Chapter 9.25


9.25.010    Accessory dwelling unit policy, fee schedule.

9.25.010 Accessory dwelling unit policy, fee schedule.

(1) Definitions.

“Accessory building” shall be defined as a minor building or structure that is detached from the primary dwelling but is located on the same parcel as, under the same ownership as, and subordinate to a single-family dwelling that it accompanies that does not otherwise qualify as an ADU. This includes, but is not limited to, a building that might otherwise qualify as an ADU but is less than 250 square feet gross floor area or does not provide one or more of the basic provisions of shelter, heating, cooking nor sanitation.

“Accessory dwelling unit” (“ADU”) shall be defined as a unit of at least 250 square feet gross floor area and no more than 800 square feet gross floor area that is located on the same parcel as, under the same ownership as, and subordinate to a single-family dwelling that it accompanies. The accessory dwelling unit must provide the basic requirements of shelter, heating, cooking and sanitation separate from the single-family dwelling that it accompanies. An ADU may be physically attached or detached from the primary dwelling. For purposes of this section, an ADU providing the basic requirements of shelter, heating, cooking and sanitation, regardless of permitting status as defined by the applicable city or county, shall be considered an ADU by the District. An ADU that exceeds 800 square feet gross floor area shall be considered a single-family residence.

(2) Variance. A property owner may request a variance to this policy in writing to the District’s General Manager. Policy variance determinations shall be made by the District’s General Manager or his/her designee. If the variance is granted, the variance shall be applied as of the date the variance was submitted in writing to the District’s General Manager; the applicability of the variance shall not be backdated unless approved by the District’s Board of Commissioners. A property owner who desires to appeal the General Manager’s decision must do so in writing to the District’s Board of Commissioners within 10 days following the General Manager’s decision. The Board of Sewer Commissioners shall have 30 days to review and consider the appeal. Any decision rendered by the Board of Sewer Commissioners shall be final.

(3) Side Sewer. An ADU or accessory building must be connected to the “side sewer” of the single-family dwelling at a location outside of the existing single-family dwelling (where practical) and must be authorized by District staff prior to installation.

(4) General Facilities Charge (GFC). A connection fee for an ADU between 250 and 600 square feet gross floor area shall be 77.8 percent of the then-current general facilities charge for an equivalent residential unit (ERU) upon application to construct the ADU. An ADU between 601 and 800 square feet gross floor area shall be subject to a full, then-current general facilities charge. A connection fee for an accessory building shall be calculated based on industry standard fixture count methodology as a portion or full, then-current general facility charge for an ERU upon application to construct the accessory building.

(5) Sewer Service Charge. In addition to the connection charge for an ADU and monthly sewer service charge for the primary residential dwelling unit, the parcel owner in which the ADU is located shall be charged a full monthly residential sewer rate for the ADU at the then-current rate. An accessory building shall be subject to the connection charge for the accessory building and monthly sewer service charge for the primary residential dwelling unit; however, the parcel owner in which the accessory building is located will not be charged an additional monthly sewer service charge for the accessory building provided the intended or actual use of the sewer connection is within anticipated strength and characteristics of only one single-family residence for the parcel. If the intended or actual use of the sewer connection for the accessory building is not within anticipated strength and characteristics of one single-family residence of the parcel, it shall be charged an additional monthly sewer service charge. [Res. 1029 §§ 1 – 5, 2022; Res. 954 §§ 1 – 7, 2018; Res. 916 §§ 1 – 7, 2016.]