Chapter 17.75


17.75.010    Permitted accessory uses.

17.75.010 Permitted accessory uses.

The following accessory uses, in addition to those hereinafter specified, shall be permitted in any zoning district:

(1) Customary accessory uses and buildings are permitted provided such uses are incidental to the principal use and do not include any activity commonly conducted for financial gain, except under the following conditions:

(a) Such use will not reduce real estate values or the desirability of the neighborhood due to offensive noise, odors, unsightliness or other reason;

(b) Approval of such use by the town planning commission or, if applicable, by the town council.

(2) Structures and land uses for necessary government and public utility functions.

(3) Signs, in addition to those otherwise permitted in Chapter 17.100 CDMC, when not exceeding a total area of six square feet and pertaining only to the prospective sale or lease of land or building upon which displayed. (Ord. 536 § 1 (§ 15.01), 2000)