Chapter 9.05
Article I. Water Rates and Charges
9.05.010 Bimonthly water rates.
9.05.020 Residential customers.
9.05.030 Nonresidential customers.
9.05.050 Fire protection of specific private buildings.
9.05.060 Sale of water from fire hydrants.
Article II. Billing Policies
9.05.070 One account per meter.
9.05.100 Application of cash received.
9.05.110 Billing policy for rental properties.
9.05.120 Automatic withdrawals.
Article III. Delinquent Water Accounts
9.05.140 Service termination notice.
9.05.160 Failure to receive a bill.
9.05.190 Reactivation without consent.
9.05.200 Lien and foreclosure.
Article IV. Commencement of Monthly Water Service Charges
9.05.220 Commencement of monthly water service charges.
Article V. Connection Fees
Article VI. Miscellaneous Water Service Charges
9.05.240 Returned item charge.
9.05.250 Account setup charge.
9.05.260 Account closing charge.
9.05.291 Availability letter – Water or sewer.
9.05.300 Charge for developer extension manuals.
9.05.310 Minimum billing charges.
9.05.320 Charge for copy of bill.
9.05.330 Charge for overseas and Canadian postage and handling.
9.05.350 Special meter access charge.
9.05.360 Credit for consumption caused by leakage.
9.05.370 King County sewer credit for consumption caused by leakage.
9.05.380 Charge for sawed or cut off lock.
9.05.390 Unauthorized connections to water system.
9.05.400 Water service or meter installation charges.
9.05.410 Extended service permit.
9.05.420 Discontinuance and recommencement of water service and monthly water service charges.
9.05.430 Temporary use of water for construction.
9.05.440 Service and material charges.
9.05.450 Delinquent miscellaneous service charges.
Article VII. Administrative Determinations
9.05.460 Administrative determinations.
Article VIII. Sewer Customers
9.05.470 Provisions applicable to sewer customers.
Article IX. Rate Tables
9.05.480 Rate Table I – Water charges.
9.05.490 Rate Table II – Billing charges – Miscellaneous charges.
Article I. Water Rates and Charges
9.05.010 Bimonthly water rates.
The following classification of water use and schedule of charges is hereby adopted effective for all billings commencing January 1, 2024, January 1, 2025, and January 1, 2026. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.020 Residential customers.
The bimonthly water service charge includes a fixed base rate based upon the number of residential dwelling units served by the meter and a usage charge based on metered water consumption.
The fixed base rate for water service to residential customers shall be determined by the number of residential dwelling units served by the meter. Each dwelling unit, including but not limited to each attached and detached accessory dwelling unit, shall be charged a separate fixed base rate. The fixed base rates per meter shall be per two-month billing period, in the amounts established in Rate Table I.
The fixed base rate is the minimum charge and will continue to be applied for meters that have been locked due to nonpayment and/or temporary vacation requests, including any additional unit charges.
In addition, there shall be a usage charge for water usage measured in cubic feet of water consumed in each two-month billing period. The charge for water usage is per 100 cubic feet per two-month billing period, and shall be in the amounts established in Rate Table I.
The residential fixed base rate and the usage charge is applicable for all residential customer types including single-family, duplexes, accessory dwelling units, apartments, condominiums, temporary dwelling permits, tiny homes, hotels, motels, cabin courts, trailers and trailer courts. For trailers and trailer courts the number of units shall be determined by the number of occupied spaces. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.030 Nonresidential customers.
The bimonthly water service charge includes a fixed base rate based upon size of the water meter, additional unit charge if applicable and a usage charge based on metered water consumption. The fixed base rates for water service to nonresidential customers shall be determined by the meter size and are weighted according to a multiplier factor of the AWWA meter capacity factors. The nonresidential fixed base rates per meter per two-month billing period shall be in the amounts established in Rate Table I.
Multiple Units: if a meter serving a nonresidential account is serving additional nonresidential units an additional per unit charge will be added to the base rate. Additional unit types include: separate units, buildings or spaces for office, retail, industrial or commercial use, etc. The additional nonresidential per unit charge shall be in the amounts established in Rate Table I.
The fixed base rate is the minimum charge and will continue to be applied for meters that have been locked due to nonpayment and/or temporary vacation requests, including any additional unit charges.
In addition, there shall be a usage charge for water usage measured in cubic feet of water consumed in each two-month billing period. The charge for water usage is per 100 cubic feet per two-month billing period, in the amounts established in Rate Table I.
The nonresidential fixed base rate and the usage charge is applicable for all nonresidential customer types including: commercial, agriculture, public, industrial and irrigation. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.040 Mixed use customers.
This customer class is reserved for meters serving both residential and nonresidential uses. The bimonthly water service charge includes a fixed base rate based upon size of the water meter, additional unit charge as applicable and a usage charge based on water consumption. The fixed base rates for water service to mixed use customers shall be determined by the meter size and are weighted according to a multiplier factor of the AWWA meter capacity factors. The mixed use fixed base rates per meter per two-month billing period shall be in the amounts established in Rate Table I.
The fixed base rate based on meter size is applicable for the first unit of a mixed use customer; each additional residential or nonresidential unit shall pay an additional unit charge, in the amounts established in Rate Table I.
The fixed base rate is the minimum charge and will continue to be applied for meters that have been locked due to nonpayment and/or temporary vacation requests, including any additional unit charges.
In addition, there shall be a usage charge for water usage measured in cubic feet of water consumed in each two-month billing period. The charge for water usage is per 100 cubic feet per two-month billing period, in the amounts established in Rate Table I. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.050 Fire protection of specific private buildings.
There shall be a charge for water availability through fire lines, fire sprinkler alarm systems, and fire hydrants installed on private property for the protection of specific private buildings based upon the detector check size where a meter factor of five percent of AWWA Standard will be applied to the base rate for a five-eighths-inch or three-fourths-inch meter service, in the amounts established in Rate Table I.
Any usage will be billed per 100 cubic feet at the highest tier, in the amounts established in Rate Table I.
If water is used for purposes other than fire protection, the district will discontinue service to the fire protection system until an approved meter is installed in accordance with the district requirements and at no expense to the district. Established rates for approved meters and the district connection fee charges will then apply. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.060 Sale of water from fire hydrants.
The district shall issue a fire hydrant use permit for temporary connections to fire hydrants for building, construction or related purposes, provided any person applying for such permit must demonstrate a need for such service to the satisfaction of the district and must agree to comply with all requirements of the district relating to said fire hydrant use permit. Water from fire hydrants will only be provided through hydrant meters owned by the district. Any backflow prevention device required by current regulations shall be supplied by the person connecting to the fire hydrant.
The district shall charge a fee for the connection to the district fire hydrant, deposit for use of district meters, a daily rental fee and the highest tier rate for water charges, all in the amounts established in Rate Table II.
There shall be a minimum charge in the amount established in Rate Table II each time a connection is made to a fire hydrant without the required permit plus any district costs associated with an illegal connection such as flushing required to resolve water quality problems, broken mains or broken fire hydrants. If a customer of the district is charged a second time for connecting to a fire hydrant without the required meter and/or payment of district fees, then water service to the customer residence may be terminated. If an individual/company persists in making connections to district fire hydrants without the required permit, the district may deny any further sale of water from district fire hydrants to such individual/company. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
Article II. Billing Policies
9.05.070 One account per meter.
There shall be one account and one bill per water meter, regardless of the number of units serviced by each meter. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.080 Bimonthly billing.
There shall be one billing every two months. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.090 Due date.
All bills are due and payable the tenth day of the second month following the billing date. Payments are due on the tenth day of February, April, June, August, October, and December. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or observed district or banking holiday, then the bill will be due the next regular business day. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.100 Application of cash received.
Cash received shall be applied in the following order: penalties and late charges, interest on surcharges and special assessments, principal on surcharges and special assessments, administrative charges and miscellaneous charges, sewer service charges, oldest water charges and then current water charges. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.110 Billing policy for rental properties.
Billings for service charges shall be mailed directly to the real property owner at the owner address in cases when the address of the owner is other than the address of the real property receiving service, except as provided in this section. If an owner or an owner representative notifies the district in writing that a property served by the district is a rental property, the district may send billings for service charges addressed to “Resident” at the address of the real property receiving service. The property owner shall notify the district of any changes in tenancy and shall at all times remain responsible for any unpaid charges. There shall be a charge for a duplicate bill as set forth in Rate Table II.
A real property owner may designate a representative to receive billings for service charges at an address other than the address of the serviced property or the address of the owner. The owner must deliver to the district a properly executed and notarized “representative billing” form (release) issued by the district or, if said owner has designated in writing an agent to manage the owner real property, said agent shall deliver a copy of the written property management agreement to the district signed by the owner.
For purposes of informing the property owner of potential liens being filed against the property, the owner must provide the district with the appropriate mailing address if they do not live at the service property. The district will not set up the designated representative on the account until it has received this address.
After receipt of said release or management agreement, the district shall mail all bills and notices for the account to the representative designated by the owner in the release or the agent designated by owner in the property management agreement. The district shall not be responsible for, and the property owner shall pay, any charges or damages to the district resulting from representative failure to pay district charges or to perform any act required by the district. Owner must promptly advise the district in writing of any change of representative or the termination of the property management agreement with the agent. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.120 Automatic withdrawals.
(1) The district is authorized to enter into agreements with customers and their respective financial institutions to establish automatic payment of district water and sewer bills by cash withdrawals directly from customer accounts and to apply such withdrawals to payment of customer water and sewer bills according to district procedures.
(2) After review and approval by the district’s general counsel, the district is authorized to enter into such agreements as are necessary to establish automatic withdrawals for payment of water and sewer bills; provided, that the customer shall:
(a) Sign, on a form acceptable to the district and the customer financial institution, an authorization for a cash withdrawal from the customer account for the purpose of paying the customer water and sewer bill;
(b) Provide a voided check on the customer account with the bank for withdrawal from a checking account, or a pre-printed deposit slip for a saving account for withdrawal from a saving account, or a letter from the financial institution acknowledging the routing number, account number and stating you are an authorized signatory on the listed account;
(c) Provide to the district the customer bank agreement to honor the withdrawals, if not already provided in the documentation required herein.
(3) Automatic withdrawal will be drafted on the twentieth day of the month following the billing date. Auto pay will be drafted in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November. If the twentieth falls on Saturday, Sunday or observed district or banking holiday then the draft will be the next regular business day.
(4) Whenever a withdrawal is rejected, the customer will be charged the returned item fee imposed by CVWDC 9.05.240 or any succeeding resolution, for returned items. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
Article III. Delinquent Water Accounts
9.05.130 Delinquent accounts.
All charges unpaid on the due date of billing for the next two-month billing period shall be delinquent. A penalty charge of 10 percent of the delinquent amount shall be added to the account balance. Additional penalty charges shall not be added to delinquent charges previously charged a penalty charge. The late payment penalty charge on the delinquent balance will be assessed on the next regular business day following the due date set forth in CVWDC 9.05.090. Applicable late payment penalty charges will be assessed in the months of February, April, June, August, October and December. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.140 Service termination notice.
Thirty days after an account becomes delinquent, the property owner, representative or tenant, if any, shall be sent a service termination notice, which shall specify the amount which is delinquent, plus the penalty charge. The delinquent amount, plus penalty charge, must be paid and received at the district office within 10 days of the date of the notice to avoid service termination and the related service termination charges; the required payment amount shall be specified in each notice.
There shall be a charge for each service termination notice in the amount established in Rate Table II. The notice shall be personally delivered, or sent by first class mail. If personally delivered and nobody is home, the notice may be fastened to the front door of the service address, and actual proof of receipt by the property owner or occupant of the serviced property is not required. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.150 Appeal hearing.
In the event the property owner or tenant believes there is an error in the billing or in the event the property owner or tenant disputes the amount due set forth, the property owner or tenant shall be entitled to a hearing before the general manager, or his designee, prior to termination of service; provided, that a written request for such hearing is received by the general manager no later than the close of business on the day before the date payment is due. At the hearing, the general manager or his designee shall afford the customer reasonable opportunity to present evidence and argument in support of the customer claim of error or irregularity with respect to the bill. After giving careful consideration to any evidence and argument presented, the general manager shall make any adjustment in the bill the general manager believes fair and equitable. The decision of the general manager shall be in writing and shall be final and conclusive. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.160 Failure to receive a bill.
Failure to receive a bill does not relieve a customer of the responsibility for payment of charges and penalties. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.170 Service termination.
If the delinquent amount, plus penalty charge, is not paid or suitable arrangements made on or before the date payment is due on the service termination notice, water service shall be terminated. There shall be a service termination charge in the amount established in Rate Table II. Once a district employee is dispatched to the serviced property to turn the water off, this charge shall be assessed even if service is not actually terminated. The district employee shall not accept cash or checks for payment of the delinquent amount at the time the employee is at the service property to turn the water off. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.180 Reactivation.
Service shall be reactivated when the delinquent amount, plus penalty charge, service termination charge and any other charges are paid. There shall be a charge for reactivating service during the business hours of Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., in the amount established in Rate Table II. Service will only be reactivated during the business hours of Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.190 Reactivation without consent.
If a previously terminated service is reactivated without written consent of the district by any party, a charge for sawed or cut off lock as set forth in CVWDC 9.05.380 or an unauthorized reactivation charge as set forth in CVWDC 9.05.390 shall be assessed against the serviced property each time the service is reactivated, and regardless of who is actually responsible for the reactivation. Thereafter, the water meter shall be relocked. The delinquent portion of the utility billing plus the sawed or cut off lock charge or the unauthorized reactivation charge must be paid before service shall be reactivated. If the lock on a locked meter is cut or otherwise tampered with a second time, the meter shall be pulled. Any resulting damages to the water service lines, equipment or other parts of the water system shall be repaired by the district at the property owner expense. In addition, all related costs of pulling the meter shall be charged to the property owner. The meter shall be reinstalled when all delinquent portions of the utility billing, and all other related charges have been paid. The costs related to reinstalling the meter shall also be charged to the service property. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.200 Lien and foreclosure.
The policy concerning liening and foreclosure of delinquent accounts shall be as follows: whenever the service charges for an account plus penalty charge, termination charges and any other charges are delinquent for over 28 days, the general manager of the district shall send a notice of intention to file lien to the customer, or representative, directing the customer or representative to pay the delinquent amount no later than 15 days from the date of said letter or to make suitable arrangements to bring the account current. If such payment is not made within 15 days or suitable arrangements have not been made, the account will be certified as a delinquency and lien filed against the property with the auditor of the county. In addition, the district will notify the property of the start of foreclosure. An interest charge of not more than the prime lending rate of the district’s bank plus four percentage points per year will be assessed against the delinquent amount commencing the date of certification of the lien to the auditor of the county, to be assessed until the delinquent amount is collected.
A customer or representative having an account with a delinquent amount over $200.00 for residential customers or $300.00 for nonresidential or mixed customers may be sent a notice of intention to file a lien and the property will be subsequently liened notwithstanding the time requirement in the paragraphs preceding.
Action may be taken by the commissioners to enforce collection of the delinquent amount at any time after said charges have been delinquent a period of 60 days, pursuant to RCW 57.08.081. The district is authorized to foreclose by civil action in the superior court of the county in which the real property is located. The action shall be in rem against the property and in addition may be brought in the name of the district against an individual, or against all of those who are delinquent in one action, and the laws and rules of the court shall control as in other civil actions. Each account which has been submitted to the district’s attorneys for foreclosure shall be charged an administrative fee in the amount established in Rate Table II and each account shall be charged the total amount of attorneys’ fees and costs incurred by the district to collect the delinquent amount. [Res. 2024-1-3 § 1; Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.210 Release of lien.
The lien filed with the auditor of the county shall not be released until the delinquent amount, plus penalty charges, interest, termination charges and any other charges, are paid in full. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
Article IV. Commencement of Monthly Water Service Charges
9.05.220 Commencement of monthly water service charges.
When new residences, apartments, condominiums, or other structures are constructed, if the property is not yet served by water, the effective date of the billing for water charges shall be the effective date of installation of a water meter from the district. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
Article V. Connection Fees
9.05.230 Connection fees.
No owner of property which has not been assessed shall be permitted to connect to the district water system without the payment of a connection fee. Said fee consists of a general portion plus a local portion to be paid prior to connection as fully set forth in Chapter 9.10 CVWDC. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
Article VI. Miscellaneous Water Service Charges
9.05.240 Returned item charge.
There shall be a charge for handling a check, electronic payment or credit card which has been dishonored or returned for any reason, in the amount established in Rate Table II. The account shall be debited for the amount of the dishonored check, electronic payment, or credit card. The owner shall be notified of the dishonored check, electronic payment or credit card charge, and the reversal of the payment credit. The amount of the dishonored check, electronic payment, credit card, and the dishonored check, electronic payment, or credit card charge must be paid; if not paid by the due date described in CVWDC 9.05.090 the account shall be deemed delinquent and subject to penalties. A credit of half of the returned item charge is granted once every four years. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.250 Account setup charge.
There shall be a charge in the event of an ownership change per the county records, in the amount established in Rate Table II. There shall be no charge to set up a new account for property not previously served. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.260 Account closing charge.
There shall be a charge added to an account in the amounts established in Rate Table II when the following events occur: an escrow company requests an estimated bill or a final bill, the district is notified of the transfer of property ownership, or the district discovers the change of property ownership. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.270 Duplicate bills.
There shall be a charge per bill for duplicate bills sent, in the amount established in Rate Table II. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.280 Payment methods.
Payments made in the office, by phone or online accepted by the current district vendor for electronic checks, credit or debit cards are subject to the current processing fee. Credit or debit cards are not acceptable forms of payment for connection charges or developer extension charges. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.290 Charge for letters.
The district shall charge for any letter prepared, including but not limited to certificates of water availability or sewer availability, in the amount established in Rate Table II. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.291 Availability letter – Water or sewer.
The district shall charge for each certificate of water or sewer availability letter, in the amount established in Rate Table II. All availability letters shall be valid for one year. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.300 Charge for developer extension manuals.
The district shall charge for each copy of a developer extension manual, in the amount established in Rate Table II. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.310 Minimum billing charges.
There shall be a minimum billing charge per bill for miscellaneous billings in the amount established in Rate Table II; provided, however, that an individual may pay in cash the district’s actual charges rather than the minimum bill at the time the service or material is provided. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.320 Charge for copy of bill.
The district shall charge for each copy of a customer bill provided to a district customer in the amount established in Rate Table II; provided, however, that if a copy of a bill is provided to a customer as a result of a billing problem, there shall be no charge. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.330 Charge for overseas and Canadian postage and handling.
The district shall charge for each bill sent to an address outside the United States for postage and handling, in the amount established in Rate Table II. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.340 Charge for copies.
The district shall charge per page for standard size pages (up to 11 inches by 17 inches) in the amount established in Rate Table II; oversize documents will be actual cost to produce by third party. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.350 Special meter access charge.
Property owners shall not restrict access to the district’s meter boxes for meter reading and repair. A two-foot radius around and six feet above each water meter shall be kept free of vegetation, debris, and otherwise shall not be made inaccessible. If access to the meter is restricted due to debris, overgrown vegetation, a parked vehicle located over the meter box, fence, or any other restriction, the property owner shall be assessed a special access charge in the amount established in Rate Table II for each instance that the access to the meter is restricted in any way. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.360 Credit for consumption caused by leakage.
Water leakage in a private plumbing system from and beyond the water meter is the responsibility of the property owner. “Water leakage” is defined as a physical break, malfunction, or failure that unintentionally allows water to escape the private plumbing system, resulting in 24-hour continuous consumption at a minimum. The district may grant a partial credit for water consumed in one billing period during which a leak occurred in the service line or was otherwise undetectable to the customer. The water leakage must be repaired within 30 days of discovery. “Discovery” is defined as the property owner’s actual knowledge of the water leakage, the district’s notification to the property owner of a possible leak, or the property owner’s receipt of a bill indicating higher than average water consumption. The leakage adjustment request must be completed and returned to the district within 60 days of the discovery of the water leakage. The leakage adjustment request must include an explanation of the cause of the water leakage, documentation of the repair, and photos of the repair; also include copies of receipts, if available. “Repair” is defined as the customer’s damaged and/or defective part that caused the leak to occur has been removed and/or replaced and/or rehabilitated correcting the water loss. Simply turning off a valve to the damaged area to stop the water loss does not qualify as a repair. Upon district verification of the water leakage 24-hour continuous consumption and proof of prompt repair, the district may grant a credit, for the volume of water billed, computed as follows: usage as billed, minus average usage, divided by two. The average shall be determined by the bill before and the bill after the bill for which the majority of the leak occurred. The above credit may be granted no more than once every 48 months and is applied directly to the account. The general manager is authorized to approve credits up to $500.00. Credits of more than $500.00 shall be approved by the board of commissioners. [Res. 2024-1-3 § 2; Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.370 King County sewer credit for consumption caused by leakage.
Water leakage in a private plumbing system from and beyond the water meter is the responsibility of the property owner. The leakage adjustment request must be granted to be eligible for a King County sewer credit. Upon proof of prompt repair, the district may grant a credit for King County sewer in the billing period during which a leak occurred in the service line or was otherwise undetectable to the customer. Eligibility for sewer credit requires proof the leakage water did not enter the sewer lines. The calculation of the King County sewer credit will be based upon the water consumption credited in accordance with the formula in CVWDC 9.05.360. The above credit may be granted no more than once every 48 months. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.380 Charge for sawed or cut off lock.
The district shall charge for any lock sawed or cut off of a water meter each time it occurs, plus any charges for damages to shut off valve, meter, etc., in the amount established in Rate Table II. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.390 Unauthorized connections to water system.
Should any individual, corporation or other entity make a connection to the water system of the district, including connection to service stubs, without obtaining permission to connect, paying all district charges and prior to the district installation of a water meter, the connection shall be an illegal connection. In addition, if any individual, corporation or other entity removes a water meter and makes a connection to the water system of the district, including connection to service stubs, the connection shall also be an illegal connection. The district, as a result thereof, will incur substantial expenses for investigation thereof, ascertaining the facts of the illegal connection, and will incur other administrative costs in connection therewith.
There shall be a charge in the amount established in Rate Table II for each time an illegal connection is made to the water system. In addition, water use shall be calculated at a rate equal to the current rate in effect for consumption from fire hydrant, and may be charged. The usage shall be based upon on the discharge rate of the particular service line servicing the connection for an eight-hour period of continuous water flow each day until date of disconnection from the system. Further, the district shall charge a connection charge, as would otherwise be due and payable if said property were legally connected, plus the cost of inspections that would have been conducted had said property been connected legally. District may disconnect said water connection and charge all costs and expenses incurred in making said disconnection. No further connection will be authorized to said property served by said illegal connection until all costs and charges are paid in full and the district fully compensated for all costs and expenses including engineering and attorneys’ fees incurred directly or indirectly as a result of said illegal connection. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.400 Water service or meter installation charges.
(1) The district shall charge a water meter drop-in rate based on the meter size for district services that are installed through a developer extension agreement with the district, in the amount established in Rate Table II or in the amount of the district’s actual cost incurred, whichever is greater.
(2) The district shall charge for service installation of the district service and water meter installation, plus any permit, asphalt repair, and any additional requirements associated with the permit, local or state agencies, all in the amounts established in Rate Table II or in the amount of the district’s actual cost incurred, whichever is greater.
(3) All services over one inch shall be installed through a developer extension agreement and the total cost shall be determined by the district.
(4) Refer to Chapter 9.10 CVWDC for additional charges that may apply. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.410 Extended service permit.
When application is received by the district for water service to property not presently served by a water main which has never been assessed and construction of a water main to serve the property is not reasonable at the time of meter application, extended temporary service may be granted. A temporary water service agreement shall be signed by the owner prior to approval of the extended service. The owner shall pay all costs to prepare the agreement, recording fee, right-of-way permit, other permits and other charges which shall be paid prior to receiving service. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.420 Discontinuance and recommencement of water service and monthly water service charges.
Water service charges to a property which has been receiving water service may be discontinued if the property owner requests in writing that district remove the meter from the meter box on a form provided by the district. The district shall charge its actual labor and material cost to remove a meter plus an additional charge for administration, overhead and preparation of a final bill. The district shall charge a minimum charge for this service, in the amount established in Rate Table II. The charge to recommence service and reconnect the meter shall be calculated upon the same basis as the charge to remove the meter, plus payment of connection charges. The connection charges due for a reconnected water service shall be calculated based upon the current connection charges, as established in Chapter 9.10 CVWDC, minus a credit for the connection fees in effect when the service was disconnected. The amount charged will not be less than a calculation of the sum of base user charges, also known as nonuser charges, plus interest from the date that the service was disconnected to the date of reconnection. Charges for water service shall be resumed the date a water meter is reinstalled. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.430 Temporary use of water for construction.
The cost of installing a meter for construction shall be the same as set forth in CVWDC 9.05.400 and Rate Table II. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.440 Service and material charges.
Services rendered and material provided will be billed at cost plus overhead basis.
(1) Labor. Service provided by district employees will be billed at one-and-one-half times the gross hourly wage at the rate established in Rate Table II. Labor is annually increased January 1st, based on the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the greater Seattle area for the 12-month period of July 1st to June 30th. The annual CPI adjustment is not less than zero percent and does not exceed five percent.
(2) Equipment. The use of the district’s equipment will be billed in hourly increments, in the amounts established in Rate Table II. Professional services, material and other costs incurred and paid for by the district will be billed at one-and-one-half times the cost to the district to cover costs of administration and overhead. If applicable, state excise tax shall be charged in addition to the charge to cover costs of administration and overhead. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.450 Delinquent miscellaneous service charges.
Charges for any services rendered by the district, including but not limited to connection charges, water meter installation charges, miscellaneous water service charges, charges for illegal connections and all other miscellaneous district charges, shall be paid within 30 days of the date of the district’s invoice. All charges unpaid by said date shall be delinquent. A penalty charge computed at a rate of 10 percent of the delinquent amount shall be added to the account balance. Additional penalty charges shall not be computed on prior penalty charges or on a delinquent amount previously charged a penalty charge. All district charges, penalties and interest shall be deemed charges against the real property to which service is provided and shall be enforced pursuant to RCW 57.08.081. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
Article VII. Administrative Determinations
9.05.460 Administrative determinations.
The general manager of the district and/or his designee may authorize credits on service charges and delinquent penalty charges accrued against properties improved by residence structures, or waive delinquent charges upon the general manager finding, after investigation, that an error in posting credits was made, or that payment has been made on the wrong bill, so that no delinquency in fact existed or collection of the same would be inequitable.
The general manager of the district and/or his designee may also authorize an adjustment to penalty charges incurred for a late payment when the following criteria are met: the adjustment is requested by the property owner; the adjustment will only be applicable to penalties incurred on base water or base sewer charges and the consumption charges for water or sewer; the maximum adjustment amount is $100.00; and the adjustment will only be authorized one time in a four-year period. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
Article VIII. Sewer Customers
9.05.470 Provisions applicable to sewer customers.
The provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to sewer service customers, as appropriate. [Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
Article IX. Rate Tables
9.05.480 Rate Table I – Water charges.
2024 Amount |
2025 Amount |
2026 Amount |
Water Residential Customers |
Fixed Base Rate |
$72.30 |
$78.10 |
$84.30 |
Additional Residential Unit |
$72.30 |
$78.10 |
$84.30 |
Consumption Charges per 100 cubic feet |
Charge per 100 cubic feet (CCF) |
0 – 1,500 cubic feet |
$3.57 |
$3.86 |
$4.17 |
1,501 – 3,000 cubic feet |
$4.22 |
$4.56 |
$4.93 |
3,001 – 6,000 cubic feet |
$5.53 |
$5.97 |
$6.45 |
6,001 + cubic feet |
$7.20 |
$7.78 |
$8.40 |
Water Nonresidential Customers |
Fixed Base Rate by Meter Size |
5/8" × 3/4" |
$72.30 |
$78.10 |
$84.30 |
3/4" × 3/4" |
$86.80 |
$93.70 |
$101.20 |
1" Meter |
$144.60 |
$156.10 |
$168.60 |
1-1/2" Meter |
$289.10 |
$312.20 |
$337.10 |
2" Meter |
$462.50 |
$499.50 |
$539.50 |
3" Meter |
$867.10 |
$936.40 |
$1,011.30 |
4" Meter |
$1,445.10 |
$1,560.70 |
$1,685.50 |
6" Meter |
$2,890.10 |
$3,121.30 |
$3,371.00 |
Additional Nonresidential Unit |
$72.30 |
$78.10 |
$84.30 |
Consumption Charges per 100 cubic feet |
Charge per 100 cubic feet (CCF) |
0 – 1,500 cubic feet |
$3.57 |
$3.86 |
$4.17 |
1,501 – 3,000 cubic feet |
$4.22 |
$4.56 |
$4.93 |
3,001 – 6,000 cubic feet |
$5.53 |
$5.97 |
$6.45 |
6,001 + cubic feet |
$7.20 |
$7.78 |
$8.40 |
Mixed Use Customers |
Fixed Base Rate by Meter Size |
5/8" × 3/4" |
$72.30 |
$78.10 |
$84.30 |
3/4" × 3/4" |
$86.80 |
$93.70 |
$101.20 |
1" Meter |
$144.60 |
$156.10 |
$168.60 |
1-1/2" Meter |
$289.10 |
$312.20 |
$337.10 |
2" Meter |
$462.50 |
$499.50 |
$539.50 |
3" Meter |
$867.10 |
$936.40 |
$1,011.30 |
4" Meter |
$1,445.10 |
$1,560.70 |
$1,685.50 |
6" Meter |
$2,890.10 |
$3,121.30 |
$3,371.00 |
Additional Residential or Nonresidential Unit |
$72.30 |
$78.10 |
$84.30 |
Consumption Charges per 100 cubic feet |
Charge per 100 cubic feet (CCF) |
0 – 1,500 cubic feet |
$3.57 |
$3.86 |
$4.17 |
1,501 – 3,000 cubic feet |
$4.22 |
$4.56 |
$4.93 |
3,001 – 6,000 cubic feet |
$5.53 |
$5.97 |
$6.45 |
6,001 + cubic feet |
$7.20 |
$7.78 |
$8.40 |
Fire Protection Customers |
Fixed Base Rate by Meter Size |
1" DC |
$9.10 |
$9.80 |
$10.60 |
2" DC |
$29.00 |
$31.30 |
$33.80 |
3" DC |
$54.30 |
$58.60 |
$63.30 |
4" DC |
$90.30 |
$97.60 |
$105.40 |
6" DC |
$180.70 |
$195.20 |
$210.80 |
8" DC |
$289.10 |
$312.20 |
$337.10 |
10" DC |
$415.50 |
$488.80 |
$484.70 |
Consumption Charges per 100 cubic feet |
$7.20 |
$7.78 |
$8.40 |
[Res. 2024-8-4 § 1 (Exh. A); Res. 2023-8-1 § 1.]
9.05.490 Rate Table II – Billing charges – Miscellaneous charges.
2025 Amount |
Miscellaneous Charge |
Account Closing Charge |
$30.00 |
Account Setup Charge |
$30.00 |
Administrative Fee |
$125.00 |
After Hours Dispatch |
$110.00 |
After Hours – Emergency Shut-Off |
$110.00 |
Copies – Oversize Copies (Over 11 × 17) |
Actual Cost |
Copies (per page) – B&W Standard Size |
$0.15 |
Copy of Bill |
$2.00 |
Developer Extension Manuals |
$25.00 |
Duplicate Bill |
$2.00 |
Foreign Postage |
Actual Cost |
Illegal Connection |
$750.00 |
Late Charge on the Past Due Balance |
10.00% |
Letter Fee |
$25.00 |
Availability Letter – Water or Sewer |
$100.00 |
Meter Access Fee (Access and OBOM) |
$45.00 |
Minimum Billing Charge |
$25.00 |
Minimum Charge to Remove Meter |
Minimum $190.00 |
Minimum Charge to Reinstall Meter |
Refer to developer drop-in rate per meter size for cost |
Returned Items (returned for any reason) |
$30.00 |
Side Sewer Permit |
$250.00 |
Sewer Spec Books |
$25.00 |
Transfer Fee – Payment/Credit From One Account to Another |
$25.00 |
Cross Connection |
Cross Connection Notice 2 |
$15.00 |
Cross Connection Notice 3 |
$45.00 |
Cross Connection Termination |
$50.00 |
Cross Connection Reactivation |
$35.00 |
Service Termination |
Sawed or Cut Off Lock |
$175.00 |
Service Termination Charge |
$50.00 |
Service Termination Notice |
$15.00 |
Reactivation Charge |
$35.00 |
Unauthorized Reactivation Charge |
$175.00 |
Fire Hydrant |
Fire Hydrant Meter Refundable Deposit |
$2,500.00 |
Fire Hydrant Meter Permit Fee up to 60 Days |
$100.00 |
Fire Hydrant Meter Daily Rental Fee |
$10.00 |
Fire Hydrant Usage per 100 Cubic Feet Highest Tier |
$7.20 |
Unauthorized Fire Hydrant Use |
Minimum $750.00 |
Equipment |
Hourly Rate |
Vehicle/Truck |
$29.00 |
Special Service Van |
$42.00 |
Dump Truck |
$63.00 |
Trailer |
$12.00 |
Backhoe |
$87.00 |
Small Equipment – Gas/Electric or Battery Powered |
$18.00 |
Air Compressor |
$29.00 |
Generator |
$76.00 |
Other, per Current FEMA Schedule |
Varies |
Labor |
Hourly Rate |
Annually increased based on the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the greater Seattle area for the 12-month period of July 1st to June 30th. The annual CPI adjustment is not less than zero percent and does not exceed five percent. |
Field Staff |
$128.00 |
Operations Supervision |
$162.00 |
Construction Inspection Staff |
$128.00 |
Customer Service/Administrative Staff |
$106.00 |
Digital Mapping Staff |
$104.00 |
Water Meter Installation |
Developer Meter Drop-In Rate |
5/8" meter |
$439.00 |
3/4" meter |
$505.00 |
1" meter |
$462.00 |
1-1/2" meter |
$1,674.00 |
2" meter |
$1,531.00 |
Over 2" meter |
Total estimated cost as determined by the district |
District Water Service and Meter Installation |
5/8" meter |
$4,476.00 |
3/4" meter |
$4,506.00 |
1" meter |
$4,515.00 |
Water service and meter installation larger than 1 inch to be installed by a developer extension. |
Total estimated cost as determined by the district |