Chapter 19.38
Article I. General Provisions
19.38.020 Applicability of mixed use design standards.
19.38.040 Application process and review.
19.38.050 Relationship of new to existing development.
Article II. Standards for Mixed Use Development within the Central Business 1 and Central Business 2 (CB-1 and CB-2) Zoning Districts
19.38.070 Building height and articulation.
19.38.080 Building design, materials, and colors.
19.38.150 Pedestrian and bicycle standards.
19.38.180 Adjacency to residential zones.
19.38.190 Compatibility with public improvements.
19.38.200 Mixed use development within the highway community business (HCB) overlay zone.
Article III. Standards for Mixed Use Development within the General Office (GO) Zoning District
19.38.220 Residential density and lot coverage.
19.38.250 Articulation and overall massing.
19.38.280 Parking requirements and layout.
19.38.300 Adjacency to residential zones.
Article IV. Affordable Housing Incentive
19.38.320 Voluntary provisions.
19.38.340 Defined affordable housing incentives.
19.38.350 Affordability provisions.
Article I. General Provisions
19.38.010 Purpose and intent.
The general purpose and intent of the mixed use development and design standards are as follows:
A. To help implement the vision of the city of Enumclaw’s comprehensive plan;
B. To promote development within the city’s central business and general office zoning districts and the HCB mixed use overlay zone that is compatible with the historic character and pedestrian orientation of Enumclaw, encouraging and requiring commercial development that enables the safe circulation of pedestrians with minimal vehicle/pedestrian conflicts, and provides a regional design that invites the pedestrian into ground floor commercial establishments;
C. To promote a distinct community and sense of place that strengthen the mixed use districts as commercial service destinations for Enumclaw’s residents and visitors;
D. To provide clear directions to public and private decision makers regarding the city’s property development expectations;
E. To require building design that is compatible with adopted requirements, while allowing design professionals guidance that is flexible and encourages creative solutions; and
F. To implement the recommendations of the city’s downtown enhancement action plan. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.020 Applicability of mixed use design standards.
This chapter shall apply to mixed use developments in the CB-1, CB-2, and GO zoning districts and the HCB mixed use overlay zone. The development requirements set forth in this chapter shall supersede development requirements found in EMC Titles 18 and 19.
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all mixed use development and redevelopment within the identified zoning districts. The degree to which each standard applies to a development/redevelopment project shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in an effort to achieve an overall design that meets the purpose and intent of the mixed use design standards.
The graphic examples are meant to be examples, and are not the only acceptable means towards accomplishing the intent of the standards. Applicants and project designers are encouraged to consider designs, styles and techniques not pictured in the examples that fulfill the intent of the design standard. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.030 Exceptions.
The requirements of the mixed use guidelines shall apply to all remodeling of, or additions to, existing structures, if the remodeling or addition exceeds 2,500 square feet. The requirements shall apply to any change in occupancy within an existing structure if the area affected by the change of occupancy exceeds 2,500 square feet. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.040 Application process and review.
City staff shall review all projects subject to these regulations prior to formal application through the development services review committee process.
A. Formal Application Process. Formal applications for review shall be submitted to the community development department (CDD) and shall consist of a completed application on a form prescribed by the CDD and the appropriate fee established by city council ordinance. It shall also be accompanied by:
1. Preliminary architectural renderings (elevations required with details of architectural features, but not construction documents);
2. The materials and colors of exterior siding, windows, trim, detailing, and roofing to be used;
3. All signage for the project, including scaled drawings, mounting details, color, and material samples;
4. Site plan including building setbacks, landscaping plant material details, parking, and overall project design layout.
B. Notice Requirements. There are no noticing requirements associated with mixed use development review per se, but noticing may be required if stipulated by another applicable city approval process such as a conditional use permit.
C. Design Review. The design review board shall convene during a scheduled meeting to review the project with the applicant, his/her representative, and community development department staff. The design review board meeting shall consist of a presentation of the project that focuses on how the proposed design meets the criteria of the Enumclaw Municipal Code. The board shall review the proposed project and shall make a determination whether to grant approval, approval with conditions, or denial.
The proponent may request additional meetings with staff and/or the board, for instance, in circumstances where a design has not been favorably received, and the applicant has subsequently made extensive revision and desires reconsideration of their request. Should the proposed project be found to have one or more code references that have not been successfully addressed, the board or staff will work with the applicant to remedy, if possible, the identified circumstance.
Any decision of the board may be appealed in writing within 15 days to the administrator of the development code. The administrator may make a decision or, if so determined, forward the issue to the city’s planning commission. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.050 Relationship of new to existing development.
A. All development proposals should show evidence of harmony with the site plan, arrangement of building forms and landscape design of neighboring properties. The degree to which neighboring sites and buildings must be considered in the design of a new project will depend upon the value, architectural quality and estimated tenure of improvements on the neighboring property, as well as the particular requirements of the new project. While a firm rule for design is not possible, every new proposal should demonstrate that it has considered the contextual influences of neighboring properties and has made a diligent effort to orchestrate careful relationships between old and new.
B. Site Planning.
1. The site organization should respect the arrangement of buildings, open spaces and landscape elements of adjacent sites. When possible, buildings and open spaces should be located for mutual advantage of sunlight, circulation, and views.
2. When feasible, new commercial projects should be linked to adjacent projects to encourage internal circulation by pedestrians and automobiles. This will reduce traffic loads on adjacent streets by reducing ingress and egress traffic. The method of linkage will depend on specific conditions of each site and project. The linkage could be as simple as a connecting sidewalk, or as extensive as shared driveways, access drives, and parking. When no development exists on the adjacent property, give consideration to its future disposition and how the two sites may develop a circulation linkage.
C. Architectural Design. Efforts to coordinate the actual and apparent height of adjacent structures are encouraged. This is especially applicable where buildings are located very close to each other. It is often possible to adjust the height of a wall, cornice or parapet line to match that of an adjacent building. Similar design linkages can be achieved to adjust the apparent height by placing window lines, belt courses or other horizontal elements in a pattern that reflects the same elements on neighboring buildings. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
Article II. Standards for Mixed Use Development within the Central Business 1 and Central Business 2 (CB‑1 and CB-2) Zoning Districts
19.38.060 Definition.
In the CB-1 and CB-2 zoning districts, mixed use development shall be defined as a building that contains nonresidential uses and residential uses. The ground floor shall be dedicated to nonresidential use. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.070 Building height and articulation.
A. Objective. The building shall be designed in a manner so that its height does not overwhelm the character and scale of other buildings in the CB-1 and CB-2 zones.
1. Building height shall not exceed 50 feet.
2. The building facade facing the primary street shall be stepped back above the second story or treated with the techniques enumerated in EMC 19.38.080(A)(10). (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.080 Building design, materials, and colors.
A. Objective. New development should preserve and be compatible with the city’s historic architectural heritage. Particular emphasis should be placed on achieving an intimate scale and a concern for craftsmanship. New developments, which are near or adjacent to older buildings of substantial historic character, should be respectful of the historic building. While not mimicking the older structure, the development should consider the compatibility of size, shape, scale, materials, details, textures, colors, and landscape features.
1. Roof design shall reduce the mass and scale of buildings, add visual interest and prevent reflective glare. Flat roofs shall have parapets to conceal the roof and mechanical equipment from ground level views.
2. Overhanging eaves are encouraged on sloped roofs.
3. Exterior siding consisting of wood, brick, and/or other materials with natural textures is encouraged. The use of recycled and ecologically friendly materials is also encouraged.
4. Exterior building materials shall be of similar type (e.g., wood or masonry) on all sides of a building, except that embellishments and details proposed for the street side frontage(s) of the building need not be carried through on other sides.
5. Building colors should be compatible with other buildings as well as natural features in the vicinity. The use of colors that emphasize earth tones typical of the Enumclaw area are encouraged. Bright colors should be minimized or used for minor architectural accents rather than on major portions of the building.
6. Composition. A traditional principle, which is often helpful in reducing building bulk and improving pedestrian scale, is to divide the mass of the structure into distinct horizontal parts. The parts should express a sense of base, midsection and top. This is especially helpful for three- story buildings, and can achieve a more sculptured building form.
a. The base may be a shaded element that establishes a strong visual relationship to the ground plane. A covered walkway or arcade set in shadow and carefully integrated with the total building form is one desirable method. Architectural detailing may also be used when a covered walkway is not appropriate.
b. The midsection is the “body” of the building. The preferred architectural character of the midsection is to treat it as an articulated surface with recessed windows or groupings of windows. Long or large wall surfaces with flush-mounted windows should be avoided.
c. The top story of the building should develop a lighter character. As a general principle, the upper story of the building should reduce its floor area and building mass.
7. Proportion and Scale. Proportion is defined as the relationship between parts of a building or building element. Scale is the relationship of the building to human size. Varied proportions are desired in the design of building elevations. The scale of building elements, especially at the pedestrian level, should be kept intimate and close to human size with relatively small parts.
8. Multistory buildings (three or four stories) are strongly encouraged. Residential development is permitted outright on upper floors and is encouraged.
9. When buildings include residences on upper floors, rooftop gardens and upper floor terraces and decks are encouraged.
10. Walls shall appear to be composed of relatively small increments. Walls may be articulated in two or more of the following ways:
a. Reveals;
b. Recesses of at least two feet in depth or five percent of wall length, whichever is larger;
c. Offsets;
d. Overhangs, porches and covered walkways;
e. Providing window and door openings with substantial trim elements;
f. Projecting bays;
g. Stepped-back upper floors. Buildings over two stories high may step back their upper story street-facing facades to reduce apparent height and bulk. The stepback should normally be at least six feet in depth;
Stepped-Back Upper Floors
h. Changes in roof form;
i. Changes in materials;
j. Permanently installed and maintained trellises or vegetation.
11. New development should locate windows, skylights, open spaces, and decks to take advantage of southern exposure. Buildings and canopies should be designed to utilize natural light to reduce energy costs.
12. Building placement and design shall consider shadow impacts to adjacent properties and minimize these impacts to the extent reasonable and practicable. For example, where building features are nonfunctional or decorative (parapets, unused attic space) such features should be reduced in scale where shadowing of adjacent properties would occur.
13. All signage shall conform to the provisions of Chapter 19.10 EMC, Signs. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.090 Building entrances.
A. Objective. The primary entrances of buildings shall be identified and highlighted through architectural details, lighting, and signage. The design of buildings shall enhance the relationship between buildings and streets by creating easily identifiable building entrances.
1. Entrances shall be visible from the adjoining primary street.
2. Techniques that may be used to highlight primary building entrances include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Recessed entry;
b. Glazed door;
c. Roof line emphasis;
d. Windows above entry;
e. Projecting sign above doorway, subject to sign code;
f. Canopy, marquee, or awning above entry;
g. Head molding or decorative lintel above doorway;
h. Contrasting, decorative finish materials; and
i. Street address posted prominently above or near the building entrance. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.100 Weather protection.
A. Objective. Buildings should provide protection for pedestrians from adverse weather conditions.
1. Overhangs, marquees, and awnings that provide protection for pedestrians and bicycle racks from adverse weather conditions should be incorporated at entrances, along pedestrian sidewalks, and at transportation waiting areas.
2. Enumclaw often experiences strong wind conditions. Doorways should be oriented or sheltered so that doors can be opened easily and safely when strong seasonal winds are present, where feasible. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.110 Transparency.
A. Objective. Buildings shall provide generous amounts of windows to create views into ground floors in order to provide visual interest to encourage pedestrian activity.
1. At sidewalk level, buildings must be primarily transparent. A minimum of 50 percent of all first floor facades with primary street frontage should consist of pedestrian entrances, display windows or windows affording views into retail, offices, gallery, restaurant, or lobby space. The building wall subject to transparency requirements shall include the portion between two feet and eight feet above the sidewalk. This standard shall also apply to the secondary street facades on corner lots. Windows are also encouraged on upper floors.
2. All glass in windows and doorways should be clear for maximizing visibility into stores. A minimal amount of neutral tinting of glass to achieve sun control is acceptable if the glass appears essentially transparent when viewed from the outside. Opaque and reflecting glass shall not be used.
3. Buildings and establishments where goods and services are not offered shall contain at least passive elements focused to the pedestrian. These may include architectural detailing, artwork, landscaped areas, or windows for public service use. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.120 Building setbacks.
A. Objective. Buildings shall be oriented towards the primary street frontage and/or sidewalks. Buildings on corner lots should be oriented towards the primary intersection.
1. Where properties front one or more streets, new buildings shall not be set back from the sidewalk, with the following exceptions:
a. Setbacks up to four feet may be used to highlight entrances and provide wider sidewalks.
b. A setback of up to 10 feet may be allowed for the purpose of providing landscaped public space that includes seating and/or other pedestrian amenities.
2. Buildings on corner lots should be oriented toward the primary intersection and the primary and secondary street frontages, while parking and auto access shall be located away from the primary intersection corners.
a. The use of lot corner entrances, plazas, signage, and/or landscaping is encouraged to accentuate corner sites.
b. Buildings may be separated from the sidewalk by plazas, landscaping, benches, bicycle racks, trash receptacles, and other pedestrian amenities.
(Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.130 Landscaping.
A. Objective. Landscaping shall be incorporated into new development designed to soften the manmade environment, provide vegetative buffers and open space. The preferred method of landscaping is to first incorporate and preserve existing trees and shrubs and other existing natural features into the project design.
1. All proposals must comply with the street tree standards of Chapter 12.21 EMC, Street Trees.
2. Landscaping in parking lots shall conform to requirements of Chapter 19.08 EMC, Landscape Regulations, and Chapter 19.14 EMC, Off-Street Parking, unless otherwise noted.
3. Landscaping techniques including living plant material, and supporting elements shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Landscape open areas created by building modulation.
b. Use plants that require low amounts of water, including native drought-resistant species.
c. Locate trees on storefront street frontages at appropriate spacing so that at maturity building signage and entrance are clearly visible from the street and sidewalk.
d. Plant a mix of evergreen and deciduous plants to maintain year-round color and interest.
e. Shrubs, grasses and other nontree vegetation shall be included in the plan as appropriate.
4. An irrigation method shall be included in the landscaping plan. Irrigation shall be required immediately after planting and May through October thereafter or as recommended by a landscape professional. Developers should consider installing underground irrigation systems whenever possible to avoid drought loss.
B. Optional landscaping techniques may also include where appropriate:
1. Providing frameworks such as trellises or arbors for plants;
2. Incorporating planter guards, retaining walls, or low planter walls as part of the architecture;
3. Incorporating upper story planter boxes, roof gardens, or plants;
4. Incorporating outdoor furniture into the landscaping plan. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.140 Parking.
A. Objective. Development shall minimize the impact of parking on the building’s relationship to the street, pedestrian-oriented character, and character of the neighborhood.
1. Off-street parking shall be provided for all residential units. Parking shall be provided at a rate of one space per dwelling unit.
2. New Development. Off-street parking shall be located to the rear of the building. Partial or full underground parking may be used.
3. Redevelopment. Parking lots shall be relocated behind buildings where feasible. Where parking lots are allowed to remain in front of or beside buildings, parking lots shall provide a five-foot-wide planting area between the parking lot and the street right-of-way.
4. Adjacent developments are encouraged to link parking areas and accessways in order to encourage combining of shopping trips and pedestrian activity and to reduce redundant driveways.
Intersection Corners of Primary Street Corners Are Not Appropriate Locations for Parking Lots
(Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.150 Pedestrian and bicycle standards.
A. Objective. Provide safe, bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly development.
1. Walkways shall be provided between the primary abutting street and the main pedestrian entrances to buildings.
2. The interruption of sidewalks by driveways should be minimized.
3. Pedestrian access shall be provided between commercial sites and adjacent areas.
4. Bicycle locking racks may be provided. Bicycle racks shall be located as closely as possible to primary building entrances.
B. Objective. Provide safe walkways for pedestrians through off-street parking lots and from adjacent streets and properties.
1. Pedestrian walkways in off-street parking lots shall be physically separated from vehicle travel lanes.
2. Pedestrian crossings should be short and well marked.
3. In large parking lots with multiple parallel rows of parking, direct primary vehicle traffic away from the building entrance; any traffic lanes adjacent to the building should be preserved primarily for emergency vehicle and pedestrian access to the building. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.160 Lighting.
A. Objective. Limit the amount and intensity of lighting to that necessary for safety, security and to compliment architectural character. All exterior lighting, including that used to illuminate signs, shall be designed to reduce glare impacts to adjacent properties and public rights-of-way, to use energy efficiently, and to reduce nighttime “light pollution.” Such lighting shall not blink, flash, or oscillate.
1. All exterior lighting, including that to illuminate signs, shall be pointed downward and shielded from direct observation from the air, adjacent properties, and public rights-of-way. Lighting “spillover” to adjacent properties shall be minimized. Lamps shall use recessed or flat lenses.
2. Decorative exterior light poles shall not exceed a height of 14 feet above grade, including the base.
3. Lighting shall be located near the activity needing illumination. Walkways, entrances, and parking areas may be lit during nighttime business hours, but such lighting shall be the minimum necessary for safety. Lighting in parking lots should be of uniform intensity, since the eye cannot easily adapt to areas of darkness and brightness in proximity to one another. The placement of lighting in residential parking areas should avoid interference with bedroom windows.
4. Buildings shall not be outlined with neon or other lighting, except seasonal lighting.
5. Along walkways, low-level lighting fixtures mounted on short posts are encouraged. Shatterproof coverings are recommended. Posts should be located to avoid being a hazard to pedestrians or vehicles.
6. Nighttime lighting of the American flag is exempt from the provisions of this chapter, except that such lighting shall not provide direct glare to neighboring properties or vehicular traffic.
7. Lighting shall be maintained to meet these standards at all times.
8. If, once installed, lighting is found to be performing in violation of these standards, the city may require the business owner to take corrective action to bring the lighting into compliance. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.170 Support elements.
A. Objective. Mechanical elements, loading areas, and trash and recycling containers shall be located and/or screened to minimize their visibility from public view.
1. Refuse and storage containers shall be screened with built or landscaped confinements. Refuse and storage areas should be located to the rear or side of the property and away from adjacent streets and residential property.
2. New construction shall be consistent with Chapter 19.06 EMC, Recycling Collection Point.
3. Service and loading areas should be located to the rear or sides of buildings away from adjacent streets, but shall be designed for convenient use.
4. Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be concealed from view by a roof form integrated with the overall architecture of the building, either by locating the equipment within the structure or concealing it from ground level view behind a parapet. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.180 Adjacency to residential zones.
A. Objective. Buildings shall be designed to ensure that building massing, height, and scale provide sensitive transition to adjoining residential neighborhoods. New developments whose bulk and scale may negatively impact adjacent residential areas shall mitigate the effect through careful site planning and architectural design. Possible mitigation techniques include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Locating open space and preserving existing vegetation on the site’s edge to further separate the building from less intensive uses;
2. Stepping down the massing of the building along the site’s edge;
3. Limiting the length of or articulating building facades to reflect adjacent residential patterns; and
4. Creative use and ongoing maintenance of landscaping, such as berms, mounds, rockeries, living fences, and swales. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.190 Compatibility with public improvements.
Improvements within the public rights-of-way must be compatible with existing and planned city right-of-way improvements and city standards. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.200 Mixed use development within the highway community business (HCB) overlay zone.
A. Objective. Provide an opportunity for mixed use development within an overlay district in the HCB zone where it can be demonstrated that such development is compatible and congruent with adjacent uses and zones.
1. Mixed use development proposals shall be subject to and processed in accordance with the regulations, standards and guidelines applicable to such developments in the CB-1 and CB-2 zones.
2. Mixed use developments in the HCB mixed use overlay shall be considered a permitted use. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
Article III. Standards for Mixed Use Development within the General Office (GO) Zoning District
19.38.210 Definition.
Mixed use development in the GO zoning district shall be defined as:
A. Buildings that contain at least one floor of nonresidential use and at least one floor of residential oriented in a vertical manner; or
B. Mixed use developments where residential uses are horizontally separated from nonresidential uses. The nonresidential component shall be adjacent to primary street frontage. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.220 Residential density and lot coverage.
A. The residential density for horizontal mixed use development shall be calculated at 15 units per acre or 2,900 square feet per dwelling unit.
B. The residential density for horizontal mixed use development that includes at least one unit of affordable housing as set forth in EMC 19.38.340(B)(1) shall be calculated at 20 units per acre or 2,200 square feet per dwelling unit.
C. No more than 60 percent of the buildable site shall be consumed by residential dwelling units. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.230 Height.
A. Objective. The building height in the GO zone shall be in scale with existing structures as well as the surrounding residential areas. Building height shall not exceed 35 feet. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.240 Setbacks.
A. Objective. To provide setbacks that reflect and continue the residential feel and appearance along Griffin Avenue.
1. All front yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 20 feet, side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of five feet to the eaves, and rear yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 15 feet. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.250 Articulation and overall massing.
A. Objective. To provide visual variety along the streetscape and to emulate architecture of surrounding residential areas.
1. Horizontal facades longer than 25 feet shall be articulated into smaller units, reminiscent of residential scale of the surrounding neighborhood. At least two of the following methods shall be included:
a. Distinctive roof forms;
b. Changes in materials;
c. Window patterns; and
d. Color differentiation.
2. Additions or alterations to existing buildings shall be made in keeping with the building’s original architectural style.
3. Pitched Roof Forms. Structures shall incorporate pitched roof forms having slopes between 4:12 and 12:12. Further, each facade facing a street should have a gabled or hipped roof form. Other roof details, such as dormers and overhangs, are encouraged. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.260 Materials.
A. Objective. To encourage creative expression through use of materials of appropriate use for residential development and a diversity of architectural detailing that enlivens the streetscape and reduces the apparent bulk of the larger buildings.
1. Standards. Exteriors shall be constructed of durable and maintainable materials. Materials that have texture, pattern or lend themselves to quality detailing include: (a) brick, (b) stone, or (c) wood.
2. Materials that give the appearance of commercial or industrial use are discouraged. Such materials include reflective glass and corrugated metal siding. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.270 Entries.
A. Objective. To provide a clearly defined, welcoming, and safe entry for pedestrians from the sidewalk and/or parking area into the building.
1. Architectural elements shall be used to provide a clearly identifiable and visible entry.
2. Developments shall include one or more of the following elements: recesses, balconies, articulated roof forms, front porches, arches, trellises, glass at side and/or above entry doors, and awnings or canopies.
3. Pedestrian-scale lighting fixtures shall be provided.
4. Primary building entries should face the street. If the doorway does not face the street, a clearly marked and well-maintained path shall connect the entry to the sidewalk. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.280 Parking requirements and layout.
A. Objective. To provide adequate parking while reducing its visual impact through location and landscaping areas, trellises, and/or other architectural features.
1. Off-street parking shall be required for both residential and nonresidential uses. Office uses shall adhere to EMC 19.14.070, which requires 2.8 spaces per 1,000 square feet of office space. For residential uses, one parking space per dwelling unit shall be provided.
2. Parking lots may be located on either side or behind the building.
3. Parking lots may be screened using a combination of walls, fences and shrubs.
4. Parking lot landscape shall be used to reinforce pedestrian and vehicular circulation at: (a) parking lot entrances; (b) ends of driving aisles; and (c) to define pedestrian walkways through parking lots.
5. Parking lots beside the building shall provide a 10-foot-wide planting area between the parking lot and street right-of-way to include a year-round sight barrier consisting of evergreen shrubs, evergreen ground cover, and other plant material.
6. Driveway areas shall have the plant material restricted to a maximum height of three feet for visibility within the required sight triangles.
7. A minimum five-foot-wide landscape planting area shall be provided between parking lots and adjacent developments. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.290 Open space.
A. Objective. Provide open space and leisure space for each residential unit.
1. The required minimum amount of open space for a mixed use development is 200 square feet per unit in the GO zone. The open space requirement may be met through a combination of common and private open spaces.
a. Up to 50 percent of the required open space may be provided in private open space such as patios, rooftop gardens, and balconies.
b. Up to 50 percent of the required open space may be common open space which may be in the form of common space, gardens, patios, etc. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.300 Adjacency to residential zones.
A. Objective. To provide privacy for existing adjacent single-family developments.
1. Mixed use projects directly facing single-family residences within 15 feet of the property line should have window openings designed either as translucent, louvered, or offset from existing single-family residence windows, or located at least five feet above the floor of each level, or another solution achieving the intent of privacy for the residents.
2. Guest parking areas should be located and designed to be convenient in order to minimize parking in residential neighborhoods. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
Article IV. Affordable Housing Incentive
19.38.310 Intent.
This article offers dimensional standard flexibility and economic incentives to encourage construction of affordable housing units in the general office (GO) zone. For the purposes of this article, “affordable housing units” shall be defined as units that are affordable to 80 percent of median income as established in the city of Enumclaw comprehensive plan. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.320 Voluntary provisions.
The provisions of this article are available, at the sole discretion of the property owner, as incentives to encourage the construction of affordable housing units. There is a limited stock of land within the city zoned and available for residential development and there is a demonstrated need in the city for housing which is affordable to persons of moderate income. Therefore, this article provides development incentives in exchange for the public benefit of providing affordable housing units in the GO zone. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.330 Applicable zones.
The affordable housing incentives described in this article may be used in the general office (GO) zone only. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.340 Defined affordable housing incentives.
A. Approval Process. The city will process an application for the affordable housing incentives identified in this section through the same required review process as if no affordable housing units were provided.
B. Density Bonus. Developments that include at least one unit of affordable housing may realize an increase in allowable density.
1. The residential density for horizontal mixed use development that includes at least one unit of affordable housing shall be calculated at 20 units per acre or 2,200 square feet per dwelling unit.
C. Dimensional Standards Modification. The following requirements of the EMC may be modified through the procedures outlined in this subsection, to the extent necessary to accommodate the bonus units.
1. Parking Requirement. The required parking may be reduced to one-half space per affordable housing unit. No additional guest parking is required for affordable housing units.
2. Required Yards. Structures containing affordable housing units may encroach up to five feet into any required yard except that in no case shall a remaining required yard be less than five feet.
D. Impact Fee Exemption. Applicants proposing affordable housing units may request an exemption from payment of park or transportation impact fees.
E. Incentive Review Process. The administrator shall evaluate and make a determination on all requests for housing incentives as set forth above. Such determination may be made prior to or concomitant with a development application. The administrator may also consider nonlisted incentives if it can be demonstrated that such incentives result in the provision of additional affordable housing units. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).
19.38.350 Affordability provisions.
A. Approval of Affordable Housing Units. Prior to the issuance of any permit(s), the city shall review and approve the location and unit mix of the affordable housing units consistent with the following standards:
1. The affordable housing units shall be intermingled with all other dwelling units in the development.
2. The type of ownership of the affordable housing units shall be the same as the type of ownership for the rest of the housing units in the development.
3. The affordable housing units shall consist of a range of number of bedrooms that are comparable to units in the overall development.
4. The size of the affordable housing units, if smaller than the other units with the same number of bedrooms in the development, must be approved by the planning director. In no case shall the affordable housing units be more than 10 percent smaller than the comparable dwelling units in the development, based on number of bedrooms, or less than 600 square feet for a one-bedroom unit, 800 square feet for a two-bedroom unit, or 1,000 square feet for a three-bedroom unit, whichever is greater.
5. The affordable housing units shall be available for occupancy in a time frame comparable to the availability of the rest of the dwelling units in the development.
6. The exterior design of the affordable housing units must be compatible and comparable with the rest of the dwelling units in the development.
7. The interior finish and quality of construction of the affordable housing units shall at a minimum be comparable to entry-level rental or ownership housing in the city of Enumclaw.
B. Affordability Agreement. Prior to issuing a certificate of occupancy, an agreement in a form acceptable to the city attorney that addresses price restrictions, homebuyer or tenant qualifications, long-term affordability, and any other applicable topics of the affordable housing units shall be recorded with the King County department of records and elections. This agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding on the assigns, heirs and successors of the applicant.
Affordable housing units that are provided under this article shall remain as affordable housing for a minimum of 30 years from the date of initial owner occupancy for ownership affordable housing units and for the life of the project for rental affordable housing units. (Ord. 2331 § 1 (Exh. A), 2006).