related facilities, such as laboratories, outpatient facilities, training facilities, medical offices, and staff residences. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.975 Impervious surface.

“Impervious surface” means a hard surface area which either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil mantle as under natural conditions prior to development. A hard surface area which causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow from the flow present under natural conditions prior to development. Common impervious surfaces include, but are not limited to, roof tops, walkways, patios, driveways, parking lots or storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving, gravel roads, packed earthen materials, and oiled, macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater. For purposes of determining whether thresholds for application of core elements are exceeded, open, uncovered retention or detention facilities shall not be considered as impervious surfaces. Open, uncovered retention or detention facilities shall be considered impervious surfaces for purposes of runoff modeling. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2014-38 (Atts. A, B) (part), 4/15/14: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.980 Impoundment.

“Impoundment” means a body of water, such as a pond, confined by a dam, dike, floodgate or other barrier. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.985 Industrial park.

“Industrial park” means a tract of land that has been planned, developed and operated as an integrated facility for a number of individual industrial uses with special attention to circulation, parking, utility needs and compatibility. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.990 Inert waste.

“Inert waste” means substances defined by WAC 173-350-990, such as construction materials, that have not been tainted, through exposure from chemical, physical, biological, or radiological substances, such that they present a threat to human health or the environment greater than that inherent to the material. These may include cured concrete, asphaltic materials that have been used for structural and construction purposes, brick and masonry, ceramic materials, glass, stainless steel and aluminum, and other items which are not capable of catching fire and burning from contact with flames, and maintain physical and chemical structure under expected conditions of storage. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2014-38 (Atts. A, B) (part), 4/15/14: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.995 Inert waste site.

“Inert waste site” means a site in which construction, demolition or yard waste and/or inert material such as aggregate, soil, wood, vegetation, etc., is dumped and covered with soil or other suitable material or composted. Said wastes shall not include hazardous or toxic material. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1000 Infill.

“Infill” means the development of new housing or other buildings on scattered vacant sites in a built-up area. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1005 Injection well.

“Injection well” means a well that is used for the purpose of subsurface emplacement of fluids, as per Chapter 178-218 WAC. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1010 Intervening ownership in riparian buffers.

“Intervening ownership in riparian buffers” means legal lots of record within riparian buffers which are separated from being adjacent to rivers, streams or lakes by an intervening legal lot of record; and provided, that such intervening legal lot of record is: a buildable lot adequate in size for the purposes of the placement of a single-family home or cabin or other structures of similar size or greater; or the legal lot of record is utilized as a public or private road or railway. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1015 Isolated cottage industry.

“Isolated cottage industry” means an industry operated primarily by family members. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1020 Isolated nonresidential use.

“Isolated nonresidential use” means an existing commercial, retail or industrial business. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1025 Isolated small scale businesses.

“Isolated small scale businesses” means businesses created to export services or products and not designed to service local needs; may include manufacturing/assembly, research facilities, telemarketing, online/telephone sales and services. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1030 Joint-use driveway tract.

“Joint-use driveway tract” means a jointly owned and maintained tract or easement serving two properties. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1035 Junk.

“Junk” means storage or accumulation of inoperable motor vehicles or equipment, vehicle or equipment parts, used lumber and building materials, pipe, appliances, demolition waste, or any used material. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1040 Junkyard.

“Junkyard” means any area, lot, parcel, building, structure or part thereof used for the storage, collection, processing, purchase, sale, salvage or disposal of scrap, junk or reclaimable material. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1045 Kennel.

“Kennel” means a lot or building in which four or more domesticated house pets such as dogs or cats that are at least four months of age are kept commercially for board, propagation, training or sale. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1046 Kitchen, accessory residential.

“Kitchen, accessory residential” means a second kitchen, in addition to the principal kitchen serving the single-family dwelling, that is incidental to the primary single-family dwelling and is located in the same dwelling or on the same lot. This definition does not include catering kitchens operated as a home business. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20).

14.98.1050 Kitchen facility.

“Kitchen facility” means an area within a building intended for the preparation and storage of food. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1055 Land.

“Land” means ground, soil, or earth. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1060 Land use, high intensity.

“Land use, high intensity” means land uses which are associated with moderate or high levels of human disturbance or substantial wetland or riparian habitat impacts including, but not limited to, medium and high density residential, multifamily residential, active recreation, and commercial and industrial land uses. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1065 Land use, low intensity.

“Land use, low intensity” includes single-family residential and related accessory structures and home occupational uses, uses that are associated with low levels of human disturbance or low wetland or riparian habitat impacts including but not limited to agriculture or forest management uses. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1070 Landfill.

“Landfill” means a disposal facility or part of a facility which includes the permanent placement of hazardous or dangerous waste, solid waste, special waste, wood waste, inert and demolition waste landfills or unlined surface impoundments. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1075 Landing.

“Landing” means a road or driveway approach area to any public or private road. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1080 Landscaping.

“Landscaping” means any combination of grass, groundcover, shrubs, vines, hedges, trees, or other plant materials and nonliving materials used to enhance existing site conditions. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1082 Landslide hazard area.

“Landslide hazard areas” are areas at risk of mass movement due to a combination of geologic, topographic, and hydrologic factors. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21).

14.98.1085 Latecomer’s agreement.

“Latecomer’s agreement” means a written contract between the county and one or more developers providing partial reimbursement for cost of construction of street system improvements and/or utility system improvements to the developer by owners of property who are likely to utilize the improvements and who did not contribute to the original cost of construction. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1090 Legal lot of record.

“Legal lot of record” means:

(1) A lot created by a recorded subdivision or short subdivision; or

(2) A lot greater than twenty acres in size meeting the requirements for an exempt parcel as defined in the Chelan County subdivision code; or

(3) An approved certificate of exemption or boundary adjustment; or

(4) A lot created prior to October 17, 2000. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1095 Livestock.

“Livestock” means domestic animals of types customarily raised or kept on farms for profit or other purposes, including cattle, bison, sheep, goats, swine, horses, mules, llamas, ostriches and other like animals. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1100 Loading space, off-street.

“Loading space, off-street” means space logically and conveniently located and scaled to accommodate bulk and delivery trucks for the use. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1105 Lodging facilities.

“Lodging facilities” means establishments providing transient sleeping accommodations and may also provide additional services such as restaurants, meeting rooms and banquet rooms. Such uses may include, but are not limited to, hotels, motels and lodges greater than six rooms, and any overnight accommodation that is rented nightly for fewer than thirty consecutive nights or days and has an occupancy of greater than sixteen persons, including children. (Res. 2021-95 (Att. A), 7/27/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1110 Lodging unit.

“Lodging unit” means one self-contained unit designated by number, letter or some other method of identification. (Res. 2021-95 (Att. A), 7/27/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1115 Long-term commercial significance.

“Long-term commercial significance” means the growing capacity, productivity, and soil composition of the land for long-term commercial production, in consideration with the land’s proximity to population areas, and the possibility of more intense uses of the land. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1120 Loop.

“Loop” means a road of limited length forming a loop, having no other intersecting road, and functioning mainly as direct access to abutting properties that may be designated for one-way or two-way traffic. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1125 Lot.

“Lot” means a fractional part of divided lands having fixed boundaries, also known as property lines. The term shall include tracts and parcels. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2018-8 (Att. A) (part), 1/30/18: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1130 Lot area.

“Lot area” means the total area within the lot lines of a lot, excluding any street right-of-way. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1135 Lot, corner.

“Lot, corner” means a lot or parcel of land abutting upon two or more streets, other than an alley, at their intersection. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2018-8 (Att. A) (part), 1/30/18: Res. 2014-100 (Atts. A, B) (part), 10/7/14: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1140 Lot coverage.

“Lot coverage” means the ratio of the surface area measured by the exterior walls of the ground floor of all principal and accessory structures and decks, patios, etc., on a lot to the total lot area, as measured on a horizontal plain. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1145 Lot depth.

“Lot depth” means the average horizontal distance between the front lot line and the rear lot line. For the purposes of Chapters 11.78 and 11.80, lot depth is measured at the maximum and minimum points perpendicular to the opposing property line(s) or the ordinary high water mark, where the water body crosses through the parcel. Lot depth is measured separately on each side of the waterbody. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1150 Lot line.

“Lot line” means a line that divides one lot from another lot or from a public or private street or any other public space. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2018-8 (Att. A) (part), 1/30/18: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1155 Lot line, front.

“Lot line, front” means a lot that abuts a street right-of-way or other primary means of vehicular access, other than an alley. Corner lots, or lots bounded by more than one street right-of-way, shall be considered to have two or more front lot lines each requiring a front yard setback. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2018-8 (Att. A) (part), 1/30/18: Res. 2014-100 (Atts. A, B) (part), 10/7/14: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1160 Lot line, rear.

“Lot line, rear” means the lot line opposite and most distant from the front lot line. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1165 Lot line, side.

“Lot line, side” means any lot line other than the front or rear lot line, except, where there are three or more front and/or rear lot lines then the remaining lot line shall be a side lot line. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2014-100 (Atts. A, B) (part), 10/7/14: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1170 Lot, reverse frontage.

“Lot, reverse frontage” means a lot that has two opposite sides abutting two parallel or approximately parallel streets. The remaining lot lines will be side lot lines. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2014-100 (Atts. A, B) (part), 10/7/14: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1175 Lot width.

“Lot width” means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines of a lot, measured at right angles to its depth along a straight line parallel to the front lot line at the minimum required building setback. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1180 Major subdivision.

“Major subdivision” means a division or redivision of land into five or more lots, tracts, parcels, sites or divisions for the purpose of sale or the transfer of ownership; provided, however, for lands located in an urban growth area, a major subdivision is ten or more lots, except where the county has adopted the city’s subdivision code. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1185 Manufactured home.

“Manufactured home” means a single-family dwelling constructed after June 15, 1976, in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements; and designed for transportation after fabrication in one or more sections on its own chassis and wheels. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1190 Manufactured home, designated.

“Manufactured home, designated” means a manufactured home that meets the following:

(1) Is comprised of at least two fully enclosed parallel sections each of not less than twelve feet wide by thirty-six feet long;

(2) Was originally constructed with and now has a composition or wood shake or shingle, coated metal or similar roof of not less than three-to-twelve pitch; and

(3) Has exterior siding similar in appearance to siding materials commonly used on conventional site-built Uniform Building Code single-family residences. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1195 Manufactured/mobile home park.

“Manufactured/mobile home park” means a site, lot, or tract of land under the management of one person, firm, or corporation intended for the occupancy of three or more manufactured/mobile homes for dwelling or sleeping purposes. This definition does not include parks for the location of recreational vehicles. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1200 Mapped point location.

“Mapped point location” means generally but not limited to an individual occurrence, breeding location, communal roost or haul-out site for a state priority species, as identified by the priority habitats and species database and wildlife heritage database. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20:

14.98.1205 Master planned resort.

“Master planned resort” means a fully integrated, self-contained planned unit development, in a setting of significant natural amenities, with its primary focus on destination resort facilities, consisting of short-term visitor accommodations associated with a range of developed on-site indoor and/or outdoor recreational facilities. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1210 Meeting, public.

“Meeting, public” means an informal meeting, hearing, workshop or other public gathering to obtain comments from the public or other agencies on an application, proposed action or issue of community interest. A public meeting does not constitute an open record hearing. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1213 Microbrewery.

“Microbrewery” means a place where limited quantities of beer and malt liquor are manufactured for sale or for limited distribution with an annual production of less than fifteen thousand U.S. barrels. For the purpose of administration of this code, “microbrewery” is synonymous with “winery.” (Res. 2021-139 (Att. A), 12/7/21).

14.98.1215 Mineral extraction, long-term.

“Mineral extraction, long-term” means any activity which utilizes the extraction, processing and sale of commercial and noncommercial mineral resources. “Long-term” shall mean for a duration of greater than six years. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1220 Mineral extraction, short-term.

“Mineral extraction, short-term” means any activity which utilizes the extraction, processing, and sale of commercial and noncommercial mineral resources. “Short-term” shall mean for a duration of six years or less. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1225 Mineral resource activity.

“Mineral resource activity” means any activity which utilizes the storage, extraction, processing and sale of commercial and noncommercial mineral resources. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, stockpiling, crushing, sorting, batching of asphalt or concrete, preparation of a mining site for operation, ore extraction and reclamation of a mining site. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1230 Mineral resource materials.

“Mineral resource materials” means rock, gravel, sand and metallic and nonmetallic substances of commercial value. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1235 Mini-storage facility.

“Mini-storage facility” means a facility including buildings segregated into storage cubicles used exclusively for the storage of property and outdoor storage of vehicles and boats. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1240 Mining.

“Mining” means the act of extraction from the earth minerals and/or ores (including sand and gravel) via open pit, shaft, leaching or hydraulic methods. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1245 Mitigation.

“Mitigation” means methods used to alleviate or lessen the impact of development. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1250 Mixed use development.

“Mixed use development” means the development of a tract of land, building, or structure with a variety of uses, such as, but not limited to, residential, office, manufacturing, retail, public or entertainment in a compact urban-like form. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1253 Model home.

“Model home” means a dwelling unit permitted in an approved preliminary plat prior to final plat recording which does not transfer ownership until after the final plat recording. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2018-8 (Att. A) (part), 1/30/18).

14.98.1255 Mobile home.

“Mobile home” means a single-family dwelling unit constructed prior to June 15, 1976, designed on a permanent chassis, transportable in one or more sections that are eight feet or more in width and thirty-two feet or more in length. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1260 Modular home.

“Modular home” means a manufactured structure designed for initial movement in whole or units without benefit of an undercarriage frame or wheels to a site of permanent placement on a full perimeter foundation. A modular home constructed to international codes standards and bearing the gold insignia from the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries shall be considered a single-family dwelling and not a manufactured/mobile home. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1265 National Wetlands Inventory Maps.

“National Wetlands Inventory Maps” means those maps provided to the county by the United States Department of the Interior which depict those areas which, based on aerial photography and soils data, have a strong likelihood of containing a wetland. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1270 Native vegetation.

“Native vegetation” means vegetation indigenous to, or originating naturally in Chelan County or north central Washington. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1275 Natural environment.

“Natural environment” (as defined and designated in the shoreline master program use regulations of Chelan County) means an area containing some unique natural or cultural features considered valuable in a natural or original condition which are relatively intolerant of intensive human uses. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1280 Natural resource support facility.

“Natural resource support facility” means any facility that provides equipment, supplies and/or service to industries and operations that are involved in mineral resource, timber, agriculture and other activities related to natural resources. Such facilities may include, but are not limited to, equipment sales and service, chemical sales and technical support, and processing of resource materials. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1285 Neighborhood-oriented commercial.

“Neighborhood-oriented commercial” means a commercial area providing convenience goods and services for the residents of the surrounding area. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1290 NFPA.

“NFPA” means the National Fire Protection Association. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1295 Noncompliance.

“Noncompliance” means an activity or use that is not in conformity with current rules and regulations. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1300 Nonconforming.

“Nonconforming” means a lot, use, building or structure which was lawful prior to the adoption, revision or amendment of a zoning ordinance, but which fails by reason of such adoption, revision or amendment to conform to the current requirements of the zoning district. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1305 Normal maintenance and repair.

(1) “Normal maintenance” means those acts to prevent a decline, lapse, or cessation from a lawfully established condition.

(2) “Normal repair” means to restore a development to a state comparable to its original condition within a reasonable period after decay or partial destruction except where repair involves total replacement which is not common practice or causes substantial adverse effects to the shoreline resource or environment (WAC 173-27-040(1)(b)). (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1310 Notice and order.

“Notice and order” means a written notice declaring that a code violation(s) has occurred which specifies the action required to abate the violation and the civil fine for failure to comply with the notice and order. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1315 Noxious weeds.

“Noxious weeds” means those plants that are non-native, highly destructive and competitive as defined in Chapter 17.10 RCW, as now or hereafter amended. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1320 Nursery.

“Nursery” means land or structures, such as greenhouses, used to raise plants, flowers and shrubs for sale. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1322 Observation tower.

“Observation tower” means a public or commercially owned structure used to view areas/events from long distances. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2015-73 (Atts. A, B) (part), 8/4/15).

14.98.1325 Off-street parking space.

“Off-street parking space” means an area accessible to vehicles, exclusive of roadways, sidewalks, and other pedestrian facilities, that is improved, maintained, and used for the purpose of parking a motor vehicle not on a dedicated street right-of-way. (Res. 2020-103 (Exh. A), 10/6/20: Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1330 Omission.

“Omission” means a failure to act. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1335 On center (O.C.).

“On center (O.C.)” means a method of measurement to indicate plant spacing whereby the measurement is taken from the center of one plant to the center of the next. As used in this title for trees, average spacing “on center” is used for calculating the minimum number of trees necessary to meet the planting requirements and does not necessarily refer to the specific location or relative special arrangement of the trees. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1340 On-farm retail sales.

“On-farm retail sales” means a secondary, subordinate and supplemental element of the operation of an ongoing commercial agriculture activity as defined by RCW 84.34.020(2). (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1345 Open record hearing.

“Open record hearing” means a hearing that creates the record through testimony and submission of evidence and information. An open record hearing may be held on an appeal if no open record hearing has previously been held on the application. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1350 Open space, passive.

“Open space, passive” means any area of land essentially unimproved and set aside, dedicated, designated, or reserved for public or private use as a natural environment and/or passive activities, such as trails. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1355 Open space, active.

“Open space, active” means any area of land set aside, dedicated, designated, or reserved for public or private use which includes active areas, such as playgrounds, and/or infrastructure, such as well pumps, utility easements and may include septic systems under certain circumstances. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1360 Ordinary high water mark (OHWM).

“Ordinary high water mark (OHWM)” means a mark on all lakes, streams, and tidal waters that will be found by examining the bed and banks and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so common and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to mark upon the soil a character distinct from that of the abutting upland, in respect to vegetation as that condition exists on June 1, 1971, as it may naturally change thereafter, or as it may change thereafter in accordance with permits issued by a local government or the Department of Ecology; provided, that in any area where the ordinary high water mark cannot be found, the ordinary high water mark adjoining fresh water shall be the line of mean high water (RCW 90.58.030(2)(b)). (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1363 Owner occupied.*

“Owner occupied” means a rental unit is the principal residence of the owner for at least six months in the calendar year, and the owner is present in the dwelling or is present on the same parcel while the residence is being used as a short-term rental. (Res. 2021-95 (Att. A), 7/27/21).

*    Code reviser’s note: Res. 2021-95 added this section as Section 14.98.1695. It has been editorially renumbered to place it in alphabetical order.

14.98.1365 Parcel.

“Parcel” means a tract, lot or plat of land of any size which may or may not be subdivided or improved. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1370 Park and ride facility.

“Park and ride facility” means a parking area designed for drivers to leave their cars and use mass transit or other ride sharing which begins or ends at the park and ride facility. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20:

14.98.1375 Park model home.

“Park model home” shall be defined pursuant to RCW 46.04.622, and for the purposes of this code shall be treated similar to a stick built or manufactured home provided it is in compliance with all development standards of the Chelan County Code. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1380 Parking area.

“Parking area” means any area designed and used for parking motor vehicles including parking lots, garages, private driveways, and legally designated areas of public streets. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1385 Parking space.

“Parking space” means a space for the parking of a motor vehicle within a parking area. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1390 Pavement width.

“Pavement width” means the paved area on shoulder-type roads or paved surfaces between curb, thickened edge or gutter flow line on all other roads. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1395 Perennial.

“Perennial” means containing water continuously year-round. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1400 Permeability.

“Permeability” means the property or condition of being able to pass liquids and gases through a soil or other geologic formation; also the rate of flow of that liquid or gas through the soil or other geologic formation. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1405 Permitted use.

“Permitted use” means any use allowed outright in a zoning district. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1410 Person.

“Person” means any individual, firm, association, partnership, corporation, or any entity, public or private. For the purposes of short-term rental regulations, “person” is defined consistent with RCW 82.04.030. (Res. 2021-95 (Att. A), 7/27/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1415 Personal and professional services.

“Personal and professional services” means establishments engaged in providing services involving the care of a person, personal goods or providing services based on a recognized profession. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1420 Pipe stem.

“Pipe stem” means a strip of land having a width narrower than that of the lot or parcel to be served and is designed for providing access to that lot or parcel. Also known as a flag lot. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1425 Place of habitation.

“Place of habitation” means a building used in whole or in part as habitable space. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1430 Place of public/private assembly.

“Place of public/private assembly” means a building or space used in whole or in part for the gathering together of persons for such purposes as deliberation, entertainment, amusement, socializing, or awaiting transportation; such uses include, but are not limited to, meeting halls, clubhouses, grange, cinemas, theaters, and churches and religious facilities. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2019-54 (Att. A) (part), 4/23/19: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1435 Planned unit development (PUD).

“Planned unit development (PUD)” means an area of a minimum contiguous size to be planned, developed, operated, and maintained as a single entity and containing one or more structures with appurtenant/supportive common areas. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1440 Planning commission.

“Planning commission” means the Chelan County planning commission. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1445 Plat.

“Plat” means a map or representation of a subdivision, showing thereon the division of land into lots, blocks, streets and alleys or other divisions, dedications and information. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1450 Plat, final.

“Plat, final” means the final drawing of a subdivision and dedication prepared for filing with the county auditor and containing all elements and requirements as set forth in Title 12 and Chapter 58.17 RCW. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1455 Plat, preliminary.

“Plat, preliminary” means a neat and approximate drawing of a proposed subdivision showing the general layout of streets and alleys, lots, blocks and other elements of a subdivision consistent with the requirements of this chapter. The preliminary plat shall be the basis for the approval or disapproval of the general layout of a subdivision. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1460 Plat, short.

“Plat, short” means a map or representation of a short subdivision. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1465 Predecision.

“Predecision” means an open record hearing held prior to the decision on a project permit. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1470 Primary association.

“Primary association” means use of a habitat area by a species regulated by Chapter 11.78 for rearing young, roosting, feeding, breeding, vulnerable aggregations, migration or foraging on a regular basis during the appropriate season. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1475 Principal, primary use.

“Principal, primary use” means a specific and primary purpose for which land, a building or structure is, or may be, occupied, arranged, designed, intended or maintained. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1480 Priority habitats.

“Priority habitats” means habitats which include one or more of the following attributes: comparatively high fish and wildlife density, comparatively high fish and wildlife diversity, important fish and wildlife breeding habitat, important fish and wildlife seasonal ranges, important fish and wildlife movement corridors, limited availability, high vulnerability to habitat alteration, and/or unique or dependent species. These habitats may include: Aspen stands, caves, cliffs, instream habitat, Juniper Savannah, old growth/mature forests, prairies and steppe, riparian areas, rural natural open space, shrub steppe (large blocks), shrub steppe (small blocks), snags, talus, urban natural open space, and freshwater wetlands and deepwater. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1485 Private road.

“Private road” shall mean a road, though approved by the county, which is not a county road and is not maintained by the county. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1490 Property line.

Property Line. See “Lot line.” (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1495 Prosecuting attorney.

“Prosecuting attorney” means the Chelan County prosecuting attorney. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1500 Protective improvements.

“Protective improvements” means project-specific facilities such as storm water detention ponds, natural floodways, fences designed to protect the public from hazardous areas and similar improvements and facilities. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1505 Public facility, high impact.

“Public facility, high impact” means a building or structure owned and operated by a public agency to provide a governmental service to the public. Such uses shall include, but are not limited to, composting facility, utility substations, solid waste transfer station, equipment storage/maintenance yard. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1510 Public facility, low impact.

“Public facility, low impact” means a building or structure owned and operated by a public agency to provide a governmental service to the public. Such uses shall include, but are not limited to, unoccupied emergency services buildings, transit shelters, rest areas and interpretive sites. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1515 Qualified ground water professional.

“Qualified ground water professional” means a person who is qualified to engage in the practice of hydrogeology and has met the qualifications in geology under Chapter 18.220 RCW, and has been issued a license to practice hydrogeology in the state of Washington or is a professional engineer in the state of Washington. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1517 Qualified professional biologist.

“Qualified professional biologist” means the holder of at least a four-year degree in science with specific or related fields with course work in wildlife, streams, wetlands, or fisheries, with at least two years of relevant professional experience in assessment and mitigation. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21).

14.98.1520 Qualified professional wetland biologist/consultant.

“Qualified professional wetland biologist/consultant” means the holder of at least a four-year degree in science with specific or related fields with course work in wetland ecology, hydrology or soils science with at least two years of professional experience in wetland delineation, functional assessment and mitigation. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1522 Rebuild.

Rebuild. See “reconstruct.” (Res. 2021-139 (Att. A), 12/7/21).

14.98.1523 Reconstruct.

“Reconstruct” means to construct again and includes the demolition of an existing structure and the rebuilding of a new structure. (Res. 2021-139 (Att. A), 12/7/21).

14.98.1525 Recreational development.

“Recreational development” means development that may include, but is not limited to, campgrounds, RV parks, developed swimming beaches or similar types of uses. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1530 Recreational vehicle.

“Recreational vehicle” means a vehicular-type unit primarily designed for recreational camping or travel use certified as a recreational vehicle (RV) by the Department of Labor and Industries. The units include travel trailers, fifth-wheel trailers, folding camping trailers, truck campers, and motor homes. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2018-8 (Att. A) (part), 1/30/18: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1535 Recreational vehicle park/campground.

“Recreational vehicle park/campground” means any lot or parcel of land upon which two or more recreational vehicle sites, camp sites, and/or lodge or cabin units, as allowed, are located, established, or maintained for occupancy as temporary living quarters for recreation or vacation purposes.

(1) “Major recreational vehicle (RV) parks/campgrounds” means having more than fifty camp or RV sites, cabins and/or lodge units as allowed.

(2) “Minor recreational vehicle (RV) parks/campgrounds” means having fifty or fewer camp or RV sites, cabins and/or lodge units as allowed. (Res. 2023-96 (Att. A), 10/3/23; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1540 Recreational vehicle, park model trailers.

“Recreational vehicle, park model trailers” means recreational vehicles used primarily as destination camping units and regulated consistent with other recreational vehicles. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1545 Redevelopment.

“Redevelopment” means any land-disturbing activity occurring on existing developed property. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1548 Remodel.

“Remodel” means to alter or make limited changes to an existing structure and that is not a structural alteration, new construction, or enlargement. (Res. 2021-139 (Att. A), 12/7/21).

14.98.1550 Remote industrial use.

“Remote industrial use” means those industrial uses which cannot be sited in urban areas or rural industrial districts due to noise, odor, or operational characteristics. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1555 Rent-a-tree operation.

“Rent-a-tree operation” means arrangements where customers rent or lease trees from farmers. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1560 Repeat violation.

“Repeat violation” means any civil code violation of the same ordinance, resolution or regulation in any location by the same person for which voluntary compliance has been sought within five years or a notice and order, stop work order or citation has been issued within five years; or a violation of a condition stated on a permit. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1563 Replace.

“Replace” means to put a new structure in place of an existing structure. (Res. 2021-139 (Att. A), 12/7/21).

14.98.1565 Reserve easement.

“Reserve easement” (or dedication) is a strip of land between a subdivision boundary and a street within an approved subdivision, the control of which is deeded or dedicated to the county as a nonaccess right-of-way. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1570 Resource agencies.

“Resource agencies” means those various federal, state and local agencies and organizations whom the county relies upon for technical expertise and comment. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1575 Restaurant.

“Restaurant” means an establishment where food and drink are prepared and served on-site and may be consumed on- or off-site. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1580 Restoration.

“Restoration” means to revitalize or reestablish characteristics and processes of a critical area which have been diminished or lost by past alterations, activities, or catastrophic events. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1585 Retail sales.

“Retail sales” means establishments engaged in selling goods or merchandise to the general public for personal or household consumption and customary auxiliary uses and services incidental to the sale of such goods. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1590 Retail space.

Retail Space. See “Retail sales.” (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1595 Retaining wall.

“Retaining wall” means a structure or barrier constructed and erected between areas of different elevations to protect structures and/or prevent erosion. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1600 Revegetation.

“Revegetation” means to provide with a new vegetative cover composed of locally prescribed native vegetation in consultation with the applicable resource agencies. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1605 Right-of-way, ingress/egress.

“Right-of-way, ingress/egress” means land, property, or property interest dedicated, or under fee ownership, used primarily for transportation and associated land uses. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1610 Riparian.

“Riparian” means relating to, living or located along the bank of a watercourse including ponds, lakes, perennial and intermittent streams, and rivers. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1615 Road.

“Road” means a facility providing public or private access including the roadway and all other improvements inside the right-of-way. “Road” and “street” will be considered interchangeable terms for the purpose of these standards. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1620 Road, public.

“Road, public” means a road established and adopted by the proper authorities for use by the general public for vehicular circulation and a means of access to abutting properties. A road may serve as, but not be limited to, a location for public utilities, walkways, public open space and recreation area, cut and fill slopes, and drainage. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1625 Roadside stand.

“Roadside stand” means a temporary use which is primarily engaged in the sale of fresh agricultural products, locally grown on- or off-site, but may include, incidental to fresh produce sale, the sale of limited prepackaged food products and non-food items. This use is to be seasonal in duration, open for the duration of the harvest season. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1630 Roadway.

“Roadway” means that surfaced portion of a street or alley right-of-way that is improved for vehicular traffic only. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1635 Rural area.

“Rural area” means those areas of the county outside of an urban growth area as depicted in the Chelan County comprehensive plan. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1640 Rural environment.

“Rural environment” (as defined and designated in the shoreline master program use regulations of Chelan County) means an area characterized by intensive agricultural and recreational uses and those areas having a high capability to support active agricultural practices and intensive recreational development. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1645 Rural tourism, recreational.

“Rural tourism, recreational” means an experience involving visits to rural settings or rural environments for the purpose of participation in or experiencing activities, events or attractions not readily available in urbanized areas. These activities are not necessarily agricultural in nature. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1650 Sanitary landfill.

“Sanitary landfill” means land upon which solid waste material consisting in whole or part of garbage, refuse, trash, rubbish, sludge or any other solid waste is dumped and covered with earth or other suitable material. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1655 Sedimentation.

“Sedimentation” means the deposition and settling of loose transported material into an open water body through the action of erosion or land instability. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1657 Seismic hazard area.

“Seismic hazard areas” are areas subject to severe risk of damage as a result of earthquake induced ground shaking, slope failure, settlement, soil liquefaction, debris flows, lahars, or tsunamis. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21).

14.98.1660 Sensitive species (state).

“Sensitive species (state)” means those species listed by state agencies as sensitive species pursuant to WAC 220-200-100, as amended. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1665 Service drive.

“Service drive” means any driveway, accessway or easement designed and used primarily for the purpose of obtaining access to a service entrance or loading area of a building or structure. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1670 Setback.

“Setback” means the distance between the nearest load-bearing member of a structure to any lot line, as measured on a horizontal plane. Exemptions are listed in Chapter 11.88. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2014-38 (Atts. A, B) (part), 4/15/14: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1675 Shoreline environment designations.

“Shoreline environment designations” means the categories of shorelines established by local shoreline master programs in order to provide a uniform basis for applying policies and use regulations within distinctly different shoreline areas. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20:

14.98.1680 Shoreline substantial development.

“Shoreline substantial development” means any development on designated shorelines which meet the requirements of RCW 90.58.030. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1685 Shorelines of the state.

“Shorelines of the state” means shorelines and shorelines of state-wide significance as defined in RCW 90.58.030. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1690 Short subdivision.

“Short subdivision” means the division or redivision of land into four or fewer lots, tracts, parcels, sites or divisions for the purpose of lease, sale, or transfer of ownership; provided, however, that in the Peshastin or Manson urban growth areas, a short subdivision is nine or fewer lots. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1691 Short-term rental.*

“Short-term rental” means a commercial use utilizing a dwelling unit, or portion thereof, that is offered or provided to a guest by a short-term rental owner or operator for a fee for fewer than thirty consecutive nights or days, by intent or net effect of nights or days rented. They are commonly referred to as vacation rentals. They are a form of commercial tourist or transient accommodations. Short-term rental units may be whole house rentals, apartments, condominiums, or individual rooms in homes. They are rented as a single lodging unit, do not provide food service, and retain the form and function of a dwelling unit. For the purpose of administration and enforcement of this title, the terms “overnight rental,” “nightly rental,” “daily rental,” and “vacation rental” are interchangeable with short-term rentals. Subleasing or subletting of units for short-term rental is prohibited. (Res. 2021-95 (Att. A), 7/27/21).

*    Code reviser’s note: Res. 2021-95 added this section as Section 14.98.1692. It has been editorially renumbered to place it in alphabetical order.

14.98.1692 (Short-term rental) grace period.*

“Grace period” means the additional time allocated to continue operation as a short-term rental until the set date that the short-term rental use must establish code compliance under this chapter, or must cease operation. (Res. 2021-95 (Att. A), 7/27/21).

*    Code reviser’s note: Res. 2021-95 added this section as Section 14.98.1691. It has been editorially renumbered to place it in alphabetical order.

14.98.1693 Short-term rental operator.

“Short-term rental operator” means any person who receives payment for owning or operating a dwelling unit, or portion thereof, as a short-term rental unit, or their authorized agent including a property management company or other entity or person who has been designated by the owner, in writing, to act on their behalf. (Res. 2021-95 (Att. A), 7/27/21).

14.98.1694 Short-term rental owner.

“Owner” means any person who, alone or with others, has title or interest in any building, property, dwelling unit, or portion thereof, with or without accompanying actual possession thereof, and including any person who as agent, executor, administrator, trustee, or guardian of an estate has charge, care, or control of any building, dwelling unit, or portion thereof. A person whose sole interest in any building, dwelling unit, or portion thereof is solely that of a lessee under a lease agreement is not considered an owner. (Res. 2021-95 (Att. A), 7/27/21).

14.98.1695 Shoulder.

“Shoulder” means the paved or unpaved portion of the roadway outside the traveled way that is available for emergency parking or nonmotorized use. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1700 Shrub.

“Shrub” means a woody deciduous or evergreen plant with multiple stems or branches adapted for growth in Chelan County. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1705 Sign.

“Sign” means a display or device affixed to the ground, attached to a building or other structure using graphics, symbols, and/or written copy designed specifically for the display of a commercial or other advertisement to the public. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1710 Sign, directional.

“Sign, directional” means any sign which is designed and erected solely for the purpose of traffic or pedestrian direction and which is placed on the property to which the public is directed. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1715 Sign, fascia.

“Sign, fascia” means a flat sign which projects one and one-half feet or less horizontally from the vertical face of a canopy awning or parapet upon which it is affixed, painted or attached, running parallel for its whole length to the face or wall of the building and which does not extend beyond the horizontal width of such wall awning or parapet. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1720 Sign, freestanding.

“Sign, freestanding” means a sign not attached to or forming part of a building. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1725 Sign, illuminated.

“Sign, illuminated” means a sign lighted by or exposed to artificial lighting either by lights on or in the sign or directed toward the sign. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1730 Sign, off-premises advertising.

“Sign, off-premises advertising” means a sign which advertises or promotes merchandise, services, goods, or entertainment which are sold, produced, manufactured or furnished at a place other than on the property on which said sign is located, or is available for rent or lease. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1735 Sign, off-premises directional.

“Sign, off-premises directional” means a sign which directs persons to a premises different from where the sign is located. These signs typically include an address or street name or direction such as “two blocks south on the right.” (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1740 Sign, on-premises advertising.

“Sign, on-premises advertising” means a sign which carries only advertisements related to a lawful use of the premises on which it is located, including signs or sign devices indicating the business transacted, services rendered, goods sold or produced on the premises, name of the business and name of the person, firm or corporation occupying the premises. “On-premises sign” also means a sign which contains religious, political, social and other noncommercial messages. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1745 Sign, portable.

“Sign, portable” means any sign designed to move or be moved by a trailer or vehicle to advertise at different locations. Further, these signs include any sign which is not firmly fastened to a building or the ground. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1750 Sign, projecting.

“Sign, projecting” means a sign which projects more than one and one-half feet horizontally from the vertical face of a building, or parapet. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1755 Sign, rooftop.

“Sign, rooftop” means a sign erected upon the roof of a building or canopy or a sign attached to a building which projects vertically above the roof, eave, awning or parapet; however, this does not include signs attached to the vertical face of a parapet, awning or canopy; providing the sign does not project above the vertical face of the parapet, awning or canopy to which it is attached. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1760 Sign, rotating.

“Sign, rotating” means a sign in which the sign itself or any portion of the sign moves in a revolving or similar manner. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1765 Sign, temporary.

“Sign, temporary” means any sign which is not permanently installed or affixed to any sign structure or building, and not displayed for longer than thirty calendar days. In case of construction project signs, they may be maintained for the duration of the construction. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1770 Significant habitat block.

“Significant habitat block” means an area, or site in conjunction with an area, which is adequate in size to contain the sum of all environmental factors of a specific place necessary for the support and sustenance on a permanent or seasonal basis of a species, population or community. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1775 Silvicultural practices.

“Silvicultural practices” means pertaining to the cultivation and care of forest trees. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1780 Site plan.

“Site plan” means a written drawing illustrating a parcel of land, all existing and proposed structures, location of access, critical areas and the requested change to said areas. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1785 Slope.

“Slope” means the inclined ground surface of an area, the inclination of which is expressed as a ratio (percentage) of rise (vertical distance) to run (horizontal distance) by the following formula:

Rise/Run (x100) = Average % grade

(Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1790 Sludge.

“Sludge” means the material pumped out of septic tanks, cesspools, seepage pits or other receptacles built and maintained to receive and collect sewage from buildings not connected to a sewer and, in addition, includes treatment residues from water treatment plants and municipal wastewater treatment plants. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1795 Small scale recreation and tourism.

“Small scale recreation and tourism” means a land use that relies on a setting to provide recreational or tourist use, including recreational center and commercial facilities to serve those uses, but that does not include new residential development. It includes activities and facilities such as, but not limited to, cultural/religious camps, retreat centers, campgrounds, RV parks, lodges and cabin rentals, camping units, outdoor equipment rentals, guide services, trails and trailhead facilities, and similar uses. Small scale recreational and tourist uses are of a size or intensity which has minimal impacts on the surrounding area and which makes minimal demands on the existing infrastructure and public service. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2014-38 (Atts. A, B) (part), 4/15/14: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1800 Sole source aquifer.

“Sole source aquifer” means an aquifer which supplies at least fifty percent of the drinking water consumed in the area overlying the aquifer. These areas can have no alternative drinking water source(s) that could physically, legally, and economically supply all those who depend upon the aquifer for drinking water. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1802 Species of local importance.

“Species of local importance” are those species that are of local concern due to their population status or their sensitivity to habitat alteration or that are game species. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21).

14.98.1805 State natural area preserves and natural resource conservation areas.

“State natural area preserves and natural resource conservation areas” are those areas defined, established, and managed as such by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1807 Storage.

“Storage” means a space or place where goods, materials, and/or personal property are placed for more than twenty-four consecutive hours. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20).

14.98.1808 Storage container.

“Storage container” means intermodal transport units, isotainers, and similar shipping containers that are generally transported on cargo ships, railroad cars, trucks, and/or planes. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20).

14.98.1810 Street frontage.

“Street frontage” means the linear frontage of a parcel or property abutting a street or access easement. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1815 Street, private.

“Street, private” means a privately owned and maintained access provided for by a tract, easement, or other legal means, typically serving three or more potential dwelling units. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1820 Street, public.

“Street, public” means a publicly owned facility providing access, including the roadway and all other improvements, inside the right-of-way. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1825 Structure.

“Structure” means that which is built, constructed, erected or any kind or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together which requires location on the ground or attached to something having a location on the ground with the exception of retaining walls. Not included are structures or similar improvements less than four feet in height. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2014-100 (Atts. A, B) (part), 10/7/14: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1830 Structure, plant communities.

“Structure, plant communities” means the associated characteristics of species richness, number of canopy levels, the degree of maturation of the community, and the dominant individuals that define the community. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1835 Structure, temporary.

“Structure, temporary” means a structure without any foundation or footings and erected for a period of less than one hundred eighty calendar days. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1840 Substantial changes.

“Substantial changes” means changes to a proposed development, within the discretion of the director, that affect access, density, utilities, drainage, critical areas or other relevant provisions or changes that warrant review from commenting agencies. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1845 Susceptibility.

“Susceptibility” means the condition of being especially sensitive and open to contamination. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1850 Temporary use.

“Temporary use” means a use established for a period of one hundred eighty calendar days or when the need for the use has ceased, whichever is shorter. Temporary uses do not involve the construction or alteration of a permanent structure. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1855 Tent.

“Tent” means a temporary structure, enclosure or shelter constructed of fabric or pliable material supported in any manner except by air or the contents it protects. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1860 Threatened species (federal).

“Threatened species (federal)” means those species listed by federal agencies under the federal register for the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, as threatened species. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1865 Threatened species (state).

“Threatened species (state)” means those species listed by state agencies as threatened species pursuant to WAC 220-200-100, or as amended. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1870 Traditional forest practices.

“Traditional forest practices” means any activity conducted on or directly pertaining to forest land and relating to growing, harvesting, or processing timber, including but not limited to, road and trail construction, thinning, reforestation, prevention and suppression of disease and insects, salvage of trees and brush control. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1875 Traveled way.

“Traveled way” means that part of the road made for vehicle travel excluding shoulders and auxiliary lanes. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1880 Tree.

“Tree” means a large deciduous or evergreen woody plant having one or more self-supporting trunks and numerous branches and normally growing to a minimum height of twelve feet adapted for growth in Chelan County. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1881 Treehouse.

“Treehouse” means a tree-supported accessory structure built in, on, or attached to trees, when the floor area does not exceed two hundred eighty-eight square feet. Treehouses are not habitable structures and may not be used as a residence. (Res. 2021-139 (Att. A), 12/7/21).

14.98.1885 U-pick operation.

“U-pick operation” means farms or orchards where the customers themselves harvest the fruit or agricultural product. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1890 Urban environment.

“Urban environment,” as defined and designated in the shoreline master program use regulations of Chelan County, means an area of high intensity land use including residential, commercial, and industrial development in addition to open space and public uses. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1895 Urban growth area.

“Urban growth area” means those areas designated by the county where urban growth will be supported by public facilities and services, as established by RCW 36.70A.110. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1900 Urban wildland interface area.

“Urban wildland interface area” means that geographical area where structures and other human development meet or intermingle with wildland or vegetative fuels. All areas shown as having moderate, high, or extreme risk hazard on the current edition of the Chelan County fire map, developed by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, or the Chelan County Community Wildfire Protection Plan, are urban wildland interface areas. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1905 Use.

“Use” means the purpose or activity for which land or buildings are designed, arranged, or intended or for which land or buildings are occupied or maintained. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1910 Utility.

“Utility” means a company providing public service such as gas, electric power, telephone, telegraph, water, sewer, or cable television, whether or not such company is privately owned or owned by a governmental entity. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1915 Utility, high impact.

“Utility, high impact” means buildings, structures and facilities in public or private ownership relating to the furnishing of utility services such as electric, gas, communication, water, sewer and technology infrastructure. High impact public utilities shall include, but are not limited to, generating and switching stations, substations, pumping stations and antennas or repeaters when not installed on a building. High impact utilities do not include wireless communication facilities (WCFs). (Res. 2021-140 (Att. A), 12/7/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1920 Utility, low impact.

“Utility, low impact” means buildings, structures and facilities in public or private ownership relating to the furnishing of utility services such as electric, gas, communication, water, sewer and technology infrastructure. Low impact utilities shall include, but are not limited to, poles, lines, pipes, antennas, repeaters, or small wireless communication facilities (SWF) when installed on a building, carrier hotels and similar technology infrastructure. (Res. 2021-140 (Att. A), 12/7/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1925 Value added operation.

“Value added operation” means any activity or process that allows farmers to retain ownership and that alters the original agricultural product or commodity for the purpose of gaining a marketing advantage. Value added operations may include bagging, packaging, bundling, pre-cutting, food and beverage service, etc. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1930 Variance.

“Variance” is the means by which an adjustment is made in the application of the specific dimensional standards of a zoning ordinance to a particular piece of property, which property, because of special circumstances applicable to it, is deprived of privileges commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same vicinity and zone and which adjustment remedies disparity in privileges in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 11.95 (RCW 36.70.020). (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1931 Vehicle, inoperable.

“Vehicle, inoperable” means a motor vehicle meeting at least two of the following requirements:

(1) Is extensively damaged, such damage including, but not limited to, any of the following: a buildup of debris that obstructs use, shattered window or windshield; missing wheels, flat or missing tires, tail/headlights, or bumpers; missing or nonfunctional motor or transmission; or body damage;

(2) Is apparently inoperable, or missing major component parts, including engines and short blocks, frames, transmissions or transfer cases, cabs, doors, fenders, front, trunklids or rear boxes, seats, and hoods; or

(3) Is without a valid, current license or registration plate. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20).

14.98.1935 Vehicle sales.

“Vehicle sales” means the sale to the general public of new or used motorized or nonmotorized vehicles, to include, but not be limited to, automobiles, trucks, recreational vehicles, boats or motorcycles. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1937 Verified violation.*

“Verified violation” means a violation of a provision of this title in which a code enforcement official, short-term rental division staff, or a law enforcement officer has investigated and confirmed or substantiated through direct observation or through the collection of evidence, that the violation occurred and is attributable to an owner or operator, or person directly renting, or associated with renting a short-term rental property use, whether the property is permitted as a short-term rental use, or is not permitted for the use, provided the owner or operator has been issued written notification by the department or code enforcement staff advising of the verified violation. This notification can take the form of a letter, civil or criminal citation, a notice and order, notice of violation, or some other official form of written communication as approved by the department director. (Res. 2021-95 (Att. A), 7/27/21).

*    Code reviser’s note: Res. 2021-95 added this section as Section 14.98.1696. It has been editorially renumbered to place it in alphabetical order.

14.98.1940 Vulnerability.

“Vulnerability” means the combined effect of susceptibility to contamination and the presence of potential contaminants. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1941 Warehouse.

“Warehouse” means a building or portion thereof primarily used for storage, production and processing and/or distribution of products, equipment, materials or commodities that are not available for retail sale on the premises. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20).

14.98.1945 Water-dependent use/structure.

“Water-dependent use/structure” means those uses and/or structures that cannot exist in any other location and require location on the shoreline by reason of the intrinsic nature of their operations, such as: (A) ferry and passenger terminals, (B) terminal and transfer facilities for marine commerce and industry, (C) marine construction, dismantling and repair, (D) marinas—boat and seaplane, (E) intakes and outfalls, (F) boat launch facilities, (G) shoreline recreation, including parks, bike trails, beaches, etc., (H) aquaculture, (I) marina and limnological research and education, (J) hydroelectric power plants. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1950 Water main.

“Water main” means the piping used or which may be used to deliver domestic or industrial water and/or fire flows intended for fire protection in amounts prescribed in this chapter, and excludes storage facilities, hydrants, and service connections. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1955 Water purveyor.

“Water purveyor” means a federal, state, or county agency, or city, town, municipal corporation, firm, company, association, corporation, partnership, district, institution, person or persons owning or operating a public or private water system. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1960 Water system, public.

“Water system, public” means any system of water supply intended to be used for human consumption or other domestic uses, including, but not limited to, sources, treatment, storage, transmission and distribution facilities where water is furnished to any community, collection or number of individuals, or is made available to the public for human consumption or domestic use. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1962 Water type or water typing system.

“Water type or water typing system” means the system used to classify freshwater surface water systems per WAC 22-16-030 and 22-16-031. Current regulations establish interim water typing (1 through 5) until fish habitat water type maps are available for permanent water typing (S, F, Np, Ns) (WAC 222-16-031). (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21).

14.98.1965 Waters of the state.

“Waters of the state” is defined in RCW 90.48.020 and include lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, inland waters, underground waters, salt waters, and all other surface waters and water courses within the jurisdiction of the state of Washington. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1970 Wellhead protection area.

“Wellhead protection area” means the surface and subsurface area surrounding a well or well field supplying a public water system within the six-month, one-, five-, and ten-year time of travel boundaries or determined by other means approved by department of health, through which contaminants are reasonably likely to move toward and reach such water well or well field. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1975 Wetland or wetlands.

“Wetland” or “wetlands” means areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Wetlands do not include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland sites, including, but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches, grass-lined swales, canals, detention facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, farm ponds, and landscape amenities, or those wetlands created after July 1, 1990, that were unintentionally created as a result of the construction of a road, street, or highway. Wetlands may include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from nonwetland areas created to mitigate conversion of wetlands (RCW 36.70A.030). (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1980 Wetland classification.

“Wetland classification” means a rating given to wetlands to differentiate between them based on their sensitivity to disturbance, rarity, irreplaceability and the functions and values they provide. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1985 Wetland delineation.

“Wetland delineation” means a process to determine the location and boundaries of a wetland. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.1990 Wetland delineation manual.

“Wetland delineation manual” means the currently approved federal wetland delineation manual and applicable regional supplements. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20:

14.98.1995 Wetland rating system.

“Wetland rating system” means the system established in the Washington State Wetland Rating System for Eastern Washington: 2014 Update (Ecology Publication No. 04-06-015), or as amended. (Res. 2021-54 (Att. A), 5/4/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.2000 Wholesale trade.

“Wholesale trade” means establishments or places of business primarily engaged in selling merchandise to retailers; to industrial, commercial, institutional, or professional business users; to other wholesalers; or acting as agents or brokers and buying merchandise for, or selling merchandise to, such individuals or companies. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.2005 Winery.

“Winery” means a facility where fruit or other products are processed (i.e., crushed, blended, aged, and/or bottled) and may include as incidental and/or accessory to the principal use a tasting room, food and beverage service, places of public/private assembly, and/or retail sales area. Distilleries and microbreweries, for the purposes of placement in various zoning districts and regulation requirements, are synonymous with winery. (Res. 2021-139 (Att. A), 12/7/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2018-8 (Att. A) (part), 1/30/18: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.2010 Wireless communications facility.

“Wireless communications facility” means an unstaffed facility for the transmission and/or reception of radio frequency (RF), microwave, electronic communication, or other signals for commercial communications purposes, typically consisting of an equipment enclosure, an antenna support structure, a communications tower, or an alternative antenna support structure, and one or more antennas. (Res. 2021-140 (Att. A), 12/7/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.2012 Wireless communications facility, small.

“Small wireless communications facility” means a personal wireless services facility that meets both of the following qualifications:

(1) Each antenna is located inside an antenna enclosure of no more than three cubic feet in volume or, in the case of an antenna that has exposed elements, the antenna and all of its exposed elements could fit within an imaginary enclosure of no more than three cubic feet; and

(2) Primary equipment enclosures are no larger than seventeen cubic feet in volume. The following associated equipment may be located outside the primary equipment enclosure and if so located, are not included in the calculation of equipment volume: electric meter, concealment, telecom demarcation box, ground-based enclosures, battery back-up power systems, grounding equipment, power transfer switch, and cut-off switch. (Res. 2021-140 (Att. A), 12/7/21).

14.98.2015 Wireless communications service.

“Wireless communications service” means the providing or offering for rent, sale, lease or, in exchange for other consideration, of the transmittal and reception of voice, data, image, graphic, and other information by the use of wireless communications facilities; this term includes any personal wireless services as defined in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which includes FCC-licensed commercial wireless telecommunications services including cellular, personal communications services (PCS), specialized mobile radio (SMR), enhanced specialized mobile radio (ESMR), paging, and similar services that currently exist or that may in the future be developed. (Res. 2021-140 (Att. A), 12/7/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.2020 Wireless communications service provider.

“Wireless communications service provider” means every person who provides wireless telecommunications service for rent, sale, lease or in exchange for other consideration, through the use of wireless communications facilities, whether or not such facilities are owned by or under the control of such person. (Res. 2021-140 (Att. A), 12/7/21; Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.2025 Working days.

“Working days” means those days in which the office of Chelan County community development is open to the public. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.2030 Xeriscape.

“Xeriscape” is a patented name that stands for water conserving landscapes. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.2035 Yard.

“Yard” means an open space on a tract or lot which is unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as permitted in Title 11. A yard extends along a lot line and at right angles to such lot line to a depth or width specified in the yard regulations for the zoning district in which such zoning lot is located. For example, front yard extends from the front lot line. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2018-8 (Att. A) (part), 1/30/18: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.2055 Yurt.

“Yurt” means a circular, domed, portable tent. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.2060 Zoning map.

“Zoning map” means the map or maps that are part of this title and delineate the boundaries of zoning districts. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).

14.98.2065 Zoning resolution.

“Zoning resolution” shall mean the officially adopted zoning code of Chelan County as it now exists or may be subsequently amended. (Res. 2020-68 (Exh. C) (part), 6/16/20: Res. 2012-78 (part), 8/14/12).


Code reviser’s note: Resolution 2020-68 sets out Chapter 14.98 in its entirety and includes code section numbers for each definition. Prior to Resolution 2020-68, all definitions were in Section 14.98.020 and were based on Resos. 2012-78, 8/14/12; 2011-86, 10/4/11; 2010-68, 7/13/10; 2009-23, 2/23/09; 2008-141, 10/7/08; 2008-86, 5/20/08; 2007-165, 12/11/07; 2007-164, 12/11/07; 2007-104, 7/10/07; 2007-100, 7/2/07; and 2006-79 § 915, 6/20/06.