Chapter 14.05
14.05.020 Preapplication meetings.
14.05.030 Content of applications.
14.05.040 Notice of complete application.
14.05.050 Technical review committee.
14.05.060 Environmental review.
14.05.070 Mitigation impact review.
14.05.080 Issuance of public notice.
14.05.090 Preparation of staff report.
14.05.010 Scope and intent.
A. The purpose of this chapter is to describe the typical consolidated review process at the staff level as applied to development applications for plats, subdivisions, planned area developments, binding site plans, and associated permits and approvals. This chapter is intended to achieve the goals described in Chapter 14.01 MCMC.
B. This chapter is organized in the approximate order of the consolidated development application process occurring at the staff level. Subsequent review and action by other decision makers is set forth elsewhere in this title.
C. This chapter is not intended to, but may at the discretion of the director, apply to other permits or approvals that do not require the level of review specified herein.
D. This chapter does not apply to building permits or legislative or SEPA nonproject actions. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2011-725 § 7; Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
14.05.020 Preapplication meetings.
A. Informal. Applicants for development are encouraged to schedule and participate in an informal meeting prior to the formal preapplication meeting. The purpose of the informal meeting is to discuss and exchange information, in general terms, concerning the nature of the proposed development, city design and development standards, critical area regulations, design alternatives, required permits and approvals, and the review and decision process.
B. Formal. Every person proposing a development in the city is encouraged to schedule and attend a preapplication meeting. The purpose of the preapplication meeting is to review the specific location, nature and attributes of the proposed development, specific application and permit requirements, application and other fees, the review process and estimated schedule, and applicable plans, policies and regulations.
C. Information or regulations provided to an applicant prior to submittal of an application do not vest a project to those regulations and may not include all regulations or information pertinent to the project. Applications for development shall be subject to regulations effective at the time an application is deemed complete.
D. Preapplication meetings are not public meetings. The director may determine who is entitled to attend such meetings. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2010-717 § 2 (Exh. B); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
14.05.030 Content of applications.
A. All development applications shall include the applicable information as specified in MCMC Titles 15 through 18. The director may require additional or supplemental information before or during the review process as reasonably necessary to fully and properly evaluate the development proposal and its impacts.
B. No development application shall be accepted unless the applicant has first attended a formal preapplication meeting. The applicant shall apply for all permits identified in the preapplication meeting.
C. All development applications shall be submitted on forms provided by the department of community development. All applications shall be submitted with the signatures of or be formally acknowledged by all of the owner(s) and any others having an ownership interest in the property subject to the application. If the signatory is not the property owner, or if the signatory is signing on behalf of an entity, documentation authorizing the signatory to sign on behalf of the individual or duly formed entity shall be provided. (Ord. 2010-717 § 2 (Exh. B); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
14.05.040 Notice of complete application.
A. Written Determination Required. Within 28 calendar days after receiving a development application, the director must provide a written determination to the applicant stating that the application is complete or incomplete in accordance with subsection C or D of this section.
B. Failure to Provide a Written Determination. An application must be deemed procedurally complete on the twenty-ninth day after receiving a development application if the director does not provide a written determination to the applicant that the application is procedurally incomplete in accordance with subsection D of this section.
C. Notice of Complete Application. A development application may be declared complete by the director, and a notice of complete application issued, only when it contains all of the following:
1. A fully completed, signed, and acknowledged development application and all applicable fees and deposits.
2. A fully completed, signed, and acknowledged environmental checklist and critical area identification form and critical area reports required pursuant to MCMC 18.06.520 (and any other required addenda) for projects subject to review under the State Environmental Policy Act.
3. All of the information specified for the desired project in the applicable chapters of the development code.
4. The requirements of MCMC 14.05.030 have been met.
5. All supplemental information or special studies identified by the director.
D. Notice of Incomplete Application. For applications determined by the director to be incomplete, the director shall issue a notice of incomplete application identifying the specific requirements and/or information necessary to constitute a complete application. Requested additional information shall be submitted within the lesser of the time specified by the director or 180 days of the notice. Upon submittal of the additional information by the applicant, the director shall, within 14 days of resubmittal, issue a notice in accordance with subsection C of this section or identify in accordance with this subsection what additional information is still required.
E. Withdrawal of Application. An applicant may terminate the review process by withdrawing the application. At the time an application is withdrawn, the applicant may request a refund in writing of the unexpended portion of the application fee. Failure to make a timely reimbursement request shall waive any rights to such funds, which shall be forfeited to the city.
F. Lapsed Application. If at any point during the review process the applicant is directed to submit additional information that is necessary to continue the review, and the applicant fails to submit the requested information within the specified time, the application shall lapse and be deemed invalid. The applicant shall have 30 days after receiving notice of the lapsed application to make a written request for a refund of the unexpended portion (if any) of the application fee. Failure to make a timely reimbursement request shall waive any rights to such funds, which shall be forfeited to the city. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2006-633 § 2; Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
14.05.050 Technical review committee.
A. Following the issuance of a notice of complete application in accordance with MCMC 14.05.040(C), the director shall schedule and convene a meeting of the technical review committee (TRC). The TRC shall be composed of representatives of all affected city departments, and should include representatives of water, sewer and utility districts, the fire district, and all other affected entities or agencies with jurisdiction. TRC meetings may be continued from time to time by the director as warranted.
B. The TRC shall review the development application for compliance with applicable policies, plans, codes and regulations, shall coordinate further project analysis and review, and provide input to the director and SEPA responsible official on the environmental and mitigation impacts of the development. TRC recommendations and decisions shall be memorialized in a letter to the applicant. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
14.05.060 Environmental review.
A. All developments and planned actions subject to the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21C RCW, shall be reviewed in accordance with the policies and procedures contained in Chapter 18.04 MCMC.
B. SEPA review shall be conducted concurrently with development project review. Threshold determinations will be issued following completion of TRC review.
C. The following actions are exempt from concurrent review under SEPA:
1. Projects categorically exempt from SEPA.
2. Components of previously completed planned actions, to the extent permitted by the development code and state law and so long as the proposed component of the planned action is consistent with the environmental impact statement (EIS) issued for the planned action. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
14.05.070 Mitigation impact review.
A. All developments and planned actions subject to Chapter 17.48 MCMC shall be reviewed in accordance with the policies and procedures contained in that chapter.
B. Development impact mitigation review shall be conducted concurrently with development project and environmental review. Mitigation impact determinations will be issued following completion of TRC review concurrently with SEPA threshold determination. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
14.05.080 Issuance of public notice.
Public notice of every development application shall be issued during the review process in accordance with Chapter 14.07 MCMC. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
14.05.090 Preparation of staff report.
A. Upon conclusion of the reviews specified above and any other staff review, the director shall prepare a staff report identifying the proposed development; evaluating and analyzing the consistency of the development with applicable plans, codes, criteria and regulations; consolidating the comments of all city departments and outside agencies on the development proposal; proposing findings, conclusions and appropriate conditions of development; and making a recommendation for action on the proposal to the decision making body.
B. The staff report shall be distributed to the applicant, to city departments and affected outside agencies, and to the decisional body for consideration in advance of the formal public meeting, hearing, or action on the proposed development. Staff reports will be available to the public prior to the formal public meeting, hearing, or action on the proposed development.
C. Staff reports may be amended, altered, supplemented, withdrawn and/or reissued by the director throughout the course of the development review process. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)