Chapter 3.24
3.24.040 Petty cash fund and cash drawers.
3.24.050 General fund, electric utility fund, and water utility fund.
3.24.150 Authorizing the usage of bank check and electronic funds transfers (EFTs).
3.24.160 Law enforcement confidential fund.
3.24.170 Storm and surface water utility fund.
3.24.180 Capital projects/capital improvements fund.
3.24.200 Storm drainage capital improvement fund.
3.24.210 Community events fund.
3.24.220 Internal information technology service fund.
3.24.230 Electric utility capital improvement fund.
3.24.260 General fund asset replacement and capital reserve fund.
3.24.270 Water utility capital improvement fund.
3.24.275 Electric utility asset replacement fund.
3.24.280 Water utility asset replacement fund.
3.24.290 Stormwater utility asset replacement fund.
3.24.010 Street fund.
A. There is created a fund to be known as the street fund under the authority granted by RCW 46.68.115.
B. The street fund shall be created with funds consolidated from the “city street” and “arterial street” fund.
C. The street fund shall be credited with all applicable state gas tax, state shared street funds, and funds contributed by the city and any other funds that may from time to time be authorized to be placed therein.
D. The street fund shall be used for the construction, repair, improvement and maintenance of the streets of the city, or for any other street purpose. (Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1127 § 2, 1990).
3.24.020 City street fund.
Repealed by Ord. 1127.
3.24.030 Cumulative reserve fund for capital outlay and operation and maintenance for municipal purposes.
Repealed by Ord. 1887. (Ord. 1011 § 1, 1986; Ord. 949, 1984; Ord. 663 §§ 1, 3 – 5, 1974).
3.24.040 Petty cash fund and cash drawers.
The city council establishes and creates a petty cash fund, not to exceed $1,000, and further authorizes the deposit of $1,000 to the petty cash funds and cash drawers identified below, and further authorizes the finance director to replenish the petty cash funds from the city funds to maintain a $1,000 balance in all petty cash funds. The disbursement of the moneys shall be as follows:
A. Three hundred fifty dollars for the administration/finance cashier drawers;
B. Two hundred fifty dollars for the administration/finance petty cash;
C. Four hundred dollars for the police/drug seizure confidential imprest fund. (Ord. 2011 § 1, 2021; Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1816 § 1, 2013; Ord. 1697 § 1, 2007; Ord. 1606 § 1, 2004; Ord. 1011 § 1, 1986; Ord. 990 § 2, 1985).
3.24.050 General fund, electric utility fund, and water utility fund.
A. There are created the following funds: general fund, water fund, and electric fund.
B. All moneys received by the city shall be properly accredited and expended in accordance with the rules and regulations of the state of Washington. (Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1435 § 1, 1999; Ord. 1011 § 1, 1986; Ord. 950 §§ 2, 3, 1984).
3.24.060 Sewer reserve fund.
Repealed by Ord. 1887. (Ord. 1011 § 1, 1986; Ord. 1004 §§ 2 – 6, 1985).
3.24.070 Equipment reserve fund.
Repealed by Ord. 1417. (Ord. 1011 § 1, 1986).
3.24.080 Insurance reserve fund.
Repealed by Ord. 1887. (Ord. 1040 §§ 2 – 4, 1987).
3.24.090 Water main customer reserve fund.
Repealed by Ord. 1490. (Ord. 926 § 1, 1983).
3.24.100 Drug seizure fund.
There is created and established a special fund to be known as the drug seizure fund. This fund shall be used for the purpose of the accumulation of and account for funds obtained from forfeitures of moneys and proceeds pursuant to MMC 9.16.020. This fund may also be used for the accumulation of and accounting for funds obtained from other sources when such funds are to be designated for use for the purposes specified under MMC 9.16.020. Funds obtained pursuant to MMC 9.16.020 shall be accounted for and expended as authorized under that section. (Ord. 2011 § 2, 2021; Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1089 § 1, 1988).
3.24.110 Equipment rental fund.
Repealed by Ord. 1490. (Ord. 1417 § 3, 1999; Ord. 1413 §§ 1 – 4, 1999; Ord. 1155 § 1, 1991).
3.24.120 Surprise Lake sewer drainage basin capital improvement reserve fund.
Repealed by Ord. 1435. (Ord. 1058 § 2, 1987).
3.24.130 MCS/SGC grant fund.
Repealed by Ord. 1887. (Ord. 1048 § 1, 1987).
3.24.140 Guaranty fund.
Repealed by Ord. 1887. (Ord. 1094 §§ 1 – 7, 1988).
3.24.150 Authorizing the usage of bank check and electronic funds transfers (EFTs).
A. All claims or other obligations of the city, which are payable out of solvent funds, shall be paid by the issuance of bank checks or electronic funds transfers (EFTs); provided, that this section does not authorize any creditor to demand payment upon any obligation prior to its proof and normal maturity in due course. Electronic funds transfers shall be monitored the same as payments by check.
B. Two signatures shall be required to validate the checks herein authorized and the first signature shall be that of the mayor, or in the mayor’s absence, the mayor pro tempore, and the second signature shall be that of the finance director, or in the finance director’s absence, the individual designated by the mayor to perform duties of the position of city administrator pursuant to MMC 2.06.020. (Ord. 2011 § 3, 2021; Ord. 1943 § 1, 2018; Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1112, 1989).
3.24.160 Law enforcement confidential fund.
A. 1. At the time of making the annual budget, the council shall provide for sufficient funds to establish the law enforcement confidential fund as an imprest cash fund at an amount certain, which amount shall be replenished by the city finance officer, as needed, upon written request of the chief law enforcement officer showing the then existing balance of said fund.
2. Purpose. Monies from the fund shall be used for purposes of the surveillance and investigation of violators of the law, excluding civil infractions, including but not limited to the purchase of controlled substances or drugs for use in criminal prosecution, the payment of monies to informants, or for such other expenses as the chief law enforcement officer shall determine to be reasonable and necessarily incident to use in criminal investigations and/or prosecutions.
3. Bookkeeping and Accounting. The chief law enforcement officer shall be responsible for the custody of said fund and for the implementation and maintenance of such bookkeeping and accounting as will, at a minimum, record the following:
a. The advancement of funds to particular persons for potential use;
b. The actual use of funds advanced;
c. The recovery of funds spent, if any;
d. The return of funds advanced but not expended;
e. Any additional requirements of the State Auditor’s Office; and
f. Specific details of fund activity shall be exempt from disclosure to the extent permitted pursuant to Chapter 42.17 RCW.
B. The law enforcement confidential fund shall be established as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section with an operating total balance of $500.00 cash to be made available to the chief law enforcement officer. This fund shall be an imprest cash or revolving fund in an amount not to exceed $1,500. The mayor shall have the authority to approve the transfer of any monies to the fund above the $500.00 operating balance upon finding that any additional amount up to a total $1,500 is necessary for effective law enforcement in a particular case as presented by the chief law enforcement officer. (Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1199 §§ 1, 2, 1992).
3.24.165 Milton reserve police officers fund.
Repealed by Ord. 2011. (Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1735 § 1, 2008).
3.24.170 Storm and surface water utility fund.1
There is created and established a special fund to be known as the storm and surface water utility fund. This fund shall be used for the accumulation of and accounting for all funds obtained pursuant to Chapter 13.26 MMC as presently enacted or hereinafter amended and all funds made available to the storm and surface water utility from other sources, including from revenue bonds or general obligation bonds or both. Further, said funds shall be used exclusively for the storm and surface water utility including for such purposes as maintenance, operation, repair, capital improvements and planning. (Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1211 § 1, 1993).
3.24.180 Capital projects/capital improvements fund.
A. There is created the capital projects/ capital improvements fund for deposits and expenditures of revenues derived from the real estate excise taxes collected under MMC 3.16.010 pursuant to the enabling provisions of Chapter 82.45 RCW and RCW 82.46.010 and pursuant to Ordinance No. 12602, imposing additional real estate excise taxes, pursuant to the enabling provisions of RCW 82.46.035.
B. Upon receipt, the revenues deposited into the fund established at subsection A of this section shall be prorated for deposit into two separate accounts as follows:
1. The “capital improvements account” shall be maintained for deposits and expenditures of funds deriving from real estate excise taxes imposed pursuant to MMC 3.16.010, 3.16.020, and Chapter 82.45 RCW and RCW 82.46.010.
2. The “capital projects account” shall be maintained for deposits and expenditures of funds deriving from the additional real estate excise taxes imposed pursuant to Ordinance No. 1260 and RCW 82.46.035. (Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1262 § 1, 1995).
3.24.190 Wetlands and streams mitigation fund.3
Repealed by Ord. 1887. (Ord. 1272 § 1, 1995).
3.24.200 Storm drainage capital improvement fund.
There is created and established a fund to be known as the “storm drainage capital improvement fund.” Seven percent of the monthly charge for stormwater service shall be placed in the storm drainage capital improvement fund for the sole purpose of funding all costs of storm drainage capital improvements, including planning, design, right-of-way and easement acquisition, construction, construction inspection and construction management. (Ord. 1953 § 2, 2018; Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1656 § 1, 2005).
3.24.210 Community events fund.
A. There is created and established a fund of the city designated as “community events fund” for the sole purpose of accounting for all financial resources and expenses that are related to all community events.
B. All moneys received by the city shall be properly accredited and expended in accordance with the rules and regulations of the state of Washington and the city’s purchasing policies and procedures. (Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1811 § 1, 2013).
3.24.220 Internal information technology service fund.
There is hereby created a new fund, entitled “internal information technology service fund,” for the purpose of accounting for the appropriation, receipt and distribution of income and expense related to the city’s information technology program.
Monies from this fund shall be utilized specifically for programs related to the city’s information technology program. (Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1863 § 1 (Exh. A), 2015).
3.24.230 Electric utility capital improvement fund.
There is created and established a fund to be known as the electric utility capital improvement fund. Seven percent of the monthly charge for electric service shall be placed in the electric utility capital improvement fund for the sole purpose of funding all costs of capital improvements, including planning, design, acquisition, construction, construction inspection, and construction management. (Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1878 § 1, 2015).
3.24.250 General fund capital improvement reserve fund.
Repealed by Ord. 1955. (Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1873 § 1, 2015).
3.24.260 General fund asset replacement and capital reserve fund.
There is created and established a fund to be known as the general fund asset replacement and capital reserve fund. Two percent of budgeted general revenues shall be placed in the general fund asset replacement and capital reserve fund for the sole purpose of funding all necessary replacement and/or acquisition of assets (equipment) for the general fund, including streets, parks, police, facilities, development, technology and rolling stock; and funding all costs of capital improvements, including planning, design, acquisition, construction, construction inspection, and construction management. All allocations from this fund must be approved by a vote of the city council and provide for restoration of the fund in a manner consistent with the guiding principles in the BARS Manual as dictated by the State Auditor’s Office. (Ord. 1955 § 2, 2018; Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1872 § 1, 2015).
3.24.270 Water utility capital improvement fund.
There is created and established a fund to be known as the water utility capital improvement fund. Seven percent of the monthly charge for water service shall be placed in the water utility capital improvement fund for the sole purpose of funding all costs of capital improvements, including planning, design, acquisition, construction, construction inspection, and construction management. (Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1876 § 1, 2015).
3.24.275 Electric utility asset replacement fund.4
There is created and established a fund to be known as the electric utility asset replacement fund. Three percent of the monthly charges for electric service shall be placed in the electric utility asset replacement fund for the sole purpose of funding all necessary replacement and/or acquisition of assets for the electric utility, technology and rolling stock. All allocations from this fund must be approved by a vote of the city council. (Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1877 § 1, 2015).
3.24.280 Water utility asset replacement fund.
There is created and established a fund to be known as the water utility asset replacement fund. Three percent of the monthly charges for water service shall be placed in the water utility asset replacement fund for the sole purpose of funding all necessary replacement and/or acquisition of assets for the water utility, technology and rolling stock. All allocations from this fund must be approved by a vote of the city council. (Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1875 § 1, 2015).
3.24.290 Stormwater utility asset replacement fund.
There is created and established a fund to be known as the stormwater utility asset replacement fund. Three percent of the monthly charges for stormwater service shall be placed in the stormwater utility asset replacement fund for the sole purpose of funding all necessary replacement and/or acquisition of assets for the stormwater utility, technology and rolling stock. All allocations from this fund must be approved by a vote of the city council. (Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1874 § 1, 2015).
3.24.300 Rainy day fund.
There is hereby created a fund, entitled “rainy day fund,” for the purpose of providing moneys with which to meet any municipal expense, for temporary, one-time or unanticipated expenditures.
No money shall be withdrawn from the fund except by transfer to the appropriate operating fund authorized by a resolution or ordinance of the council, adopted by a vote of the majority of the entire council. Any request for transfer shall clearly state the facts constituting the reason for the withdrawal or the emergency as the case may be and specify the fund to which the withdrawn money shall be transferred. The target balance of the rainy day fund shall be 10 percent of budgeted operating expenditures of the general fund. If the council approves use of the rainy day fund which causes the balance to fall below the target the balance shall be increased by at least one percent per year until the target balance is met. (Ord. 1956 § 1, 2018; Ord. 1887 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1882 § 1 (Exh. A), 2015).
Code reviser’s note: To avoid duplicating section numbers, this section has been renumbered.
Codified at MMC 3.16.015.
Code reviser’s note: To avoid duplicating section numbers, this section has been renumbered.
Code reviser’s note: Ord. 1877 adds this section as 3.24.270. It has been editorially renumbered to avoid duplication of numbering.