Chapter 2.18
2.18.010 Selection of name criteria.
2.18.020 Designation of name by city council.
2.18.030 Naming of interior features or facilities.
2.18.050 Restriction on certain naming proposals.
2.18.070 Declining donations or proposals.
2.18.010 Selection of name criteria.
It is the policy of the city of Rainier to choose names for public parks and facilities based upon the site’s relationship to the following criteria:
A. Neighborhood, geographic or common usage identification;
B. A historical figure, place, event or other instance of historical or cultural significance;
C. Natural geological features;
D. An individual or a corporation, association, cooperative or other business entity who or which has made a significant land or monetary contribution to the park system or who has had the contribution made “in memoriam” and when the name has been stipulated as a condition of the donation; or
E. An individual who has contributed outstanding civic service to the city. (Ord. 713 § 1, 2022)
2.18.020 Designation of name by city council.
The city council may designate the names of public parks and facilities. The council will make its selection after receiving comments and suggestions from individuals and organizations. If a contest or competition is to be held to determine the name of a park or facility, the council may establish guidelines for the contest. No city funds may be used for any contest prizes unless approved by the council.
The city clerk will notify the public of the city’s intention to consider naming a park or facility, set a date for consideration of names and deliver all suggested names to the council for consideration. (Ord. 713 § 1, 2022)
2.18.030 Naming of interior features or facilities.
The interior features or facilities of a park or facility may have names other than that of the entire park or facility. These names are subject to the criteria designated in Section 2.18.010 and the selection process outlined in Section 2.18.020. (Ord. 713 § 1, 2022)
2.18.040 Renaming procedure.
A name once selected for a park or facility should be bestowed with the intention that it will be permanent, and unnecessary changes should be strongly resisted. Name changes will be made in accord with Section 2.18.020. (Ord. 713 § 1, 2022)
2.18.050 Restriction on certain naming proposals.
The council will wait at least six months between receipt of a name proposal and submittal of a final recommendation on its adoption in cases where the event or public service to be commemorated took place within the past year. (Ord. 713 § 1, 2022)
2.18.060 Signing.
Following selection of a park or recreation facility name by the council, the public works department will identify the specific park or facility by appropriate signs. (Ord. 713 § 1, 2022)
2.18.070 Declining donations or proposals.
The city reserves the right to decline donations or proposals for the naming of parks or facilities. (Ord. 713 § 1, 2022)