Chapter 9.40
9.40.020 Authority to designate restricted areas.
9.40.030 Prohibited parking—Designated areas.
9.40.040 Violation of Section 9.40.030—Penalty.
9.40.070 Loading zone—Designation.
9.40.080 Loading zone—Establishment procedure.
9.40.100 Loading zone—Hearing of objection.
9.40.110 Loading zone—Effective date.
9.40.120 Loading zone—Discontinuance.
9.40.020 Authority to designate restricted areas.
The mayor and chief of police, acting jointly and not individually, shall have the power to determine and designate any particular area upon the city streets on which the parking of vehicles is restricted or prohibited, consistent with the provisions of this chapter; provided, that such prohibited or restricted area shall be clearly marked or posted by official signs. (Ord. 1593 § 2, 2023).
9.40.030 Prohibited parking—Designated areas.
(a) The parking of any motor vehicle, truck, trailer, travel trailer, motor home or other licensed or unlicensed vehicle is prohibited between the hours of two and five a.m. in the months of November, December, January, February, and March on the following streets of the city of Othello:
(1) Main Street between Broadway Avenue and 14th Avenue; and
(2) First Avenue between Pine Street and Juniper Street.
(b) The parking of any motor vehicle, truck, trailer, travel trailer, motor home or other licensed or unlicensed vehicle is prohibited between the hours of seven a.m. and four p.m. on the following streets of the city of Othello:
(1) South side of Juniper Street between 4th Avenue and 7th Avenue.
(c) The parking of a motor vehicle having a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of twenty-six thousand pounds or more is prohibited, except for actual loading and unloading not to exceed two hours in duration on Main Street.
(d) The parking of any motor vehicle, truck, trailer, travel trailer, motor home or other licensed or unlicensed vehicle is prohibited at all times on the following streets within the city of Othello:
(1) East Scootney Street between South 1st Avenue and South Broadway Avenue. (Ord. 1600 § 1, 2023; Ord. 1593 § 2, 2023).
9.40.040 Violation of Section 9.40.030—Penalty.
The registered owner of any such vehicle, trailer or motor home when parked in violation of Section 9.40.030 shall be in violation of Section 9.40.030 and shall be deemed to have committed an infraction subject to a C-19 penalty as provided in Section 1.10.030. (Ord. 1593 § 2, 2023).
9.40.050 Areas marked.
The mayor and chief of police, jointly, may cause the parking areas described in this chapter to be marked by stripe painting the curbs and streets. (Ord. 1593 § 2, 2023).
9.40.060 Two-hour limit.
Parking is permitted in parking spaces designated in this chapter, excepting designated loading zones and other specially marked zones, for a continuous period not to exceed two hours. Two-hour-limit parking signs shall be erected on Main Street between Broadway Avenue and Fourth Avenue, and on First Avenue between Cedar Street and Larch Street. (Ord. 1593 § 2, 2023).
9.40.065 Restricted parking.
(a) Except when necessary to be in compliance with the direction of a police officer or fire official, no person shall park a vehicle between the hours of eleven p.m. and six a.m. of the following day upon any of the following streets of Othello:
(1) The north side of Pine Street from 7th Avenue to 12th Avenue;
(2) The south side of Pine Street from 7th Avenue to 10th Avenue;
(3) The east side of 7th Avenue from Pine Street to Hamlet Street;
(4) The south side of Hamlet Street from 7th Avenue to the 1200 block.
For purposes of this section, the times referred to above shall be Daylight Savings Time or Pacific Standard Time, whichever is in effect on the date in question.
(b) Permit Exceptions to Park Hours. The parking of any vehicles after eleven p.m. set forth herein may be extended only for that period of time necessary to allow conclusion of special events or activities for which a prior permit for the usage of that city park has been obtained from the city of Othello.
(c) Penalties for Violation. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a C-19 civil infraction. (Ord. 1593 § 2, 2023).
9.40.070 Loading zone—Designation.
Designated portions of city streets may be restricted from the usual parking of vehicles by reserving the space for the loading and unloading of commercial and passenger vehicles, and such restricted spaces shall be known as loading zones. (Ord. 1593 § 2, 2023).
9.40.080 Loading zone—Establishment procedure.
Upon application made to the chief of police, or upon the recommendation of the chief of police, the chief of police, with the concurrence and approval of the mayor, may designate and establish loading zones. (Ord. 1593 § 2, 2023).
9.40.090 Loading zone—Notice.
Upon the selection and designation of a loading zone by the chief of police and the mayor, notice thereof shall be posted in writing at the following places:
(a) One at a conspicuous place in the city block in which the loading zone is to be reserved;
(b) One at a conspicuous public place at the Othello City Hall; and
(c) One at any other public place in the city of Othello. (Ord. 1593 § 2, 2023).
9.40.100 Loading zone—Hearing of objection.
Anyone may file an objection in writing thereto by delivering such objection to the Othello city clerk within fifteen days after the posting of the notice designating such loading zone, and appearing before the Othello city council at the next regular meeting following the filing of such objection, and the city council shall hear and decide the merits of such objection and enter its decision by motion in the minutes of its meeting. (Ord. 1593 § 2, 2023).
9.40.110 Loading zone—Effective date.
If no objection is filed the loading zone shall become in effect fifteen days after the posting of such notice designating such loading zone and the installation of suitable signs designating such zone and the hours thereof, if restricted for less than twenty-four hours per day. (Ord. 1593 § 2, 2023).
9.40.120 Loading zone—Discontinuance.
Discontinuance of designating loading zones shall be done by the same procedure provided herein for establishing loading zones. (Ord. 1593 § 2, 2023).
9.40.130 Restricted parking.
(a) On the streets of the city no person shall park a vehicle at the curb or in any other designated parking space within the right-of-way for more than twenty-five days without moving such vehicle from the immediately adjacent block formed by the intersection of the nearest cross-street in every direction from where the vehicle is parked. Parking of a vehicle in the same location or within the block area as described above shall be deemed to be illegal street storage of such vehicle. A vehicle found to be in such unpermitted street storage shall be subject to towing at the owner’s expense with a notice placed upon the vehicle by the code enforcement or police officer charged with enforcement of this provision, as provided for herein. Proof that a vehicle has not been moved from a curb location or from a defined block area may be established from observations at various times of such vehicle in the same or substantially the same position at various times of the day for that twenty-five-day period. Such observations may include but are not limited to:
(1) Observations by persons who are prepared to testify to their observations in court;
(2) Observations of enforcement personnel as well as other city employees; and
(3) Chalking tires or vehicle locations by city enforcement personnel to further provide information of whether or not the vehicle has been moved.
(b) The code enforcement officer or police officer charged with enforcement of this provision shall cause to be mailed to the registered owner of such vehicle as that name appears in the records of the Department of Licensing and also place upon the vehicle which has been observed to be in violation of this section a written notice which shall contain the following information:
(Name and Address of Registered Owner)
As registered owner of, or person responsible for, the vehicle parked at ________________, you are hereby notified that the undersigned, pursuant to Section 9.40.130 of the Othello Municipal Code, has determined that this vehicle has not moved from this location, including the immediate block for a period of at least twenty-five (25) days.
You are notified to move this vehicle within five (5) days of the date of this notice. If you do not move this vehicle and demonstrate it has moved from this immediate block, the city will cause this vehicle to be towed at the registered owner’s expense and it may be subject to sale by that tow operator as provided by Washington law.
You may contact the Othello Police Department regarding this matter for further information.
By ____________________________ (Name)
_____________________________ (Position)
Mailed to: ____________________________
Date _________
Vehicle Posted by: _____________________
Date _________
(c) The first violation of this section within a twelve-month period shall be a C-14 penalty in addition to permitting the towing of such vehicle at the owner’s expense, upon the notice provided for in this section, as a vehicle illegally parked upon a right-of- way. A second violation of this section within a twelve-month period shall be a C-10 penalty in addition to permitting the towing of such vehicle at the owner’s expense. (Ord. 1593 § 2, 2023).