8. Restoration Planning
Goal SA-28: Implement the projects, programs and plans established within the Restoration Plan as funding and staffing resources permit.
Restoration planning is an important component of the environmental protection policy of the Shoreline Management Act. Continued improvement of shoreline ecological functions requires a comprehensive watershed approach that combines upland and shoreline projects and programs. The City of Kirkland has adopted a Restoration Plan for the City’s shorelines that provides the framework for the community’s efforts to restore degraded portions of the City’s shorelines.
The Restoration Plan provides multiple programmatic and site-specific opportunities for restoring the City’s shoreline areas that outline opportunities to achieve a net benefit in ecological conditions. Ecological benefits that would be realized by implementing this plan include: increased use of soft approaches for shoreline stability and corresponding reductions in low-functioning hard shorelines; increased organic inputs, habitat, and filtration from shoreline riparian vegetation; improved wildlife corridor connectivity; improved habitat for salmon; displacement of noxious vegetation; and eventual introduction of woody debris.