Chapter 17.100
17.100.010 Signs.
Signs shall be permitted subject to the following limitations:
(1) All signs shall conform to the general architecture of the building.
(2) No sign or part thereof shall extend more than 35 feet above average finished grade.
(3) Any sign extending over a sidewalk or other public area shall have a minimum clearance of eight feet.
(4) All signs shall be located within or attached to a support located within the site on which the business being advertised or product being sold is located, and meeting the requirements of strength and stability necessary for public safety as determined by the town building official. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 22.01), 2000)
17.100.020 Sign standards.
Any signs erected in the town of Coulee Dam shall conform to the following standards:
(1) The following signs shall be prohibited:
(a) Signs that in the opinion of the town police department interfere with the view of traffic signals, signs, or devices and approaching and merging traffic.
(b) Signs with flashing, moving, intermittent or uncomfortably intense lights.
(c) Obsolete or unsafe signs.
(d) Signs erected, maintained or painted on trees, rocks, or other natural features.
(e) Signs which obstruct view from any public or private property.
(2) An on-premises commercial sign shall mean any exterior sign or device conveying a message advertising or attracting the attention of prospective patrons and which either is attached or lettered on a structure or is erected freestanding on a property upon which the advertised activity is located. Such signs shall conform to the following standards:
(a) The maximum size of any on-premises sign for any individual use in a structure shall not exceed 100 square feet. For two-sided signs only one side shall be used for calculating the area.
(b) Signs shall not project more than six feet from the side of a building and shall not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
(c) The number of on-premises commercial signs shall not exceed the number of sides abutting a public right-of-way on the lot on which the business is located. In cases where there is more than one use per lot, each use shall be permitted one sign per street frontage.
(d) On-premises commercial signs shall not be erected in an R-1, R-2, R-3, or SR-1 zone except as allowed for a home occupation for produce stands, or the sale of property and temporary real estate sales offices in those zones.
(3) Noncommercial signs shall mean any exterior residential nameplate erected for the purpose of identifying a residence, or a permanent sign for naming and identifying a residence, or a permanent sign for naming an institution, recreational development or building, apartment, or subdivision. Noncommercial signs shall comply with the following regulations:
(a) Noncommercial signs may be erected in any zone;
(b) Noncommercial signs in R-1, R-2, and R-3 zones shall comply with the following regulations:
(i) Nameplates identifying the residents of a single-family dwelling shall not exceed two square feet.
(ii) One unlighted sign not exceeding six square feet may be placed on a property advertising the sale, lease, or hire of a building on that property.
(iii) One unlighted sign identifying an institutional, recreational development or building, apartment or subdivision not exceeding 12 square feet may be placed on property containing that use.
(iv) Real estate signs advertising the sale or lease of a property on which they are located shall not exceed six square feet.
(c) Noncommercial public service signs in the form of changing message center signs may be permitted. However, the changing message center signs shall not be used for commercial purposes, such as to advertise a product, personal service or use. Messages will be strictly limited to public information regarding activities, events, time, date, temperature, atmospheric conditions, and news of interest to the general public. Said signs shall meet all the provisions of CDMC 17.100.010, shall not exceed 32 square feet of copy area per side and shall be erected by and for a public or nonprofit entity within the property of said entity.
The installation location shall be approved by the North Central Region WSDOT traffic operations department when the sign is visible to a state highway.
(4) Political campaign signs may be displayed 30 days prior to an election and must be removed no later than seven days after the election. For a successful candidate in a primary election, the sign may remain between the primary and the final election, providing that it is maintained. The candidate for whom the sign is displayed is responsible for its removal. (Ord. 672 § 1, 2009; Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 22.02), 2000)