Chapter 7.15


7.15.010    Private sewage disposal allowed.

7.15.020    Sewers required in plats.

7.15.010 Private sewage disposal allowed.

Where a public sanitary sewer is not available for use as provided by LSSDC 7.10.040 and 7.10.050, and that is so certified by the Board of Sewer Commissioners, the building sewer may be connected to a private sewage disposal system or replacement thereof, any of which must comply with applicable State and County regulations. [Res. 62 § 3.01, 1968.]

7.15.020 Sewers required in plats.

No lot may be sold in any plat within the District unless a public sanitary sewer is available for use by such lot or unless a sanitary sewer line meeting the requirements provided in this section is constructed capable of serving all lots within such plat in the same manner as provided in LSSDC 7.10.040 and 7.10.050, even though such sanitary sewer is not connected to the public sewers of the District.

Any such sanitary sewer, which is not a public sanitary sewer, constructed to serve lots in a plat must be constructed pursuant to the specifications and requirements of this title, as amended from time to time, including not only construction standards but requirements of review of plans and specifications and inspection of such construction and connections thereto. Such sewer line must provide a side sewer stub for each lot and must have all openings into such sewer line plugged and sealed to the satisfaction of the engineers of the District.

If this section is complied with, until such time as a public sanitary sewer is constructed to intercept the sewer line constructed serving the lots in such plat, private sewage disposal systems may be allowed under LSSDC 7.15.010. [Res. 84 § 1, 1970; Res. 62 § 3.02, 1968.]