Chapter 17.20
17.20.035 Review requirements.
17.20.040 Minimum lot size and maximum lot coverage.
17.20.055 Streetscape and roadway buffer/cutting preserves.
17.20.070 Required landscaping.
17.20.100 Open space and recreation facilities.
Legislative history: Ords. 86-142, 91-262, 92-275, 93-299, 95-349 and 97-406.
17.20.005 Purposes.
The primary purpose of the business park (BP) zone classification is to implement the business park comprehensive plan designation. The intent of the business park zoning district is to provide suitable areas for commercial development where the primary land uses are manufacturing, product assembly, wholesale sales and professional and business office development. Other uses may include health care facilities and public facilities and utilities. This district is not intended for the development of retail sales and services; however, limited retail sales and services may be allowed to serve the needs of the business park tenants and users. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.20.010 Principal uses.
Principal uses are:
A. Offices, including but not limited to government, research and development, trade schools and professional services;
B. Wholesale sales;
C. Warehousing;
D. Manufacturing;
E. Financial institutions;
F. Commercial day care centers;
G. Health clubs;
H. Retail sales and services primarily intended to serve the principal BP zone uses. Such uses shall occupy no more than 15 percent of the constructed floor area of individual buildings. In addition to the limitation on floor area, restaurants, delis and other eating establishments are restricted to a maximum floor area of 3,000 square feet;
I. Mini-storage facilities; and
J. Outdoor storage and display. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.20.020 Secondary uses.
Secondary uses are:
A. Security guard quarters occupied by an employee of the operator of the principal use;
B. Retail sales of goods manufactured or assembled on the site of sales;
C. On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities that are directly associated with principal uses; provided, that such facilities comply with the state siting criteria contained in RCW 70.105.210 and WAC 173-303-282, or its successor; and
D. Commercial kennels, pet stores. and pet grooming facilities. (Ord. 2024-910 § 1; Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.20.030 Conditional uses.
Conditional uses permitted in the business park zoning district shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 17.28 MCMC. Conditional uses are:
A. Adult businesses;
B. Public facilities/utilities and essential public facilities;
C. Commercial nurseries and greenhouses;
D. Hospitals and health care facilities;
E. Retirement homes, nursing homes, and congregate care facilities;
F. Restaurants and eating establishments exceeding 1,500 square feet but not to exceed the 15 percent floor area restriction for retail sales and services;
G. Accessory satellite signal transmitting and receiving antennas over four feet in diameter external to or attached to the exterior of any building; and
H. Religious facilities. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2019-850 § 13; Ord. 2005-609 § 2; Ord. 2001-523 § 2)
17.20.035 Review requirements.
All development in the BP district shall be processed through the binding site plan process as a planned area development pursuant to Chapter 16.12 MCMC. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.20.040 Minimum lot size and maximum lot coverage.
Minimum lot size and maximum lot coverage: None. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.20.050 Setbacks.
Setbacks shall be:
A. Front yard: zero feet from right-of-way or sidewalk (whichever is greater), or roadway buffer/cutting preserve, if applicable.
B. Side yard: none, except when abutting a residential or commercial zone, which shall then be 25 feet or one foot for each foot of height of the structure nearest the side lot line, whichever is greater.
C. Rear yard: none, except when abutting a residential or commercial zone, which shall then be 25 feet or one foot for each foot of height of the structure nearest the rear lot line, whichever is greater. (Ord. 2010-717 § 2 (Exh. B); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.20.055 Streetscape and roadway buffer/cutting preserves.
Streetscape design and roadway buffer/cutting preserve tracts adjacent to arterial and collector streets shall be provided in accordance with the comprehensive plan, streetscape element. Roadway buffer/cutting preserves to be provided range from 35 feet from the edge of the right-of-way for nonresidential uses to 50 feet for residential uses adjacent to arterial streets. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.20.060 Maximum height.
The maximum height shall be 50 feet. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.20.070 Required landscaping.
All street setback areas and side and rear setback areas that abut residential or commercial zones shall be landscaped to a minimum depth of 20 feet with natural or installed plant material which will form a sight-obscuring screen. Landscaping in setback areas which abut residential zones shall include a five-foot-high earth berm and plantings which will reach a mature height of eight feet from the ground level of the lot. Such plantings may be installed on the top of the berm and shall be spaced to provide a continuous screen at maturity. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.20.090 Project design.
Developments within this zone district shall be designed in conformance with the design principles and standards set out in Chapter 17.34 MCMC, Design Review. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.20.100 Open space and recreation facilities.
Open space and recreation facility requirements are located in Chapters 16.12 and 17.22 MCMC. (Ord. 2006-633 § 2)