Chapter 15.14
15.14.030 Application information.
15.14.040 Application procedures.
15.14.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a procedure for the review of all building construction projects that are initiated within the City of Ferndale to ensure that said projects comply with applicable City development standards in order to protect public health, safety and welfare. The intent of this chapter is to provide for a uniform procedure for reviewing development applications in a timely and efficient manner and to provide permit applicants with adequate knowledge of City development standards. (Ord. 1397 § 2, 2006)
15.14.020 Applicability.
All applications for building permits shall conform with the procedures listed within this chapter except the following types of permit applications:
A. Single-family residences;
B. Alterations, additions or remodels of single-family structures;
C. Shops, garages, sheds, decks, porches or similar structures intended to serve single-family residences;
D. Mobile homes;
E. Temporary buildings;
F. Signs; and
G. Other minor new construction, as determined by the Public Works Director or Planning Director. (Ord. 1397 § 2, 2006)
15.14.030 Application information.
A site plan review application form (on forms provided by the Planning Director) and a site plan map(s) shall be submitted to the City. The application shall consist of the following information:
A. A scaled drawing indicating property dimensions, location of and dimension of existing and proposed utilities, structures and other improvements (such as parking areas, detention ponds, fences, etc.);
B. Location of existing natural drainage courses, wetland areas and topography;
C. Grading plan identifying the proposed finished contours of the site;
D. Temporary erosion control plan;
E. Drainage plan and storm study;
F. Utility main extension plans identifying the size, depth and type of material of any proposed main extensions required to serve the project;
G. Utility line extensions necessary to provide service from the main to the building, including the size and type of water meter to be installed;
H. The proposed placement of any fire hydrant(s);
I. All street frontage improvements plans and off-site road improvement plans, if required;
J. Access drive/parking lot plans, identifying the location, width of proposed entrances onto the City street system, the configuration and number of parking spaces, location of fire lanes, handicapped parking facilities and loading docks;
K. Landscaping plan, identifying the location, type and size of landscape plantings;
L. Lighting plan, identifying the number and placement of all outdoor lighting facilities;
M. Sign plan, identifying the type, size, number of all proposed signs on-site, including directional and/or informational signs;
N. Any other proposed improvements such as location of mailboxes, garbage/recycling collection areas, security fencing or other features of the proposed project.
Depending on the complexity of a proposed project, the Planning and Building Director may allow some of the above information to be omitted from the site plan, or may require information in addition to that listed above. (Ord. 1397 § 2, 2006)
15.14.040 Application procedures.
A. A site plan review application shall be considered as a part of the building permit application and is not a separate permit. All site plan review applications must be submitted concurrently with or prior to the submittal of a complete building permit application. Any other required permit applications for land use approvals, land disturbance permit applications, and SEPA checklists must be submitted concurrently with or prior to the submittal of a site plan review application.
B. The review of the building permit application and the review of the site plan review shall be coordinated to the greatest degree possible.
C. The City Technical Review Committee shall review the site plan review application for compliance with City development standards, and the zoning, environmental and construction regulations contained in FMC Titles 15 through 18 and other sections of this code; except that the Technical Review Committee shall not be responsible for determining compliance with the provisions of the International Building Code or International Fire Code as adopted under Chapter 15.04 FMC. The Technical Review Committee shall include the application on the agenda for the next available Technical Review Committee meeting, at which the Committee shall provide the applicant with a summary of issues, concerns, and requirements that apply to the proposal including:
1. Any and all required improvements necessary for the approval of the building permit application (except those requirements associated with the International Codes adopted under Chapter 15.04 FMC);
2. All connection fees required in order to receive City water and sewer service; and
3. All required traffic, park or school mitigation fees that must be paid in order to receive building permit approval.
D. The list of required improvements and fees, and other comments and requirements identified in subsection (C) of this section, shall be summarized in a site plan review response letter, and as appropriate may be identified as specific conditions of approval of the building permit. All fees shall be due at the time a building permit is issued to the applicant.
E. In the event a building permit is not issued within one year of the date of approval of the site plan review/building permit application(s), said application(s) shall expire and be considered null and void. An applicant may request one extension of the permit application(s), not to exceed six months, upon written request received by the Building Official prior to the expiration of the permit. The Building Official shall grant such requests only upon a showing by the applicant that he is likely to resolve outstanding issues which have precluded issuance of a building permit within the six-month extension period.
F. No final certificate of occupancy shall be furnished to any building permit applicant until such time as all required conditions identified by the Technical Review Committee have been completed. Temporary certificates of occupancy may be issued upon the posting of a bond or other suitable financial surety adequate to ensure the completion of all required improvements. (Ord. 2208 § 1 (Exh. 1), 2022; Ord. 1397 § 2, 2006)
15.14.050 Fees.
Any and all fees associated with the review of a project requiring a site plan review application, including City costs associated with retaining consultants to aid in the review of said application, shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit or any other development permit. (Ord. 1397 § 2, 2006)
15.14.060 Other permits.
Nothing in this chapter shall preclude or eliminate the need to obtain other permits or pay fees in accordance with any other requirements identified in this code. (Ord. 1397 § 2, 2006)