Chapter 17.44
17.44.015 Development standards.
17.44.025 Accessory dwelling units.
17.44.030 Exception to height limitations.
17.44.040 Exceptions to setback requirements.
17.44.050 Places of habitation.
17.44.060 Clear view triangle.
17.44.070 Residential performance standards.
17.44.075 Site development standards—Mobile/manufactured home parks.
17.44.010 Purpose.
The purpose of the general regulations is to provide a concise reference to requirements that are common to many different zoning districts, thereby providing a more efficient utilization of this title.
(Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).
17.44.015 Development standards.
A. Accessory Structures.
1. Accessory structures shall not be used as a place of human habitation.
2. All accessory structures shall observe a five-foot setback in the side and rear yard areas.
3. No accessory structure shall occupy any part of a required front yard area.
(Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).
17.44.025 Accessory dwelling units.
An accessory dwelling unit, as defined in Chapter 17.10 of this title, shall meet the following minimum requirements:
A. Only one accessory dwelling unit shall be allowed per building lot or home site in conjunction with a single-family structure, even if such structure is built on more than one platted lot;
B. An accessory dwelling unit may be attached to, created within, or detached from a new or existing primary single-family dwelling unit;
C. The property owner (which shall include title holders and contract purchasers) shall occupy either the primary unit or the accessory unit as their permanent residence;
D. The accessory dwelling unit will require one parking space, which is in addition to any off-street spaces required for the primary single-family dwelling unit;
E. The floor area for the accessory dwelling unit shall in no case exceed nine hundred square feet, nor be less than three hundred square feet, and the accessory dwelling unit shall contain no more than two bedrooms. Additionally, the square footage of the accessory dwelling unit shall be no more than fifty percent of the area of the primary single-family dwelling;
F. An accessory dwelling unit, together with the primary single-family dwelling unit and other accessory buildings or structures with which it is associated, shall conform to all other provisions of this code, and no variance of yard setback or building lot coverage requirements will be granted;
G. The accessory dwelling unit shall meet the minimum requirements of the International Building Code, International Fire Code, health district and all other local, state and federal agencies;
H. The accessory dwelling unit must be connected to the water and sewer utilities of the dwelling unit and may not have separate services;
I. Future subdivision would require compliance with all applicable parts of the town of Mattawa Municipal Code including, without limitation, water and sewer hook-up; and
J. Conversions of accessory storage structures, including without limitation garages and carports, to accessory dwelling units shall only occur when that existing structure meets the required yard setbacks for a residence, including without limitation, the rear and side yard requirements.
(Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).
17.44.030 Exception to height limitations.
The height limitations contained within each zoning district chapter do not apply, and are not limited to the following: spires, belfries, cupolas, antennas, water tanks, ventilators, chimneys, flagpoles, smoke stacks, transmission towers, utility poles, radio and television towers, roof-top mechanical and ventilation equipment, or other appurtenances usually required to be placed above roof level and not used or intended to be used for human occupancy.
(Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).
17.44.040 Exceptions to setback requirements.
A. Eaves, cornices, awnings, or other architectural projections may extend two feet into required front, side or rear yard areas.
B. Steps or decks of thirty inches or less in height may project into required setback areas.
C. A lot in a district that permits residential uses when joined on one or both sides by lots on which primary structures are set back less than the district minimum, may observe a required front yard setback equal to the average of adjacent primary structures or the average of the district minimum and an adjoining structure.
D. All structures in residential zones shall set back at least fifty-five feet from the right-of-way nearest the undedicated side of any half-street.
E. All structures in all zones that front on a state highway shall be set back eighty feet from centerline or fifty feet from the right-of-way, whichever is greater.
(Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).
17.44.050 Places of habitation.
Travel trailers and motor homes are prohibited as places of habitation when located outside of approved mobilehome parks, or other areas having specific town authorization for such use. At no time shall travel trailers or motor homes be used as permanent places of habitation.
(Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).
17.44.060 Clear view triangle.
A. A clear view triangle shall be maintained for vision safety purposes on all corner lots, driveways and intersecting public/private roads. No fence, sign, utility structure, associated landscaping or any other sight obstruction between thirty-six inches and eight feet in height above the existing road grade shall be placed or maintained within the triangle.
B. The clear view triangle shall be established as follows:
1. At street intersections, it shall be determined by measuring twenty-five feet from the point of intersection of the two property lines, along the property lines adjacent to each street. The third side of the triangle shall be a line connecting the end points of the first two sides of the triangle.
2. At a driveway intersection with a street right-of-way, it shall be determined by measuring fifteen feet along the road right-of-way and fifteen feet along the edges of the driveway, beginning at the respective points of the intersection. The third side of the triangle shall be a line connecting the end points of the first two sides of the triangle.
(Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).
17.44.070 Residential performance standards.
All residential dwellings permitted in the town of Mattawa shall meet the following provisions. Manufactured home placement within manufactured home parks, in existence prior to adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter, are excluded from these provisions:
A. Minimum Width. The minimum width of the main body of a residence on a site shall not be less than twenty-four feet, as measured across the narrowest portion of the dwelling;
B. Minimum living space floor area: eight hundred square feet for a single-family structure and seven hundred twenty square feet per dwelling unit for multifamily structures;
C. Minimum roof pitch: three feet vertical distance for every twelve feet horizontal distance, however nothing in this section shall prevent a site-built home from using a roof with less pitch, provided the design, engineering and construction ensure the structure maintains the adopted snow load requirements;
D. Foundation. A manufactured home shall have a foundation or skirting that is similar in appearance to foundations of housing built on-site; and
E. Floor Level. The first finished floor level of a single-story residence shall be fifteen inches or less above the finished grade of the lot. Manufactured homes shall be recessed (pit set) to achieve this.
F. Roof construction shall be of non-reflective materials.
G. Wheels and tongue of all manufactured homes not located in manufactured home parks shall be removed.
H. All manufactured homes shall be new and previously untitled and shall bear the insignia of approval by the state of Washington or the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development indicating compliance with the National Manufactured Housing Construction Safety Standards Act of 1974 (effective June 15, 1976).
I. Residential structures shall be constructed with a perimeter masonry or concrete foundation that is in accordance with the State Building Code. Residential structures shall be constructed with at least two exterior hose bibs installed per the State Building Code. Electrical panels shall be located within the dwelling or an attached garage or carport.
J. Residential structures shall have a hard surfaced route from the main entrance of the residence to the street.
K. All required off-street parking spaces shall be constructed to provide for a hard surface, i.e., pavement or compacted gravel. The access route from the street to the parking spaces shall also be a hard surface.
(Ord. No. 526, § 1, 6-7-12; Ord. No. 516, § 1, 8-4-11; Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).
17.44.075 Site development standards—Mobile/manufactured home parks.
All new, expanded or remodeled manufactured home developments shall comply with all the site development standards listed in this section or found within the Mattawa Municipal Code. All manufactured home developments shall meet the following minimum standards:
A. Site development shall be at least two acres;
B. Area per dwelling site: a minimum of four thousand square feet of land per dwelling;
C. Housing density: a maximum of six dwellings per acre;
D. Service Road Width. All roads within the manufactured home park shall have paved travel lanes that meet the following standards:
1. For two-way traffic, each travel lane shall be eleven feet in width, plus an eight-foot wide parking lane, plus a four-foot wide pedestrian path (minimum of thirty-four feet total),
2. For one-way traffic, a twelve-foot travel lane, plus an eight-foot wide parking strip, plus a four-foot wide pedestrian walk (minimum of twenty-four feet total),
3. All roads shall be clearly marked and signed for traffic direction and safety;
E. Parking spaces: shall meet the standards of MMC Chapters 15.08 and 17.46
F. Setbacks. All manufactured homes shall be set back at least:
1. Front Yard. All dwellings and accessory structures shall be a minimum of fifty feet from the centerline of all adjacent public streets, or twenty feet from the right-of-way line, whichever is a greater distance,
2. Rear and Side Yards. All dwellings and accessory structures shall be a minimum of twenty feet from any property line adjacent to residential zoned districts, or at least ten feet from nonresidential zoned properties,
3. From Interior Service Roads. All manufactured homes and accessory structures shall be spaced so that the closed edge is at least twenty-four feet from the centerline of any adjacent service road,
4. From other manufactured homes: fifteen feet minimum spacing between dwelling units;
G. Site Numbering. Each dwelling site shall have a site number (address) prominently displayed to enable emergency response personnel to find the correct unit;
H. Storage. For each dwelling site, there shall be a storage shed. Such storage shall be less than one hundred twenty square feet in floor area and less than ten feet in height;
I. Common open space: at least two thousand five hundred square feet plus one hundred square feet for each dwelling site. Common space area is in addition to any landscaping or buffer area;
J. Utilities. All utilities shall be placed underground, and shall remain the property of the manufactured home development/owner.
1. Water. Every dwelling unit shall be connected to the town water system. The development shall provide the minimum required fire flow,
2. Wastewater. Every dwelling unit shall be connected to the town wastewater system,
3. Solid waste disposal and recycling facilities shall be provided adequate to serve all dwellings within the development,
4. Stormwater runoff shall be designed and installed in accordance with specifications of the town design standards;
K. Landscaping. All areas within the boundaries of the development shall be landscaped in accordance with Chapter 17.48 MMC.
1. All natural and artificial barriers, driveways, lawns, trees, buildings, occupied and unoccupied dwelling spaces, recreational and open space areas shall be maintained.
2. The perimeter of the manufactured home park shall be enclosed with a fence that is no higher than six feet tall, maximum.
(Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).
17.44.080 Home occupations.
Minimum conditions:
A. The use of the dwelling for a home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to its use for residential purposes with no more than fifty percent of the floor area of one floor being used in the active conduct of the home occupation.
B. No structural alterations shall be allowed except as otherwise required by law.
C. No persons other than residents of the structure and one outside employee may be employed in the home occupation.
D. There shall be no window display and no sample commodities displayed outside of the building.
E. No equipment or process shall be used which creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors, or electrical interference or causes fluctuations in line voltage off the premises.
F. A home occupation must be permitted by the city, and a permitted home occupation must comply with the business licensing requirements of Chapter 5.04.
(Ord. No. 646, § 1, 12-17-20; Ord. 453 § 1(part), 2007).