Chapter 17.175


17.175.010    Review.

17.175.020    Minimum standards.

17.175.030    Minimum applicable only to subdivisions.

17.175.010 Review.

The town shall, with assistance of its consulted parties, review a proposed short subdivision or a proposed subdivision for conformance with the following minimum standards. The administrator or other appropriate town official shall provide necessary specifications and construction details for the minimum standards to the applicant at his/her request and expense. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 38.01), 2000)

17.175.020 Minimum standards.

Minimum standards applicable to both short subdivisions and subdivisions are as follows:

(1) Conformance to the intent and purpose of the comprehensive plan;

(2) Conformance to the zoning ordinance or land development ordinance and health regulations;

(3) Subdivision design which is appropriate to the intended use and the character of the surrounding area; and which gives consideration to flooding potential, fire protection and police protection;

(4) Adequate water supply, electrical supply and sewage disposal;

(5) A fire hydrant within 300 feet of each lot and with fire flow to the satisfaction of the fire chief;

(6) Storm drainage facilities adequate to drain the short subdivision or subdivision yet cause no impact to other property owners. Storm drains shall be used wherever possible as opposed to open ditches;

(7) Minimum lot frontage as required by the zoning ordinance or land development ordinance;

(8) No direct access from lots onto high volume arterials except where no other access is possible; state standards shall apply for access to state maintained rights-of-way;

(9) Utility easements shall be at least five feet wide;

(10) Underground utilities, wherever possible, including, but not limited to electric, telephone, and cable TV lines, water, and sewer;

(11) All lots shall have access to a public right-of-way. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 38.02), 2000)

17.175.030 Minimum applicable only to subdivisions.

In addition to the minimum standards of CDMC 17.175.020, subdivisions shall also be required to meet the following:

(1) A street system designed for safety, convenience and integration with other streets;

(2) Street intersections shall have adequate sight distance;

(3) Widths of rights-of-way and paving shall meet town specifications;

(4) Cul-de-sacs shall not exceed 660 feet in length, shall have a right-of-way radius of at least 45 feet, and shall have paved radius of at least 30 feet;

(5) Alleys shall be at least 20 feet in width, if applicable;

(6) Where an abutting public right-of-way is substandard in width, additional right-of-way shall be deeded to bring it up to standard on that side;

(7) Improvements shall include two-inch thick asphalt paving with adequate ballast, curbs and gutters, and four-foot-wide sidewalks and be constructed to standards of the American Public Works Association;

(8) If a subdivider is required by the town to install water mains and/or sewer mains larger than his subdivision requires to implement the provisions of the comprehensive plan, the town will negotiate the installation of the larger main(s) and reimburse the subdivider for the additional cost of the larger facilities. If bids are required then a percentage of the cost will be determined prior to bid award;

(9) The plat and all streets shall be named, and names shall not be used which duplicate, or which may be confused with, those already in existence. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 38.03), 2000)