Chapter 18.270
18.270.040 Submittal requirements.
18.270.060 Review of previously approved plans.
18.270.070 Permit limitations.
18.270.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to ensure compatibility between new developments, existing uses and future developments that ensures compliance with the adopted plans, policies and ordinances of the city of Poulsbo. It is further intended to provide for the examination of development proposals with respect to overall site design and to provide a means for guiding development in a logical, safe and attractive manner. (Ord. 2013-04 § 2 (Exh. A (part)), 2013: Ord. 2003-10 § 1 (Exh. A, VII(A)(1)), 2003. Formerly 18.68.010)
18.270.020 Applicability.
A. General. All new developments and modifications to existing developments shall require site plan review and approval prior to the issuance of any building permits, establishment of any new uses, or commencement of any site work unless otherwise exempted in this section. Developments subject to site plan review shall comply with the Poulsbo Municipal Code and all other state statutes and applicable laws and regulations.
B. Minor Site Plan Review. Minor modifications of site plan features to existing developments, including new structures up to two thousand square feet, additions to existing structures of up to two thousand square feet; parking realignment or new parking nine spaces or less; portable school classrooms; and other modifications deemed appropriate by the planning director may be reviewed under the minor site plan review process (see Section 18.270.030(B)).
C. Exemptions. The following developments and land use categories shall be exempt from site plan review:
1. Land divisions and boundary line adjustments pursuant to Title 17.
2. Other activities including:
a. Landscaping maintenance unless such landscaping or alterations would modify or violate a condition of approval.
b. Normal or emergency repair or maintenance of public or private buildings, structures, landscaping or utilities.
c. Building permits required pursuant to the city’s adopted building code not requiring a development land use permit pursuant to this title, including interior remodeling and tenant improvements; provided, that if exterior alteration is included, design review may be required.
d. On-site utility permits, e.g., sewer hookups, water hookups, fire department permits.
e. Comprehensive plan map and text amendments and associated zone changes pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130 and Chapter 18.210.
f. New construction of or modification to existing single-family residence.
g. Any other work determined by the planning director to be minor or incidental in nature and consistent with the intent and objectives of this chapter and the specific zoning district provisions. (Ord. 2024-05 § 2 (Exh. A § 15), 2024; Ord. 2023-04 § 2 (Exh. A § 11), 2023; Ord. 2013-04 § 2 (Exh. A (part)), 2013: Ord. 2003-10 § 1 (Exh. A, VII(A)(2), (A)(4), (A)(7)), 2003. Formerly 18.68.020, 18.68.040, 18.68.070)
18.270.030 Review authority.
A. Site plan review applications are processed under a Type II application according to the provisions of Title 19; provided, that if site plan review is in conjunction with a Type III application, the applications shall be consolidated and subject to the highest permit type review authority.
B. Minor site plan review applications are processed under a Type I application according to the provisions of Title 19. (Ord. 2013-04 § 2 (Exh. A (part)), 2013: Ord. 2003-10 § 1 (Exh. A, VII(A)(3)), 2003. Formerly 18.68.030)
18.270.040 Submittal requirements.
All applications shall be accompanied with complete site plans drawn to one inch to forty feet scale and produced in such a way as to clearly indicate compliance with all applicable requirements; provided, that for minor site plan review, the planning director may not require all of the following site plan review submittal requirements:
A. A vicinity map showing the location of the property and surrounding properties. A copy of assessor’s quarter section map may be used to identify the site.
B. Dimensions and orientation of the parcel.
C. Existing conditions drawing:
1. The location, name and dimensions of all streets adjoining the site indicating whether privately or publicly owned.
2. The location of existing structures and other improvements on the site, including structures, driveways, parking, loading, pedestrian and bicycle paths, passive or active recreational facilities or open space, and utilities.
3. Elevation of the site at two-foot contour intervals for grades zero to ten percent and at five-foot contour intervals for grades more than ten percent.
4. The location of regulated critical areas.
5. The location of drainage patterns and drainage courses; including a site and soil analysis for suitability of appropriate low impact development stormwater management facilities.
6. The location, size and type of any significant or protected trees or stands of trees.
D. Proposed site development plan. The proposed site plan shall be drawn at the same scale as the existing conditions drawing and shall include the following information:
1. The proposed site and its dimensions and area, orientation relative to north.
2. Abutting properties, and the approximate location of structures and uses on abutting property within fifty feet of the subject site’s perimeter.
3. The location and dimensions of proposed development, including the following:
a. Streets and other rights-of-way and public or private access easements on and adjoining the site.
b. Vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle parking and circulation areas.
c. Loading and service areas.
d. Active or passive recreational or open space areas.
e. Utilities.
f. Existing structures to be retained on the site and their distance from property lines.
g. Location of proposed building and structures on the site, including signs, fences, etc., and their intended use and distance from property lines.
h. The location and type of proposed outdoor lighting and existing lighting to be retained.
i. The size and location of solid waste and recyclables storage areas.
j. Proposed topography at two-foot contour intervals for grades zero to ten percent and at five-foot contour intervals for grades more than ten percent.
k. Stormwater management facilities.
4. Summary table which includes parcel zone, total site area, gross floor area by use (i.e., manufacturing, office, retail, storage), itemized number of full size, compact and handicapped parking stalls and the collective total number, total lot coverage proposed, landscaping areas, and residential density calculations.
E. Design review drawings, prepared as required in Section 18.120.030.
F. Landscape plan, prepared as required in Section 18.130.030, including, if applicable:
1. The location, height and material of fences, buffers, berms, walls and other proposed screening.
2. The location and dimensions or area of terraces, decks, shelters, play areas, recreation amenities and open spaces.
3. Surface water management features that are integrated with landscape, recreation or open space areas.
4. Limits of grading for retention of trees, if applicable.
G. Sign plan. Sign drawings may be submitted with the SPR application. If submitted, sign drawings shall be reviewed for compliance with Chapter 18.170.
H. Other. Other information shall be provided as needed to show the development complies with other applicable standards and with conditions of approval of related SEPA determinations and land use actions and permits. (Ord. 2013-04 § 2 (Exh. A (part)), 2013: Ord. 2003-10 § 1 (Exh. A, VII(A)(5)), 2003. Formerly 18.68.050)
18.270.050 Approval criteria.
A. Compliance with Applicable Standards. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable design and development standards contained in this title and other applicable regulations.
B. Adequacy of Public Facilities. The applicant shall demonstrate availability of adequate public services, e.g., roads, sanitary and storm sewer and water, available to serve the site at the time development is to occur, unless otherwise provided for by the applicable regulations. (Ord. 2013-04 § 2 (Exh. A (part)), 2013)
18.270.060 Review of previously approved plans.
A. Site plans which have been approved by a binding site plan, conditional use permit or other permit type, and which include a specific site/building plan, are not required to comply with the requirements of this chapter; provided, that all conditions of approval of the permit are met.
B. Any binding site plans that were approved in concept only, or approved in a general form, shall be reviewed under the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2013-04 § 2 (Exh. A (part)), 2013)
18.270.070 Permit limitations.
A. Approval Period. Site plan review approval shall be effective for a period of five years from the date of approval. The site plan review approval shall expire if:
1. Substantial construction of the approved plan has not begun within a five-year period; or
2. Construction on the site is a departure from the approved plan.
B. Modifications. Modifications of an approved site plan shall be processed pursuant to Title 19 regarding post-decision procedures. (Ord. 2013-04 § 2 (Exh. A (part)), 2013: Ord. 2003-10 § 1 (Exh. A, VII(A)(9)), 2003. Formerly 18.68.090)