Title 3
3.06 Payment Methods for City Obligations
3.09 Use Tax – Natural or Manufactured Gas
3.12 Federal Shared Revenue Fund
3.17 Medical Benefits Revolving Fund
3.20 Property Acquisition Fund
3.24 Community Development Grant Fund
3.28 Seizure and Forfeiture Fund
3.44 System for Registering Bonds and Other Obligations
3.48 Investigations Revolving Fund
3.55 Capital Improvements 1/4% Real Estate Tax Fund
3.57 2929 1/4% Real Estate Excise Tax Fund
3.58 Jail Commissary Revolving Fund
3.64 Donations to Puyallup Fund
3.70 Property Tax Incentives in Residential Targeted Areas
3.72 Sales Tax Credit and Use Tax Credit for Affordable and Supportive Housing
3.74 Transportation Benefit District
*For cemetery fund provisions, see Ch. 13.08 PMC. For the tax on bingo, raffles and amusement games, see Ch. 5.68 PMC.