Chapter 18.09
18.09.010 Districts established.
18.09.010 Districts established.
The following zoning districts are established:
A. “A” (agribusiness) district;
B. “SSR” (steep slope residential) district;
C. “RR” (residential, rural density) district;
D. “RL” (residential, low density) district;
E. “RMS” (residential, manufactured home subdivision) district;
F. “RM” (residential, medium density) district;
G. “RH” (residential, high density) district;
H. “RMP” (residential, manufactured home park) district;
I. “UR” (urban residential) district;
J. “CN” (commercial, neighborhood) district;
K. “CD” (commercial, downtown) district;
L. “CG” (commercial, general) district;
M. “CT” (commercial, thoroughfare) district;
N. “CP” (commercial, professional) district;
O. “IL” (industrial, light) district;
P. “IH” (industrial, heavy) district;
Q. “PF” (public facility) district. (Ord. 2763 § 2, 2012: Ord. 2323 § 1, 2002: Ord. 1917 § 1 (part), 1997).
18.09.020 Zoning map.
The boundaries of the established zones will be drawn on a map entitled “Zoning Map of the City of Prosser.” A certified copy of the adopted map and its current amendment will be maintained in the office of the city clerk. (Ord. 1917 § 1 (part), 1997).
18.09.030 Zone boundaries.
A. Unless otherwise specified, zone boundaries will follow section lines, subdivision lines, lot lines, centerlines of streets, alleys or railroad rights-of-way, or such lines as extended. Boundaries indicated as following shorelines will be construed as following such shoreline and, in the event of a change in the shoreline, will be construed as moving with the shoreline.
B. Boundaries indicated as parallel to or extension of features, as indicated above, will be so construed. Distances not specifically indicated on the zoning map will be determined by the scale of the map.
C. Where physical or structural features existing on the ground are at variance with those shown on the zoning map or in other circumstances not covered by the above, the city council will interpret the district boundaries. (Ord. 1917 § 1 (part), 1997).
18.09.040 Limitations.
Any zoning classification to which has been added any special condition or limitation, not generally applicable to property within the same zone, will be designated with the suffix “L” to indicate that a special limitation or condition is applicable to the property. (Ord. 1917 § 1 (part), 1997).