Chapter 18.52
18.52.040 Property development standards.
18.52.050 Mobile home placement.
18.52.060 General regulations.
18.52.010 Intent.
The MHP zone comprises areas developed or suitable for development for placement and occupancy of mobile homes, manufactured homes, designated manufactured homes, or modular homes for residential purposes or rented or leased sites in mobile home parks. Regulations are designed to establish, stabilize and protect the residential character of the zone and to prohibit all incompatible activities. Regulations are intended to encourage multifamily density residential areas. Certain essential and complementary uses are also permitted under conditions and standards which assure protection of the character of the zone. (Ord. 1009 § 1, 2022; Ord. 605 p.7 § 1, 1991; Ord. 394 § 2.30.02, 1981)
18.52.020 Permitted uses.
The following uses shall be permitted in the MHP zone:
A. One independent trailer, mobile home, manufactured home, designated manufactured home, or modular home per lot space;
B. Dependent trailers, travel trailers, recreational vehicles, camping trailers, if to be sited in a mobile home park, shall be in a separate section from independent trailers and comply with the provisions of Chapter 18.58 DPMC. (Ord. 1009 § 1, 2022; Ord. 605 p.7 § 2, 1991; Ord. 583 § 29, 1990; Ord. 394 § 2.30.04, 1981)
18.52.030 Accessory uses.
Accessory uses permitted in a MHP zone shall be as follows:
A. One attached carport or one detached garage, one attached cabana or covered patio, and one attached or detached storage room per mobile home, manufactured home, designated manufactured home, or modular home;
B. Community recreation, laundry, boat or travel trailer storage facilities serving residents;
C. Management offices and storage facilities;
D. Attached rooms providing that setback standards are adhered to. (Ord. 605 p.7 § 3, 1991; Ord. 394 § 2.30.06, 1981)
18.52.040 Property development standards.
Property development standards for mobile home parks shall be as follows:
A. Minimum area shall be five acres;
B. Maximum building height shall be two stories or 25 feet, whichever is greater;
C. Minimum net site area shall be:
1. Per mobile home, manufactured home, designated manufactured home, or modular home: 3,000 square feet;
2. Per camping vehicle: 2,000 square feet;
D. Minimum setback of any building or mobile home, manufactured home, designated manufactured home, or modular home from any public street line shall be 25 feet;
E. Minimum setback of any building or mobile home, manufactured home, designated manufactured home, or modular home from the property line shall be 25 feet;
F. A 25-foot buffer zone, not to be used as required yard space for a mobile home, manufactured home, designated manufactured home, or modular home with sight-obscuring fence or landscaping six feet in height around the entire perimeter of the park shall be provided. (Ord. 1009 § 1, 2022; Ord. 605 p.7 § 4 and p.8 § 5, 1991; Ord. 394 § 2.30.08, 1981)
18.52.050 Mobile home placement.
Placement of a mobile home on the individual site shall be as follows:
A. Minimum setback from private access streets shall be 10 feet.
B. Minimum Distance Between Mobile Homes.
1. Between two opposing sides or between a side and an opposing end or between a mobile home and a detached accessory building shall be an average of 20 feet with a minimum distance of 10 feet between any mobile home and accessory building;
2. Between two opposing ends of mobile homes shall be 10 feet.
C. Minimum side yard on the side of a mobile home, manufactured home, designated manufactured home, or modular home having no doors shall be one foot, except where abutting a property line or a public street.
D. All previously occupied mobile homes, manufactured homes, designated manufactured homes, or modular homes shall be inspected by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries and brought up to the most recent HUD specifications before being granted an occupancy permit. Prior to occupancy, even those having a HUD certificate must first be approved by the city building inspector to determine whether through misuse, neglect, alterations, or accident the mobile home, manufactured home, designated manufactured home, or modular home has fallen below safety and livability standards of the Uniform Building Code. All new mobile homes, manufactured homes, designated manufactured homes, or modular homes must meet HUD and Uniform Building Code requirements. All fees must be paid.
E. All mobile homes, manufactured homes, designated manufactured homes, or modular homes must meet the tiedown and all weather/fire-resistant requirements of the Uniform Building Code, and WAC 296-150B-250 concerning anchoring systems. (Ord. 605 p.8 § 6 and p.9 § 7, 1991; Ord. 394 § 2.30.10, 1981)
18.52.060 General regulations.
An application for a change of zone to the MHP zone shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 18.100 DPMC and with the Type III (quasi-judicial) application procedures set forth in DPMC Title 19. If a park is proposed to be established on a site already in the MHP zone, the plans for such park shall be processed as a Type II (administrative) application in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and DPMC Title 19.
A. Site plans shall be reviewed by the director and approved by the planning commission;
B. Attached accessory buildings shall meet all yard requirements for the mobile home, manufactured home, designated manufactured home, or modular home itself;
C. Expandable sections of mobile homes, manufactured homes, designated manufactured homes, or modular homes shall be considered a part of the mobile home, manufactured home, designated manufactured home, or modular home proper;
D. All utility distribution and service lines located within the boundaries of a mobile home park, including electric power, water supply, sewage disposal, natural gas, telephone and television cable, shall be installed underground in accordance with applicable city codes;
E. Private access streets within the park shall have a minimum pavement width of 30 feet measured between curb faces;
F. Every mobile home, manufactured home, designated manufactured home, or modular home shall be permanently connected to electric power, water supply, sewage disposal, natural gas, and telephone service lines in compliance with applicable city codes;
G. Mobile homes, manufactured homes, designated manufactured homes, or modular homes shall be considered single-family units and shall provide adequate on-site parking for at least two vehicles;
H. Mobile home parks are encouraged to have an entrance on an arterial, and there must be a paved access to pavement;
I. A mobile home park shall contain walkways to and from all community services, recreational facilities, and schools. Such walkways shall be adequately hard-surfaced, lighted, and shall be at least five feet in width, except that sidewalk width may be reduced to three feet where five-foot by five-foot clear passing spaces exist at a minimum interval of 200 feet;
J. All refuse shall be stored in watertight, insect-proof, rodent-proof containers. When central refuse pickup points are used, screening shall be provided as detailed herein, and no mobile home lot shall be more than 150 feet from a central refuse pickup point. All outdoor refuse storage areas shall be screened on all sides from public view and, at a minimum, shall be enclosed on three sides with a six-foot-high concrete block or masonry wall, or a solid fence, with a solid gate for access installed on the fourth side.
K. One freestanding sign per access/egress point shall be provided. (Ord. 831 § 12, 2006; Ord. 722 § 120, 1998; Ord. 605 p.9 § 8, 1991; Ord. 394 § 2.30.12, 1981)
18.52.070 Park management.
The person who operates a mobile home park shall operate the park in compliance with the rules and regulations issued hereunder and Uniform Building Codes, and shall provide adequate supervision to maintain the park, its facilities and equipment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition.
A. The operator shall notify park occupants of all applicable provisions of these rules and regulations and inform the occupants of their duties and responsibilities;
B. The operator shall supervise the placement and removal of each mobile home on its lot and shall in particular supervise and ascertain that all code requirements for the connection of the mobile homes to sewer, water and electrical connections have been met;
C. The operator shall not allow the owner or person in charge of a dog, cat or other pet animal to permit it to run at large or to commit any nuisance within the limits of any mobile home park;
D. Occupied and unoccupied mobile home space shall be well maintained;
E. All mobile home units shall have fire-resistant skirting around the lower part of the mobile home covering the wheels and undercarriage. Each skirting shall provide at least one opening door or removable panel for inspection purposes;
F. Mobile home parks shall provide open space and recreational areas. (Ord. 974 § 1, 2018: Ord. 394 § 2.30.14, 1981)