Chapter 9.20


9.20.010    Special assessment segregation.

9.20.020    Foreclosure of delinquent assessment liens.

9.20.010 Special assessment segregation.

Pursuant to the provisions of RCW 56.20.090, special assessments against any property within the Sewer District may be segregated at or after the time of sale of a portion of such property or the subdivision thereof. Any person desiring to have such special assessment against a tract of land segregated to apply to smaller parts thereof shall apply to the Board of Sewer Commissioners of the Sewer District on an application form furnished by the Sewer District. Such application shall be referred to the consulting engineers of the Sewer District, who shall review the application and prepare a proposed order of segregation on payment to the District by the applicant of the engineering costs incident to making the segregation as determined by the engineering contract with the District, and $10.00 to cover the clerical costs involved in processing the application in the District.

In the event the Board of Sewer Commissioners deems that the District will be adequately secured in making such segregation and the required costs have been paid by the applicant, it may grant the order of segregation and cause that order to be given to the applicant, who shall then file the same with the County Treasurer together with the required statutory fee to the County Treasurer. [Res. 71 § 1, 1969.]

9.20.020 Foreclosure of delinquent assessment liens.

(1) Proceedings to foreclose a delinquent utility local improvement district assessment lien for Lake Stevens Sewer District may be commenced by September 1st during the year in which the installment of the assessment becomes delinquent.

(2) If any installment due on a utility local improvement district assessment is delinquent, the entire assessment shall become due and payable and the collection thereof may be enforced by foreclosure. [Res. 367 §§ 1, 2, 1982.]