Chapter 18.04


18.04.010    Title.

18.04.020    Applicability.

18.04.030    Application for services.

18.04.040    Service requirements.

18.04.050    Repealed.

18.04.060    Service connection fees.

18.04.070    –

18.04.100    Repealed.

18.04.110    Repair cost and trouble calls.

18.04.120    Repealed.

18.04.130    Repealed.

18.04.140    Authority of the city.

18.04.150    Interruptible service.

18.04.160    Voltage fluctuations.

18.04.170    Additional load.

18.04.180    Delivery point.

18.04.190    Repealed.

18.04.200    Nonliability of city for damage on private property.

18.04.210    Interference with city distribution system.

18.04.220    Yard lighting rate.

18.04.230    Repealed.

18.04.240    Meter reconnects.

18.04.250    Penalty for violation.

18.04.260    Severability.

18.04.010 Title.

This chapter shall be known and may be cited or referred to as the customer service policy of the city of Fircrest. (Ord. 1000 § 1, 1992).

18.04.020 Applicability.

The city of Fircrest will sell electric energy when and as available for both residential and nonresidential use both within and outside of the corporate limits of the city, upon terms and subject to conditions set forth in this chapter. (Ord. 1000 § 2, 1992).

18.04.030 Application for services.

Whenever any person desires a new or additional metered connection to be made to the electrical distribution system of the city, or desires increased or altered service through an existing connection, an application shall be made therefor at the office of the city of Fircrest building department on forms to be provided by the building department. (Ord. 1276 § 1, 2001; Ord. 1000 § 3, 1992).

18.04.040 Service requirements.

The minimum requirements for all services shall be as determined by Tacoma Public Utilities, Electrical Division. (Ord. 1276 § 2, 2001; Ord. 1000 § 4, 1992).

18.04.050 Out-of-city service.

Repealed by Ord. 1276. (Ord. 1000 § 5, 1992).

18.04.060 Service connection fees.

Any fees relating to service connection shall be as estimated by Tacoma Public Utilities, Electrical Division, at its current rates and charges. The person desiring new service shall pay to the city the amount estimated prior to issuance of a building permit. Should actual charges be greater than estimated charges, said person shall pay the city the balance prior to issuance of a final inspection. Should electrical charges be less than estimated charges, the city shall refund the balance to the person. (Ord. 1276 § 3, 2001; Ord. 1000 § 6, 1992).

18.04.070 Providing meters.

Repealed by Ord. 1276. (Ord. 1000 § 7, 1992).

18.04.080 Master metering.

Repealed by Ord. 1276. (Ord. 1000 § 8, 1992).

18.04.090 Inspections and testing.

Repealed by Ord. 1276. (Ord. 1000 § 9, 1992).

18.04.100 Right of access.

Repealed by Ord. 1276. (Ord. 1000 § 10, 1992).

18.04.110 Repair cost and trouble calls.

The city will be responsible for making repairs to its own distribution system and to the delivery point. When a trouble call is made at a consumer’s request and it is determined that the cause of the trouble is due to a defect of consumer-owned equipment or wiring, the consumer shall be responsible for the cost of repair payable to Tacoma Public Utilities, Electrical Division. (Ord. 1276 § 4, 2001; Ord. 1000 § 11, 1999).

18.04.120 Permit required – Application and conditions.

Repealed by Ord. 1276. (Ord. 1000 § 12, 1992).

18.04.130 Insulation specifications.

Repealed by Ord. 1276. (Ord. 1000 § 13, 1992).

18.04.140 Authority of the city.

The city and/or Tacoma Public Utilities, Electrical Division, shall have the right to impose any requirements if in its discretion such requirements are reasonably necessary to protect other consumers and maintain the city’s ability to furnish adequate service, or to comply with construction standards required by the building code of the city. (Ord. 1276 § 5, 2001; Ord. 1000 § 14, 1992).

18.04.150 Interruptible service.

The city shall have the right to require the installation of a clock or other device on all electric space heating installations, electric water heaters, electric dryers or other installations which do or might draw unusually heavy loads, so as to limit or interrupt service thereto during the peak hours or during the periods of regional power shortage when it may not be otherwise possible to furnish adequate service to all the consumers served by the city. (Ord. 1000 § 15, 1992).

18.04.160 Voltage fluctuations.

It is unlawful for any consumer to use electric energy in such a manner as to cause unusual fluctuations or disturbances on the city’s electric distribution system. The city may require any consumer to install at his own expense suitable apparatus which will reasonably limit such fluctuation. (Ord. 1000 § 16, 1992).

18.04.170 Additional load.

The service connection, transformers, meter and equipment shall be supplied by Tacoma Public Utilities, Electrical Division, to each consumer of electric energy having definite capacity, and it is unlawful for any person to make or cause to be made any addition to the equipment or load connected thereto except by prior approval of Tacoma Public Utilities, Electrical Division. Failure to give notice of additions to or thereof shall render the person responsible and liable for any damage to any of the city’s and/or Tacoma Public Utilities, Electrical Division’s electrical equipment caused by such additional load or changed installation. (Ord. 1276 § 6, 2001; Ord. 1000 § 17, 1992).

18.04.180 Delivery point.

The point of delivery is the point on the consumer’s premises, as designated by Tacoma Public Utilities, Electrical Division, where electric current is to be delivered to the building or premises. All wiring and equipment beyond point of delivery shall be installed and maintained by the consumer. Rates for electrical energy are based upon the supply of service through a single metering point at one voltage and phase. (Ord. 1276 § 7, 2001; Ord. 1000 § 18, 1992).

18.04.190 Underground and overhead service.

Repealed by Ord. 1276. (Ord. 1000 § 19, 1992).

18.04.200 Nonliability of city for damage on private property.

The city shall not be liable for any damage to or which occurs on private property served with electric energy by the city which results from defective or improper wiring or appliances not installed by the city; and the fact that agents of the city may have inspected such wiring or appliances shall not operate to make the city liable for such damage. The city shall not be liable for any damage caused by the interruption or fluctuation of the power distribution system. (Ord. 1000 § 20, 1992).

18.04.210 Interference with city distribution system.

It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere, change, injure, mutilate, destroy, remove, disconnect or in any way interfere or tamper in any manner with any of the poles, wires, meters, ducts, meter seals, structures, cables, machinery or other equipment and appliances belonging to the city and/or Tacoma Public Utilities, Electrical Division, or in any connection with the electrical distribution system of the city and/or Tacoma Public Utilities, Electrical Division. (Ord. 1276 § 8, 2001; Ord. 1000 § 21, 1992).

18.04.220 Yard lighting rate.

Electrical energy supplied by the city for yard lights providing nighttime protection for the premises commonly of the high pressure sodium type, where not metered through an electrical energy meter for the premises, shall be charged at an appropriate rate according to the rate schedule. (Ord. 1000 § 22, 1992).

18.04.230 Yard lighting installation.

Repealed by Ord. 1276. (Ord. 1000 § 23, 1992).

18.04.240 Meter reconnects.

Tacoma Public Utilities, Electrical Division, may charge a consumer a reconnection fee on existing services at Tacoma Public Utilities, Electrical Division, rates for any service request that causes reinstallation of an electric meter. (Ord. 1276 § 9, 2001; Ord. 1000 § 24, 1992).

18.04.250 Penalty for violation.

Violation of any of the provisions of this title and any person convicted thereof shall be prosecuted as provided by state law. (Ord. 1000 § 25, 1992).

18.04.260 Severability.

Should any of the provisions of this title be found or held to be unconstitutional or ineffective for any reason, the other provisions hereof shall not be thereby affected. (Ord. 1000 § 26, 1992).