Chapter 13.32
13.32.030 Cross connections regulated.
13.32.040 Backflow prevention assemblies requirement.
13.32.050 Installation requirements.
13.32.070 Annual testing and repairs.
13.32.080 Costs of compliance.
13.32.090 Termination of service.
13.32.100 Cross connections a nuisance – Connections with other systems authorized when.
13.32.110 Director of public works interpretation authority.
13.32.120 Violation – Penalty.
13.32.010 Definitions.
A. “Approved backflow prevention assembly” means a device to counteract back pressures or prevent back siphonage. This assembly must appear on the list of approved assemblies issued by the Washington State Board of Health.
B. “Auxiliary supply” means any water source or system other than the public water system, that may be available in the building or on the premises.
C. “Backflow” means the flow in the direction opposite to the normal flow or the introduction of any foreign liquids, gases, or substances into the water system of the city of Milton water service area.
D. “Back pressure” means backflow caused by other means that could create pressure within the system greater than the potable water supply system.
E. “Cross connection” means any physical arrangement where a public water system is connected, directly or indirectly, with any other nondrinkable water system or auxiliary system, sewer, drain conduit, hot tub, swimming pool, storage reservoir, plumbing fixture, swamp coolers, radiator flush kit, garden hose (aspirator) or any other device which contains, or may contain, contaminated water, sewage, or other liquid of unknown or unsafe quality which may be capable of imparting contamination to the public water system as a result of backflow. Bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or changeover devices, or other temporary or permanent devices through which, or because of which, backflow may occur are considered to be cross connections.
F. “Premises” means any piece of land to which water is provided including all structures, improvements, mobile home(s) and other facilities located on it.
G. “Public water system” means any system excluding a system serving one single-family residence, providing piped water for human consumption, and also referred to as “potable water”.
H. “Purveyor” means any agency or subdivision of the state or any municipal corporation, firm, company, mutual or cooperative association, institution, partnership or person or any other entity that owns or operates a public water system. It also means three or more authorized agents of any such entities.
I. “Reduced pressure principle assembly” means an assembly containing two independently acting approved check valves together with a hydraulically operated, mechanically independent pressure differential relief valve located between the check valves and at the same time below the first check valve. The assembly shall include properly located test cocks and tightly closing shutoff valves at the end of the assembly. A check valve is approved if it appears on the list of approved assemblies issued by the Washington State Board of Health. (Ord. 1252 § 1, 1994).
13.32.020 Purpose.
The purpose of these regulations is to protect the water supply of the city of Milton from contamination or pollution due to any existing or potential cross connections. (Ord. 1252 § 1, 1994).
13.32.030 Cross connections regulated.
A. No cross connections shall be created, installed, used or maintained within the water service area (typical) served by the city of Milton, except in accordance with these regulations.
B. The director of public works or his/her designee shall have the authority to regulate the control or elimination of cross connections pursuant to the Chapter 246-290 WAC as it now exists or as it may hereafter be amended, and these regulations. The policies, procedures and other criteria for determining appropriate levels of protection required shall be in accordance with the “Accepted Procedure and Practice in Cross Connection Control Manual” – Pacific Northwest Section – American Water Works Association Fifth Edition or any superseding edition.
C. The city of Milton requires that all plumbing and sprinkler plans be submitted to the city of Milton public works department for review and approval prior to installation on all new construction for any plumbing or sprinkler system changes. (Ord. 1252 § 1, 1994).
13.32.040 Backflow prevention assemblies requirement.
Approved backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed at the expense of the owner, either at the service connection or within the premises, as determined by a certified cross connection inspector employed by the city of Milton in each of the following circumstances:
A. If the nature and extent of any activity on the premises, or the materials used in connection with any activity on the premises, or materials stored on the premises, could contaminate or pollute the drinking water supply.
B. On premises having any one or more cross connections as that term is defined in MMC 13.32.010(E).
C. Internal cross connections that are not correctable, or intricate plumbing arrangements which make it impractical to ascertain whether or not cross connections exist.
D. A repeated history of cross connections being established or reestablished.
E. Unduly restricted entry so that inspections for cross connections cannot be made with sufficient frequency or with sufficient notice to assure that cross connections do not exist. A reduced pressure backflow assembly will be required to be installed at the service connection.
F. Materials of a toxic or hazardous nature being used such that, if back siphonage should occur, a health hazard could result.
G. Any mobile apparatus which uses the potable water system or water from any premises within the city of Milton water service area system.
H. On any premises where installation of an approved backflow prevention assembly is deemed to be necessary to accomplish the purpose of these regulations in the judgment of a certified cross connection specialist employed by the city of Milton.
I. On any premises where an appropriate cross connection report form has not been filed with the office of public works.
J. All adopted unified plumbing codes must be maintained.
K. All rental properties shall have a reduced pressure principle assembly at the service connection.
L. All new construction plans shall be submitted to the water department for review and determination of the necessity of an approved assembly.
M. All mobile home parks, multicommercial units and apartment buildings shall install a backflow assembly at the service connection. (Ord. 1252 § 1, 1994).
13.32.050 Installation requirements.
To ensure proper operation and accessibility of all backflow prevention assemblies, the following requirements shall apply to the installation of these assemblies.
A. No part of the backflow prevention assembly shall be submerged in water or installed in a location subject to flooding. If installed in a vault or basement, adequate drainage and clearances shall be provided as per tested assembly specifications or as per MMC 13.32.050(F).
B. Assemblies must be installed at the location specified in the inspection report by owner. Alternate locations must be approved in writing by the city of Milton water department prior to installations.
C. The assembly must be protected from freezing and other severe weather conditions.
D. All backflow prevention assemblies to be installed shall be of a type and model pre-approved by the Washington State Board of Health and the city of Milton.
E. Only assemblies specifically approved by the Washington State Board of Health for vertical installation may be installed vertically.
F. The assembly shall be readily accessible with adequate room for maintenance and testing. Assemblies two inches and smaller shall have at least six inches clearance on all sides of the assembly. All assemblies larger than two inches shall have a minimum clearance of 12 inches on the back side, 24 inches on the test cock side, 12 inches below the assembly and 36 inches above the assembly.
G. If written permission is granted to install the backflow assembly inside of the building, the assembly shall be readily accessible during regular working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
H. Upon completion of inspection by the city of Milton water department or an authorized specialist employed by the city of Milton and where a backflow assembly is deemed necessary, the type of assembly and installation plans shall be submitted to the city of Milton public works department for approval prior to installation.
I. Upon completion of installation, the city of Milton public works department shall be notified and all assemblies must be inspected and tested by a state certified tester. All backflow assemblies must be registered with the city of Milton public works department. Registration shall consist of date of installation, make, model, serial number of the backflow assembly, and initial test report. (Ord. 1252 § 1, 1994).
13.32.060 Access to premises.
Authorized employees of the city of Milton, with proper identification, shall have access during reasonable hours to all parts of a premises and within the building to which water is supplied. However, if any water user refuses access to a premises or to the interior of a structure at reasonable times and on reasonable notice for inspection by a cross connection specialist appointed by the city of Milton, a reduced pressure principle assembly will be required to be installed at the service connection to that premises. (Ord. 1252 § 1, 1994).
13.32.070 Annual testing and repairs.
All backflow assemblies installed within the water service area served by the city of Milton shall be tested immediately upon installation and annually thereafter by a state certified tester. All such assemblies found not functioning properly shall be promptly repaired or replaced by the water user. If any such assembly is not promptly repaired or replaced, the city of Milton may deny or discontinue water to the premises. All testing and repairs are the financial responsibility of the water user. (Ord. 1252 § 1, 1994).
13.32.080 Costs of compliance.
All costs associated with purchase, installation, inspections, testing, replacement, maintenance, parts, and repairs of the backflow assembly are the financial responsibility of the property owner to which water is supplied. (Ord. 1252 § 1, 1994).
13.32.090 Termination of service.
Failure on the part of any water user to discontinue the use of all cross connections and to physically separate cross connections is sufficient cause for the immediate discontinuance of public water service to the premises (WAC 246-290-490). The city of Milton reserves the right to deny service or discontinue the supply of water to any water user not in compliance with this and all other applicable regulations pertaining to public water systems. (Ord. 1252 § 1, 1994).
13.32.100 Cross connections a nuisance – Connections with other systems authorized when.
A. It is unlawful for any person to install or maintain a cross connection between any private water supply within or adjacent to any premises and the public water supply system of the city. Any such cross connection or interconnection now existing or hereafter installed is declared a nuisance and may be abated at once without notice by the director by disconnecting such cross connections or by cutting off the supply of water from the city distribution system to the premises supplied.
B. The owner of any private water system desiring to use city water on the premises on which such private system is maintained may have water supplied from the city system through a pipe discharging at the top and above the overflow of a tank or standpipe or as may be prescribed and approved by the director of the water department.
C. No system to supply water for human consumption shall be constructed or installed except after application setting forth the plan of the proposed system is made to the director. If the director finds that the installation and maintenance of such system in no way endangers the purity of the water supply of the city and is satisfied as to the purity of the water to be supplied through such private system, then after approval of the plan or construction of such system by the water department, he/she shall grant a permit. If the water supply for such system is found to be pure or if it is found that the construction and maintenance of any such system in no way endangers the purity of the water supply of the city and is satisfied as to the purity of the water being supplied through such private system, he/she shall issue a permit for the continued maintenance of the same.
D. It is unlawful for any person to use or maintain any private water supply system for which a permit to construct or maintain has been refused until conditions causing such refusal have been corrected and a permit for the maintenance thereafter granted.
E. Service from the city’s water supply system to any premises upon which a private water system is used or maintained contrary to the provisions of this chapter may be discontinued.
F. Standby service shall not be furnished to another water utility or to a water user supplying himself from a source other than the city system for a period of more than 12 consecutive months, and the charge shall be according to the appropriate water rates in effect.
G. Furnishing of standby service shall be contingent upon the water user furnishing a type of connection satisfactory to the State Health Department and the director for protecting the city supply from backflow. (Ord. 1252 § 1, 1994. Formerly 13.28.550).
13.32.110 Director of public works interpretation authority.
The director of public works or his/her designee shall have the authority to decide any questions which may arise pertinent to the interpretation and/or the application of the regulations of this chapter. (Ord. 1252 § 1, 1994).
13.32.120 Violation – Penalty.
Any person, firm, or corporation wilfully violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished as set forth in Chapter 1.08 MMC. (Ord. 1252 § 1, 1994).