Chapter 17.17


17.17.010    Purpose.

17.17.020    Applicability.

17.17.030    Application process.

17.17.040    Review criteria.

17.17.050    Recording requirements.

17.17.010 Purpose.

The purpose of these provisions is to provide more flexible creation of lots of varying sizes and types, including for attached and detached housing, such as accessory dwellings and cottage housing, and similar developments with multiple dwelling units on a “parent parcel,” while applying only those site development standards applicable to the parent parcel, rather than to the individual unit lots resulting from the subdivision. [Ord. 1703 § 1 (Att. A), 2024.]

17.17.020 Applicability.

Unit lot subdivisions are a type of short subdivision or major subdivision, depending on the number of lots created, applicable in all zoning districts in the city where the review criteria of this chapter are satisfied. Unit lot subdivisions shall be permitted in the city’s urban growth area upon adoption of these regulations by Chelan County. [Ord. 1703 § 1 (Att. A), 2024.]

17.17.030 Application process.

A. A unit lot subdivision is processed according to the number of lots created, as either a short subdivision, LMC 21.09.040, or a major subdivision, LMC 21.09.050.

B. Applications for unit lot subdivision shall be made on the appropriate forms for the applicable short subdivision or major subdivision in conformance with the provisions of this title, filing fees, required improvements, and all other requirements, except those specifically modified by this chapter.

C. For unit lot subdivision of vacant land, the application shall include a site development plan of the proposed development at full buildout. This plan shall document compliance with the applicable regulations and dimensional standards of the parent parcel. [Ord. 1703 § 1 (Att. A), 2024.]

17.17.040 Review criteria.

A unit lot subdivision creates a relationship between the parent parcel and each lot created, referred to as a “unit” lot. Unit lot subdivisions shall meet all of the following standards:

A. Parent Parcel. The parent parcel, inclusive of all the unit lot(s), shall meet all Chapter 18.30 LMC dimensional standards of the applicable zoning district, in which it is located, including, but not limited to, setbacks, lot size and lot coverage.

B. Each unit lot shall be limited to one dwelling unit.

C. Unit lots shall be subject to all the applicable requirements of LMC Titles 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, except as otherwise modified by this chapter.

D. Unit lot(s) are not subject to Chapter 18.30 LMC dimensional standards of the applicable zoning district but shall meet the building fire separation standards.

E. Access. The parent parcel and each unit lot shall make adequate provisions for ingress and egress and parking, which may or may not include use of common areas or easements.

1. Driveway(s) providing vehicle access to lots shall not serve more than nine unit lots, unless approved by the city engineer.

2. Off-street parking shall be designed in accordance with LMC 14.12.160 and may be permitted in common areas and/or designated easements within the parent parcel.

F. Common Areas. Portions of the parent parcel not subdivided for unit lots shall be identified as tracts and owned in common by the owners of the unit lots or by a homeowners’ association comprised of the owners of the individual unit lots. Common areas shall be addressed in deed restrictions.

G. Utilities. The public works director may require separate connections or private metering for each unit lot. Utilities shall not cross other unit lot(s) without approval from the city engineer. If these regulations are adopted by Chelan County for the city’s urban growth area, connections to city water and sewer are not required where there is an approved well and an approved on-site septic system.

H. Building Maintenance. When required to allow for proper building maintenance an easement shall be provided on adjoining unit lots or the parent parcel. [Ord. 1703 § 1 (Att. A), 2024.]

17.17.050 Recording Requirements.

Any unit lot subdivision, when recorded, shall include the following:

A. Access easements, joint use and maintenance agreements, and covenants, conditions, and restrictions identifying the rights and responsibilities of property owners and/or the homeowners’ association for use and maintenance of common areas; on-site recreation; landscaping; utilities; common open space; exterior building facades and roof; and other similar features.

B. A note that approval of the subdivision was granted by the review of the site as a whole, and all development of unit lots shall comply with the underlying site development plan on file with the city (citing the file number).

C. A note that subsequent platting actions, additions or modifications to the structures may not create or increase any nonconformity of the parent parcel as a whole, and shall conform to the approved plat.

D. A note stating that if a structure or portion of the structure has been damaged or destroyed, any repair, reconstruction or replacement of the structure(s) shall conform to the approved plat.

E. A note that additional development of the individual unit lots may be limited as a result of the application of development standards to the parent parcel.

F. A parent parcel with an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) may be subdivided under this section with the following plat notes:

1. The recorded plat shall specify the unit lot that is associated with the accessory dwelling unit; and shall further state that the unit lot associated with the ADU is subject to the ADU regulations under this code. [Ord. 1703 § 1 (Att. A), 2024.]