5.32.260 Crowd limitation.
If at any time during the event the size of the crowd exceeds by twenty percent (20%) the number of persons represented by the sponsors to be expected to be in attendance, the Clark County Sheriff shall have the discretion to require the sponsors to limit further admissions until sanitation, parking, health, traffic and crowd control requirements have been brought into conformity with the standards herein. Any person with more than a ten percent (10%) proprietary interest in the event shall be required to be in attendance at the activity and shall be responsible for insuring that no person shall be allowed to remain on the premises if the person is violating any state or county laws. Any such person having a duty to remove law violators who wilfully fails to do so shall be deemed to be an aider or abettor of such violation. (Sec. 26 of Res. passed March 19, 1970)