Chapter 18.11


18.11.010    User guide.

18.11.020    Standards, intent, and voluntary provisions.

18.11.030    Housing types defined.

18.11.040    Parameters for cottages, carriage units and two-unit homes.

18.11.050    Cottage housing design standards and guidelines.

18.11.060    Low-density residential and standard single-family when mixed within CR zone.

18.11.070    Medium-density residential zone-wide design parameters.

18.11.010 User guide.

This chapter provides standards when developing cottages, carriage units, and two-unit homes in zones where said uses are allowed. If you are interested in proposing development containing a mix of cottage, carriage, or two-unit homes, or you wish to participate in the city’s decision on a project including these types of housing units, you should read this chapter.

This chapter also provides provisions regulating the development of low-density residential single-family within the medium-density residential zone, resulting in a mix of housing choices and densities within said zone. (Ord. 1824 § 5 (App. B), 2024; Ord. 1657 § 1 (part), 2018).

18.11.020 Standards, intent, and voluntary provisions.

For properties located within the medium density residential (MDR) zone, the provisions of this chapter are required and mandated. For properties located within the downtown commercial (DC) zone and the low-density residential (LDR) zone, the provisions of this chapter are available as alternatives to the development of typical detached single-family homes, subject to the limitations in this chapter. In the event of a conflict between the standards in this chapter and the standards in other chapters of the North Bend Municipal Code (NBMC), the standards in this chapter shall control. These standards are intended to address the changing composition of households, and the need for smaller, and more diverse housing choices. Providing for a variety of housing types also encourages innovation and diversity in housing design and site development, while ensuring compatibility with surrounding single-family residential development. (Ord. 1824 § 5 (App. B), 2024; Ord. 1657 § 1 (part), 2018).

18.11.030 Housing types defined.

The following definitions apply to the housing types allowed through the provisions in this chapter:

A. “Cottage” means a detached, single-family dwelling unit containing 1,500 square feet or less.

B. “Carriage unit” means a single-family dwelling unit, not to exceed 800 square feet in gross floor area, located above a garage structure in a cottage housing development.

C. “Two-unit home” means a structure containing two dwelling units, designed to look like a detached single-family home, which does not exceed 2,000 square feet total for both units.

D. “Standard single-family home” means a detached, single-family dwelling unit containing 1,501 square feet or more. (Ord. 1657 § 1 (part), 2018).

18.11.040 Parameters for cottages, carriage units and two-unit homes.

The following parameters apply to cottages, carriage units, and two-unit homes. See NBMC 18.11.060 for provisions related to the mix and development of standard single-family homes in the medium density residential zone.

A. Density and Floor Area Ratio (FAR).

1. Cottage Development. Density within the CR zone and DC zone shall not exceed 10 dwelling units per acre (DU/acre) for cottages, carriage units, and two-unit homes. On parcels zoned LDR, the maximum density for cottage clusters shall not exceed eight DU/acre.

2. When standard single-family development is mixed within the CR zone, density in the CR zone for standard single-family residential and two-unit homes not associated with a cottage cluster shall not exceed four DU/acre.

3. FAR shall not exceed 0.35.

4. Existing detached dwelling units may remain on the subject property and will be counted as units.

B. Maximum Structure Size.

1. Cottage Units. A minimum of 75 percent of the units shall be 1,200 square feet or less. Twenty-five percent of the units may be 1,500 square feet or less. An applicant may have an additional eight percent (up to 33 percent) of units sized larger than 1,200 square feet and up to 1,500 square feet, by providing one unit sized 900 square feet or smaller for every one unit larger than 1,200 square feet for all units in excess of the standard limitation of 25 percent of the units at 1,500 square feet or less.

2. Carriage Units. Carriage units shall be no more than 800 square feet in size.

3. Two-Unit Homes. Two-unit homes may have an average unit size of 1,000 square feet; however, the total structure shall not exceed 2,000 square feet in size.

C. Garages. A cottage may include a single attached garage, not to exceed an additional 250 square feet. A two-unit home may include a double attached garage, not to exceed 500 square feet total. Attached garages shall be located to the rear of cottages and two-unit homes.

D. Cottage Development Size and Mix.

1. Maximum Development Size.

a. Within the medium-density residential zone or downtown commercial zone, a cottage development shall not exceed 24 dwelling units (split among two or more clusters), except as may be exceeded with separation pursuant to subsection (E)(3) of this section.

b. Within the LDR zone, a cottage development shall not exceed 12 dwelling units.

2. Single-Story Cottage Mix. Each cluster of 12 dwelling units must provide at least one single-story cottage.

3. Not more than one two-unit structure and one carriage unit may be allowed within each cluster of 12 dwelling units.

E. Cottage Cluster Location, Size and Separation.

1. Cottage clusters are allowed in the following locations:

a. Within the medium-density residential (MDR) zone;

b. Within the DC zone;

c. Within LDR zone in a three-quarter-mile radius from the intersection of Ballarat Avenue N and E. North Bend Way, as depicted in NBMC 18.11.040 Figure A. A minimum of 50 percent of a parcel must be within the three-quarter-mile radius to allow for a cottage cluster, except as authorized under subsection (E)(1)(d) of this section; and

d. Within the LDR zone where outside of the three-quarter-mile radius depicted in NBMC 18.11.040 Figure A, through a conditional use permit or development agreement.

NBMC 18.11.040 Figure A

2. Cluster Size.

a. Minimum units per cluster: A cluster (group of cottages that share a common green) must contain a minimum of four cottages when developed within the medium-density residential zone or low-density residential zone.

b. Maximum units per cluster: 12 units.

c. Maximum number of clusters per cottage development: No more than two cottage clusters of up to 12 units per cluster each may be located within a cottage development of up to 24 units. Deviation from the two-cluster limit may be authorized from the community and economic development director for cottage developments containing clusters orienting to public trail corridors and/or clusters within cottage developments sharing an enlarged common green under subsection (E)(3)(a)(ii) of this section.

3. Cottage Development Separation. Each cottage development of up to 24 units shall be separated from another cottage development of up to 24 units by one or more of the following methods:

a. Within the CR zone:

i. A 35-foot average buffer, with a minimum width of not less than 25 feet, containing preserved significant trees and native vegetation. If the existing vegetation does not contain significant trees, the buffer area shall be revegetated to achieve a Type 2 buffer; and/or

ii. An enlarged common green extending across the property a minimum of 50 feet in width to which cottages in clusters from different cottage developments (of up to 24 units each) may front and share, as an equivalent separation to that which the buffer under subsection (E)(3)(a)(i) of this section would provide for. The common green shall retain existing significant trees and shall provide for areas of lawn and Type 3 landscaping; and/or

iii. A standard single-family neighborhood, containing up to 20 units. In order to include a standard single-family development, a cottage development of not less than 24 units must be proposed or already exist, except for parcels abutting Stilson Avenue and Cedar Falls Way. Parcels abutting Stilson Avenue and Cedar Falls Way shall be developed per the low-density residential zoning standards of the North Bend Municipal Code.

b. Within the LDR or DC zones, any cottage development shall be separated from another by not less than 500 feet, as measured by the shortest distance.

F. Minimum Lot Size for Cottage Projects. Beyond density restrictions, there is no required minimum lot size for cottage lots created pursuant to this chapter. (The number of allowed units on the subject property is determined by the density provisions of these standards.) When a project includes a mix of single-family residential homes, cottages, and two-unit homes, or any combination thereof, this provision only applies to the cottage portion of the development.

G. Cottage Parking Requirements.

1. Units under 700 square feet must include one space per unit.

2. Units between 700 and 1,000 square feet must include one and one-half spaces per unit. If the required number of parking spaces results in a fraction, the applicant shall provide the number of spaces equal to the next higher whole number.

3. Units over 1,000 square feet must include two spaces per unit.

4. All unit parking must be provided on the subject property. No credit shall be provided for adjacent on-street parking.

5. Guest Parking. In addition to the parking required for the units, additional guest parking shall be required equivalent to a minimum of 10 percent of the total number of required per-unit parking spaces. This guest parking shall be located in a common area accessible by guests. If the required number of guest parking spaces results in a fraction, the applicant shall provide the number of spaces equal to the next highest whole number.

H. Minimum Required Building Setbacks (from Exterior Property Lines of Cottage Development).

1. Front: 20 feet;

2. Other: 10 feet; and

3. Abutting property zoned LDR: 25 feet, including a 10-foot Type 2 landscape buffer per the requirements of Chapter 18.18 NBMC.

I. Minimum required building separation: 10 feet.

J. Maximum lot coverage including all impervious surfaces: 50 percent. Lot coverage is calculated using the entire development site.

K. Maximum height: 25 feet to the peak of the roof, measured from average base elevation, for homes with a roof slope of 6:12 or greater for all parts of the roof higher than 18 feet, excluding dormers. Otherwise, the maximum height shall be 18 feet to the peak of the roof measured from average base elevation including one-story cottages. Within the floodplain, height may be measured based on the base flood elevation per the flood insurance rate map in effect at the time of application submission.

L. Tree Retention. Significant trees shall be retained pursuant to Chapter 19.10 NBMC; however, no reduction of the required on-site tree retention shall be allowed under NBMC 19.10.093(D), except in the downtown commercial (DC) zone.

M. Common Open Space. A minimum of 436 square feet of common open space per unit is required. The common open space shall be in one contiguous and usable piece with a minimum dimension of 20 feet on all sides. See NBMC 18.11.050 for additional provisions. If a community building is included, the area of the community building may be counted toward the common open space requirement.

N. Private Yard Space. Each dwelling unit, except for a carriage unit, shall contain private front and rear yard space. No dimension of a private front or rear yard space shall be less than nine feet.

O. Accessory dwelling units are not permitted as part of a cottage development.

P. Remodel Size Limitation. Within permitted cottage housing developments, any future remodels to a cottage, two-unit home, or carriage dwelling unit shall not result in the dwelling unit exceeding the size limitations for said structure established per subsection B of this section, with cottages allowed up to 1,500 square feet in size. For standalone cottages built on a single lot outside of cottage housing developments, applicants modifying a cottage dwelling to increase its size beyond 1,500 square feet shall pay the difference in impact fees due between a cottage dwelling and standard single-family residential dwelling at the rate in effect per the taxes, rates and fees schedule at the time of building permit issuance.

Q. Community buildings and community space are encouraged in cottage developments, particularly for cottage developments of 12 or more units. If provided, community buildings or space shall be clearly incidental in use and size to the dwelling units and shall meet the following:

1. Building height for community buildings shall be no greater than one story.

2. Community buildings must be located on the same site as the cottage housing development, and be commonly owned by the residents. (Ord. 1824 § 5 (App. B), 2024; Ord. 1657 § 1 (part), 2018).

18.11.050 Cottage housing design standards and guidelines.

Cottages and cottage housing developments shall meet the following design standards:

A. Applicable Provisions of Chapter 18.34 NBMC, Design Standards and Guidelines. Cottages and carriage units shall comply with NBMC 18.34.050(A) though (E), in addition to the standards in this chapter. Cottages and carriage units shall not be subject to NBMC 18.34.050(F) through (H). Single-family homes and two-unit homes within cottage developments shall comply with all applicable provisions of Chapter 18.34 NBMC. Two-unit homes shall be reviewed as one structure and shall comply with the single-family design standards of Chapter 18.34 NBMC.

B. Orientation of Dwelling Units. Dwellings within a cottage housing development should be oriented to promote a sense of community, both within the development, and with respect to the larger community, outside of the cottage project. A cottage development should not be designed to “turn its back” on the public street.

1. Where feasible, each dwelling unit that abuts a common open space shall have a primary entry and/or covered porch oriented to the common open space.

2. Each dwelling unit abutting a public right-of-way (not including alleys) shall have an inviting facade, such as a primary or secondary entrance or porch, oriented to the public right-of-way. For any lot or dwelling unit abutting more than one public right-of-way, NBMC 17.08.105, Lot layout and design, shall apply.

3. All sides of a cottage within a cottage cluster must be architecturally treated with details similar to the front of the dwelling so as to present an attractive face to all surrounding neighborhoods, including details such as window trim, wall articulation, and/or covered patios.

C. Required Common Open Space. Common open space should provide a sense of openness, visual relief, and community for cottage developments. The space must be outside of wetlands, streams and their buffers, and developed and maintained to provide for passive and/or active recreational activities for the residents of the development.

1. Land located between dwelling units and an abutting right-of-way or access easement greater than 21 feet in width may not serve as required common open space, unless the area is reserved as a separate tract, and does not contain pathways leading to individual units or other elements that detract from its appearance and function as a shared space for all residents.

2. Required common open space may be divided into no more than two separate areas per cluster of dwelling units.

3. Common open space shall be located in a central area easily accessible to all dwellings within the development.

4. Fences may not be located within required open space areas. Fences located in the front yard shall not exceed four feet in height and shall be a split rail, picket, or other visually penetrable design unless otherwise approved by the homeowners’ association.

5. Landscaping located in common open space areas shall be designed to allow for easy access and use of the space by all residents, and to facilitate maintenance needs. To the maximum extent feasible, existing mature trees shall be retained throughout the site.

6. Unless the shape or topography of the site precludes the ability to locate units adjacent to the common open space, the following standards must be met:

a. The open space shall be located so that it will be surrounded by cottages or two-unit homes on at least two sides; and

b. At least 75 percent of the units in the development shall abut a common open space. A cottage is considered to abut an area of open space if there is no structure between the unit and the open space.

7. Surface water management facilities shall not be placed within common open space areas and shall not count toward common open space requirements. Low impact development (LID) features are encouraged, provided they do not adversely impact access to or use of the common open space for a variety of activities. Conventional stormwater collection and conveyance tools, such as flow control and/or water quality vaults are permitted if located underground.

8. All common open space areas shall be owned and maintained by the homeowners’ association of the development.

D. Shared Detached Garages, Carports, and Surface Parking Design. Parking areas should be located so their visual presence is minimized, and associated noise or other impacts do not intrude into public spaces. These areas should also maintain the single-family character along public streets.

1. Shared detached garage structures may not exceed four garage doors per building, and a total of 1,200 square feet.

2. For shared detached garages or carports, the design of the structure must be similar and compatible to that of the dwelling units within the development.

3. Shared detached garage structures, carports, and surface parking areas must be screened from public streets and adjacent residential uses by landscaping or architectural screening.

4. The covenants, conditions, and restrictions of the homeowners’ association of the cottage housing development shall require that shared detached garage structures be reserved for the parking of vehicles owned by the residents of the development, and shall prohibit the storage of such quantity of items within garages as to preclude the parking of vehicles.

5. Surface parking areas may not be located in clusters of more than four spaces. Clusters must be separated by a distance of at least 10 feet and planted with Type 2 landscaping.

E. Low Impact Development. The proposed site design shall incorporate the use of low impact development (LID) strategies where feasible to meet stormwater management standards. LID is a set of techniques that mimic natural watershed hydrology by slowing, evaporating/transpiring, and filtering water, which allows water to soak into the ground closer to its source. The design should seek to meet the following objectives:

1. Preservation of natural hydrology;

2. Reduced impervious surfaces;

3. Treatment of stormwater in numerous small, decentralized structures;

4. Use of natural topography for drainageways and storage areas;

5. Preservation of portions of the site in undisturbed, natural conditions; and

6. Reduction of the use of piped systems. Whenever possible, site design should use multifunctional open drainage systems such as vegetated swales or filter strips which also help to fulfill landscaping and open space requirements.

F. Pedestrian Flow through Development. Pedestrian connections should link all buildings to the public right-of-way, common open space, and parking areas. On-site pedestrian walkways shall be a minimum of four feet wide. (Ord. 1657 § 1 (part), 2018).

18.11.060 Low-density residential and standard single-family when mixed within CR zone.

A. To allow for a mix of housing choices and design for developments containing greater than four acres, up to 20 percent of the units may consist of standard single-family homes located to separate the cottage clusters, subject to the following provisions:

1. Lots shall have a minimum lot size of 8,000 square feet;

2. Density shall not exceed four DU/acre;

3. Height shall not exceed 35 feet, as measured per Chapter 18.06 NBMC;

4. Lot coverage shall not exceed 50 percent;

5. Standard single-family homes and lots shall comply with the North Bend Municipal Code low-density residential zone bulk and dimensional requirements per NBMC 18.10.040 and performance standards per NBMC 18.10.050 unless otherwise provided in this chapter;

6. Twenty percent of the single-family units shall be one story;

7. Two-unit homes are not allowed within any standard single-family development;

8. To preserve the significant trees and retain the existing rural character along Stilson Avenue, front yard setbacks shall be not less than 30 feet; and

9. Driveways and access points along Stilson Avenue shall be limited to four per side of road. Shared driveways are highly encouraged. (Ord. 1657 § 1 (part), 2018).

18.11.070 Medium-density residential zone-wide design parameters.

A. Stilson Avenue (from North Bend Way to Cedar Falls Avenue). To retain the rural character of this existing street, the following provisions shall apply:

All parcels abutting Stilson Avenue SE shall be developed per the low-density residential zoning standards.

Existing significant trees located adjacent to the right-of-way, as depicted in NBMC 18.11.070 Figure A, shall be retained. The retained trees shall be considered the planter strip and shall be of a width necessary to preserve the trees. The required sidewalks shall be located behind or meander through the trees. Stormwater improvements shall be provided appropriately to retain trees.

Access locations off Stilson Avenue shall not exceed what currently exists: four per side, unless otherwise unavoidable. Shared driveways are highly encouraged.

NBMC 18.11.070 Figure A
Stilson Avenue – Rural Character and
Significant Trees to Be Retained

B. Cottage Zone between Cedar Falls Way and North Bend Way. For any development application within the medium-density residential (MDR) zone located between Cedar Falls Way and North Bend Way, to the extent possible as applications are submitted independently for individual properties, the development shall provide for access, connectivity, and view corridors consistent with the following provisions:

1. Cedar Falls Way. A maximum of three access points shall be provided and located to line up with the following existing streets to the south:

a. Access Point 1: Salish Avenue SE; and

b. Access Point 2: La Forest Drive SE; and

c. Access Point 3: La Forest Drive SE; and

d. The city may approve additional driveways for parcels abutting Cedar Falls Way if necessary when developed independent of a larger consolidated development.

2. Views, Buffered Street Terminus, and Trails. The following standards shall be followed to the extent possible given the size of the development project submittal:

a. From Access Point 1 off Cedar Falls Way, a view corridor and view park to Mt. Si shall be provided allowing for views of Mt. Si and a natural treed terminus. This area shall be no less than 1,000 square feet.

b. From Access Points 2 and 3 off Cedar Falls Way, a view/buffer terminus providing a vegetated visual appearance when entering the area shall be provided. This area shall be not less than 800 square feet and planted with Type 2 landscaping.

c. A minimum of three north/south eight-foot paved trails shall be provided through the site connecting with Tanner Trail.

3. Cedar Falls Frontage Improvements. Frontage improvements for development within the medium density residential zone along Cedar Falls Way shall comply with the following provisions:

a. Excess Right-of-Way. A portion of the existing Cedar Falls Way right-of-way (ROW), located on the north side of the road adjacent to the public works site and east to the intersection of Salish Avenue SE across the street, contains excess ROW area and a mature forest. In this ROW area, the existing forest and significant trees shall be retained. An eight- foot meandering multipurpose trail shall be constructed pursuant to the provisions below. Additional trails may be constructed in this area subject to city approval.

b. Cedar Falls Way Buffer. A minimum 35-foot landscape buffer shall be provided along the northern edge of Cedar Falls Way for parcels zoned medium-density residential, and this landscape buffer shall be dedicated to the city of North Bend. This 35-foot landscape buffer shall include the following:

i. Existing Sewer Easement. A 15-foot existing sewer easement and sewer line currently exists on the northern edge of Cedar Falls Avenue. This area shall be planted with Type 2 landscaping per Chapter 18.18 NBMC. However, adjustments to said landscaping requirements, to be approved by the city, may be necessary to address planting restrictions over an existing sewer line; and

ii. Twenty-Foot Native Frontage Buffer. In addition to the 15-foot existing sewer easement landscaping described above, a 20-foot buffer shall be provided and dedicated to the city of North Bend. This buffer shall preserve the existing native vegetation, trees and significant trees. Where areas within this 20-foot buffer do not achieve a Type 1 landscape standard, supplemental plantings shall be installed to achieve a Type 1 landscape standard per Chapter 18.18 NBMC.

c. An eight-foot-wide paved trail (per Chapters 17.25 and 19.01 NBMC and the city of North Bend public works standards) shall meander through the 35-foot buffer area preserving significant trees to the maximum extent feasible. This 35-foot buffer and trail are in lieu of the typically required curb/gutter planter strip and sidewalk required on the south side of the road.

C. Burlington Northern Railway Right-of-Way.

1. For development sites located adjacent to the Burlington Northern right-of-way (ROW), the developer may purchase the Burlington Northern ROW and dedicate no less than 40 feet for Tanner Trail and open spaces purposes to the city. Any remaining Burlington Northern ROW area in excess of the minimum 40 feet may be incorporated into the development. If the developer opts for this, the following shall apply:

a. A 15-foot Type 2 landscape buffer shall be provided along the rear property line, owned and maintained by the homeowners’ association of the development.

b. The applicant shall construct a trail within the Tanner Trail corridor consistent with the trail standards in Chapter 19.01 NBMC and the city of North Bend public works standards, together with street trees provided consistent with Chapter 19.01 NBMC and the city of North Bend public works standards.

c. The applicant may receive credit for up to 50 percent of the common open space requirement provided in NBMC 18.11.040(M) if the common open space is designed integrally with the Tanner Trail open space such that the two open spaces function as one.

2. In the event the applicant elects to proceed without acquiring the ROW, then the applicant shall provide the following:

a. A 15-foot Type 2 landscape buffer shall be provided along the rear property line along North Bend Way, owned and maintained by the homeowners’ association of the development; and

b. The applicant shall construct a trail along this landscape buffer consistent with the trail standards in Chapter 19.01 NBMC and the city of North Bend public works standards. (Ord. 1824 § 5 (App. B), 2024; Ord. 1657 § 1 (part), 2018).