Chapter 17.76
17.76.030 Public nuisance and abatement.
17.76.010 Interpretation.
A. The director of planning and community development may interpret the provisions of this title. The decisions shall be in writing, kept in a publicly accessible place and updated as zoning code amendments render them obsolete. The process for making an interpretation shall be pursuant to Process Type II of Chapter 17.71 MMC (Permit Decision and Appeal Processes).
B. Where the conditions imposed by any provision of this zoning code upon the use of land or buildings or upon the bulk of buildings are either more restrictive or less restrictive than comparable conditions imposed by any other provision of this zoning code or of any other law, ordinance, resolution, rule or regulation of any kind, the regulations which are more restrictive or which impose higher standards or requirements shall govern.
C. This zoning code is not intended to abrogate any easement, covenant, or any other private agreement; provided, that where the regulations of this zoning code are more restrictive or impose higher standards or requirements than such easements, covenants, or other private agreements, the requirements of this zoning code shall govern.
D. No building, structure or use which was not lawfully existing at the time of the adoption of this zoning code shall become, or be made, lawful solely by reason of the adoption of this zoning code; and to the extent that, and in any manner, the unlawful building, structure or use is in conflict with the requirements of this zoning code, the building, structure or use remains unlawful under this code. (Ord. 1741 § 41, 2009; Ord. 1405 § 2, 1999).
17.76.020 Violation.
It is unlawful for any person or entity to own, use, construct, erect, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, convert, equip, occupy, maintain, locate, demolish or cause to be constructed, located or demolished any structure, land or property within the city of Milton in any manner that is contrary to the provisions of MMC Titles 15 through 18 or any permit, condition, order, rule or regulation imposed or adopted pursuant thereto. Each and every day that a structure, land or property is owned, leased, controlled, used or maintained in violation of the MMC Titles 15 through 18 shall constitute a separate violation. (Ord. 1580 § 1, 2003).
17.76.030 Public nuisance and abatement.
Any violations of any provisions identified in MMC 17.76.020 are hereby determined to be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare and declared to be a public nuisance, subject to abatement by the planning and community development director or his/her designee by any legal means available. (Ord. 1663 § 28, 2006; Ord. 1580 § 2, 2003).