Chapter 17.135


17.135.010    Purpose and intent.

17.135.020    Conditions.

17.135.030    Scope of permit.

17.135.040    Application procedure.

17.135.050    Time limit.

17.135.010 Purpose and intent.

The purpose of this chapter is to establish the procedures for granting conditional use permits for those uses described in CDMC 17.20.020, 17.25.020, 17.30.020, 17.35.020, and 17.40.020. Conditional use permits shall not be issued for uses not specifically listed in these sections or within DMC 17.65.010, Table 17.65.1. Proposals for additional conditional uses shall be submitted as amendments to this title and follow the procedures described in Division 10. If such uses are added, the applicant may then apply for a conditional use permit. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 29.01), 2000)

17.135.020 Conditions.

(1) General Conditions. Conditional uses are considered to be unusual uses for any specified zone; therefore, reasonable conditions may be imposed in connection with a conditional use permit as deemed necessary to protect the best interests of the surrounding property or neighborhood and to otherwise secure the purposes and requirements of this title. Guarantees and evidence may be required to insure that such conditions will be and are complied with. In determining any conditions to be applied to the granting of a conditional use permit, the following impacts may require mitigation:

(a) Erosion potential.

(b) Excessive storm water runoff.

(c) Environmental hazards.

(d) Environmental pollution.

(e) Fiscal impacts.

(f) Traffic hazards.

(g) Traffic congestion.

(h) Visual and auditory impacts.

(i) Obtrusive visual blight.

(j) Any other usual impact associated with the proposed use.

(2) Conditions for Specific Uses. Some uses by their nature provide greater opportunity for impacting adjoining land uses. Therefore the following uses are subject to conditions listed for each in addition to compliance with subsection (1) of this section:

(a) Privately owned parks/recreational sporting facilities in the R-1, R-2, and R-3 zones shall include the following conditions:

(i) No public amusement devices are constructed.

(ii) Any lights providing illumination for any building or recreational area shall be so arranged to direct light away from adjacent properties.

(iii) Any buildings or structures shall be no less than 20 feet from any common property line and a public street.

(b) Manufactured/Mobile Home Parks. Mobile home parks/manufactured home parks shall meet the following conditions:

(i) Minimum Size. Three acres and must be large enough to meet the following requirements:

(A) Setbacks from all perimeter site boundaries of 10 feet, five-foot setbacks on interior lines and 25 feet from public rights-of-way.

(ii) Off-street parking as provided in Chapter 17.90 CDMC, Traffic and Parking.

(iii) Domestic water is to be provided by the town or by a system approved by the Washington State Department of Health.

(iv) Individual lots must be a minimum of 3,000 square feet.

(v) The site shall have access on a public right-of-way meeting applicable standards.

(vi) Above ground storage of flammable gases or liquids must be done with adequate safety precautions and full consideration for the safety of the trailer or mobile home occupants and other buildings, dwellings or trailers on adjoining sites.

(vii) Ingress and egress to the court or park must be at controlled points.

(viii) The park must provide internal traffic options.

(ix) A water source (hydrant or other) for fire control shall be required. Approval must be secured from the Coulee Dam fire chief, public works superintendent, and the building official.

(x) Open spaces for recreation totaling 10 percent of the overall project site.

(xi) Screening by fence or planting, landscaping and other special conditions as required for the privacy, welfare or safety of adjoining property owners and/or the occupants of the court or park.

(xii) An adequate area for the storage of recreational equipment, recreational vehicles, refuse collection facilities, and other areas as determined during site review with the building official and planning commission. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 29.02), 2000)

17.135.030 Scope of permit.

Issuance of a conditional use permit shall not imply a variation from any of the specific or general provisions of this title. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 29.03), 2000)

17.135.040 Application procedure.

All applications for conditional use permits are subject to review under Division 10. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 29.04), 2000)

17.135.050 Time limit.

Authorization of a conditional use permit shall be void after six months unless substantial construction pursuant to the permit has taken place. However, the town council may extend this period at the request of the applicant. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 29.05), 2000)