Chapter 14.07


14.07.005    General fee structure.

14.07.010    Capital improvement charges.

14.07.020    Utility main charge.

14.07.030    Sewer and water extensions inspection charge.

14.07.040    Water service installation fee.

14.07.050    Sewer service installation fees.

14.07.060    Water rates.

14.07.070    Sewer rates.

14.07.075    Rate adjustments.

14.07.080    Credit towards capital improvement charges for oversized water and sewer mains.

14.07.090    Recovery contracts.

14.07.100    Credit towards construction of capital improvements.

14.07.005 General fee structure.

The public works department is authorized to charge and collect the following fees:

Type of Activity


Land development review and construction inspection fees

See MMC 22G.030.020

Street closure notice


Install/repair street sign

Materials and expenses

Street code variance

See MMC 22G.030.020

Application for vacation of streets, roads and alleys

$500.00, plus appraisals, cost of preparing legal descriptions

Vegetation abatement

Cost to abate plus a 10 percent surcharge (see MMC 12.36.010)

Construction water

$3.50/1,000 gallons used

Hydrant water

$50.00 setup + $3.50/1,000 gallons used

Sanitary sewer extension inspection charge

See MMC 22G.030.020

Sanitary sewer inspection fee (right-of-way to residence)

$100.00 per connection

Segregations (local improvement district fees)

$100.00, plus actual engineering costs incurred by the city

Disconnection charges:


Voluntary disconnection of service


Involuntary disconnection of service

$10.00 first time; $20.00 thereafter within 12 months of the last involuntary shut off

Reconnection charges:


Voluntary reconnection


Involuntary reconnection

$10.00 first time; $20.00 thereafter within 12 months of the last involuntary shut off

Shut-off/turn-on fee after hours (water)


Unauthorized tampering with meter


Unauthorized tampering with meter requiring city removal or repair

$150.00 plus time and materials

Unauthorized connection: water or sewer


Variances: water/sewer

See MMC 22G.030.020 ($250.00)

Water system extension inspection fee

See MMC 22G.030.020

Miscellaneous utility relocation (hydrants, meters, blow-offs)

Time and materials

Water use violation:






Water and/or sanitary sewer plan review

See MMC 22G.030.020

Water/sewer connection filing fee


Water/sewer system design standard specifications manual

$10.00 – $50.00

Account change water meter read


Recovery contract

$500.00 minimum or one percent of project + $100.00 collection fee

Emergency locate (after hours)


Late payment fees

Five percent of account for first notice; additional five percent of account for second notice

Bank returned item fee



Cost incurred at time of request

Blueprint copies

Staff time

Tape duplication

Mailing costs

(Ord. 3043 § 1, 2016; Ord. 2918 § 1, 2013; Ord. 2857 § 2, 2011; Ord. 2816 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 2780 § 4, 2009; Ord. 2756 § 1, 2008; Ord. 2554 § 1, 2004; Ord. 2346 § 1, 2000; Ord. 2267 § 1, 1999; Ord. 2106 § 2, 1996).

14.07.010 Capital improvement charges.

(1) Capital improvement charges shall be assessed on all new connections to the water, sewer and storm water systems. Capital improvement charges shall also be assessed for a remodel or expansion of an existing building or use. For purposes of this section, an “existing building or use” shall mean all commercial or industrial buildings or uses, churches, schools or similar uses, and all residential buildings or uses where a remodel or expansion increases the number of dwelling units. The capital improvement charge constitutes an equity payment by new and existing customers for a portion of the previously existing capital assets of the system. Capital improvement charges also constitute a contribution to a long-term capital improvement program for the utility system which includes acquisition of new or larger water sources, construction of water storage and transmission facilities, and construction of sewer and storm water trunk lines and treatment facilities. Capital improvement charges shall be paid in full before a new connection or expansion or remodel to an existing building or use shall be approved. All payments shall be deposited in the utility construction fund and shall be made prior to building permit issuance for residential construction and prior to issuance of a certificate of final occupancy for commercial/industrial construction.

(2) The following capital improvement charges are established:

Residential Units

Connection Charges

Type of Connection

City Water

Outside Water

City Sewer

Outside Sewer

Storm Water




Effective Date



















Multifamily Residential**



Effective Date

8/1/2012 through 8/1/2015






Accessory Dwelling Unit***







Effective Date







*Residential living units include multi-unit housing and mobile homes for the purpose of water and sewer charges. For the purpose of the storm connection charge, only single-family units will be charged a flat fee; all other land uses will be charged based on the equivalent residential unit (ERU), as described below.

**The connection charges for multifamily residential development shall be in effect for a three-year period from August 1, 2012, through August 1, 2015. Thereafter, the connection charges for multifamily residential development shall be the same as the connection charges for residential development.

***Connection charges shall apply to attached or detached accessory dwelling units that are a detached structure or expand the existing single-family dwelling or that convert nonresidential space, such as a garage or part of garage into an accessory dwelling unit. Connection charges shall not apply to interior remodels that do not expand the existing single-family footprint of permitted residential space.

Water, sewer and storm water monthly utility billing charges for a single-family residential unit can also serve a single accessory dwelling unit as defined in MMC 22C.180.030. Each single-family residential unit with an accessory dwelling unit shall be charged a minimum of one base charge plus a charge based on the amount of water consumption. Accessory dwelling units with a separate water meter shall pay separate monthly water, sewer and storm water utility billing charges.



Connection Charges




Outside City

Effective Date



Effective Date


0 – 2,000 gpm



0 – 2,000 gpm


2,001 – 4,000 gpm



2,001 – 4,000 gpm


4,001+ gpm



4,001+ gpm






Effective Date



Effective Date







25% rate reduction for automatic sprinkler system.




Outside City

Effective Date



Effective Date


Retail Sales/Manufacturing/ Churches/Schools/Day Care



Retail Sales/Manufacturing/ Churches/Schools/Day Care


Offices/Medical/Dental/Nursing Homes and all other uses not listed



Offices/Medical/Dental/Nursing Homes and all other uses not listed












25% rate reduction for schools without kitchens.


Storm Water

Effective Date


1 ERU*


*An equivalent residential unit (ERU) equals 3,200 square feet of impervious surface area. Nonresidential projects will be charged $95.00 per ERU. See Chapter 14.19 MMC for definitions.


Water Service Installation Fee

Effective Date


5/8" x 3/4"


3/4" x 3/4"







Time and materials costs/ minimum of $1,900


Drop-in Meter Fee

Effective Date


5/8" x 3/4"


3/4" x 3/4"








3" and over

Charge time and material/ $3,500 minimum

When a single-family residential unit requires a meter larger than 5/8" x 3/4" in order to supply a residential sprinkler system, the drop-in meter fee shall be charged at the same rate as a 5/8" x 3/4" meter.


Hotel/Motel Connection Charges


City Water

Outside Water

City Sewer

Outside Sewer

Effective Date











(3) “Floor space” is defined as the net square footage measured from the interior walls, including interior partitions.

(4) The capital improvement charges for sewer connections shall be reduced by $50.00 per unit or $0.045 per square foot when the affected property participated in a utility local improvement for the construction of the sewer main.

(5) Capital improvement charges for sewer connections to commercial and industrial units shall be reduced by 50 percent for any floor space in the premises which is committed to being used as warehouse space for storage purposes only.

(6) If the use of any premises connected to city utilities is converted from a residential occupancy to a commercial or industrial occupancy (as defined in subsection (2) of this section), or from a warehouse use to an active commercial or industrial use, the owner of the premises shall immediately report such conversion to the city and shall pay the extra capital improvement charge which is then required for such an occupancy. Failure to report such a conversion, and pay the extra charge, within 90 days of the new occupancy shall result in the extra charge being doubled as a penalty.

(7) The capital improvement charge for utility connections in recreational vehicle parks shall be calculated as follows:

(a) For each connection to a recreational vehicle pad, the charge shall be 50 percent of the charge provided in subsection (2) of this section relating to residential living units.

(b) For every other connection in a recreational vehicle park, the charge shall be the same as provided in subsection (2) of this section for residential living units.

(8) If a building with a lawful water and/or sewer connection to the city utility system is demolished and replaced with a new building requiring utility connections, the capital improvement charges assessed for the new connections shall be discounted by the amount which would have been paid, under current schedules, for the connections which previously served the demolished building. (Ord. 3223 § 1 (Exh. A), 2022; Ord. 3202 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 3026 § 1, 2016; Ord. 2918 § 2, 2013; Ord. 2905 § 1, 2012; Ord. 2816 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 2775 § 1, 2009; Ord. 2670 § 1, 2006; Ord. 2607 § 1, 2005; Ord. 2557 § 2, 2004; Ord. 2556 §§ 1, 3, 2004; Ord. 2346 § 1, 2000; Ord. 2345 § 1, 2000; Ord. 2305 § 1, 1999; Ord. 2267 § 2, 1999; Ord. 1841 § 1, 1991; Ord. 1509, 1986; Ord. 1496, 1986; Ord. 1492 §§ 1 2, 1986; Ord. 1480, 1986; Ord. 1434, 1985).

14.07.020 Utility main charge.

(1) A utility main charge shall be assessed to all new connections which utilize water or sewer mains already existing across the frontage of the property being served. The charges constitute payment to the city for the actual costs incurred in originally constructing the main across the frontage of the subject property. Such charges shall not apply when the affected property participated in a utility local improvement district for the construction of a water or sewer main; nor shall such charges be applicable in cases where the main was built and totally paid for by the owner of the subject property or by any private developer who may still be entitled to reimbursement from abutting owners pursuant to a recorded recovery contract (see MMC 14.07.090).

(2) The utility main charge shall be the actual construction cost of the main in question up to eight inches in size for a water main and up to 10 inches in size for a sewer main. The charge shall be prorated on a front-foot basis. For convenience in computing the rates charged for older mains in the city, they are restated as follows:

(a) Water mains constructed prior to October 1, 1967: $2.25 per front foot;

(b) Water mains constructed in 1976 or 1977: $5.50 per front foot;

(c) Sewer mains constructed prior to January 1, 1970: $3.00 per front foot;

(d) Sewer mains constructed in 1976 or 1977: $9.00 per front foot.

The city utility department shall keep a record, open to the public, of the prorated construction cost for all city utility mains.

In cases where the city has participated with a private party or utility local improvement district in constructing a main, only that portion of the total cost actually paid by the city shall be used for calculating the utility main charge.

(3) In addition to the per-front-foot cost referenced in subsection (2) of this section, the city may assess a charge for any other water or sewer mains constructed with city funds subsequent to 1976. The public works department shall establish a schedule of fees and a map open to the public at the public works department showing the utility mains which are subject to this charge. The per-front-foot charge for such mains constructed after 1976 shall be administratively calculated by the city engineer; provided the total of all fees charged on a front-foot basis shall not exceed the total original cost of the project, including all construction, engineering, right-of-way and easement acquisition, and administrative fees. (Ord. 2816 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 2067, 1996; Ord. 1635, 1988; Ord. 1434, 1985).

14.07.030 Sewer and water extensions inspection charge.

Any party extending a public sewer line or water system line shall pay the city an inspection fee. This charge is to pay for the cost of city employees inspecting the installation of the sewer or water line to assure that it complies with city standards. The charges are set forth in MMC 14.07.005, and must be paid prior to any connection being approved. (Ord. 2816 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 2106 § 16, 1996; Ord. 1434, 1985).

14.07.040 Water service installation fee.

(1) A service installation fee shall be assessed at the time any property is connected to the city’s water system. In return for the fee the city shall install the service connection, including the water meter. At the owner’s option the service connection may be privately installed, in which case the city will only charge for the installation of the meter.

(2) Water service installation fees are established in MMC 14.07.010(3). (Ord. 2816 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 2345 § 1, 2000; Ord. 2305 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1434, 1985).

14.07.050 Sewer service installation fees.

(1) A service installation fee shall be assessed at the time any property is connected to the city’s sewer system by the installation of a side sewer. For purposes of this section “side sewer” means that section of pipe between the public sewer main and the private property line. In return for the fee the city shall install the side sewer and inspect the private sewer from the property line to the building. At the owner’s option the side sewer may be privately installed, in which case the city will only charge an inspection fee.

(2) Sewer service installation and inspection fees are set forth in MMC 14.07.005. (Ord. 2816 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 2106 § 17, 1996; Ord. 1434, 1985).

14.07.060 Water rates.

(1) Definitions.

(a) “Water rates,” as used herein, shall refer to the charge assessed by the city for all water consumed or used on property connected to the city water system. The rates shall be based upon the quantity of water passing through the water meter during each billing period.

(b) The normal “billing period” shall be a two-month cycle and shall be that period falling between two consecutive meter read dates. Charges for periods of less than two months shall be prorated both as to minimum charge and as to consumption; provided, however, the city may, at its discretion, elect to use a monthly billing period for selected accounts. If a monthly billing period is used, the consumption allowance and rate shall be one-half that set forth in the bimonthly rate schedule.

(c) Billing Increments. Charges for water shall be computed on the nearest 1,000 gallons of consumption.

(d) “City rates” are those which shall be charged to all properties connected to the water system which are located within the city limits of Marysville.

(e) “CWSP rates” are those which shall be charged to all properties connected to the water system which are located outside the city limits of Marysville but are within the coordinated water system planning boundary.

(f) “OCWSP rates” are those which shall be charged to all properties connected to the water system which are located outside the city’s coordinated water system planning boundary.

(g) “Multiple residential units” shall be defined as attached dwelling units which share a common water meter, including duplexes, townhouses, apartments and condominiums, and shall be defined as including mobile home parks.

(h) “Single-family residential units” shall refer exclusively to detached single-family dwelling units.

(2) Bimonthly Minimum Water Rates. Minimum charges for each billing period, and consumption allowances for such minimums, are established as follows:

Effective January 1, 2025:

Meter Size

AWWA Meter Factor

City Rate

Rural Rate

Outside UGA Rate

Tier = factor * base rate





Multiple Residential Units
(Per Unit)































































Residential & Multifamily

City Rate

Rural Rate

Outside UGA Rate

Volume Tiers (1,000 gal)




0 to 6




7 to 20




21 to 30




31 and higher






City Rate

Rural Rate

Outside UGA Rate

Volume Tiers (1,000 gal)




0 to 6




7 and higher





Effective January 1, 2026:

Meter Size

AWWA Meter Factor

City Rate

Rural Rate

Outside UGA Rate

Tier = factor * base rate





Multiple Residential Units
(Per Unit)































































Residential & Multifamily

City Rate

Rural Rate

Outside UGA Rate

Volume Tiers (1,000 gal)




0 to 6




7 to 20




21 to 30




31 and higher






City Rate

Rural Rate

Outside UGA Rate

Volume Tiers (1,000 gal)




0 to 6




7 and higher




(3) Calculation of Water Bill for Multiple Residential Units. In calculating the water bill for multiple residential units, the total number of dwelling units served by a water connection shall be divided into the water consumption for each billing period, expressed in gallons, to determine the average consumption per dwelling unit. The water rates shall be based upon the average consumption per unit during the billing period multiplied by the total number of units.

(4) Calculation of Water Bill for Mobile Home Parks. The total water bill for mobile home parks shall be calculated by applying the rate schedule to the total number of pads or mobile home sites on the premises which are in a condition ready for occupancy, regardless of whether the same are occupied during the billing period or not; provided, that for the first 24 months after a mobile home park, or a new addition thereto, is opened and connected to city utilities, its water bill shall be calculated by applying the rates only to such pads or mobile home sites as are actually occupied by mobile homes during each billing period; provided, however, for mobile home parks whose utility meter with the city was first activated less than three years preceding June 9, 1997, the effective date of Ordinance 2130, and for which billing on all pads or mobile home sites has occurred for less than two years preceding June 9, 1997, such mobile home parks shall be granted an additional 12 months from June 9, 1997, to pay only for such pads or mobile home sites which are actually occupied during each billing period; provided, further, that all fees, charges and rates paid by such mobile home parks to the city under prior provisions of this subsection and MMC 14.07.070(4), as such subsections originally read or as subsequently amended, shall be nonrefundable notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection.

(5) Private Fire Protection Rates. Private fire protection rates for properties inside or outside of the corporate limits of the city shall be as follows:

Effective January 1, 2025:

(a) Private hydrants, each: $50.25 per year;

(b) Wet standpipe systems: $50.25 per year;

(c) Dry standpipe systems: None;

(d) Automatic sprinkler systems:

(i) Each owner of an automatic sprinkler system shall be charged a monthly rate based upon the size of the water service line that serves the system. The following are the bimonthly rates:

Size of Line

Bimonthly Charge















Effective January 1, 2026:

Size of Line

Bimonthly Charge















(ii) As of January 1, 2010, automatic sprinkler systems without a separate meter and where the line is under two inches, will become part of the minimum water rate as a result of the rate restructuring.

(iii) As of January 1, 2023, residential lots constructed with automatic sprinkler systems shall be charged a bimonthly water rate equal to the rate for a 5/8" meter, regardless of the size of meter installed.

(6) Reduced Utility Charges in Special Cases. Upon application by a utility customer, the chief administrative officer or designee shall have the discretion to make reasonable and equitable reduction in utility accounts, on a case-by-case basis, in the following circumstances:

(a) If a private water line, valve, fixture, or other appurtenance is verified to be leaking as a result of accidental damage or natural deterioration of the same, and not as a result of abuse or willful neglect, the water bill for the subject property during the period of the leak may be reasonably and equitably reduced; provided, that a customer shall be required to pay the base rate plus at least 50 percent of the applicable overage rate for all water which was lost by reason of the leak. The sewer bill for the subject property during the period of the leak may also be reasonably and equitably reduced to an amount not less than the bill charged for the corresponding period the previous year.

(7) Calculation of Water Bill for School Facilities. The city rate for water as set forth in subsection (2) of this section shall apply to all school facilities, whether such facilities are within the city limits or not.

(8) Rate Relief. Low-income senior citizens and low-income disabled persons may be eligible for water and/or sewer rate relief pursuant to Chapter 3.63 MMC. (Ord. 3321 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024; Ord. 3223 § 2 (Exh. B), 2022; Ord. 3185 § 1, 2021; Ord. 3043 § 2, 2016; Ord. 2975 § 1, 2014; Ord. 2948 § 1, 2013; Ord. 2916 § 1, 2012; Ord. 2881 § 3 (App. A), 2011; Ord. 2836 § 1, 2010; Ord. 2816 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 2815 § 1, 2010; Ord. 2758 § 1, 2008; Ord. 2727 § 1, 2007; Ord. 2680 §§ 1, 3, 4, 2006; Ord. 2620 §§ 1, 3, 4, 2006; Ord. 2548 §§ 1, 3, 2004; Ord. 2457 § 1, 2002; Ord. 2394 § 1, 2001; Ord. 2181 §§ 1, 2, 1998; Ord. 2130 § 1, 1997; Ord. 2117 §§ 1, 2, 1997; Ord. 2109 § 1, 1996; Ord. 1840 § 1, 1991; Ord. 1809 § 1, 1990; Ord. 1789, 1990; Ord. 1434, 1985).

14.07.070 Sewer rates.

(1) Definitions.

(a) The normal “billing period” shall be a two-month cycle and shall be that period falling between two consecutive water meter read dates. Charges for periods of less than two months shall be prorated; provided, however, the city may, at its discretion, elect to use a monthly billing period for selected accounts. If a monthly billing period is used, the rate shall be one-half that set forth in the bimonthly rate schedule.

(b) “City rates” are those which shall be charged to all properties connected to the sewer system which are located within the city limits of Marysville.

(c) “UGA rates” are those which shall be charged to all properties connected to the sewer system which are located outside of the city limits of Marysville but are within the urban growth area of the city of Marysville or that portion of the city of Arlington urban growth area which Marysville has agreed by interlocal agreement to provide service.

(d) “OUGA rates” are those which shall be charged to all properties connected to the sewer system which are located outside the Marysville city limits and outside the area where “UGA rates” apply.

(e) “Single-family residences” shall refer exclusively to detached single-family dwelling units.

(f) “Multiple residential units” shall be defined as attached dwelling units which share a common water meter, including duplexes, townhouses, apartments, and condominiums, and shall be defined as including mobile home parks.

(g) “Commercial/industrial” refers to all nonresidential land uses which are not specifically itemized or defined as being included within other classifications.

(h) “Satellite system rate” refers to that rate charged to the city by Lake Stevens Sewer District for the “overlap” area as described in the interlocal agreement between the parties dated April 22, 1999, plus an administrative overhead cost of 15 percent.

(2) Calculation of Commercial/Industrial Sewer Rates. Commercial/industrial sewer rates shall be based upon the quantity of water consumed or used on the premises during the billing period, as determined by the water meter reading and the strength of the discharge as measured by total suspended solids (TSS) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD); provided, that a property owner may, at his own expense, arrange the plumbing on commercial premises so as to separate water which will be discharged into the sewer system from water which will not be so discharged, and a separate meter shall be installed to measure the amount of actual sewage discharged. In such a case the sewer rate shall be based only on the actual sewer use. The installation of such plumbing and meters must be inspected and approved by the city utility department.

Where a commercial property is connected to sewer service but not to water service, the city council shall determine the sewer rate to be charged on a case-by-case basis, using an estimated figure for water consumption.

(3) Sewer Rates. Bimonthly sewer rates are established as follows:

Effective January 1, 2025:



City Rate

Rural Rate

Outside UGA Rate

Single-family residential




Multiple residential units per unit




Hotels/motels per unit




Commercial minimum




Class 1 (31 to 100 mg/l) per 1,000 gallons




Class 2 (101 to 200 mg/l) per 1,000 gallons




Class 3 (201 to 300 mg/l) per 1,000 gallons




Class 4 (301 to 400 mg/l) per 1,000 gallons




Class 5 (401 to 500 mg/l) per 1,000 gallons




Class 6 (501 to 600 mg/l) per 1,000 gallons




Overnight camping




Individual connections per unit




Other connections each












Per 1,000 gallons




Restaurants w/o grease trap surcharge





Effective January 1, 2026:



City Rate

Rural Rate

Outside UGA Rate

Single-family residential




Multiple residential units per unit




Hotels/motels per unit




Commercial minimum




Class 1 (31 to 100 mg/l) per 1,000 gallons




Class 2 (101 to 200 mg/l) per 1,000 gallons




Class 3 (201 to 300 mg/l) per 1,000 gallons




Class 4 (301 to 400 mg/l) per 1,000 gallons




Class 5 (401 to 500 mg/l) per 1,000 gallons




Class 6 (501 to 600 mg/l) per 1,000 gallons




Overnight camping




Individual connections per unit




Other connections each












Per 1,000 gallons




Restaurants w/o grease trap surcharge




(4) Calculation of Sewer Rates for Mobile Home Parks. The total sewer bill for mobile home parks shall be calculated by applying the rate schedule above to the total number of pads or mobile home sites on the premises which are in a condition ready for occupancy, regardless of whether the same are occupied during the billing period; provided, that for the first 24 months after a mobile home park, or a new addition thereto, is opened and connected to city utilities, the sewer bill shall be calculated by applying the rates only to such pads or mobile home sites as are actually occupied by mobile homes during each billing period; provided, however, for mobile home parks whose utility meter with the city was first activated less than three years preceding June 9, 1997, the effective date of Ordinance 2130, and for which billing on all pads or mobile home sites has occurred for less than two years preceding June 9, 1997, such mobile home parks shall be granted an additional 12 months from June 9, 1997, to pay only for such pads or mobile home sites which are actually occupied during each billing period; provided further, that all fees, charges and rates paid by such mobile home parks to the city under prior provisions of this section and MMC 14.07.060, as such sections originally read or as subsequently amended, shall be nonrefundable notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection.

(5) Restaurants, for the purpose of sewer rates, shall be classified as Class 3 strength as described in subsection (3) of this section. Restaurants without approved grease traps, including those restaurants where a variance has been granted eliminating the necessity of a grease trap, shall be surcharged, effective January 1, 2022, $4.47 per 1,000. Effective January 1, 2023, $4.56 per 1,000. Effective January 1, 2024, $4.65 per 1,000.

(6) Satellite System Rate. Notwithstanding any other rate established by this section, for that area defined as the satellite system area, the city shall charge the same rate as charged by Lake Stevens Sewer District plus an administrative fee of 15 percent. This rate shall be in effect for such properties until such time as the city’s sewer collection system is constructed and sewer flows are diverted from the Lake Stevens Sewer District system to the city’s sewer collection system.

(7) Calculation for Sewer Rates for Schools. Schools’ sewer rates shall be based upon the quantity of water consumed or used on the premises during the billing period, as determined by the water meter reading; provided, if the water service is supplied to a school by other than the City of Marysville water system, the school district shall notify the City billing department of the total consumption as billed by other such water purveyor. The city rate for sewer as set forth in subsection (3) of this section shall apply to all school facilities, whether such facilities are within the city limits or not and whether public or privately operated.

(8) Rate Relief. Low-income senior citizens and low-income disabled persons may be eligible for water and/or sewer rate relief pursuant to Chapter 3.63 MMC. (Ord. 3321 § 2 (Exh. B), 2024; Ord. 3185 § 2, 2021; Ord. 3043 § 3, 2016; Ord. 2975 § 2, 2014; Ord. 2948 § 2, 2013; Ord. 2916 § 2, 2012; Ord. 2881 § 3 (App. A), 2011; Ord. 2836 § 2, 2010; Ord. 2823 § 1, 2010; Ord. 2816 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 2815 § 2, 2010; Ord. 2758 § 2, 2008; Ord. 2727 § 2, 2007; Ord. 2680 §§ 2, 3, 4, 2006; Ord. 2620 §§ 2, 3, 4, 2006; Ord. 2548 §§ 2, 3, 4, 2004; Ord. 2531 § 2, 2004; Ord. 2457 § 2, 2002; Ord. 2394 § 2, 2001; Ord. 2347 § 1, 2000; Ord. 2284 § 1, 1999; Ord. 2130 § 2, 1997; Ord. 2117 § 3, 1997; Ord. 2109 § 2, 1996; Ord. 1840 § 2, 1991; Ord. 1809 § 2, 1990; Ord. 1798, 1990; Ord. 1434, 1985).

14.07.075 Rate adjustments.

(1) Beginning in 2006, as part of the budget process, the rates and fees for water and sewer may be adjusted annually by two percent. Any such adjusted rates and fees shall become effective January 1st of the new budget year. Beginning in 2007, as part of the budget process, surface water fees may be adjusted annually by two percent. Any such adjusted rates and fees shall become effective January 1st of the new budget year.

(2) Proposed rate increases greater than the two percent will require a public hearing process prior to adoption. All proposed rate adjustments will not be automatic but shall be justified and shall be reviewed and approved by the city council. (Ord. 2816 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 2654 § 2, 2006).

14.07.080 Credit towards capital improvement charges for oversized water and sewer mains.

In all cases, the city engineer shall determine the size and depth of water and sewer mains connected to the city utility system. The determination shall be consistent with the city’s comprehensive plan and the long-range objectives for the water and sewer utility.

The city engineer may grant the property owner/developer a credit against the corresponding capital improvement charges to be imposed against the property/project under MMC 14.07.010 for the purpose of constructing oversized water and sewer mains. The amount of any credit shall be the lesser of (1) the total costs incurred as described in subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section or (2) the total of all corresponding capital improvement charges to be imposed against the property/project. Any credit may only be applied to the corresponding capital improvement charges (i.e., construction of a water utility may be credited against water capital improvement charges but not sewer or storm water capital improvement charges).

(1) If a property owner/developer is required to install a water main with a diameter in excess of 12 inches, and if the purpose of such oversizing is to provide for future extension of the main to adjacent properties within the utility service area, and not merely to meet the needs of the property responsible for constructing the main, the city may credit the property owner/developer for the difference in material costs incurred solely by reason of the oversizing requirement. No such credit shall be made except upon the following: complete installation of the water main and approval of the same by the city engineer; submittal of a bill of sale and warranty for the water main to the city in accordance with MMC 14.03.420; submittal of bonding and proof of insurance as may be required by the city engineer in accordance with MMC 14.03.430; certification of the oversizing costs, with such verification from the material supplier and contractor as the city engineer may require; approval of the oversizing costs by the city engineer; and approval of the credit by the city engineer.

(2) If a property owner/developer is required to install a sewer main with a diameter in excess of 10 inches but less than 18 inches, and if the purpose of such oversizing is to provide for future extension of the main to adjacent properties within the utility service area, and not merely to meet the needs of the property responsible for constructing the main, the city may credit the property owner/developer for the difference in material costs incurred solely by reason of the oversizing requirement. No such credit shall be made except upon the following: complete installation of the sewer main and approval of the same by the city engineer; submittal of a bill of sale and warranty for the sewer main to the city in accordance with MMC 14.03.420; submittal of bonding and proof of insurance as may be required by the city engineer in accordance with MMC 14.03.430; certification of the oversizing costs, with such verification from the material supplier and contractor as the city engineer may require; approval of the oversizing costs by the city engineer; and approval of the credit by the city engineer.

(3) If a property owner/developer is required to install a sewer main with a diameter equal to or in excess of 18 inches, and if the purpose of such oversizing is to provide for future extension of the main to adjacent properties within the utility service area and not merely to meet the needs of the property responsible for constructing the main, the city may credit the property owner/developer an amount not to exceed the costs incurred to construct the sewer main. No such credit shall be made except upon the following: complete construction of the sewer project and approval of the same by the city engineer; submittal of a bill of sale and warranty for the sewer project to the city in accordance with MMC 14.03.420; submittal of bonding and proof of insurance as may be required by the city engineer in accordance with MMC 14.03.430; certification of the sewer project’s costs, with such verification from the material supplier and contractor as the city engineer may require; approval of the infrastructure project costs by the city engineer; and approval of the credit by the city engineer. (Ord. 3308 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024; Ord. 3065 § 1, 2017; Ord. 2816 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 1434, 1985).

14.07.090 Recovery contracts.

(1) When an owner of real estate is required by MMC 14.01.050, 14.01.055, 14.03.250, 14.03.300, 14.03.310 or 14.07.080, or any other ordinance, to improve or construct water or sewer facilities as a prerequisite to further property development, the provisions of Chapter 35.91 RCW shall apply. The owner must submit a written request on a form provided by the city for a contract to recover the cost of the improvement or construction of water or sewer facilities prior to the approval of the water or sewer facility by the city. If an owner does not timely submit a written request, the city is not obligated to enter into a contract with the owner for the recovery of latecomer fees.

(a) Within 120 days of completion of the water or sewer facility and its acceptance by the city, the owner of real estate must submit the total cost of the water or sewer facility to the city in a form acceptable to the city. This information will be used by the city to determine reimbursements by future users who will benefit from the water or sewer facility, but who did not contribute to the original cost of the water or sewer facility.

(2) The city will determine the parcels which will directly benefit from the improvements and include those parcels in the assessment area.

(3) The reimbursement share of all property owners in the assessment area shall be the pro rata share of the total cost of the project, less any contributions paid by the city. Each reimbursement share shall be determined by the city using a method of cost apportionment which is based upon the benefit received by each property from the project. This will generally be prorated on a front-footage basis, but the city may utilize another method of cost apportionment; provided, that the method assesses properties on a pro rata basis. The owner seeking a recovery contract shall not be reimbursed for the share of benefits which are allocated to its property.

(4) A preliminary determination of area boundaries and assessments, along with a description of the property owner’s rights and options, shall be forwarded by certified and first class mail to the property owners of record within the proposed assessment area. A property owner within the assessment area may request a hearing before the city council. Such request must be in writing and specify the relief sought. The request must be filed with the city clerk, the city attorney, and director of public works within 20 days of the mailing of the preliminary determination. After receiving a timely request for a hearing, notice shall be given to all property owners in the assessment area of the date, time, and location of the hearing. The city council’s ruling shall be determinative and final.

(5) The contract, upon approval by the city council, shall be recorded with the Snohomish County auditor within 30 days of such approval. The recorded contract shall constitute a lien against all real property within the assessment area which did not contribute to the original cost of the utility project.

(6) If, within a period of 20 years from the date the contract was recorded (or such other period provided for in the contract), any property within the assessment area applies for connection to the utility line, the lien for payment of the property’s proportionate share shall become immediately due and payable to the city as a condition of receiving connection approval.

(7) All assessments collected by the city pursuant to a recovery contract, less the city’s administrative charge, shall be paid to the original proponent, its personal representative, successors or assigns within 30 days after receipt by the city. The city’s administrative charge for each collection is set forth in MMC 14.07.005.

(8) Nothing in this section, nor any provision in a recovery contract, shall be construed as establishing the city as a public utility in areas not already connected to the city’s utility system, nor shall this section, or any recovery contract, be construed as establishing express or implied rights for any property owner to connect to the city’s utility system without first qualifying for such connection by compliance with all applicable city codes and ordinances.

(9) In all cases, the city engineer shall determine the size and depth of water and sewer mains connected to the city utility system and the need for any pumps, lift stations, or other appurtenances. The determination shall be consistent with the city’s comprehensive plan and the long-range objectives for the water and sewer utility. Where the city engineer determines that a property owner/developer of residential property is required to install a water main with a diameter in excess of eight inches or a sewer main with a diameter in excess of 10 inches, and if the purpose of such oversizing is to provide for future extension of the main to adjacent properties within the utility service area, and not merely to meet the needs of the property responsible for constructing the main, then the property owner may be entitled to reimbursement or a credit against capital improvement charges, as provided under MMC 14.07.080. (Ord. 3065 § 2, 2017; Ord. 2996 § 1 (Exh. A), 2015; Ord. 2816 § 1 (Exh. A), 2010; Ord. 2780 § 1, 2009; Ord. 2106 § 18, 1996; Ord. 1599, 1988; Ord. 1434, 1985).

14.07.100 Credit towards construction of capital improvements.

The city’s comprehensive plan identifies certain future city infrastructure projects needed for continued efficient operation of its water, sewer, and storm water systems. In all cases, the city engineer shall determine the location and design of any infrastructure project connected to the city’s water, sewer, or storm water systems. The city engineer’s determination shall be consistent with the city’s comprehensive plan and long-range objectives for the water, sewer, and storm water utilities. If a property owner/developer agrees to construct an infrastructure project identified in the city’s comprehensive plan that provides water, sewer, or storm water system capacity greater than that needed to meet the needs of the property responsible for constructing the project, the city may grant the property owner/developer a credit against the corresponding capital improvement charges to be imposed against the property/project under MMC 14.07.010. The amount of any credit shall be the lesser of (1) the total costs incurred in constructing the project or (2) the total of all corresponding capital improvement charges to be imposed against the property/project. Any credit may only be applied to corresponding capital improvement charges (i.e., construction of a water project may be credited against water capital improvement charges but not sewer or storm water capital improvement charges).

No such credit shall be made except upon the following: complete construction of the infrastructure project and approval of the same by the city engineer; submittal of a bill of sale and warranty for the infrastructure project to the city in accordance with MMC 14.03.420; submittal of bonding and proof of insurance as may be required by the city engineer in accordance with MMC 14.03.430 or 14.15.130; certification of the infrastructure project’s costs, with such verification from the material supplier and contractor as the city engineer may require; approval of the infrastructure project costs by the city engineer; and approval of the credit by the city engineer. (Ord. 3308 § 2 (Exh. B), 2024; Ord. 3065 § 3, 2017).