Title 18
18.15 General Development Requirements
18.32 R-7.2, R-12.5, R-15 and R-20 (Residential) Zones
18.33 Enhanced Services Facilities
18.34 Essential Public Facilities
18.35 Fences, Walls and Hedges
18.36 Critical Areas Development Regulations
18.40 Reasonable Accommodation Process
18.42 Wireless Communication Facilities
18.44 Miscellaneous Regulations
18.58 Planned Residential Development
18.62 Comprehensive Plan Amendments
18.68 Residential Neighborhoods – Noise Protection
18.72 Landmark Protection and Preservation
18.76 Parks of Local Significance
18.80 Lands Acquired by Public Entities
18.82 Transfer of Development Rights
18.90 Normandy Park Manhattan Village Subarea Plan (MVSP) Planned Action Ordinance (PAO)
18.100 Normandy Park Design Standards and Guidelines