Chapter 17.30
17.30.030 Uses requiring conditional use permit.
17.30.010 Purpose.
The purpose of the mixed use town center district is to encourage the development of a compact town center within the city of Milton, in furtherance of the goals of the comprehensive plan. It is envisioned that this town center will contain a mixture of land uses which will promote pedestrian access and small-scale shops and services within walking distance of residential areas. (Ord. 1912 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999).
17.30.020 Authorized uses.
A. Uses authorized within the mixed use town center district are set forth in Chapter 17.14 MMC.
B. All uses authorized in the mixed use town center district require site plan approval, as set forth in Chapter 17.62 MMC, with the exception of single- and two-family dwellings. (Ord. 1912 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999).
17.30.030 Uses requiring conditional use permit.
Uses within the mixed use town center district which require a conditional use permit are set forth in Chapter 17.14 MMC. (Ord. 1912 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999).
17.30.040 Accessory uses.
Uses allowed as accessory uses within the mixed use town center district are set forth in Chapter 17.14 MMC. (Ord. 1912 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999).
17.30.050 Bulk regulations.
A. All provisions for building height, lot coverage, and minimum setbacks are set forth in Chapter 17.15B MMC.
B. A residential density increase of 50 percent is allowed on any lot for either of the following:
1. Construction of an adult retirement community; or
2. Residential development on upper floors of any building where the first floor is used primarily for retail or personal service establishments. (Ord. 1912 § 1, 2017; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999).