Chapter 13.15


13.15.010    Utility billing period to coordinate with meter reading dates.

13.15.020    Utility bill due date.

13.15.030    Application of penalties.

13.15.040    Suspension notices and suspension date.

13.15.050    Suspension of service.

13.15.060    Reestablishment of service.

13.15.070    Requirement to place additional deposit for reestablishment of service.

13.15.010 Utility billing period to coordinate with meter reading dates.

(1) Electric meters shall be read each month on or near the last working day each month (thirtieth or thirty-first), during the regular working hours of the town public works maintenance crew. Water meters shall be read each month for the billing periods of March through October on or near the last working day each month (thirtieth or thirty-first), during the regular working hours of the town public works maintenance crew. Any variance from this reading schedule will be if one or both of the normal reading dates (thirtieth or thirty-first) are on a weekend or holiday, or if the reading of meters cannot be accomplished on their normal dates due to overriding priorities of the public works department. Such overriding priorities would be clearing streets of snow and ice, addressing public safety emergencies, attending to time-sensitive requirements of a capital project, or other events deemed by the public works superintendent to be priorities over meter reading.

(2) Town utility bills shall be issued no later than the tenth business day of each month, unless prevented by a billing systems breakdown, in which case, bills will be issued on the first following day possible. Utility bills shall be for the period between the meter reading of the previous month and the date of the most recent meter reading. (Ord. 638 § 1, 2006; Ord. 588 § 1, 2003; Ord. 540 § 3, 2000)

13.15.020 Utility bill due date.

Payment of town utility billing is due on the twenty-fifth day of each month for the most recent billing. Payment of account balances are due at the Town Hall utility clerk’s office by close of business day on the twenty-fifth day of the month, or the next business day if the twenty-fifth is on a weekend or holiday. (Ord. 620 § 1, 2005; Ord. 588 § 2, 2003; Ord. 540 § 4, 2000)

13.15.030 Application of penalties.

Utility accounts remaining unpaid following the due date described in CDMC 13.15.020 shall be assessed a penalty on the first business day following the due date.

(1) Exceptions.

(a) Insignificant Balances. Utility accounts with a balance of or less than $25.00 after the due date shall not be subject to penalty charges.

(b) Federal, state and local governments that are paying pursuant to federal, state and local government regulations.

(2) Reversal of Penalty Conditions. Utility accounts with established good credit with the town (60 months of timely utility bill payment) will be allowed one reversal of penalty under the following conditions:

(a) Payment in full of utility bill made prior to reversal of penalty and suspension of service date.

(b) Contact the Town Hall in writing with explanation of why payment was not made in a timely manner.

(c) Reversal of penalty will be allowed only one time in any 60-month period. (Ord. 660 § 1, 2008; Ord. 588 § 3, 2003; Ord. 582 § 1, 2003; Ord. 540 § 5, 2000)

13.15.040 Suspension notices and suspension date.

On the date of applying penalties to unpaid utility accounts, suspension notices shall be mailed to utility accounts with unpaid balances. Such suspension notices shall include the unpaid amount billed and any penalty charges, and show the total amount due to avoid suspension of services, as well as the date that the total must be paid to avoid suspension of services.

Landowner of properties with different occupants shall also receive a copy of the suspension notices mailed to occupants. (Ord. 540 § 6, 2000)

13.15.050 Suspension of service.

Utility accounts with the amount billed and penalty remaining unpaid as of the fifth day of the month, or the first business day following, if such date is on a weekend or holiday or is the last day prior to a weekend or holiday, shall have services suspended.

(1) Exemption from Suspension of Service. Utility accounts with a balance of or less than $50.00 shall not be subject to suspension of service.

(2) Waiver of Suspension of Service. Utility accounts with established good credit with the town may avoid suspension of service under the following conditions:

(a) Contact the Town Hall prior to suspension date and making a firm commitment for full payment of the balance on a specific date within the current month. This commitment must be in writing, with the promised date and account holder’s signature.

(b) Meet the commitment date.

(c) Landowners of accounts on rented property will be notified of the agreement for late payment.

(d) This agreement may be made one time during any 12-month period.

(e) Failure to meet the agreed payment date will result in immediate suspension of service. (Ord. 588 § 4, 2003; Ord. 540 § 7, 2000)

13.15.060 Reestablishment of service.

(1) Utility services suspended due to nonpayment may be reestablished by payment of all amounts due on the account, including billed amounts and penalties along with disconnect and reconnection fees.

(2) Disconnect fees for utility service are as follows:

(a) Electric service disconnect during regular working hours of the public works department (8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. nonholiday weekdays): $25.00.

(b) Water service disconnect during regular working hours of the public works department (8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. nonholiday weekdays): $25.00.

(3) Reconnection fees for utility service are as follows:

(a) Electric service reconnection during regular working hours of the public works department (8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. nonholiday weekdays): $25.00.

(b) Water service reconnection during regular working hours of the public works department (8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. nonholiday weekdays): $25.00.

(4) After-Hours Fee. In addition to the above disconnect and reconnection fees of either electric or water service or both electric and water service outside of the public works department regular hours as stated above: $75.00. (Ord. 689 § 5, 2011; Ord. 673 § 1, 2009; Ord. 605 § 1, 2004; Ord. 540 § 8, 2000)

13.15.070 Requirement to place additional deposit for reestablishment of service.

Any utility account with two or more suspensions of service within a 12-month period, for which account the initial deposit has been refunded, must pay a deposit of $75.00 for water service and $150.00 for electric service, prior to reestablishment of service. Such deposit will be retained by the town until after 12 months have passed with no penalties or suspensions recorded against the account. For commercial accounts, these deposit amounts are $100.00 for water service and $200.00 for electric service.

For accounts with a deposit already held by the town, the 12-month period required to develop a credit history and qualify for refund will begin again following a suspension of service. (Ord. 584 § 3, 2003; Ord. 540 § 9, 2000)