Chapter 9.44
9.44.050 Persons responding to activated alarms.
9.44.060 Notifying police of alarms – Records.
9.44.070 Local or audible alarm system cutoff.
9.44.080 Operational defects to be remedied.
9.44.100 Alarm user permits required.
9.44.110 Improper activation of alarm.
9.44.130 Penalty for violations.
9.44.010 Purpose.
Since there are a growing number of alarm systems being sold and installed in the city of Milton, Washington, and its environs, causing the Milton police department to respond to alarm signals from such systems, and since there are a growing number of signals which are not the result of a life safety issue, burglary or robbery, and recognizing the value of effective alarm systems in responding to fire and medical emergencies, and in deterring crime and apprehending criminals, it is the purpose of this chapter to regulate the installation of alarm systems, to improve system effectiveness and to reduce, insofar as possible, the number of false alarms, causing police and fire department response. (Ord. 1460 § 1, 2000; Ord. 1108 § 1, 1989).
9.44.020 Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
A. “Alarm condition” means an actual fire or medical emergency, or actual or attempted burglary or robbery.
B. “Alarm system” means any mechanism, equipment, or device which is designed to detect a fire or signal a medical emergency, or detect an unauthorized entry into any building or onto any property, or to direct attention to robbery in progress, and to signal the above occurrences either by a local or audible alarm or by a silent or remote alarm. Alarm systems shall not include alarms installed in motor vehicles, which by their nature are mobile and are intended to prevent theft through the creation of a loud noise. Alarm devices, which automatically dial telephone numbers and/or play prerecorded messages, are prohibited.
C. “Employee” is a person who is employed by an alarm business and who sells, installs, services, maintains, repairs or replaces alarm systems in the city of Milton, or its environs.
D. “False alarm” means an alarm signal transmitted in the absence of an alarm condition, which results in police department response to the location of the alarm.
E. “Local or audible alarm” means an alarm that when activated makes a loud noise at or near the protected area or floods the site with lights, or both.
F. “Person” includes any individual, partnership, corporation or association.
G. “Silent or remote alarm” means an alarm without an obvious local indication that an alarm has been activated, which transmits a signal to a remote monitoring station.
H. “User” means any person who installs, operates, maintains, or engages another person to install, operate, or maintain an alarm system at a particular location which he/she owns or leases. (Ord. 1460 § 1, 2000; Ord. 1108 § 1, 1989).
9.44.040 Instruction as to the operation of the system – User responsible for maintenance – Service contracts.
A. The user shall be knowledgeable of proper operation of the system after it is installed. It shall be the responsibility of the user to see that all employees and persons regularly using the premises on which the alarm is installed are instructed in proper operating procedures to avoid false alarm signals.
B. It shall be the responsibility of the user of an alarm system to cause the system to be maintained in reliable operating condition. (Ord. 1460 § 1, 2000; Ord. 1108 § 1, 1989).
9.44.050 Persons responding to activated alarms.
The user shall not maintain or have any alarm system unless there is on file with the Milton police department the names and telephone numbers of at least two persons who are authorized to enter such premises and turn off the alarm. Upon notification of an activated alarm, at least one such person designated by the user shall proceed immediately to the location of the activated alarm and render all necessary service and assistance to restore the alarm to normal condition or to reset the alarm. Responding personnel shall arrive on the scene within a reasonable time after receiving notice of the alarm. (Ord. 1460 § 1, 2000; Ord. 1108 § 1, 1989).
9.44.060 Notifying police of alarms – Records.
A. When anyone, including an alarm business, notifies the Milton police department, or any employee thereof, of an activated alarm, he or she shall state its business name and furnish the address of the activated alarm, the name and type of establishment from which the alarm is originated, the precise location of the alarm (if there is more than one floor or department), and the type of alarm such as silent robbery, silent burglary, or ringer-type alarm.
B. The Milton police department shall maintain a record of all police calls made in response to an activated alarm including the time, date and location of the alarm.
C. The Milton fire department shall maintain a record of all fire calls made in response to an activated alarm including the time, date and location of the alarm. (Ord. 1460 § 1, 2000; Ord. 1394 § 1, 1998; Ord. 1108 § 1, 1989).
9.44.070 Local or audible alarm system cutoff.
Every alarm system which uses a local or audible alarm device to attract the attention of the public shall be equipped with an automatic 10-minute cutoff device or shall be silenced manually by the user or his representative. (Ord. 1460 § 1, 2000; Ord. 1108 § 1, 1989).
9.44.080 Operational defects to be remedied.
The sensory mechanisms used in connection with alarm systems shall be adjusted to suppress false alarms so that the device will not be activated by impulses due to transient pressure changes in water pipes, short flashes of light, wind noises such as the rattling or vibrating of doors or windows, vehicular noises adjacent to the installation, or other forces unrelated to genuine alarms. (Ord. 1460 § 1, 2000; Ord. 1108 § 1, 1989).
9.44.100 Alarm user permits required.
A. Every alarm user shall obtain an alarm user’s permit for each system from the city clerk within 30 days of the time when the system becomes operative. A $20.00 fee shall be charged for alarm user permits.
B. An alarm permit cannot be transferred to another person. A permit holder shall inform the police department of any change that alters any information listed on the permit application within five business days. A $5.00 fee will be assessed for such changes.
C. An alarm permit holder will prominently display the alarm permit sticker at or near the front door of the alarmed establishment or residence.
D. Failure to obtain a valid alarm permit within the 30-day requirement will result in a penalty of $100.00 in addition to any false alarm fee assessed under MMC 9.44.120(D) for each false alarm/activation without a valid permit. (Ord. 1608 § 1, 2003; Ord. 1460 § 1, 2000; Ord. 1394 § 2, 1998; Ord. 1108 § 1, 1989).
9.44.110 Improper activation of alarm.
It is unlawful for anyone to activate any fire, medical emergency, robbery or burglary alarm for the purpose of summoning fire or police except in the event of an actual fire or medical emergency, or actual or attempted burglary or robbery, or for anyone notifying the police of an activated alarm and having knowledge that such activation was apparently caused by an electrical or other malfunction of the alarm system to fail at the same time to notify the police of such apparent malfunction. (Ord. 1460 § 1, 2000; Ord. 1108 § 1, 1989).
9.44.120 False alarms.
For response to any false alarm, the city of Milton shall proceed with inspections and the collection of fees as follows:
A. First and second false alarm/activation per calendar year: WARNING.
B. Third and subsequent false alarm/activation: $100.00 per alarm.
C. Failure to obtain a valid alarm permit will result in a fee of $250.00 per false alarm/activation.
D. Upon notification by the police department and/or fire department, the city clerk will send a notification of alarm by regular mail to notify the alarm user of a false alarm and the fine and the consequences of the failure to pay the fine. (Ord. 1460 § 1, 2000; Ord. 1394 § 3, 1998; Ord. 1108 § 1, 1989).
9.44.130 Penalty for violations.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter or failing to comply with the requirements of this chapter, is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $1,000, by imprisonment in jail for a period not to exceed 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. 1460 § 1, 2000; Ord. 1394 § 4, 1998; Ord. 1108 § 1, 1989).