Chapter 2.115


2.115.010    Authorized travel.

2.115.020    Types of travel that may be reimbursed.

2.115.030    Reimbursable expenses.

2.115.040    Nonreimbursable expenses.

2.115.010 Authorized travel.

Reimbursement for travel expenses requires that such travel on town business be authorized. Elected and appointed officials must have travel authorized by the mayor. Employees and volunteers must have travel authorized by the appropriate department head.

Officials and employees who may travel on authorized town business include town council members, members of town boards and commissions, appointed officials, employees and volunteers of the town of Coulee Dam. (Ord. 531 § 1, 2000)

2.115.020 Types of travel that may be reimbursed.

(1) To attend meetings, conferences, workshops or seminars as a representative of the town.

(2) To attend meetings, conferences, workshops or seminars in order to gain knowledge or information on a topic of interest or need for the benefit of the town.

(3) To attend meetings, conferences, workshops or seminars to improve or expand expertise related to the performance of job duties for the town, or to obtain job related certifications.

(4) To provide direct service to the community on behalf of the town, such as transport by ambulance to hospitals, or transport of prisoners. (Ord. 531 § 2, 2000)

2.115.030 Reimbursable expenses.

(1) Transport. Fares for public carriers or mileage reimbursement, based on miles traveled and the current federal mileage rate as established by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. The current rate can be found on the IRS website, http://

(a) Miles traveled shall be from the Coulee Dam Town Hall to the destination and return.

(b) If actual travel is from the official/employee’s home to the destination and return, these miles may be reimbursed; provided, that such miles are not greater than miles from Town Hall to destination and return.

(2) Meals Per Diem. Meals will be reimbursed at the current applicable IRS tier per diem rate.

Per diem is a set amount per day and is adjusted for time of departure and return. Rates will be maintained by the clerk’s office. Refer to Resolution 2005-02, Section 2.12(G) for meal travel procedure, in the personnel policy manual.

(3) Lodging.

(a) Employee’s lodging expenses shall be covered while traveling on town business. Employees are expected to make lodging reservations in advance whenever possible and to take other actions to ensure that lodging is secured at the most reasonable rate possible. The town will pay for single-occupancy hotel/motel at the site of formal training or conference, or at an industry-determined moderate-priced hotel/motel off-site from the training or conference. The approved training or conference must be more than 75 miles from Coulee Dam to qualify for lodging expenses. Any exception to this distance requirement must be approved by the mayor prior to travel.

(b) If a spouse or other non-town representative will be sharing a room with the town representative, no additional costs shall be reimbursed by the town.

(c) If the town representative is sharing lodging with a representative from another entity, the town shall pay a proportionate share of the lodging bill. (Ord. 624 § 1, 2005; Ord. 531 § 3, 2000)

2.115.040 Nonreimbursable expenses.

(1) Expenses for personal needs or uses.

(2) Expenses for non-town representatives, family members or friends.

(3) Expenses for alcoholic beverages. (Ord. 531 § 4, 2000)