Chapter 17.70
17.70.020 Requirements of applications.
17.70.030 Application requirements.
17.70.040 Required information for all civil plan sets.
17.70.050 Required information for final land use permits.
17.70.060 Modification to applications.
17.70.010 Purpose and scope.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide general application requirements for land use permits. The regulations identified in this section apply to the land use permits identified in Table 17.70.030D. The application requirements described herein do not replace but instead complement the unique or specific requirements noted in individual permit procedures in MMC Titles 12 through 18. In case of any conflicts between this chapter and MMC Titles 12 through 18, the more specific or restrictive requirement shall apply, unless superseded by state law. MMC Title 15 requirements shall supersede conflicting requirements in this chapter. The applicant for a land use permit requested under this title shall have the burden of proving that a proposal is consistent with the criteria for such application. (Ord. 2098 § 2, 2024; Ord. 1741 § 37, 2009).
17.70.020 Requirements of applications.
A. The director responsible for staff review of a permit application may prepare and/or prescribe the form in which land use applications are made.
B. The applicant is responsible for providing complete and accurate information on all forms as specified in Table 17.70.030D.
C. The city staff shall not commence review of any application set forth in this chapter until the applicant has submitted all of the materials and fees specified for complete applications.
D. The land use administrator may add to or waive submittal requirements required by this chapter to the extent necessary to assess consistency with applicable permitting criteria. (Ord. 2098 § 2, 2024; Ord. 1741 § 37, 2009).
17.70.030 Application requirements.
A. An engineer licensed in the state of Washington or a professional surveyor must prepare and stamp all site plans or plat maps and associated plans or studies.
B. When more than one plan sheet is required, the application must include an index sheet of the same size, showing the entire project, with the sheets lettered in alphabetical order as a key.
C. The applicant shall attest by written oath to the accuracy of all information submitted for an application.
D. Applications shall include the following as specified by the submittal requirements in Table 17.70.030D:
Table 17.70.030D Submittal Requirements for Each Type of Land Use Permit Application |
Clear and Grade Chapter 13.26 MMC |
Civil/Site Development |
Preliminary Subdivision Chapter 16.12 MMC |
Short Plat Chapter 16.28 MMC |
Final Subdivision or Short Plat |
Boundary Line Adjustments Chapter 16.29 MMC |
Binding Site Plan Chapter 16.30 MMC |
Special Use Chapter 17.42 MMC |
Home Occupation MMC 17.44.090 |
Sign Chapter 17.50 MMC |
Temporary Use Chapter 17.56 MMC |
Macro Wireless Facility Structure Chapter 17.58 MMC |
Mobile Home Park Chapter 17.60 MMC |
Major Site Plan Approval Chapter 17.62 MMC |
Minor Site Plan Approval Chapter 17.62 MMC |
Conditional Use Chapter 17.64 MMC |
Major or Minor Variance Chapter 17.65 MMC |
Deviations from Standards |
Site Specific Future Land Use/Zoning Map Amendment |
Appeals Chapter 17.71 MMC |
Application |
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X |
Preapplication Meeting Summary |
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Proof of Ownership (Deed or Contract to Purchase) |
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Plat Certificate or Title Report (Updated within 60 days) |
X |
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X |
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X |
Legal Description (Including Tax Parcel Numbers) |
X |
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X |
X |
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X |
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X |
X |
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Checklist* |
X |
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X |
Existing Covenants |
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X |
Survey |
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Certificate of Power Availability |
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Proof of Sewer Review |
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Certificate of Water Availability |
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X |
Noticing Postage |
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Critical Area and Delineation Reports |
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X |
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X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Cultural Resource Assessment |
X |
X |
Prior Decisions/Permits Relevant to This Application |
X |
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X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Proposed Site Plan or Subdivision |
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X |
X |
X |
X |
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X |
Lot Closure Calculations (Existing and Proposed Lots) |
X |
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X |
X |
Proposed Storm Water Plan |
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X |
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X |
X |
Civil Engineering Plans |
X |
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X |
Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Transportation Impact Analysis |
X |
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X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Proposed Lighting Plan |
X |
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X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Proposed Landscape Plan |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Final Site Plan or Plat Map |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Proposed Covenants for Maintenance |
X |
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X |
X |
X |
X |
Installation and Maintenance Agreements with Sureties |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Final Copy for Signature and Recording |
X |
X |
X |
Additional Information Requested by City |
X |
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Payment of All Applicable Fees |
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* When not categorically exempt
(Ord. 2098 § 2, 2024; Ord. 1741 § 37, 2009).
17.70.040 Required information for all civil plan sets.
For civil engineering plans required by Table 17.70.030D, the applicant must submit electronic copies of the civil plans, and paper copies when requested, to the community development department. Each plan set must demonstrate, as applicable, the following information:
A. Civil utilities plan per the development guidelines and public works standards;
B. Where applicable, demonstrate frontages are ADA compliant with supporting details;
C. Grading plan for any project proposing a finished grade change greater than 24 inches from existing grade;
D. Final landscape plan;
E. Existing and proposed lighting plans;
F. Location and log of soil test holes;
G. Location of existing structures, utilities, watercourse, drainage ditches, culverts and streets;
H. Location and material description of all proposed connections to utility systems including sanitary sewers, storm facilities, water, electric, gas, cable television, fiber optic conduits, telephone lines and solid waste;
I. Location, structural calculations and details of existing and proposed walls and fences;
J. Drainage report following the most recent Stormwater Manual for Western Washington;
K. Temporary erosion sediment control;
L. Street and access drive section plan and turning radii per the public works development standards; and
M. Fire access turn-around section and details per the public works development standards. (Ord. 2098 § 2, 2024; Ord. 1741 § 37, 2009).
17.70.050 Required information for final land use permits.
When civil engineering plans are required by Table 17.70.030D, the applicant must submit the following information, as required by Table 17.70.030D, to the land use administrator:
A. Certification by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor that a survey has been made and that monuments and stakes have been set. The survey must include:
1. The legal description of the plat or plan boundary and all new lots;
2. Primary control points such as street lines or official monuments as approved by the director of public works or designee and to which all dimensions, angles, bearings, and similar data on the plat or plan set shall be referred;
3. The true courses and distances from the control points on the plat or plan set to municipal, township, county or section lines and monuments;
4. The location and description of all monuments;
5. Sufficient data to determine readily and reproduce on the ground the location, length and bearing or curvature of every boundary line, right-of-way line, easement line, and property line and including all curve data for curved lines;
6. All dimensions to the nearest one-tenth of a foot and angles to the nearest second;
7. Tract boundary lines; right-of-way lines of streets, roads, alleys, easements and other rights-of-way; property lines of residential lots, areas or reservations to be dedicated for public use, and areas to be reserved for any other use with notes stating the purpose of the areas and all limitations thereon. All lots shall be numbered in sequence; and
8. Easements for privately owned utilities shall be shown by note on the plat or plan set. Any easements or restriction affecting the property with a description of purpose and referenced by the auditor’s file number and/or recording number.
B. Certification showing that applicant is the landowner and dedicates streets, rights-of-way and any sites for public use, and acknowledgment by a notary public as to the validity of the foregoing certification. Any lands to be dedicated to the city shall be confirmed as being owned in fee title by the owner(s) signing the dedication certificate. Additionally, if lands are to be dedicated to the city as part of the proposal, a title policy may be required by the public works director.
C. Certification by the city that the applicant has complied with one of the following:
1. All improvements have been installed in accordance with the requirements of this title; or
2. A security bond or assignment of funds has been posted by the applicant in sufficient amount to ensure such completion of all improvements; or
3. A contract has been signed by a contractor and the applicant in which the contractor has agreed to install the required improvements and has furnished a performance bond to the city ensuring that the required improvements shall be installed; or
4. A combination of any of these methods.
D. Certification by the land use administrator that all of the SEPA mitigation measures requiring performance prior to final approval have been completed.
E. Full engineering and details for construction of connections to utility systems, including sanitary sewers, storm facilities, water, electric, gas, cable television, fiber optic conduits, telephone lines, solid waste, and lighting.
F. For site plan approvals (Chapter 17.62 MMC), conditional use permits (Chapter 17.64 MMC) and planned unit developments (PUD), include the location, typical floor plans and building elevations, floor area size and building envelopes of all existing and proposed buildings, structures and other improvements, including maximum heights, types of dwelling units, typical lot landscaping plans, density per type and nonresidential structures including commercial facilities.
G. For proposals that include single-family residences on lots 4,000 square feet in size and smaller (as part of a PUD or master plan), multifamily or attached single-family residential development and/or commercial structures, more detailed architectural plans will be required. These include: elevations illustrating window and door placement, building siting on proposed lots, site plans illustrating building to building relationships and window to window relationships.
H. The location, dimension and area (in acres or square feet) of all tracts or parcels to be conveyed, dedicated or reserved as common, usable, conservation, buffer, or constrained open spaces, public parks, recreational areas, school sites and similar public and semipublic uses.
I. The existing and proposed pedestrian and bike circulation system, including its interrelationships with the vehicular circulation system, consistency with the city’s comprehensive plan and indicating proposed solutions to points of conflict.
J. Final landscape and irrigation plan indicating the treatment of materials used for private and common, usable, or conservation open space and buffers including a planting schedule.
K. For the final plans of PUDs and master plans, submit the proposed treatment and detailed design of the perimeter of the PUD or master plan, including materials and techniques used such as landscape screens, landscape buffers, fences and walls.
L. For the final plans of site plans, PUDs and master plans, submit a proposed comprehensive sign plan encouraging the integration of signs into the framework of the building or buildings on the property should be included with the final PUD, master plan or site plan application.
M. Provisions for maintenance of all open spaces or common property, landscaping, sidewalks, critical areas buffers, recreation facilities, service areas, walls, signage and fencing, including conditions whereby the city may enforce any provisions or requirements needed to ensure the meeting of master plan, PUD or plat objectives. These provisions may include proposed private restrictive covenants, or may come in the form of maintenance agreements attached to the title of all affected properties, easements for the public, the city and utility providers and appropriate maintenance securities. Covenants must be recorded and filed separately with the county auditor. The auditor’s recording number shall be shown on the recorded final plat or plan set.
N. Certification by the county treasurer that all taxes on property included in the proposed plat or development and dedications have been paid.
O. Certification by the county assessor that all assessments against property included in the proposed development have been paid. (Ord. 2098 § 2, 2024; Ord. 1741 § 37, 2009).
17.70.060 Modification to applications.
The city will treat proposed modifications to a complete application (MMC 17.70.020(C)) prior to final approval, as follows:
A. Modifications proposed by the land use administrator will not result in the requirement to file a new application.
B. If the applicant proposes modifications to an application and the land use administrator determines said modifications would result in a substantial increase in a project’s impacts, the director may require the applicant to submit a new application. The new application must conform to the requirements of MMC Titles 12 through 18 in effect at the time of the most recent submittal. (Ord. 2098 § 2, 2024; Ord. 1741 § 37, 2009).