Chapter 9.15


9.15.010    Deposit required.

9.15.010 Deposit required.

The initial deposit required of initiator(s) of annexations to the District by the petition method shall be $1,500 for each proposed annexation. The initial deposit herein required, less any costs incurred by the District in processing a petition for annexation, shall be refundable in the event the annexation is not approved by any of the agencies having jurisdiction over the proposed annexation. If the District’s costs associated with processing a petition for annexation are less than $1,500, the balance shall be refunded to the initiator(s) of the annexation. All costs associated with district processing of the proposed annexation, in excess of the $1,500 initial deposit, will be assessed by the District against the initiator(s) of the proposed annexation, which costs shall be due and payable prior to adoption by the Board of Sewer Commissioners of the final resolution annexing the property to the District. [Res. 1021 § 1, 2022.]