7. Shoreline Archaeological, Historic and Cultural Resources

Goal SA-27: Identify, protect, preserve, and restore important archeological, historical, and cultural sites located in the shoreline area.

Kirkland’s shoreline area has a long history, dating back to use of Juanita Bay by Native Americans and use of Lake Washington for fish harvest by the Muckleshoot Tribe. The shoreline area also contains many historic structures, including residential structures and vessels moored along the City’s shoreline.

Policy SA-27.1: Prevent destruction or damage to historic, cultural, scientific or educational resources located along the shoreline.

Steps should be taken to identify, recover and preserve any artifacts or other resources that may exist along the City’s shoreline. The City should work with property owners and tribal, State, and federal governments as appropriate to assess sites and make arrangements to preserve historical, cultural and archaeological values in advance of planned development. Proposed development should be designed and operated to be compatible with continued protection of the historic, cultural or archaeological resource. If development occurs in areas documented to contain archaeological resources, a site inspection or evaluation by a professional archaeologist in coordination with affected tribes should be required prior to issuance of permits. If archaeological resources are uncovered during excavation, work on the site should immediately stop and notification to the City, the State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, and affected tribes should be made to determine the appropriate course of action.

Policy SA-27.2: Encourage educational projects and programs that foster an appreciation of the importance of shoreline history.

Site development plans should incorporate measures for historic, cultural and archaeological resource preservation, restoration and education with open space or recreation areas whenever possible. Wherever feasible, shoreline development should recognize the former use of much of the City’s shoreline area for such uses as boat yards, ferry landings and industrial sites.