Chapter 17.62
17.62.020 Site plan approval required.
17.62.030 Application requirements.
17.62.040 Permit decision and appeal processes.
17.62.050 Site plan review and approval criteria.
17.62.060 Permit revisions and modifications.
17.62.010 Purpose.
The purpose of site plan approval is to ensure compatibility between new, existing, and future developments in a manner consistent with the goals and policies of the comprehensive plan, in order to create safe and healthful conditions, and to protect critical areas. A site plan may be approved for a single parcel of land or in conjunction with a subdivision or binding site plan. (Ord. 2100 § 2, 2024; Ord. 1741 § 32, 2009).
17.62.020 Site plan approval required.
A. No site plan approval is required for:
1. Any form of subdivision approval or amendment thereto (see MMC Title 16);
2. Any one- or two-family dwelling units;
3. Any mobile or manufactured home.
B. Minor site plan approval is required for the following:
1. Residential developments creating up to four dwelling units on a single parcel of land;
2. Nonresidential construction of up to 4,000 square feet;
3. Addition of up to 20 automobile parking spaces or the equivalent in impervious surface.
C. Major site plan approval is required for the following:
1. Residential developments creating more than four dwelling units on a single parcel of land;
2. Nonresidential construction of over 4,000 square feet;
3. Additions of over 20 automobile parking spaces or the equivalent in impervious surface; and
4. Emergency housing and emergency shelters.
D. For any project not listed above, the community development director may determine if site plan approval is appropriate or necessary.
E. Applicants seeking exemption to subdivision review by subjecting projects to Chapters 64.32 and 64.34 RCW as authorized by MMC 16.04.015(G) shall acquire binding site plan review by meeting the requirements of this chapter. Residential developments with four units or less shall be classified as a minor site plan and those with more than four dwelling units shall be classified as major site plans. The approved site plan shall contain the statements required by MMC 16.04.015(G). The site plan shall be recorded.
F. No person shall commence any use or erect any structure, which would require site plan approval, without first obtaining the approval of a site plan as set forth in this chapter. Any improvement and construction that is subject to site plan approval must be in compliance with the approved site plan. (Ord. 2100 § 2, 2024; Ord. 2056 § 10, 2022; Ord. 1741 § 32, 2009).
17.62.030 Application requirements.
An application for a site plan approval permit shall include all of the information required in Chapter 17.70 MMC (Application Requirements). (Ord. 2100 § 2, 2024; Ord. 1741 § 32, 2009).
17.62.040 Permit decision and appeal processes.
The community development director shall decide on site plan reviews.
A. Minor site plan reviews shall be in accordance with Process Type II.
B. Major site plan reviews shall be in accordance with Process Type III. (Ord. 2100 § 2, 2024; Ord. 1741 § 32, 2009).
17.62.050 Site plan review and approval criteria.
The community development director shall review and approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove a site plan based on the following findings:
A. The site can accommodate the proposed use, including, but not limited to, parking, traffic circulation, and buffers from adjacent properties.
B. Noise and pollution impacts are buffered and mitigated.
C. All external lighting is designed to provide the minimum light necessary to ensure adequate vision and comfort. All external lighting shall:
1. Reduce glare or direct illumination on adjacent properties or streets by facing inward and downward;
2. Reduce light pollution by using cut-off fixtures as defined by Illuminating Engineer Society of North America (IESNA);
3. Have a maximum mounting height of 20 feet unless a need for greater height is demonstrated; and
4. Prioritize pedestrian-scale lighting on walkways, entrances, and other areas used by pedestrians.
D. Parking areas are designed to reduce headlight glare associated with internal traffic from affecting adjacent streets through design and screening.
E. Pedestrian connections are designed to provide safe, continuous, unobstructed, and reasonably direct routes between entrances and streets, parking lots, etc. Safe pedestrian connections include raised paths, striping, and similar techniques.
F. Appropriate bicycle storage racks, lockers, and other supporting furnishings are provided.
G. On-site drainage is in compliance with Chapter 13.26 MMC.
H. There is adequate sight distance at each proposed point of access to the site to assure traffic safety.
I. A solid visual and noise barrier composed of fencing and/or landscaping separates the property from adjacent residential uses.
J. The site plan is consistent with the policies set forth in the state’s Growth Management Act.
K. The site plan is consistent with the city’s comprehensive plan.
L. The site plan complies with all applicable city development regulations including, but not limited to, all regulations found in MMC Titles 13, 16, 17 and 18. (Ord. 2100 § 2, 2024; Ord. 1741 § 32, 2009).
17.62.060 Permit revisions and modifications.
Revisions to an approved site plan shall follow the procedure as set forth in Chapter 17.74 MMC (Permit Revision and Modification). (Ord. 2100 § 2, 2024; Ord. 1741 § 32, 2009).
17.62.070 Time limits.
A. The site plan approval process is intended to run concurrently with any other required city approval, such as a conditional use permit or a building permit.
B. Site plan approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a site development permit or building permit has been issued. Upon written request and payment of a new application fee, the community development director may grant one-year extensions to an approved site plan for good cause. No more than four extensions may be granted. An extension shall not be granted if an amendment to the official zoning map or to any other section of this chapter renders the proposed use of the site to be nonconforming.
C. Building permits for all structures shall be issued within five years of site plan or a new site plan must be approved.
D. Site plan approval is intended to run with the land. The change in use from one permitted use to another, or any change in ownership or tenancy, shall not require the issuance of a new site plan approval unless the change of use increases the impervious surface, traffic impact, or the parking required. In such cases, the community development director shall review the change of use in accordance with Process Type I. (Ord. 2100 § 2, 2024; Ord. 1741 § 32, 2009).