Chapter 17.60
17.60.010 Permit – Requirements.
17.60.020 Permit – Requirements.
17.60.050 Zero lot line developments.
17.60.060 Recreational facilities.
17.60.070 Setbacks for structures.
17.60.080 Landscaping and screening.
17.60.120 Inspection – Required.
17.60.010 Permit – Requirements.
No person, company or corporation shall establish a new mobile home park or enlarge an existing mobile home park within the city limits without first obtaining a conditional use permit from the city. Approval of a new or enlarged mobile home park will follow Process Type IV (Chapter 17.71 MMC, Permit Decision and Appeal Processes). (Ord. 1741 § 31, 2009; Ord. 1688 § 1, 2007; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999).
17.60.020 Permit – Requirements.
The permit shall require the following:
A. A plat as provided by the plat and subdivision laws of the city, showing the location of the proposed mobile home park and all buildings, sanitary facilities, playground recreation areas, driveways, and individual mobile home lots, and including all dimensions of the mobile home park tract, the building envelope for each individual home, lot parking facilities, patio, storage, lighting, utilities, landscaping screening design, and other requirements of the platting and subdivision laws of the city.
B. The minimum size of the mobile home park shall be 15 acres. (Ord. 1688 § 1, 2007; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999).
17.60.030 Lot area and width.
Each mobile home lot shall have a minimum area of 4,400 square feet and a minimum width of 50 feet at a point one-half the distance of the lot depth. (Ord. 1688 § 1, 2007; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999).
17.60.040 Coverage.
There shall be a minimum of 6,200 square feet total land area per mobile home lot. Maximum lot coverage shall be 60 percent of the total park area. The total park area shall include driveways and private thoroughfares, playground-recreation areas, individual trailer lots, and caretaker’s quarters within the plat. (Ord. 1688 § 1, 2007; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999).
17.60.050 Zero lot line development.
A mobile home park may be platted as a zero lot line development. In this arrangement, all mobile homes and auxiliary structures are massed along one side of the lot with the opposite side consisting of open space. No two lots are allowed to have the building amassed along an adjacent internal lot line without a minimum 10 feet of horizontal separation between structures on the two lots. No structure may be placed within 10 feet of the perimeter boundary of the mobile home park. Generally, all lots along the same side of the street shall have the homes and structures amassed such that the open space appears on the same side of each lot when faced from the street. All other setbacks from public right-of-way and the edge of thoroughfare noted in MMC 17.60.070 apply to zero lot line developments. Please see figure below.
(Ord. 1688 § 1, 2007).
17.60.060 Recreational facilities.
All mobile home parks within the city shall provide general recreational facilities. The hearing examiner shall find that each mobile home park shall provide sufficient recreational facilities to serve the inhabitants of the mobile home park. (Ord. 1688 § 1, 2007; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999. Formerly 17.60.050).
17.60.070 Setbacks for structures.
Except when platted as a zero lot line development (MMC 17.60.050), every mobile home shall have a setback of not less than five feet from the side lot lines and a minimum of 10 feet set back from the rear yard lines. No building, carport, or other auxiliary structure shall be permitted closer than 20 feet to any property line that abuts a street or public right-of-way, and no closer than 10 feet from the edge of the private thoroughfare or the perimeter of the mobile home park.
Also, except when platted as a zero lot line development (MMC 17.60.050), an auxiliary building shall be located no closer than five feet from any lot line. (Ord. 1688 § 1, 2007; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999. Formerly 17.60.060 and 17.60.100).
17.60.080 Landscaping and screening.
At a minimum, new mobile home parks shall provide landscaping and screening that conforms to the requirements of Chapters 17.15B and 17.15C MMC. In the capacity of approving a conditional use permit for a mobile home park, the hearing examiner shall find that the privacy of adjacent properties are maintained. (Ord. 1688 § 1, 2007; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999. Formerly 17.60.070).
17.60.090 Business signs.
Business signs shall conform to the provisions set forth in Chapter 17.50 MMC. (Ord. 1688 § 1, 2007; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999. Formerly 17.60.080).
17.60.100 Lot individuality.
Each mobile home lot shall be established within the park so as to give maximum individuality of appearance of each lot. (Ord. 1688 § 1, 2007; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999. Formerly 17.60.090).
17.60.110 Bond.
Each applicant in the establishment of the new mobile home park shall file with the city a performance surety bond in an amount equivalent to 10 percent of the cost of furnishing the recreational and other facilities required as conditions of approval for the mobile home park. (Ord. 1688 § 1, 2007; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999).
17.60.120 Inspection – Required.
There is established a program of annual inspection of all mobile home parks established within the city, pursuant to the terms and conditions of this chapter. The clerk is directed to institute and administer the inspection program and to annually report to the city council the results of the inspection. The purpose of the inspection is to assure that the mobile home parks are maintained in all respects to assure the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the mobile home parks and the inhabitants of the city living adjacent to the parks. (Ord. 1688 § 1, 2007; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999).
17.60.130 Inspection – Fees.
There is established an annual inspection fee for all mobile home parks in the sum of $100.00. The mobile home parks shall pay said sum of money on or before February 1st of each calendar year on forms to be supplied by the city. (Ord. 1688 § 1, 2007; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999).