The following vision statement reflects how community members envision the Highlands Neighborhood in the future and will work to achieve this vision using this document as a guide.

The Highlands Neighborhood is an ideal residential neighborhood close to the downtown that values its quality of life and limited vehicular access. As infill of the neighborhood occurs, a variety of housing types and styles will provide for a changing and diverse population, responding to the needs of individuals and young families and allowing people to continue living here long after children leave home. Higher-intensity multifamily housing in the southern portion of the neighborhood, adjoining the I-405/NE 85th Street freeway interchange, along with Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), and other types of compact housing, reinforce the image of the neighborhood as a place that welcomes diversity. The neighborhood is well-connected to the Cross Kirkland Corridor (CKC) and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Station at the I-405/NE 85th Street interchange, allowing residents to bypass congestion and easily travel around the City and region. The land uses and neighborhood patterns in the neighborhood reinforce the utility of the BRT Station.

The natural setting of the neighborhood with its valued tree canopy is protected and enhanced. Neighborhood parks are within walking distance and offer active and passive recreation opportunities. An extensive system of pedestrian and bike routes connect to the Cross Kirkland Corridor and the parks.

Since there are no schools or commercial developments in the Highlands Neighborhood, residents rely on nearby shopping areas and institutions outside the neighborhood. The street network provides safe circulation for people and cars. Ample sidewalks promote pedestrian mobility between schools and activity centers. The pedestrian and bike connections within the neighborhood offer additional options for energy-efficient travel.

From the crest of the western and northern sloping hillsides, territorial views of the Norkirk and South Juanita Neighborhoods, Lake Washington, and the Olympic Mountains beyond are enjoyed.

These community connections strengthen the social fabric of the neighborhood.