Chapter 10.04
10.04.010 Statutes adopted by reference.
10.04.020 Repealed.
10.04.030 Disposition of fines and forfeitures.
10.04.040 Neglect of duty designated official misconduct.
10.04.060 Repealed.
10.04.070 Repealed.
10.04.080 Repealed.
10.04.010 Statutes adopted by reference.
A. The readopted Washington Model Traffic Ordinance of the Washington Administrative Code in Chapter 308-330 WAC is adopted by reference, subject to the provisions set forth below in subsections B and C of this section, and all of the sections of the Revised Code of Washington that are adopted by reference in the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance are also adopted by reference as part of this chapter.
B. Pursuant to RCW 35.21.180 the following sections of the Model Traffic Ordinance, Chapter 308-220 WAC, are not adopted by reference as part of this chapter, as set forth in subsection A of this section, and are expressly excluded: 308-330-210, 308-330-215, 308-330-225, 308-330-230, 308-330-235, 308-330-240, 308-330-245, 308-330-250, 308-330-260, 308-330-265, 308-330-270, 308-330-275, 308-330-500, 308-330-505, 308-330-510, 308-330-515, 308-330-520, 308-330-525, 308-330-530, 308-330-535, 308-330-540, 308-330-730.
C. The following new statutory sections of the “1994 Omnibus Drunk Driving Act” are hereby adopted by reference as part of this chapter:
Chapter 275, Laws of 1994, Section 4;
Chapter 275, Laws of 1994, Section 5;
Chapter 275, Laws of 1994, Section 6;
Chapter 275, Laws of 1994, Section 7;
Chapter 275, Laws of 1994, Section 10;
Chapter 275, Laws of 1994, Section 11;
Chapter 275, Laws of 1994, Section 12;
Chapter 275, Laws of 1994, Section 23;
RCW 46.20.730 as amended by Section 23 of Chapter 275. (Ord. 1240 § 1, 1994; Ord. 996 §§ 1, 2, 1985; Ord. 854 § 1, 1980).
10.04.020 Violation – Penalty.
Repealed by Ord. 1240. (Ord. 854 § 2, 1980).
10.04.030 Disposition of fines and forfeitures.
All fines or forfeitures collected upon conviction or upon forfeiture of bail of any person charged with a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be paid into the general fund of the city. (Ord. 854 § 3, 1980).
10.04.040 Neglect of duty designated official misconduct.
Failure, refusal, or neglect on the part of any judicial or other officer or employee receiving or having custody of any such fine or forfeiture of bail, either before or after a deposit in said general fund, to comply with the provisions of MMC 10.04.030 shall constitute misconduct in office and shall be grounds for removal therefrom, provided appropriate removal action is taken pursuant to state law relating to removal of public officials. (Ord. 854 § 4, 1980).
10.04.050 Copies on file.
Incident to the adoption of the MTO by reference by this chapter, copies of the text of the adopted MTO and of other adopted statutes shall be filed as required by RCW 35.21.180 for use and examination by the public. (Ord. 854 § 5, 1980).
10.04.060 Proof of insurance or financial responsibility required.
Repealed by Ord. 1240. (Ord. 1129 § 1, 1990).
10.04.070 Penalty.
Repealed by Ord. 1240. (Ord. 1129 § 1, 1990).
10.04.080 Exceptions.
Repealed by Ord. 1240. (Ord. 1129 § 1, 1990).
Prior legislation: Ord. 540.