Chapter 17.21
17.21.020 Master development plan required.
17.21.085 Streetscape and roadway buffer/cutting preserves.
17.21.090 Major and minor modifications.
17.21.100 Recoupment of costs.
17.21.110 Open space and recreation facilities.
Legislative history: Ord. 97-406.
17.21.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this zone is to implement the urban center land use designation and Mill Creek Town Center and South Town Center subarea policies in the comprehensive plan. This district is intended to accommodate pedestrian-oriented mixed-use commercial, office, residential and public uses that conform to the design and layout of an approved master development plan. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.21.020 Master development plan required.
Development in this district requires approval of a master development plan that shall include a binding site plan, design guidelines, parcel map if future subdivision is contemplated, and, if applicable, a development agreement between the owner and the city setting forth conditions for development. The master development plan shall be reviewed in accordance with the binding site plan provisions of MCMC Title 16. All development and uses shall occur in accordance with the adopted master development plan. (Ord. 2010-718 § 17 (Exh. Q); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.21.030 Plan elements.
The master development plan shall contain, at a minimum, the following elements:
A. A master site plan that includes the specific location of the following:
1. Buildings;
2. Roads;
3. Parking areas;
4. Open spaces, e.g., plazas, squares or courtyards;
5. Wetland areas and required buffers;
6. Pedestrian pathways;
7. Transit facilities; and
8. Landscape areas.
B. A unified parking plan (on- and off-street) and transportation demand management strategies for the uses within the district.
C. Parcel maps and surveys if subdivision is contemplated. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.21.040 Principal uses.
All uses shall occur in accordance with the master development plan. Principal uses are:
A. Retail sales and services except automotive, boat, and recreational vehicle sales;
B. Eating and drinking establishments (drive-through service prohibited);
C. Banks, financial and professional services;
D. Multi-unit dwellings;
E. Business and professional offices;
F. Personal services, dry cleaners, salons, etc.;
G. Medical and dental clinics and offices;
H. Parking structures as an accessory to a principal use;
I. Commercial day care;
J. Craft shops and galleries;
K. Public facilities/utilities;
L. Transit facilities/stops;
M. Hotel and motels;
N. Theaters and performing arts uses;
O. Emergency housing;
P. Emergency shelters;
Q. Permanent supportive housing;
R. Transitional housing; and
S. Other uses consistent with the purposes of the district. (Ord. 2024-928 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.21.045 Secondary uses.1
Secondary uses are:
A. Outside sales, display and eating/drinking establishment seating subject to the performance standards under MCMC 17.22.070(C). (Ord. 2008-682 § 2)
17.21.050 Project design.
A. The design, layout and distribution of uses on elements such as buildings, landscaping, parking areas, signs, open space, public areas, and streetscapes shall comply with the approved master development plan and adopted design guidelines. Proposed elements shall be reviewed and approved by the design review board in accordance with Chapter 17.34 MCMC.
B. The following design features shall be addressed during the review of the proposed design guidelines for a project:
1. Overall architectural character illustrated through building elevations and orientation of buildings to streets, parking areas, and pedestrian ways;
2. Public plazas, open spaces and buffer areas;
3. Relationship to adjacent properties, parcels, neighboring uses, and adjacent buildings;
4. Pedestrian pathways and sidewalks;
5. Construction materials and colors;
6. Coordinated signage and graphics;
7. Streetscape plan including landscaping and street tree location and species, street furniture such as benches, kiosks, fountains, etc.; and
8. Landscape plans for individual sites and parking areas. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.21.060 Maximum residential density.
Repealed by Ord. 2024-928. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.21.070 Maximum height.
The maximum height shall be four stories not to exceed 50 feet, except for residential buildings, which shall be a maximum of five stories and 60 feet. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2; Ord. 2005-604 § 2)
17.21.080 Setbacks.
Setbacks will be established through the design guidelines, and compliance with other applicable city regulations (e.g., Chapter 18.06 MCMC, and the streetscape element of the comprehensive plan). (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.21.085 Streetscape and roadway buffer/cutting preserves.
Streetscape design and roadway buffer/cutting preserve tracts adjacent to arterial and collector streets shall be provided in accordance with the comprehensive plan, streetscape element. Roadway buffer/cutting preserves to be provided range from 35 feet from the right-of-way for nonresidential uses to 50 feet for residential uses adjacent to arterial streets. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.21.090 Major and minor modifications.
A. Minor amendments to an approved master development plan may be administratively approved by the director of community development upon written request from the developer. Minor amendments are those that may affect the precise dimensions or location of buildings, driveways, or other site features but do not affect the overall project character, number of buildings, increase the amount of floor area or decrease the amount of landscaping and open space, or result in greater environmental impacts.
B. Major amendments are changes that do not qualify as a minor amendment. Major amendments shall be processed as a new development application pursuant to this chapter. Approval may require re-recording of project documents. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.21.100 Recoupment of costs.
The city manager is authorized to keep account of all administrative time and costs expended in developing, reviewing and implementing the master development plan(s) contemplated by this chapter. The city manager is authorized to assess against the developer of any parcel of land, or portion thereof, governed by a master development plan, a fee or charge as determined by Chapter 3.42 MCMC, which shall be payable prior to issuance of any building permit. (Ord. 2005-609 § 2)
17.21.110 Open space and recreation facilities.
Open space and recreation facility requirements are located in Chapters 16.12 and 17.22 MCMC. (Ord. 2006-633 § 2)
Code reviser’s note: This section was added by Ordinance 2008-682 as 17.21.050. It has been renumbered as 17.21.045 to prevent duplication.