Chapter 13.16
13.16.030 Receptacles-Requirements generally.
13.16.040 Use of town sanitary services and facilities required.
13.16.050 Receptacles-Location-Appeal procedure when location not satisfactory.
13.16.055 Receptacles-Placement times for collection.
13.16.060 Collection rates and charges.
13.16.070 Collection service—Monthly charge required.
13.16.075 Delinquent fee for late payment.
13.16.080 Burning and disposal of garbage restricted.
13.16.090 Outside toilets and dumping sewage on town property prohibited.
13.16.100 Collection from residential and business districts required.
13.16.110 City may require separation of component parts.
13.16.120 Permit required for use of dumps or sanitary fills.
13.16.130 Unauthorized collection or disposal of garbage prohibited.
13.16.010 Purpose.
The maintenance of health and sanitation require and it is the intention hereof to make the collection, removal and disposal of garbage and refuse and dead animals within the town compulsory and universal.
(Ord. 274 §1, 1993).
13.16.020 Definitions.
“Garbage,” as used in this chapter, means all waste and discarded materials from dwellings, flats, roominghouses, trailer camps, hotels, clubs, restaurants, boardinghouses, eating places, shops and places of business, including waste and discarded food, animal and vegetable matter, grass, weeds, waste paper, cans, glass, ashes, boxes and cuttings from trees, lawns and gardens if cut so that they fit into the appropriate container.
“Person” means every natural person, firm, copartnership, association or corporation.
“Waste” does not include materials subject to manufacture into byproducts.
(Ord. 274 §2, 1993).
13.16.030 Receptacles-Requirements generally.
A. It shall be the duty of every person in possession, charge or control of any dwelling, flat, roominghouse, apartment house or eating place, or in possession, charge or control of any shop, place of business or manufacturing establishment where garbage and refuse is created or accumulates, at all times to keep or cause to be kept contractor’s containers for the deposit therein of garbage and refuse and to deposit or cause to be deposited the same therein.
B. It shall be the duty of the owner of any dwelling, flat or apartment house to furnish to or see that his tenants are supplied with such containers, or in the case of apartment houses, with adequate means of depositing of garbage and refuse.
C. Lids shall not be removed except when necessary to place garbage and refuse in such containers, or to take the same therefrom. When garbage and refuse is placed therein or taken therefrom, such lids shall be replaced by the person placing the same therein or taking the same therefrom. Such containers shall be kept in a sanitary condition with the outside thereof clean and free from accumulating grease and decomposing material. Each such container shall be kept in a place accessible to the collector of garbage and refuse.
D. It shall be the duty of every person to cause such garbage and refuse to be removed and disposed of by the garbage and refuse contractor of the town.
E. This section is subject to the provision that in the case of isolated dwellings or places of business located in sparsely settled portions of the town, or where reasonable access cannot be had by truck, garbage and refuse therefrom may, upon special permit of the garbage and refuse contractor, be collected, removed and disposed of in such manner as the contractor shall in such permit approve and direct.
F. It shall be the duty of every person in possession, charge or control of any dead animal or upon whose premises the same may be located, to cause the same to be removed to an approved and acceptable disposal site and not be disposed of in the garbage and refuse container.
G. It is the responsibility of the owner, or occupant, to protect and maintain the containers provided by the contractor; and the owner, or occupant, is responsible for the costs of repair or replacement, other than for normal wear and tear.
(Ord. 274 §3, 1993).
13.16.040 Use of town sanitary services and facilities required.
All persons, firms, corporations or entities within the corporate limits of the town are required to use the sanitary services and garbage facilities provided by the contractor and to comply with all provisions of Sections 13.16.040 through 13.16.060.
(Ord. 274 §4, 1993).
13.16.050 Receptacles-Location-Appeal procedure when location not satisfactory.
All garbage cans or carts shall be kept at all times in a suitable storage space as provided herein and maintained in the following locations:
A. Residential Zones.
1. Alley Access Service. Whenever public alleys exist adjacent to real property being serviced by the solid waste collector, the cans/carts shall be in a suitable place in the alley and easily accessible by the solid waste collector’s equipment on the collection day.
2. Curbside Service. Where no alley access is available, the can/cart may be located anywhere on the premises, but not less than twenty feet from any abutting street, or against the wall of any building, if located less than twenty feet from the curb of an abutting street. On days of scheduled collection, the solid waste receptacle shall be placed at the curbside and then removed within twenty-four hours after collection is made.
B. Commercial Zones.
1. Use of Containers. Commercial establishments, together with churches, schools, hospitals, public parks, manufacturing, and other similar user making use of a one cubic yard or larger container, may, with the approval of the solid waste collector and the town, locate said container anywhere on their privately owned or operated premises; provided, that the location does not represent or become a nuisance, health hazard or danger to the well being of the occupant, owner, operator, adjacent property owner or general public.
2. Use of Cans/Carts. Commercial establishments utilizing carts shall conform to the requirements set forth for residential zones. These requirements may be modified upon the concurrence of the solid waste collector and the city superintendent, should specific conditions so warrant a change.
C. If a mutually acceptable location cannot be agreed upon, then the decision of the contractor shall control. If the party being served is not satisfied with the decision of the contractor, then the person may have an appeal to the city council provided written notice of the appeal is given within fifteen days of the determination. The party perfecting the appeal shall appear at the first regular city council meeting after notice is given and present its case. The determination of the city council shall be final.
(Ord. 356 §1, 1998: Ord. 274 §5, 1993).
13.16.055 Receptacles-Placement times for collection.
A. All solid waste containers collected at curbside pursuant to the provisions of Section 13.16.050 as amended, shall be set out on the regular day of, or evening preceding, the scheduled collection, but must be so set out by the following times:
1. Residential zones shall have containers placed at the collection site no later than seven a.m.
2. Commercial and manufacturing zones shall have containers placed at the collection site no later than six a.m.
B. Persons failing to have solid waste containers properly placed at the curbside or alley prior to collection, and who thereby are not collected, shall not be entitled to regular pickup again until their next regularly schedule pickup.
13.16.060 Collection rates and charges.
A. Property owners, or occupants of premises within the city, shall pay the rates or charges for the collection of and disposal of garbage from each of the premises owned, or occupied, by them, without regard as to whether it is used for residential or commercial purposes, as set forth in Chapter 13.12. The owner of the property served has the ultimate responsibility for payment and, pursuant to RCW 35A.21.060, the property shall be subject to lien for nonpayment of any such charges or costs.
B. The city council shall from time to time set such rates and charges as provided for above by adoption of a resolution.
(Ord. 274 §6, 1993).
(Ord. No. 507, § 1, 11-4-10)
13.16.070 Collection service—Monthly charge required.
The monthly charges for garbage collection service shall be assessed and are payable for any month in which the property is occupied or the service is used for any portion of the month; provided, that the property will not be deemed to be occupied if only water is used on the premises for yard purposes.
(Ord. 274 § 7, 1993).
13.16.075 Delinquent fee for late payment.
Whenever the payment of charges for any water, sewer service and/or garbage pickup service supplied by the town of Mattawa is more than thirty days delinquent, a late fee of twenty dollars shall be added to the delinquent balance and shall be collected along with the total of the delinquent balance.
(Ord. 451 § 1(part), 2007).
13.16.080 Burning and disposal of garbage restricted.
It is unlawful for any person to burn any garbage or refuse, excepting brush, grass, weeds and cuttings from trees, lawns or gardens burned in a furnace or upon permit from the fire district; or to dump or deposit any garbage and refuse upon any street or alley or private property in the town or to burn the same, or to collect, remove or dispose of the same except as provided in Sections 13.16.010 through 13.16.030 and Sections 13.16.090 through 13.16.120.
(Ord. 274 § 8, 1993).
13.16.090 Outside toilets and dumping sewage on town property prohibited.
It is unlawful for any person, company or corporation who owns or occupies any property within the incorporated limits of the town to permit or maintain or use any outside toilet, or to dump or throw any slop, waste or sewage of any kind or description upon any property within the incorporated limits.
(Ord. 274 § 9, 1993).
13.16.100 Collection from residential and business districts required.
The garbage and refuse contractor shall collect, remove and dispose of all garbage and refuse in the residential sections of the town, and from hotels, restaurants, boardinghouses, eating places, apartment houses, schools and hospitals and in the business sections of the town, as designated from time to time by the garbage and refuse contractor, or in either of the districts as often as required by the contractor.
(Ord. 274 § 10, 1993).
13.16.110 City may require separation of component parts.
The city reserves the right to and may at its option require the separation of paper or swill or other component parts of garbage and refuse, or any of them, and may require the deposit thereof in separate cans or receptacles, and may prescribe the method of disposal thereof.
(Ord. 274 § 11, 1993).
13.16.120 Permit required for use of dumps or sanitary fills.
No person shall use or be permitted to use any dump or dumps, sanitary fill or fills or other place of disposal.
(Ord. 274 § 12, 1993).
13.16.130 Unauthorized collection or disposal of garbage prohibited.
It is unlawful for any person other than the garbage and refuse contractor to engage in the business of collecting, removing and disposing of garbage and refuse in the city, or for any person other than the garbage and refuse contractor, its agents or employees to do or perform any of the things required in this chapter to be done or performed by the garbage and refuse contractor.
(Ord. 274 §13, 1993).
13.16.140 Violation-Penalty.
Any person, owner or occupant who fails to provide the necessary solid waste containers, or who fails to comply with any other provision of this Chapter 13.16, shall have committed a civil infraction and shall be subject to a civil penalty of up to fifty dollars.
(Ord. 356 §3, 1998).