Chapter 6.12


6.12.010    Restrainment in truck upon town entrance.

6.12.020    Restrainment in truck required.

6.12.030    Defined.

6.12.040    Unrestrained to be impounded.

6.12.050    Disposal of strays endangering lives and property.

6.12.060    Violation—Penalty.

6.12.010 Restrainment in truck upon town entrance.

No cattle of any age or sex or description shall be allowed to enter the town unless said cattle are properly restrained within a suitable truck designed to properly restrain each and every animal contained therein.

(Ord. 33 §1, 1962).

6.12.020 Restrainment in truck required.

It is unlawful for the owners of any cattle of any age, sex or description to allow said cattle to enter the town unless restrained in a truck as set forth in Section 6.12.010.

(Ord. 33 §2, 1962).

6.12.030 Defined.

“Cattle” as used in this chapter includes one or more cow or cows, bull or bulls, steer or steers, calf or calves, heifer or heifers of any breed.

(Ord. 33 §3, 1962).

6.12.040 Unrestrained to be impounded.

Any unrestrained cattle found within the boundaries of the town shall be impounded by the town marshal or his deputy or any other official appointed by the town council to act in that regard. The owner of any impounded cattle shall have not less than seventy-two hours to reclaim said cattle. However, before being eligible to reclaim said cattle the owner must post bail for the said violation in the amount of ten dollars for the first time one head of cattle was allowed to stray into the town, twenty dollars for the second time one head of cattle belonging to said owner is allowed to stray into the town and fifty dollars for each subsequent time that one head of cattle belonging to said owner is allowed to stray into the town. In the event that more than one head of cattle is allowed to stray into the town at one time each head of cattle shall be dealt with as a separate offense and the owner shall be fined ten dollars for each head of cattle for the first offense, twenty dollars for each head of cattle for the second offense and fifty dollars for each head of cattle for the third offense and each and every offense thereafter. Upon posting bail in the amounts aforesaid the owner of cattle shall have the right to reclaim the animal or animals unless the animal or animals have been disposed of as hereinafter set forth. The town custodian of cattle shall, at the time bail is posted, give the owner of cattle a receipt for the balance paid and set a time for hearing at which time the police judge shall determine the merits of the case. In the event that the animal is not claimed within seventy-two hours the cattle may be sold or disposed of.

(Ord. 33 §4, 1962).

6.12.050 Disposal of strays endangering lives and property.

In the event that the town marshal or his duly appointed deputy determines that cattle allowed to stray within the town are endangering the lives and the property of the citizens of the town then, in that event the marshal or his duly appointed deputy shall be authorized to immediately dispose of said cattle.

(Ord. 33 §5, 1962).

6.12.060 Violation—Penalty.

Any person who shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed thirty days or by both such fine and imprisonment.

(Ord. 33 §6, 1962).