Chapter 10.38
10.38.010 Fire lanes – Establishment, marking, maintaining.
10.38.020 Violations and enforcement.
10.38.040 Criminal offense to deface, damage, remove or possess fire lane sign.
10.38.010 Fire lanes – Establishment, marking, maintaining.
A. Fire Lanes – Establishment. Fire lanes shall be established pursuant to the adopted Uniform Fire Code by the designated official, such as the city fire marshal.
B. Marking of Fire Lanes. All designated fire lanes shall be clearly marked by the property owner/tenant as prescribed by the fire marshal/designee, which marking may include the painting of curbs or striping of rolled curbs or fire lane surfaces without curbs.
C. Fire Lane Signs. The fire marshal/designee shall require that the owners of properties with designated fire lanes mark the fire lanes with signs as set forth below.
1. Fire lane signs shall be installed per the illustration:
a. Reflective in nature;
b. Red letters on white background;
c. Signs shall be spaced 50 feet to 75 feet apart as determined by the fire marshal/designee. The fire marshal may make exceptions when necessary to address unique fire lane location, e.g., curves, corners may require more closely spaced posting. Signs shall be posted on or immediately adjacent to the curb or fire lane border;
d. Tops of signs shall be not less than four feet nor more than six feet from the ground;
e. Signs may be placed on a building when approved by the fire marshal as an alternative to posting.
When posts are required they shall be a minimum of two-inch galvanized steel or four-inch by four-inch pressure treated wood or, any alternative approved by the fire marshal. Signs shall be placed so they face the direction of the vehicular travel.
D. Maintenance of Fire Lane Signs and Markings. The owner or tenant of property with any designated fire lane shall maintain any fire lane as required by the fire marshal/designee for the purpose of keeping the fire lane clearly marked, posted with signs, and free from obstructions. Such marking, posting, and maintenance shall be at the owner’s/tenant’s expense.
E. Alternate Materials and Methods. The fire marshal/designee may modify any of the marking and sign provisions herein where practical difficulties exist or an acceptable alternative is available; provided, that the fire marshal shall not have the authority to waive the requirement of posting a sign or the contents of any sign. The particulars of a modification shall be granted in writing by the fire marshal and shall be entered into the records of that office. (Ord. 1311 § 1, 1996).
10.38.020 Violations and enforcement.
A. Obstruction of Fire Lanes Prohibited. The obstruction of a designated fire lane by a parked vehicle or any other object is prohibited, and shall constitute a traffic hazard as defined in state law and an immediate hazard to life and property.
B. Enforcement by Towing. The police department shall have the discretion to have any vehicle (including licensed trailers) obstructing a fire lane towed at the owner’s expense. The registered owner of the vehicle shall be notified by the towing company at his/her registered address.
C. Property Owner Responsible. The owner, manager, or person in charge of any property upon which designated fire lanes have been established shall prevent the parking of vehicles or placement of other obstructions in such fire lanes.
D. Violation – Civil Infraction. Any person who fails to mark or maintain the marking of a designated fire lane as prescribed in this chapter, or who parks a vehicle in (including a licensed trailer), allows the parking of a vehicle in, obstructs, or allows the obstruction of a designated fire lane commits a civil infraction to which the provisions of Chapter 7.80 RCW and the “Infraction Rules for Courts of Limited Jurisdiction” (IRLJ) shall apply. The penalty for failing to mark or maintain the marking or signage of a designated fire lane shall be $76.00 per each day of infraction. The penalty for parking a vehicle in, allowing the parking of a vehicle in, obstructing, or allowing the obstruction of a designated fire lane shall be $76.00 per each day of infraction.
E. School Bus Exception. School buses using a fire lane on official school business, such as transporting students to/from school, shall be excepted from the parking/obstructing provisions of this section; provided, that the school bus is attended by a driver while occupying a fire lane and that the driver promptly moves the vehicle at the request of the police or fire departments or the school’s designated authority.
F. Enforcement by Police Department. The police department is authorized to take such lawful action, including the writing and issuance of citations for civil infractions, as may be required to enforce the provisions of this section. (Ord. 1589 § 2, 2003; Ord. 1311 § 2, 1996).
10.38.030 Effectiveness.
The fire marshal shall give written notice to the owners or tenants or representatives of the owners of properties with designated fire lanes within 14 days of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter that they shall comply with the requirements of this chapter as it applies to their property within 30 days of the notice from the fire marshal. Owners or tenants or representatives of owners of properties designated with fire lanes after passage of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall comply with the requirements of this chapter as it applies to their property within 30 days of notice from the fire marshal. (Ord. 1311 § 3, 1996).
10.38.040 Criminal offense to deface, damage, remove or possess fire lane sign.
It shall be a misdemeanor for any person, without lawful authority, to intentionally or with reckless disregard deface, damage, remove or possess any fire lane sign or sign post installed pursuant to MMC 10.38.010. Any violation of this section, upon conviction, shall be punished by imprisonment for a maximum term fixed by the court of not more than 90 days, or by a fine in an amount not more than $1,000, or by both such imprisonment and fine. (Ord. 1311 § 4, 1996).