Chapter 17.14
17.14.010 Chart of lot requirements.
17.14.010 Chart of lot requirements.
Lot requirements are as set out in the following table:
Table 17.14.010
Chart of Lot Requirements
Zones |
Requirements |
R-1 |
R-2 |
Suburban |
Commercial |
Industrial |
Public Use |
Minimum lot size (square feet) |
5,000 |
5,000 |
1 acre |
Density (number of units) per acre |
1 |
Maximum lot coverage (% of lot) |
50 |
50 |
25 |
90 |
90 |
90 |
Minimum square footage of residence |
1,000 |
800 |
1,000 |
Minimum size (manufactured homes only) |
24'×40' |
24'×40' |
24'×40' |
Maximum building height |
30' |
30' |
30' |
35' |
35' |
35' |
Maximum sidewall height for nonresidential structures |
14' |
14' |
14' |
Minimum lot width (feet) |
50' |
50' |
Alley frontage setback (accessory buildings) |
2' |
2' |
2' |
0' |
10' |
10' |
Street frontage setback |
20' |
20' |
20' |
Interior lot line setback (bordering neighboring lots) |
10' |
10' |
10' |
Corner lot setback (minimum) |
15' |
15' |
15' |
Main living unit – rear (minimum) |
20' |
20' |
20' |
This chart lists the various minimum requirements for lots within the various zones. To modify any of these requirements requires the application for a variance (Chapter 17.84 DMC).
(1) For a multifamily dwelling having two stories, the minimum lot area shall be 3,000 square feet plus 1,500 square feet for each dwelling unit over one.
(2) Lot width shall be a minimum of 50 feet where an alley is provided or 75 feet where no alley is provided as described in DMC 16.16.030.
(3) Lot depth shall be a minimum of 100 feet.
(4) For a new subdivision plat where lots are unable to conform with the minimum lot standards as listed in Table 17.14.010, Chart of Lot Requirements, a lot width-to-depth ratio shall be considered. If approved by city council and at the recommendation of the planning commission, the nonconforming lots shall be a minimum ratio of one to one and a maximum of one to three while maintaining a minimum of 5,000 square feet per lot. (Ord. 1120 § 2, 2017; Ord. 992 § 1, 2007; Ord. 731 § 1, 1993; Ord. 708 § 2, 1992; Ord. 669, 1990).