Chapter 12.04
Article I. General Provisions
12.04.015 Adoption of Standard Specifications by reference.
12.04.020 Street classifications.
12.04.030 Submission of plans and profiles – Approval.
12.04.040 Plans – Information.
12.04.050 Fee for checking and inspecting plans.
12.04.070 Compliance by applicant.
12.04.080 Correction of unsatisfactory work.
Article II. Construction Specifications
12.04.105 Compliance with Standard Specifications.
12.04.110 Cross-sections of streets.
12.04.120 Subgrade of streets.
12.04.130 Underground utilities.
12.04.135 Controlled density fill.
12.04.150 Asphaltic concrete pavement.
12.04.160 Compacting asphalt concrete pavement.
12.04.170 Repealed.
12.04.190 Unfavorable weather.
Article III. Drainage Specifications
12.04.210 Repealed.
12.04.220 Repealed.
12.04.240 Repealed.
12.04.250 Repealed.
12.04.270 Catchbasins and curb inlets.
12.04.280 Pipe installation, bedding and backfill.
Article IV. Storm Sewers
12.04.300 Restoration of damaged facilities.
12.04.310 Pavement restoration.
12.04.440 Repealed.
Article I. General Provisions
12.04.010 Scope.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide minimum standards for improvements to existing streets or construction of new streets within the city. Homeowners, property owners, or real estate developers are required to comply with these standards when improving any portion of the existing streets or when platting and/or developing new streets. As used in this chapter, “street” refers to the paved portion of any right-of-way contained within the corporate limits of the city. (Ord. 127 § 1, 1961)
12.04.011 Definitions.
For the purposes of this title, the following words shall have the following meanings:
A. “Base course” means the lower portion of the roadway base, consisting of one and one-quarter-inch minus crushed surfacing.
B. “Construction stakes” means physical markers, such as wooden stakes, used to establish the horizontal alignment, profile and cross-sections of the roadway improvements.
C. “Profile of street” means the centerline grade of the improved portion of the right-of-way.
D. “Standard Specifications” means the Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, 1996 Edition, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended, and as prepared jointly by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the American Public Works Association, Washington State Chapter.
E. “Subgrade” means the top surface of the soil, either native or imported, upon which is placed the roadway base and pavement.
F. “Suitable material” means soil, native or imported, which meets the requirements of Chapter 12.04 CHMC for the intended use.
G. “Top course” means the upper portion of the roadway base, consisting of three-quarter-inch minus crushed surfacing used as a leveling course. (Ord. 744 § 1, 1996)
12.04.015 Adoption of Standard Specifications by reference.
The Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, 1996 Edition, and as prepared jointly by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the American Public Works Association, Washington State Chapter, is hereby adopted by reference, as if the same were fully set forth herein. (Ord. 744 § 2, 1996)
12.04.020 Street classifications.
Streets within the city shall be classified as follows:
A. Principal Arterials and State Routes.
1. State Route 520 (SR520).
B. Minor Arterials.
1. N.E. 12th Street, from 84th Avenue N.E. to 86th Avenue N.E.; and
2. 84th Avenue N.E., from N.E. 12th Street to State Route 520 (SR520).
C. Collector Arterials.
1. N.E. 24th Street, from 84th Avenue N.E. to 98th Avenue N.E.;
2. 92nd Avenue N.E., from N.E. 12th Street to State Route 520 (SR520); and
3. Points Drive, from 84th Avenue N.E. to 92nd Avenue N.E.
D. Local Access Roads.
1. All other streets not otherwise identified above, within the corporate limits of the city. (Ord. 681 § 1, 1993; Ord. 127 § 2, 1961)
12.04.030 Submission of plans and profiles – Approval.
No work will be allowed on city right-of-way without first submitting plan and profiles of the proposed improvements and obtaining an approval from the city for the proposed development or activity. (Ord. 744 § 3, 1996; Ord. 127 § 4(1), 1961)
12.04.040 Plans – Information.
The plans shall show the location, extent and details of the proposed improvement. Three sets of plans shall be submitted, of which one approved set will be returned with the approval. (Ord. 744 § 4, 1996; Ord. 127 § 4(2), 1961)
12.04.050 Fee for checking and inspecting plans.
Upon completion of the project and before acceptance by the city, the applicant shall pay the applicable fee, set by the city council by resolution, for the city’s costs associated with plan checking and inspection. (Ord. 744 § 5, 1996; Ord. 127 § 4(3), 1961)
12.04.060 Inspection of work.
Inspection of the work will be required periodically during each phase of the project and before starting the following phase. The following inspections constitute a minimum:
A. Drainage – upon completion, except for backfill;
B. Drainage backfill and compaction;
C. Subgrade preparation – upon completion;
D. Base course – upon completion;
E. Top course – upon completion;
F. Surfacing – during placement and upon completion;
G. Final inspection before acceptance by the city. (Ord. 744 § 6, 1996; Ord. 127 § 4(4), 1961)
12.04.070 Compliance by applicant.
It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to furnish materials and workmanship in accordance with these specifications and the approved plans. (Ord. 744 § 7, 1996; Ord. 127 § 4(5), 1961)
12.04.080 Correction of unsatisfactory work.
Any unsatisfactory material or workmanship discovered shall immediately be removed or corrected by the applicant before proceeding with further portions of the project. (Ord. 744 § 8, 1996; Ord. 127 § 4(6), 1961)
12.04.090 Surety bond.
The city engineer may require that the applicant post with the city treasurer a bond, cash or other method of security in an amount and with surety and conditions satisfactory to the city engineer and city attorney, providing for and securing to the city the actual construction and installation of such improvements within a specified time and in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. The city shall enforce all bonds or other methods of security authorized under this section by appropriate legal and equitable remedies. The bond, deposit or securities shall be subject to forfeiture at the discretion of the city council if the improvements are not constructed within the specified time. Cash and/or certified checks shall be held in escrow pending the satisfactory completion of the required work by the specified time. The city engineer may authorize the release of a portion of such funds to the applicant in accordance with a prearranged time schedule. (Ord. 744 § 9, 1996; Ord. 127 § 4(7), 1961)
12.04.100 Guaranty.
The city engineer shall require the posting of a bond, cash or other method of security, in an amount and with surety and conditions satisfactory to the city engineer and city attorney for the successful operation of the improvements for two years after acceptance of the improvements. Two years after acceptance of all right-of-way improvements, and after all monuments have been properly placed according to city standards and approved by the city engineer, the bond or balance of funds held in escrow shall be released to the applicant. During such two-year period, all bonds and funds on deposit shall be subject to use by the city for the purpose of repairing defects in the construction work which develop or become evident within the right-of-way improvements; provided the city shall not use such funds until the city engineer has first given written notice to the applicant of the defect and work toward correction thereof has not been commenced within 10 days of the date of such notice. When a deficit exists in the fund on deposit for checking and inspections, the applicant will be notified and asked to deposit an additional fund. If adequate funds are not deposited to cover all engineering charges, the amount of the deficit will be deducted from the cash bond on deposit for right-of-way construction and repair. (Ord. 744 § 10, 1996; Ord. 127 § 5, 1961)
Article II. Construction Specifications
12.04.105 Compliance with Standard Specifications.
All roadway and right-of-way construction shall comply with the requirements of the Standard Specifications. (Ord. 744 § 11, 1996)
12.04.110 Cross-sections of streets.
Cross-sections of all streets to be constructed within the city shall be in conformance to those specifications described and set forth in Standard Construction Detail No. 1 as shown in the drawing attached to Ordinance 744 as Exhibit A. Said Standard Construction Detail are made a part of this section by reference as though fully set forth in this chapter. (Ord. 744 § 12, 1996; Ord. 127 § 3(1), 1961)
12.04.120 Subgrade of streets.
A. The entire width of the road bed shall be cleared of all weeds, brush, vegetation and debris, and within the balance of the right-of-way all trees and vegetation that could be detrimental to the road surface and utilities shall also be removed. All such material shall be disposed of to the satisfaction of the city engineer.
B. If the amount of suitable material in the right-of-way, including that obtained from the dressing of slopes, is insufficient to bring the subgrade to the line and grades shown on the plans, the contractor will be required to secure such additional suitable material as may be obtained from the widening of roadway cuts or from borrow pits, whichever is the most advantageous and/or whichever is necessary to produce suitable material.
C. Within certain areas of the city, streets may be constructed where the existing soils will not be adequate for subgrade purposes. Where such is encountered, the subgrade shall be constructed by removing all such undesirable material, providing underground drainage to carry off all subsurface water, and backfilling with suitable material. Such cases shall be treated individually under the supervision of the city engineer.
D. There shall be provided construction stakes which, in the opinion of the city engineer, are adequate to properly control the construction of the vertical and horizontal alignment of the entire project.
E. The subgrade shall be brought to a firm, unyielding surface, true to line, grade and cross-section, by rolling and compacting in layers with suitable equipment to produce 95 percent of maximum density as defined under Section 2-06.3(1) of the Standard Specifications. When directed by the city engineer, field density tests shall be made by qualified soils engineers using approved test equipment. Moisture content of the subgrade materials shall be controlled so as to produce the maximum compaction. (Ord. 744 § 13, 1996; Ord. 127 § 3(2), 1961)
12.04.130 Underground utilities.
Prior to final grading of the subgrade all utilities shall be constructed underground complete with service crossings. All utility trenches shall be backfilled with suitable materials and compacted to not less than 95 percent of maximum density.
In the event that it is necessary to make an opening in an existing street, in order to connect to existing utilities, controlled density fill may be required by the city. The determination as to the requirement for controlled density fill shall be made by the city engineer and consideration shall be given as to the classification of the street, the age of the street and the schedule of overlay for that street. (Ord. 744 § 14, 1996; Ord. 127 § 3(2.1), 1961)
12.04.135 Controlled density fill.
Controlled density fill shall meet the following:
Controlled Density Fill: 1/4” maximum aggregate size
Material |
Pounds (SSD) |
ABS Volume |
Cement Type 1 |
30 |
0.15 |
Flyash |
300 |
2.19 |
CDF Sand |
2533 |
15.16 |
Water |
300 (36 gal.) |
4.81 |
% Entrained Air |
18.00 |
4.86 |
Total |
3165 |
27.16 |
Air Entrainment |
(Meets ASTM C260)
10 oz./C.P. |
Water/Cement Ratio |
0.91 |
Slump |
7" +/- 1" |
(Ord. 744 § 15, 1996)
12.04.140 Crushed surfacing.
A. The base and top course shall be constructed in not less than two lifts. The base shall be not less than four inches of one and one-quarter-inch minus crushed stone. The top course shall be two inches of three-quarter-inch minus crushed stone. Crushed surfacing material shall comply with the requirements of the Standard Specifications.
B. Each course shall be rolled until the material is thoroughly compacted. The final result shall be an unyielding course, free from inequalities, with a smooth, tight, even surface, true to the grade, line and cross-section on the plans. Nonuniform materials caused by segregation of materials prior to spreading shall not be permitted. Spreading equipment and techniques which cause segregation shall not be permitted and in the event segregation is encountered the affected areas shall be removed and replaced in compliance with these specifications.
C. Rolling shall be accomplished by the use of a self-propelled roller as specified under Section 5-04.3(4) of the Standard Specifications.
D. Each course of surfacing shall be rolled until the material does not creep under the roller, before a succeeding course of surfacing material is applied. (Ord. 744 § 16, 1996; Ord. 127 § 3(3), 1961)
12.04.150 Asphaltic concrete pavement.
A. The asphaltic concrete pavement shall comply with the Standard Specifications for a Class B mix and shall have a minimum compacted thickness of two inches.
B. The contractor shall place the asphalt concrete pavement in strict conformance with the line, graph and cross-section as shown in the approved plans, and the completed surface shall comply with the requirements of the Standard Specifications for surface smoothness.
C. All trucks shall be equipped with pneumatic tires, and both speed and load shall be so regulated as in the opinion of the city engineer will not be detrimental to the city streets. Any damage done to the prepared subgrade caused by the contractors’ equipment shall be immediately repaired by the contractor at his own expense. (Ord. 744 § 17, 1996; Ord. 127 § 3(4), 1961)
12.04.160 Compacting asphalt concrete pavement.
Immediately after the asphalt concrete pavement has been placed, it shall be compacted in accordance with the Standard Specifications. Immediately after the asphalt concrete pavement has been compacted, depth tests may be required by the city engineer to determine the uniformity of the thickness of the asphalt paving. Should these tests show there is a deficiency from the specified thickness greater than one-half inch, the contractor shall be required to remove and re-lay the asphalt concrete pavement. (Ord. 744 § 18, 1996; Ord. 127 § 3(4.1), 1961)
12.04.170 Correction of defects.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(4.2), 1961)
12.04.180 Shoulders.
Shoulders shall be constructed to the lines, grades and cross-section as shown on the plans and in accordance with these specifications. (Ord. 127 § 3 (4.3), 1961)
12.04.190 Unfavorable weather.
Asphalt concrete pavement shall not be placed during rainy weather, unless otherwise approved by the city engineer, or when the subgrade is wet or frozen. The asphalt pavement shall be placed within the temperature parameters of the Standard Specifications. Asphalt concrete pavement shall not be placed when the compaction cannot be completed before dark. (Ord. 744 § 20, 1996; Ord. 127 § 3(4.4), 1961)
Article III. Drainage Specifications
12.04.200 Standard details.
All new construction shall provide streets constructed in accordance with the Standard Specifications and Details incorporated in this chapter and including storm sewers complete with the necessary appurtenances. Adequate provisions for drainage routes beyond the limits of a private development must be approved by the city engineer prior to final acceptance of any plat. (Ord. 744 § 21, 1996; Ord. 127 § 3(5.1), 1961)
12.04.210 Driveway culverts.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(5.2), 1961)
12.04.220 Cross-culverts.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(5.3), 1961)
12.04.230 Storm sewer pipe.
Section 7-04.2 of the Standard Specifications is hereby modified as follows:
A. The use of steel spiral rib and steel storm sewer pipe, aluminum and aluminum spiral rib storm sewer pipe is prohibited.
B. In addition to concrete pipe, PVC (poly-vinyl-chloride) pipe conforming to Section 9-05.12 of the Standard Specifications, as well as ADS N-12 storm sewer pipe as manufactured by Advanced Drainage Systems of Columbus, Ohio, are also permitted.
These types of pipe must comply with the Standard Specifications, or the manufacturer’s specifications for the ADS pipe, as it relates to strength, types of joints and installation specifications. Under certain circumstances, such as topography, soil or other deleterious conditions, the city engineer may direct which type of pipe shall be used. (Ord. 744 § 24, 1996; Ord. 127 § 3(5.41), 1961)
12.04.240 Storm sewer and culvert pipe – Fill test.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(5.42), 1961)
12.04.250 Storm sewer and culvert pipe – Joints.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3 (5.43), 1961)
12.04.260 Manholes.
Manholes shall be precast reinforced concrete manholes complying with the Standard Plans and Specifications, or as otherwise approved by the city engineer. The word “STORM” shall be shown on the manhole cover. (Ord. 744 § 27, 1996; Ord. 127 § 3(5.51), 1961)
12.04.270 Catchbasins and curb inlets.
Catchbasins and curb inlets shall be precast reinforced concrete complying with the Standard Plans and Specifications. (Ord. 744 § 28, 1996; Ord. 127 § 3(5.52), 1961)
12.04.280 Pipe installation, bedding and backfill.
Storm sewer pipe installation, including the use of pipe bedding, and trench backfilling shall comply with the Standard Plans and Specifications, or the manufacturer’s specifications, for the type of pipe being used. The city engineer may require soil test reports showing that the material used complies with the Standard Specifications.
Pipe trenches shall be kept free from water during the installation and backfill of the pipe. Before trench excavation begins, adequate pumping equipment or other machinery shall be available on the site to assure that this provision is met.
Ledge rock, boulders, or stones shall be removed from the trench so as to provide a minimum clearance of six inches under the pipe. All materials thus removed shall be replaced with bedding material as directed by the city engineer. (Ord. 744 § 29, 1996; Ord. 127 § 3(5.6), 1961)
Article IV. Storm Sewers
12.04.290 Design.
The city engineer will establish the design criteria for all storm sewer and detention systems. No work will be allowed on said facilities without first submitting plans and specifications of the proposed improvements and obtaining city approval. (Ord. 744 § 30, 1996; Ord. 127 § 3(5.7), 1961)
12.04.300 Restoration of damaged facilities.
All existing utilities, landscaping and other facilities which are damaged during the construction work shall be restored by the applicant to a condition equal to their condition prior to the start of the roadway or right-of-way construction. (Ord. 744 § 32, 1996)
12.04.310 Pavement restoration.
Where an existing pavement is cut to provide for the installation of new utilities or drainage facilities, the pavement shall not be repaved until all trench backfill and compaction have been approved by the city engineer. If so directed by the city engineer, a temporary cold mix patch shall be placed over the trench backfill and maintained in a neat, smooth, condition until such time as the permanent patch work is done.
Trench restoration shall include a minimum of six inches of crushed surfacing and an asphalt concrete patch to match the existing pavement, or two-inch minimum, whichever is greater.
The edges of the existing paving shall be painted with an asphalt tack coat before paving and the joints sealed with an asphalt emulsion after the patch work is completed. (Ord. 744 § 34, 1996)
12.04.320 Pipe bedding.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(5.712), 1961)
12.04.330 Pipe alignment.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(5.713), 1961)
12.04.340 Pipe grades.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(5.713), 1961)
12.04.350 Filling.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(5.713), 1961)
12.04.360 Pipe joints.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(5.713), 1961)
12.04.370 Trench backfill – Pipe embedment.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3 (5.714), 1961)
12.04.380 Backfill above pipe embedment.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(5.714), 1961)
12.04.390 Trench backfill – Mounding.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(5.714), 1961)
12.04.400 Trench backfill – Excess of insufficient material.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(5.714), 1961)
12.04.410 Repaving – Time interval.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(5.715), 1961)
12.04.420 Repaving – Base course.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(5.715), 1961)
12.04.430 Bituminous repavement.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(5.715), 1961)
12.04.440 Concrete repavement.
Repealed by Ord. 744. (Ord. 127 § 3(5.715), 1961)