Chapter 18.20


18.20.010    Intent.

18.20.020    Permitted uses.

18.20.030    Conditional uses.

18.20.040    Building site area.

18.20.050    Yards.

18.20.060    Height limit.

18.20.070    Off-street parking.

18.20.080    Signs.

18.20.010 Intent.

The R-1A zone is intended to comprise single-family low density residential areas where such development is desirable. Regulations are designed to stabilize and protect the essential single-family nature of the R-1A zone. The R-1A zone intends to retain the semirural character of the area through the preservation of open space. Certain essential and complementary uses are also permitted under conditions and standards which assure their compatibility with the character of the R-1A zone. (Ord. 583 § 13, 1990; Ord. 394 § 2.14.02, 1981)

18.20.020 Permitted uses.

In the R-1A zone, the following uses shall be permitted:

A. All agricultural uses, except for the raising of swine and goats; provided, that no nuisance such as noise, odors, air pollution, wastes, vibrations, traffic or physical hazards shall result therefrom; and provided, that fencing and housing adequate to contain livestock shall be provided where livestock are kept, and all livestock shall be kept and maintained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations;

B. Single-family dwellings including new manufactured homes that are also designated manufactured homes, or modular homes (mobile homes are not permitted);

C. Parks, playgrounds, golf courses and similar public or private uses;

D. Public utilities;

E. Commercial nurseries and greenhouses;

F. Home occupations;

G. Accessory buildings, such as are ordinarily appurtenances to single-family dwellings or necessary as described in subsection A of this section; provided, that any such building must be located on the lot in accordance with DPMC 18.08.020; and provided also, that all such buildings shall have exteriors compatible with those of the primary dwellings in the R-1A zone. In addition, such exteriors must be completed and finished within 90 days following issuance of a building permit for such building, or within 90 days of the date of the beginning of construction of such building, whichever may be the earlier. One private garage structure shall also be specifically permitted; provided, that it meets the requirements of DPMC 18.20.050;

H. Gardening or fruit raising. (Ord. 974 § 1, 2018: Ord. 605 p.5, 1991; Ord. 583 § 14, 1990; Ord. 394 § 2.14.04, 1981)

18.20.030 Conditional uses.

The following conditional uses may be permitted within the R-1A zone through the granting of a conditional use permit:

A. Houses of religious worship including, but not limited to, churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, convents, and related uses;

B. Schools of either a public or private nature;

C. Hospitals and nursing homes;

D. Cemeteries and mausoleums;

E. Public uses;

F. Bed and breakfast inns. (Ord. 826 § 1, 2005; Ord. 722 § 73, 1998; Ord. 583 § 15, 1990; Ord. 394 § 2.14.06, 1981)

18.20.040 Building site area.

The maximum allowable residential density per net usable acre in the R-1A zone, which density shall exclude streets, alleys, and other rights-of-way and sites not used for residential purposes, shall be dictated by the degree of influence on the project site by critical area considerations in accordance with the criteria herein.

A. Net residential densities on sites with recognized erosion and landslide potential in accordance with DPMC 18.70.110 shall be:

Current Slope

Maximum Net Density

Minimum Lot Area


0.0 – 3.0%

3.63 dwellings per acre

12,000 sq. ft.

3.1 – 6.0%

2.42 dwellings per acre

18,000 sq. ft.

6.1 – 9.0%

1.81 dwellings per acre

24,000 sq. ft.

9.1 – 12.0%

1.45 dwellings per acre

30,000 sq. ft.

12.1 – 15.0%

1.21 dwellings per acre

36,000 sq. ft.

15.1% or over

1.04 dwellings per acre

42,000 sq. ft.

B. For sites subject to flooding potential in accordance with DPMC 18.70.100, and/or subject to shoreline management requirements in accordance with DPMC 18.70.105, and/or influenced by wetland resources in accordance with DPMC 18.70.130, net residential densities shall be predicated upon the buffer designations set forth in DPMC 18.70.140 as follows:

Buffer Category

Maximum Net Density

Minimum Lot Area



2.42 dwellings per acre    

18,000 sq. ft.


1.45 dwellings per acre

30,000 sq. ft.


1.21 dwellings per acre

36,000 sq. ft.


1.04 dwellings per acre

42,000 sq. ft.

C. Where a combination of critical area considerations influence a particular development site, the density of development shall adhere to the most restrictive provisions of this section.

D. Where any applicable portion of this or any other title or section imposes a greater restriction or regulation upon buildings, structures, and/or uses, than are imposed by this section of this title, the most restrictive provisions shall apply.

E. Each lot or parcel shall have a minimum width at the fronting street property line of 60 feet on a public street or highway.

F. The maximum site coverage for all buildings and structures, driveways, and similar impervious surfaces and other disturbed surfaces shall be as follows:

Current and/or Slope

Buffer Category

Maximum Coverage/



0.0 – 6.0%

No. 4


6.1 – 12.0%

No. 3


12.1 – 15.0%

No. 2


15.1% or over

No. 1


G. Any owner of a lot, tract, or parcel of less than the minimum sizes set forth in this section and equal to or greater than 5,000 square feet who acquired his or her interest prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter may be granted a building permit authorizing construction on his or her lot, parcel, or tract, provided the total of the area of all buildings and structures and driveways and similar impervious surfaces and other disturbed areas on the property does not exceed 40 percent of the area of the lot, parcel, or tract. (Ord. 722 § 74, 1998; Ord. 583 § 16, 1990; Ord. 394 § 2.14.08, 1981)

18.20.050 Yards.

A. Front Yards. There shall be a front yard minimum depth of 25 feet or more. On corner lots which abut alleys the side yard on the flanking street along all but the front 30 feet may be reduced to a minimum depth of five feet; except where carports or garages are entered from the flanking street, the carport or garage shall be set back a minimum distance of 15 feet from the property line.

B. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard minimum depth of 10 feet.

C. Side Yard Abutting Interior Lot Lines. There shall be a side yard of not less than five feet in width on one interior side lot line, and a side yard of not less than 10 feet in width on the opposite interior side lot line; provided, however, that on a lot presently having a width of less than 60 feet as shown on a conveyance of record, there shall be a side yard on each interior side lot line of not less than five feet in width. Lots having access on a dedicated and improved alley contiguous with the rear lot line may provide a minimum side yard of five feet on each side of the lot.

D. Interior Side Yard of Corner Lots. The interior side yard of a corner lot shall be not less than five feet in width. (Ord. 394 § 2.14.10, 1981)

18.20.060 Height limit.

No building shall exceed a height of 35 feet. (Ord. 394 § 2.14.12, 1981)

18.20.070 Off-street parking.

Two covered and enclosed off-street parking spaces per residence shall be provided. All parking areas and driveway approaches which lead onto a street shall be paved. Parking for other uses shall be governed by Chapter 18.74 DPMC. (Ord. 722 § 75, 1998; Ord. 583 § 35, 1990; Ord. 394 § 2.14.14, 1981)

18.20.080 Signs.

No billboard signs shall be permitted in the R-1A zone. (Ord. 583 § 17, 1990; Ord. 394 § 2.14.16, 1981)