Chapter 19.27
19.27.030 Design zones designated.
19.27.040 Franchise application.
19.27.050 Application and designation of facilities.
19.27.060 Implementation – Right-of-way permits for small cell deployment.
19.27.080 Right-of way permit for small cells and deviations.
19.27.090 Amendments to the franchise agreement.
19.27.110 Review of wireless communications facilities other than small cell deployments.
19.27.120 Ground-mounted equipment – ADA compliance required.
19.27.130 Small cell facilities in undergrounded areas or design zones.
19.27.140 Compliance with state processing limitations.
19.27.150 Determination that an application is not an eligible facilities request.
19.27.160 Additional review procedures.
19.27.010 Overview.
In order to manage its right-of-way in a thoughtful manner, the city of Enumclaw has adopted this process for the deployment of small cell and microcell technology. The process balances the need to accommodate new and evolving technologies with the preservation of the natural and aesthetic environment of the city while complying with the requirements of state and federal law. Service providers who seek to utilize the public right-of-way for small cell deployment in order to provide wireless communication, data transmission or other related services to the citizens of the city must have a valid franchise to provide the specific service seeking to utilize the right-of-way and a right-of-way permit to deploy the technology. Entities with franchises who wish to utilize a small cell deployment to upgrade or expand their existing services shall utilize the processes set forth in this chapter to deploy their technology and obtain design approval of specific installations. The right-of-way permit process administers deployment under the franchise. An entity without a franchise shall apply for a franchise and adjunct right-of-way permit which shall be processed concurrently as one master permit within the meaning of RCW 35.99.010(3) and 35.99.030. For entities with a valid franchise, see EMC 19.27.050.
A. Nothing in this chapter revises or diminishes the rights and obligations of an existing franchise.
B. The term “small cell deployment” shall include the deployment of small cell facilities, microcells and small cell networks as those terms are defined by RCW 80.36.375. Small cell deployment elements which require SEPA review may utilize these processes only in conjunction with SEPA review.
C. Existing franchisees with franchises that do not specifically permit small cell and/or microcell deployment shall be required to either amend their existing franchise or enter into a new franchise with the city. (Ord. 2642 § 1, 2018).
19.27.020 Definitions.
“Antenna height” is the vertical distance measured from the average building elevation to the highest point of the antenna, or, if on a rooftop or other structure, from the top of the roof or structure to the highest point of the antenna. For replacement structures, antenna height is measured from the top of the existing structure to the highest point of the antenna or new structure, whichever is greater.
“Approved small cell facility” is any small cell facility that has received all required permits.
“Base station” is a structure or equipment as a fixed location that enables FCC-licensed or authorized wireless communications between user and equipment and a communications network. The term does not encompass a tower as defined herein nor any equipment associated with a tower. Base stations include, without limitation:
1. Equipment associated with wireless communications services as well as unlicensed wireless services and fixed wireless services such as microwave backhaul.
2. Radio transceivers, antennas, coaxial or fiber-optic cable, regular and backup power supplies, and comparable equipment, regardless of technological configuration (including distributed antenna systems (“DAS”) and small cell networks).
3. Any structure other than a tower that, at the time the relevant application is filed with the city under this chapter, supports or houses equipment described in subsections (1) and (2) of this definition that has been reviewed and approved under the applicable zoning or siting process, or under another state or location regulatory review process, even if the structure was not built for the sole or primary purpose of providing that support.
4. The term does not include any structure that, at the time the relevant application is filed with the city under this section, does not support or house equipment described in subsections (1) and (2) of this definition.
“Co-locate” means to mount more than one wireless communication antenna or similar equipment on a single wireless support structure.
“Colocation” is when more than one wireless communications provider mounts equipment on a single support structure (e.g., structure, monopole, lattice tower). For the purpose of an eligible facilities request the director shall refer to the mounting or installation of transmission equipment on an eligible support structure for the purpose of transmitting and/or receiving radio frequency signals for communication purposes.
“Concealment elements” is transmission facilities designed to look like some feature other than a wireless tower or base station or which minimizes the visual impact of an antenna by use of nonreflective materials, appropriate colors and/or a concealment canister.
“Eligible facilities request” is a request for modification of an existing tower or base station that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station, involving:
1. Colocation of new transmission equipment;
2. Removal of transmission equipment; or
3. Replacement of transmission equipment.
“Eligible support structure” is a tower or base station as defined in this section, provided that it is existing at the time relevant application is filed with the city.
“Equipment structure” is a facility, shelter, cabinet or vault used to house and protect electronic or other associated equipment necessary for processing wireless communications signals. “Associated equipment” may include, for example, air conditioning, backup power supplies and emergency generators.
Existing. A constructed tower or base station is existing if it has been reviewed and approved under the applicable zoning or siting process, or under another state or local regulatory review process; provided, that a tower that has not been reviewed because it was not in a zoned areas when it was built, but was lawfully constructed, is existing for purposes of this section.
“Microcells” is defined in accord with RCW 80.36.375.
“Service provider” is defined in accord with RCW 35.99.010(6). Service provider shall include those infrastructure companies that provide telecommunications services or equipment to enable the deployment of personal wireless services.
“Site, wireless communication facility” is defined as towers other than towers in the public rights-of-way, the current boundaries of the leased or owner property surrounding the tower and any access or utility easements currently related to the site, and, for other eligible support structures, further restricted to that area in proximity to the structure and to other transmission equipment already deployed on the ground.
“Small cell” and “small cell network” are defined in accord with RCW 80.36.375.
“Substantial change” is a modification that substantially changes the physical dimensions of an eligible support structure if it meets any of the following criteria:
1. For towers other than towers in the public rights-of-way, it increases the height of the tower by more than 10 percent or by the height of one additional antenna array with separation from the nearest existing antenna not to exceed 20 feet, whichever is greater; for other eligible support structures, it increases the height of the structure by more than 10 percent or more than 10 feet, whichever is greater;
2. For towers other than towers in the public rights-of-way, it involves adding an appurtenance to the body of the tower that would protrude from the edge of the tower more than 20 feet, or more than the width of the tower structure at the level of the appurtenance, whichever is greater; for the other eligible support structures, it involves adding an appurtenance to the body of the structure that would protrude from the edge of the structure by more than six feet;
3. For any eligible support structure, it involves installation of more than the standard number of new equipment cabinets for the technology involved, but not to exceed four cabinets; or, for towers in the public rights-of-way and base stations, it involves installation of any new equipment cabinets on the ground if there are no preexisting ground cabinets that are more than 10 percent larger in height or overall volume than any other ground cabinets associated with the structure;
4. It entails any excavation or deployment outside the current site;
5. It would defeat the concealment elements of the eligible support structure; or
6. It does not comply with conditions associated with the siting approval of the construction or modification of the eligible support structure or base station equipment; provided, however, that this limitation does not apply to any modification that is noncompliant only in a manner that would not exceed the thresholds identified above.
“Telecommunications service” is defined in accord with RCW 35.99.010(7).
“Tower” is any structure built for the sole or primary purpose of supporting any FCC-licensed or authorized antennas and their associated facilities, including structures that are constructed for wireless communications services including, but not limited to, private, broadcast, and public safety services, as well as unlicensed wireless services and fixed wireless services, such as microwave backhaul and the associated site.
“Transmission equipment” is equipment that facilitates transmission for any FCC-licensed or authorized wireless communication services, including, but not limited to, radio transceivers, antennas, coaxial or fiber-optic cable, and regular and backup power supply. The term includes equipment associated with wireless communications services including, but not limited to, private, broadcast, and public safety services, as well as unlicensed wireless services and fixed wireless services such as microwave backhaul.
“Undergrounded areas” is public rights-of-way in which wireline utilities have been located or relocated underground.
“Utility pole” is a structure designed and used primarily for the support of electrical wires, telephone wires, television cable, traffic signals, or lighting for streets, parking areas, or pedestrian paths. (Ord. 2642 § 1, 2018).
19.27.030 Design zones designated.
The following areas are hereby designated “design zones” for the purpose of this chapter. Design zones shall include the following districts:
A. Central Business District 1 and Central Business District 2 (CB1 and CB2); and
B. Highway Community Business (HCB); and
C. General Office District, General Office-Hospital and Hospital (GO, GO-H and H); and
D. Neighborhood Business District. (Ord. 2642 § 1, 2018).
19.27.040 Franchise application.
Applicants shall apply using the city’s franchise application form and submit a fee according to the city’s fee schedule to process an application for a franchise. The director of public works (“director”) is charged with administration of small cell deployments and other wireless communication review processes established under this title and EMC Title 12. All franchise applications shall designate the entire city right-of-way as the franchise boundary. (Ord. 2642 § 1, 2018).
19.27.050 Application and designation of facilities.
The following information shall be provided by all applicants for franchises seeking small cell deployment. Existing franchisees who seek to implement an existing franchise for small cell deployment shall provide the following information as a part of their right-of-way permit application:
A. The application shall identify and provide:
1. Specific locational information including GIS coordinates of all proposed small cell deployment facilities;
2. Whether and where small cell facilities are to be located on existing utility poles including city-owned light standards;
3. Whether the deployment will utilize replacement utility poles, new poles, towers, and/or other structures and where such replacement will take place;
4. Detailed schematics and visual renderings of the facilities; and
5. Agreement from third party provider allowing colocation of facilities.
B. Conduit and/or ground-mounted equipment necessary for and intended for use in the deployment shall also be specified regardless of whether these facilities are constructed by the applicant or leased from an infrastructure provider.
C. Failure to provide sufficient detail may result in a later need to request a deviation in the facility if significant elements of the facility were not shown on the originally approved franchise exhibit. Failure to include significant elements may also result in the requirement that new or undocumented elements complete the approval processes detailed in EMC 19.27.080. (Ord. 2642 § 1, 2018).
19.27.060 Implementation – Right-of-way permits for small cell deployment.
The rights granted under the franchise are implemented through the issuance of right-of-way permits. The franchise application may be accompanied by one or more applications for a right-of-way permit to deploy small cells. An initial franchise and all related right-of-way permit applications shall be processed concurrently as one master permit under Chapter 35.99 RCW.
A. Up to 20 sites may be specified in one right-of-way permit application for processing. At the discretion of the director, up to five additional sites may be included in order to consider small cell sites within one service area in one application.
B. Issuance of a right-of-way permit to install a small cell deployment shall be contingent upon approval of a franchise or the possession of a valid franchise.
C. If more than one application for a right-of-way permit is submitted by an applicant, they shall be considered in the order received. If multiple applications are submitted on the same date, the applicant shall indicate which application shall be considered first. All right-of-way permits which are submitted in conjunction with a franchise application shall be considered as one master permit. Any element of a deployment which qualifies as either an eligible facilities request or a colocation shall be specifically designated by the applicant and may be addressed separately by the director in order to comply with the shot clocks established by federal law.
D. The director may approve, deny or conditionally approve all or any portion of the sites proposed in the right-of-way permit application.
E. Any application for a right-of-way permit which contains an element which is not exempt from SEPA review shall simultaneously apply under Chapter 43.21C RCW and Chapter 15.14 EMC.
F. Radio Frequency (RF) Certification. The applicant shall submit a sworn affidavit signed by an RF engineer with knowledge of the proposed project affirming that the small cell deployment will be compliant with all FCC and other governmental regulations in connection with human exposure to radio frequency emissions for every frequency at which the small cell facility and associated wireless backhaul will operate. An existing franchisee applying for a right-of-way permit for small cell deployment shall provide an RF certification for all facilities included in the deployment which are to be installed by the franchisee. If facilities which produce RF radiation are necessary to the small cell deployment and will be provided by another franchisee, then the small cell deployment in the initial franchise or in a subsequent right-of-way permit shall be conditioned on an RF certification showing that the cumulative impact of the RF emissions from the entire installation meets federal requirements.
G. Regulatory Authorization. Issuance of the right-of-way permit for the facilities shall also be contingent upon the applicant’s provision of proof of FCC and other regulatory approvals required to provide the service(s) or utilize the technologies sought to be installed.
H. Completeness – Franchise and Small Cell Applications. The director or his/her designee shall review an application for completeness and notify the applicant within 30 days of submission whether the application is complete; provided, however, that an applicant may consent to a different completeness review period. A service provider may resubmit an application found incomplete within 90 days of notice by the director. Failure to resubmit an application in a timely manner shall be deemed an automatic withdrawal of that application. An applicant shall be notified in writing of the approval or denial of the application. No application shall be deemed complete without the required fee deposit. (Ord. 2642 § 1, 2018).
19.27.070 Review process.
The following provisions relate to applications for a franchise or right-of-way permit for small cell deployments:
A. Review of Facilities. Review of the site locations proposed by the applicant shall be governed by the provisions of 47 USC Sections 253 and 332 and applicable case law. Applicants for franchises and the right-of-way permits which implement the franchise shall be treated in a competitively neutral and nondiscriminatory manner with other service providers utilizing supporting infrastructure which is functionally equivalent, that is, service providers whose facilities are similarly situated in terms of structure, placement or cumulative impacts. Franchise and right-of-way permit review under this chapter shall neither prohibit nor have the effect of prohibiting the ability of an applicant to provide telecommunications services.
B. Concealment for Small Cell. In any zone not designated as a design zone the city will permit small cell deployment on existing or replacement utility poles conforming to the city’s generally applicable design standard pursuant to this chapter and in the franchise agreement. The design standards in this section seek to implement concealment of the small cell facilities. Accordingly, small cell facilities installed pursuant to this concealment authorization may be expanded pursuant to an eligible facilities request when the director determines that such expansion does not defeat the concealment elements of the facilities as outlined in this chapter. The applicable design standards are as follows:
1. Design Standards.
a. No Colocation. Each wooden utility pole may not contain more than one small cell facility.
b. Height Restrictions. All small cell facilities shall be in compliance with height restrictions applicable to poles and other structures as stated in EMC 19.26.060. The director may approve deviations as described in EMC 19.27.080.
c. New and Replacement Poles. The new or replacement poles shall match height, color and material of the original or adjacent poles and shall be subject to approval by the director. The director may approve deviations as described in EMC 19.27.080.
d. Interior Concealment. Whenever technologically feasible, antennas and equipment shall be fully concealed within the utility or light pole. When interior concealment is not possible, such as when attached to a wooden utility pole or due to American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, antennas and equipment shall be camouflaged to appear to be an integrated part of the utility or light pole.
e. Flush-Mounted Standoff Brackets or Pole-Top Antennas. In situations when interior concealment pursuant to subsection (B)(1)(d) of this section is not possible, installation of an antenna on a pole shall be flush mounted, if feasible, or located at the top of the pole. Flush mounting includes using brackets that offset the inside edge of such equipment from the utility pole by 12 inches or less, except as otherwise required by the pole owner or a controlling electrical code such as the National Electrical Safety Code, National Electric Code or State Electrical Code and when approved by the city. Standoff brackets are permitted so long as the antennas are mounted as close to the pole as technically feasible, but no more than 12 inches off the pole.
f. Antenna Design. Antennas shall be located in an enclosure of no more than three cubic feet in volume, or in case of an antenna that has exposed elements, the antenna and all of its exposed elements could fit within an imaginary enclosure of no more than three cubic feet. No more than four antennas are permitted on a single utility pole and with a total volume not to exceed nine cubic feet.
g. Primary Equipment Enclosure Location and Dimensions. The applicant shall minimize the primary equipment enclosure space and use the smallest amount of enclosure possible to fit the necessary equipment. The primary equipment enclosure shall be located using one of the following methods:
i. Concealed completely within the pole or pole base. If within the pole base, the base shall meet the ADA requirements and not impact the pedestrian access route.
ii. Located on a pole. If located on a pole, the equipment enclosure shall be 17 cubic feet or less in size.
iii. Underground in a utility vault. If located underground, the access lid to the primary equipment enclosure shall be located outside the footprint of any pedestrian curb ramp and shall have a nonskid surface meeting ADA requirements if located within an existing pedestrian access route.
iv. On private property. If located on private property, the applicant shall submit a copy of an executed easement or lease agreement with the private property owner. In addition, if the private property is zoned residential, the applicant shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 18.05 EMC.
h. Material and Color. Small cell facility antennas, conduit, mounting hardware and cabinets shall be painted to match the color of the pole and shall be nonreflective.
i. No Illumination. Small cell facilities shall not be illuminated.
j. Generators and Backup Battery. Applicant shall not install any generators or backup battery power.
k. Underground Areas and Design Zone Aesthetics. The design plans for all small cell facilities in design zones shall be compatible with the character and aesthetics of the neighborhoods, plazas, boulevards, parks, public spaces, and commercial districts located in whole or in part within the design zone. Applicant shall propose design concepts and the use of camouflage or stealth materials, as necessary to blend its installations with the overall character of the design zone. Applicants are encouraged to meet with the city prior to submitting a concealment element plan subject to this section and EMC 19.27.130.
Examples of a well-designed small cell facility
Examples of a poorly designed small cell facility
2. Third Party Requirements.
a. All installations of small cell facilities must have permission from the pole/structure owner to install facilities on such structure.
b. Governing Construction or Electrical Code. All installations of small cell facilities shall comply with any governing construction or electrical code such as the National Electrical Safety Code, the National Electric Code or State Electrical Code, as applicable. All installations of ground-mounted or replacement structures shall comply with the city’s adopted standards for construction in the right-of-way.
c. Electrical Connection. The city is not responsible for providing electricity to small cell facilities. Any third party utility providing such electricity must obtain a franchise from the city prior to operating in the rights-of-way.
d. Transport/Telecommunications Connection. The city is not responsible for providing transport connectivity (i.e., fiber) to small cell facilities. Any third party utility providing such transport connectivity must obtain a franchise from the city prior to operating in the rights-of-way.
C. Design Review. Small cell deployment in design zones and underground areas, as well as certain new or replacement facilities are subject to the design requirements provided for in the approved franchise and in this section and EMC 19.27.130. (Ord. 2642 § 1, 2018).
19.27.080 Right-of way permit for small cells and deviations.
A. The director shall review applications for a right-of-way permit for a small cell deployment approved by a franchise or described in a concurrent franchise application. Deviations of the plans submitted may be approved by the director if the dimensions or volume of small cell facilities do not exceed the cumulative total provided by the definition of a small cell or microcell facility in RCW 80.36.375 and concealment technologies referenced in the exhibits to the franchise or design standards. A deviation may be approved by the director in the following circumstances:
1. An increase in height exceeding 10 feet above the top of the existing pole if required by the utility company for safety and/or operational purposes. The replacement pole shall be installed by the utility company.
2. Replacement components of an existing, approved small cell facility, and the addition of antennas on a pole that exceed a cumulative total of nine cubic feet shall be considered a deviation. Provided, however, that in each instance the replacement components are consistent with the intent of the concealment features set by city’s generally applicable pole design standard adopted pursuant to the franchise, or EMC 19.27.070.
B. Right-of-way permits to install small cell facilities including approval of deviations shall be processed within 90 days of receipt of a complete application and final approval of a franchise, whichever occurs last. A right-of-way use permit for small cell deployment is a police power regulation adopted pursuant to RCW 35.99.040(2) and accordingly is not subject to the 30-day use permit issuance requirement contained in RCW 35.99.030(2).
C. The decision of the director to approve or deny a right-of-way permit for a small cell facility with a deviation, if any, shall be final and is not subject to appeal under city code or further legislative review. (Ord. 2642 § 1, 2018).
19.27.090 Amendments to the franchise agreement.
A new pole or expansion beyond the dimensions or volume of small cell facility which exceeds the cumulative total provided by the definition of a small cell or microcell facility in RCW 80.36.375 shall require an amendment to the franchise agreement. (Ord. 2642 § 1, 2018).
19.27.110 Review of wireless communications facilities other than small cell deployments.
Wireless communication facilities other than small cell deployment in the public right-of-way shall be reviewed pursuant to Chapter 19.26 EMC. (Ord. 2642 § 1, 2018).
19.27.120 Ground-mounted equipment – ADA compliance required.
In areas of the city where overhead utility lines have been undergrounded (undergrounded areas), in designated design zones (see EMC 19.27.030), and in other areas where necessary to permit full use of the public right-of-way by pedestrians, bicycles and other users, all ground-mounted equipment shall be undergrounded in a vault meeting the city’s construction standards. The location of ground-mounted equipment (to the extent undergrounding such equipment is not technologically feasible), a replacement pole or street light shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), city development standards, and state and federal regulations in order to provide a clear and safe passage within the public right-of-way. Ground-mounted equipment is also permitted on private property adjacent to the public right-of-way with a recorded easement or lease agreement. (Ord. 2642 § 1, 2018).
19.27.130 Small cell facilities in undergrounded areas or design zones.
A. Replacement poles over 45 feet in height and new street lights for small cell facilities to be constructed in any undergrounded area or design zone are permitted only when the applicant establishes that:
1. The small cell facility cannot be located on an electrical transmission tower or on a site outside of the public right-of-way such as a public park, public property, or in or on a nonresidential use in a residential zone whether by roof or panel-mount or separate structure; and
2. The proposed facility complies with an approved stealth installation plan as described in this section for an undergrounded area or design zone; and
3. The facilities shall comply with critical areas requirements and SEPA, if applicable; and
4. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the owner of any new or replacement utility pole and/or street light within the public right-of-way and provide an executed copy of the agreement to the city prior to right-of-way permit issuance.
B. Stealth Installation Plan Required. Applications for proposed installations in underground areas and design zones which deviate from existing city design standards (or if the city has not created a design standard for that particular area) shall be required to submit a stealth installation plan. Such plan shall include the design of the screening, fencing or other concealment technology for a base station, tower, utility pole, or equipment structure, and all related transmission equipment or facilities associated with the proposed wireless facility, including but not limited to fiber and power connections.
1. Purpose of Stealth Installation Plan, Generally. Stealth installation plans should seek to minimize the visual obtrusiveness of installations using methods including, but not limited to, integrating the installation with architectural features or building design components, utilization of coverings or concealment devices of similar material, color and texture – or the appearance thereof – as the surface against which the installation will be seen or on which it will be installed.
2. Other stealth approaches may include, but not be limited to, use of architectural concealment products, fencing or screening materials, and where appropriate, landscape design, or any other camouflage strategies appropriate for the type of installation. Additionally, the use of a stealth support or concealment device, such as a clock tower, steeple, flagpole, tree, street sign, or other applicable concealment structure may be approved.
3. The director shall apply this section, as well as all design requirements applicable in the underground area or design zone in which an installation is proposed.
4. Review of Stealth Installation Plan for Nonsubstantial Change Colocations. Where a proposed colocation does not constitute a substantial change, a stealth installation plan shall be subject to ministerial review to ensure the proposed colocation does not defeat the concealment features approved as part of the initial installation at that location.
5. Review of Stealth Installation Plan for Initial Installations and Substantial Change Colocations. For initial installations and substantial change colocations in underground areas and design zones, the director shall conduct an administrative review of stealth installation plans for compliance with this section and all applicable city design guidelines.
C. Replacement Utility Pole – Street Lighting. With the director’s approval, a replacement utility pole or a request for a new utility pole may be permitted in the form of a new street light. The design of the street light shall be in accordance with the examples below, subject to the director’s approval. Replacement utility poles/street light standards located within a design zone shall conform to the adopted streetscape design standard for the design zone. Wherever technologically feasible, all equipment and cabling shall be internal to the replacement street lighting standard. See examples below.
D. Undergrounded Areas. It is the policy of the city that all utilities shall be underground in areas that are currently undergrounded. No new utility poles shall be erected in undergrounded areas. The applicant may request to install a new street light as provided in EMC 19.27.140 through 19.27.160.
E. Franchise and Small Cell Deployment Facility Approvals and Processes. Approval of a franchise, right-of-way permit and/or other approval referenced in this chapter are conditioned on the following requirements:
1. Satisfy applicable design requirements, including, but not limited to, noise and light regulations.
2. Comply with adopted design and concealment standards, applicable to replacement utility poles and new utility poles in a design zone or undergrounded areas.
3. Obtain the written approval of the owner of any utility pole for the installation of its facilities on such utility pole. Unless specifically provided for in a franchise agreement, approval of a franchise does not authorize attachment to city-owned utility poles or other structures.
4. Comply with all city construction standards and state and federal codes and standards when operating in the right-of-way and obtain a required permit to enter the right-of-way.
5. A right-of-way permit for small cell deployment which includes a facility not exempt from SEPA review shall be processed under the provisions of Chapter 15.14 EMC.
Small cell facilities approved pursuant to this chapter shall be considered as an outright permitted use when located within the right-of-way. See the permitted use matrix in Chapter 18.05 EMC. (Ord. 2642 § 1, 2018).
19.27.140 Compliance with state processing limitations.
Review of franchise and right-of-way permits shall comply with the provisions of RCW 35.99.030. Applications shall be reviewed, completeness determined and the time frame tolled as provided by law. A right-of-way use permit for small cell deployment is a police power regulation adopted pursuant to RCW 35.99.040(2) and accordingly is not subject to the 30-day use permit issuance requirement contained in RCW 35.99.030(2). (Ord. 2642 § 1, 2018).
19.27.150 Determination that an application is not an eligible facilities request.
A. The director may request additional information if necessary from the applicant to evaluate the application under other provisions of this chapter and applicable law.
B. If the director determines that the applicant’s request does not qualify as an eligible facilities request as defined in EMC 19.27.020, then the director shall deny the application. (Ord. 2642 § 1, 2018).
19.27.160 Additional review procedures.
Wireless communication facilities in design zones, shoreline management environments, undergrounded areas or critical areas are subject to review as provided in Chapters 19.26, Wireless Communication Facilities (WCF); 19.12, Design Regulations; 19.38, Mixed Use Development and Design Standards; 19.02, Critical Areas Regulations; and 15.36 EMC, Shoreline Master Program. See also Chapter 15.14 EMC regarding SEPA. (Ord. 2642 § 1, 2018).