Rose Hill contains a number of public parks and open space areas - Forbes Lake Park, North Rose Hill Woodlands Park, and Mark Twain Park in North Rose Hill, and South Rose Hill Park and Rose Hill Meadows in South Rose Hill. Maintaining and improving existing parks and open space, acquiring new parkland where deficiencies exist, seeking opportunities to improve connectivity to parks, and developing off-street trails for recreational use that connect activity nodes and neighborhoods will further improve the quality of life in the neighborhood.

The land use map shows parks within the Rose Hill Neighborhood. See the Park and Open Space Element for more information on Parks and Open Space.

Policy RH 59:

Prioritize acquisition of new neighborhood parkland in the northern portion of the North Rose Hill neighborhood and in the western portion of the South Rose Hill neighborhood where park level of service is deficient as noted in the Park, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan.

Policy RH 60:

Improve public pedestrian or visual access to Forbes Lake at Forbes Lake Park.

Policy RH 61:

Provide public pedestrian access easements across properties abutting Forbes Lake Park when development, redevelopment, or platting occurs to improve access to the park.

Policy RH 62:

Complete the regional Eastside Powerline Corridor trail, connecting to the Bridle Trails and Totem Lake Business District within the Seattle City Light Power Line Easement.

Policy RH 63:

Develop the Bay to Valley trail through North Rose Hill via Woodlands Park, connecting Juanita Bay with the Sammamish Valley.